The Rise of the Shen Family

Vol 2 Chapter 763: Surprise

On Luqiu Mountain, Wushang Zhenren is leading more than a dozen elite disciples toward a secret path. The cultivation base of these more than a dozen disciples is generally not high, and the highest person is only in the early stage of foundation building.

"Quick, everyone keeps up!"

True person Wushang forcibly endured the injuries caused by the previous defeat of the mountain guard, and shouted angrily at everyone.

But at this moment, a black aura rose up from the top of Luqiu Mountain, and flew quickly towards True Monarch Qingyang on the clouds and Jindan Trueman at Qingyunmen.

Accompanied by a dull loud sound that rang through the heavens and the earth, the black aura amplified extremely quickly, and then a group of dazzling light burst out directly.

"Uncle Master!"

Looking at the exceptionally dazzling ball of light that exploded in the sky, a very sad expression appeared on the face of Real Man Wushang again.

However, after all, he was the real Jindan with a tough heart. He immediately suppressed the grief in his heart and understood that this was a chance for them to escape created by Madam Junshan with his own life.

"Who told you to stop!"

He turned his head again and yelled at the more than ten elite disciples around him, and drove these disciples quickly to the back mountain.

. . . . . .

On this side, above the clouds, True Monarch Qingyang had just exhausted his means to block the power of the fifth-order talisman, and the blood churning in his body had not had time to suppress it, it was the time when he was extremely weak.

Looking at the attack made by the real person Junshan self-exploding Jin Dan, a panic appeared in his eyes.

I saw that he quickly drew away and dodged, suppressing the violent blood qi in his body, mobilizing all the power that he could mobilize in his body, and slamming a sword at the exploding light group again.


The huge black sword light instantly smashed into the dazzling light group, but it also completely expanded the power of the golden core explosion several times.

The violent spiritual power fluctuations in the sky swept in all directions with endless sword energy, and many low-cultivation cultivators on the ground were directly overturned by the aftermath of the explosion.

In the face of such terrifying spiritual power fluctuations, even the real people of Jindan did not dare to be careless, and they sacrificed their magic weapons to resist the uncontrolled aftermath in the sky.

I saw that Shen Huanchi's body was surrounded by six azure blue [Biluo Canghaizhu], and a piece of golden talisman condensed into an airtight wall surrounding him.

Behind him, there was already a magnificent scene of turbulent waves, with a bronze mirror blooming with purple light floating above his head.

Behind Shen Huanchi at this time were Shen Ruiling and other members of the Shen family. Under the protection of the former, they resisted the terrifying aftermath that swept across the sky.

After a few breaths, the dazzling light group in the sky began to gradually dissipate, but the violent spiritual power fluctuations caused by the explosion of the golden core just did not stop immediately.

The embarrassed figure of True Monarch Qingyang appeared above the clouds again, his face looked very gloomy, as if he had been completely angered.


Suddenly, his gloomy complexion changed rapidly. First, an abnormal blush appeared, and then it turned pale again. He opened his mouth and spewed a mouthful of red blood, which slowly overflowed from the corners of his mouth.

The two successive terrifying attacks caused True Monarch Qingyang to be severely injured. At this time, he looked more like an elderly lion who was thoroughly angered by his injuries.

His cold gaze swept towards the already messy Luqiu Mountain, whose powerful spiritual consciousness seemed to be able to envelop the entire mountain gate of the Promise Sect.

However, when his divine consciousness swept through a certain inconspicuous corner, he was furious, and the ink-colored residual sword in his hand directly swung a terrifying sword light.

"court death!"

I saw that the black sword light instantly descended from the sky, carrying the power to strangle everything, and slashed towards the inconspicuous cave on Luqiu Mountain.

At this moment, in this cave, True Man Wushang is arranging more than a dozen elite disciples to quickly enter a dark cave in the corner of the cave.

He quickly sensed the danger falling from the sky, and a touch of determination flashed across his face, and he immediately commanded everyone:

"You guys go quickly, you can't stop without my order..."

As soon as the words fell, True Person Wushang directly destroyed the entrance of the cave with a palm, and then sacrificed the magic weapon and went to the sword energy, trying to buy time for those disciples.


Accompanied by a loud and deafening noise, the grotto and the area in which it was located were all turned into ruins under the terrifying sword light.

Amidst the dust, Wushang Zhenren who sacrificed his life for righteousness seemed to be cut off by the sword qi directly together with the magic weapon, and then was directly buried by countless rubbles around him.

It didn't take long for the spirit power fluctuations in the sky to dissipate, and the surviving coalition monks under Luqiu Mountain also reacted.

Originally, they all thought that everything would be fine as long as they breached the Wu Ji Sect's Hushan Great Formation, but they did not expect to encounter horrible counterattacks twice in a row.

Although neither of these two counterattacks specifically attacked them, the terrifying aftermath of the battle inevitably affected Chi Yu.

Many cultivators with low cultivation base did not die before breaking the Wujizong mountain guard array, but all died under the horrible aftermath that swept through the sky twice.

Now, the aftermath of the battle in the sky has finally dissipated, and the remnant formation on Luqiu Mountain has also been completely swept away in the aftermath, and all the unfavorable factors have all disappeared.

As a result, the coalition cultivators who reacted immediately scrambled up to Luqiu Mountain, as if the treasures all over the mountain gate of the Promise Zong were beckoning to them.

On the Luqiu Mountain at this time, with the death of the real person Junshan and the life and death of the real person Wushang, there is already a group of dragons without a leader, and chaos has become a mess.

Some cultivators of the Promise Sect still had their hearts on the sect. Seeing the Qingyunmen coalition forces attacked the mountain, they immediately sacrificed their magical instruments to defend the sect to the death.

Others saw the black and oppressive coalition monks attack, and fled directly, entangled in the chaotic crowd and fled down the mountain.

In addition, there are quite a few Promise Sect cultivators who have the intention of fleeing, but they still want to make a fortune from the mountain gate before leaving.

After all, even if they escaped by chance, they could only live incognito and hide themselves in Tibet, and the resources they took away from Luqiu Mountain might be the capital for them to settle down after a casual repair in the future.

In this way, fierce fighting broke out everywhere in the Promise Zongshan Gate, and tens of thousands of monks of all colors fought together, and the blood instantly stained the whole Lingshan.

Although most of these were brutal battles between the offensive and defensive camps, there were also battles that occurred in the same camp in order to compete for various resources.

After all, among the tens of thousands of coalition monks who attacked Luqiu Mountain, there were disciples from Qingyunmen, monks from various vassal families, and countless desperate casual cultivators.

These people are united because of the will of the high-level Qingyunmen, and they can live in harmony under the common goal and effective supervision.

But now, the whole Luqiu Mountain has become a mess of porridge. Under the lure of various treasures, everyone has already gone completely crazy.

As the saying goes, people die for money and birds die for food, facing those precious treasures or exercises, who will take care of those original allies again.

Of course, Jin Dan real people such as Shen Huanchi and Long Zhuqing would naturally not allow this to happen, but even they would not be able to supervise everyone on the battlefield.

You know, at this time, in the Wuji Zongshan gate, hundreds of foundation-building cultivators and 10,000 qi practicing cultivators gathered, and more than one-third of the cultivators in the entire Lingnan immortal cultivation world are here.

In places where the Jindan real person has no time to take care of, all kinds of black and black battles are going on, and a treasure often needs to be rotated by several people.

Above the clouds, True Person Qingyang did not make another move, but quietly overlooked the fierce battles that took place on Luqiu Mountain.

Although the mountain gate of the Promise Sect has now been breached, the real person Junshan and the real person of Wushang, who are the top leaders of the Promise Sect, have also fallen.

But True Monarch Qingyang's hanging heart didn't settle because of this. On the contrary, he was particularly uneasy. His wrinkled old face was also full of solemnity.

Because he also understood in his heart that the reason why he was able to easily destroy the Promise Sect was because the demon cultivators hiding in the dark did not make a move.

However, according to his and Situ Changkong's plan, they wanted to induce the hidden demon monk to show up by destroying the Promise Sect.

Now that the Promise Sect is about to be destroyed, he is not sure whether the demon cultivators will show up, so he feels deeply uneasy.

True Monarch Qingyang was healing his wounds while paying attention to the scene on Luqiu Mountain, but he put more thoughts on the demon monks who might appear at any time.

As for the four Jindan real men, such as Long Zhuqing and Shen Huanchi, they went directly off the battlefield. They no longer cared about the face of their Jin Dan predecessors, and did not even face the stubbornly resisting Wu Jizong Qi training monks and foundation building monks. Shot mercilessly.

However, the four of them didn't kill for the sake of killing. They all had clear goals. Their goals were important places such as the Wujizong's Buddhist scripture pavilion, treasure house, and spiritual medicine garden.

I don’t know if it’s to avoid suspicion or what, Shen Huanchi and Ouyang Zhenren both agreed and did not pay attention to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion and Zongmen Treasure House of the Wuji Sect. Their eyes all fell on the Spirit Medicine Garden and other more important places. .

Soon Shen Huanchi took Shen Ruiling directly to the front of a high-level spirit medicine garden. After the cultivator of the Promise Sect at the door was resolved, he immediately swung several powerful attacks to the guardian formation.

The guardian formation outside the spirit medicine garden had long been damaged due to the great formation of the mountain guard, and could not stop the indiscriminate bombing of the Jindan real person.

After a short period of time, the guardian formation was forcibly broken open by them, and an intact high-level medicine garden appeared in front of Shen Huanchi and his grandson.

I saw that the whole Eurasian Medicine Garden was filled with extremely strong spiritual power, and the strange flowers and weeds of various shapes grew there quietly.

Shen Ruiling glanced over and found that the elixir in this pharmacy was not low-level, almost all of them were third-tier mid-to-high grade elixir.

When he cast his gaze to the deepest part of the Spirit Medicine Garden, a look of joy flashed in his eyes.

It turned out that in the depths of the pharmacy, there are actually two Tier 4 millennium elixir.

After seeing this scene, Shen Huanchi and Shen Ruiling immediately walked towards these two Tier 4 elixir, but the sight they saw in front of them couldn't help but frown.

I saw that beside the two surviving Tier 4 spirit medicines, there were actually two newly dug soil pits, and some roots remained in the excavated soil pits.

"It seems that the two Tier 4 elixir here were poached away in advance..."

Looking at the two messy dirt pits, Shen Huan said slowly, a trace of regret inevitably appeared in that low tone.

After hearing this, Shen Ruiling also nodded slightly, and looked at the dirt pits again, resting on the roots of the leftover elixir.

The two soil pits in front of them were just unearthed just recently. It was obvious that other Tier 4 spirit medicines should have been planted here.

However, before the two of them arrived here, someone dug up the two spiritual medicines in advance, and this person even broke the roots of the two spiritual medicines in a hurry.

As a result, the two Tier 4 spirit medicines would be difficult to plant and live again, and there was almost no possibility of living again.

As for why this person still left two Tier 4 elixir, Shen Ruiling and the others are not sure, maybe it is too late for the timetable.

Suddenly, Shen Ruiling directly squatted down and carefully dug out the remaining roots from the soil.

When he dug out the roots buried in the soil, an expression of excitement burst into his eyes.

"The patriarch... Nine-turned Jinzhi... Two Nine-turned Jinzhi were planted here!"

Hearing this, Shen Huanchi's face couldn't help showing a touch of movement, and his gentle gaze began to look at the two dirt pits earnestly.

It's no wonder that Shen Huanchi and Shen Ruiling are so excited. After all, [Nine Turns Jinzhi] is too precious for the Lingnan Immortal Realm, and it is almost related to the lifeblood of the entire Lingnan Immortal Realm.

Because in the entire Lingnan Cultivation Realm, there is only one kind of elixir in [Zhu Ji Dan], and [Jiu Zhuan Jin Zhi] is one of the indispensable main and because of [Jiu Zhu Jin Zhi] ]'S rank has reached the fourth-order level, and those with a medicine age of more than five hundred years are even rarer. The wildness of the Lingnan Cultivation Realm has long since disappeared.

Therefore, in the entire Lingnan cultivating world, only the giants such as Qingyunmen and Wujizong, which have been passed down for thousands of years, can cultivate a few plants in their own spiritual medicine garden by virtue of their thousands of years of heritage. The nine-turn Jinzhi of the year.

"It's a pity that the two [Nine Turns Jinzhi] plants here were poached away in advance..."

Looking at the two dirt pits, Shen Ruiling couldn't help but sighed heavily, and was deeply saddened to miss the two [Nine Turns Jinzhi] plants.

He now also understands why the cultivator of the Promise Sect had to take away these two [Nine-turned Jinzhi] even if he did not hesitate to destroy the roots of the elixir.

This kind of elixir related to the foundation-building period of the sect, how would the Promise Sect be willing to leave it to Qingyun Sect, even if he took away the seed and did not live, it was better than leaving it to fund Qingyun Sect.

At this moment, Shen Huanchi, who had been silent for a long time, seemed to have discovered something. He smiled and looked at the distressed Shen Ruiling and said:

"There may not be only two [Nine-turned Jinzhi] here!"

As soon as the voice fell, he waved a spiritual force not far from the two dirt pits, and then directly opened the whole piece of soil.

Before Shen Ruiling could react, Shen Huanchi had dug out a young spiritual plant covered with soil from the soil.

The former looked intently and found that this young plant was actually a [Nine-turned Jinzhi]!

. . . . . .

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