The Rise of the Shen Family

Vol 2 Chapter 764: Madness and destruction

As Shen Huanchi waved his hand, he dug out a young spiritual plant covered with soil from the intersection of the two soil pits.

"Nine-turn Jinzhi...!"

When Shen Ruiling felt the breath emanating from this young plant, a look of surprise appeared in her eyes.

But when he checked it carefully, the joy in his eyes was not so full, showing a slight disappointment.

It turns out that this [Nine-turned Jinzhi] can only be regarded as a seedling that has just germinated, and most of its body is roots buried in the soil.

If you want to wait until this [Nine-turned Jinzhi] grows to the point where it can be used as medicine, it will take at least three to five hundred years.

But think in a good place, this seedling can at least be planted alive, although the cultivation time may take longer, but it is better than nothing at all.

"This [Nine-turned Jinzhi] grows extremely deep in this soil. It is considered to be connected to the [Nine-turned Jinzhi] plant on the left that was dug away. I can find it..."

Shen Huanchi looked at the [Nine-turned Jinzhi] in his hand, and said with a slight emotion.

After all, this [Nine-turned Jinzhi] almost concealed his perception, so it is even more unlikely for the ordinary foundation-building monks to find it.

Probably only after it broke through the ground, it would be discovered by the disciples of the Wujizong who took care of the medicine garden.

"Okay, hurry up and put away all the elixir here..."

Having said that, Shen Ruiling and Shen Huanchi immediately began to act, putting all the elixir in this medicine garden into their portable storage bags.

Within a short period of time, dozens of Tier 3 elixirs and the only two Tier 4 elixirs in this elixir were taken into the bag by Shen Huanchi.

Even the high-level spiritual soil in this medicine garden, Shen Ruiling did not give up, put them all into another storage bag.

In this way, after Shen Huanchi and the two swept away the entire spirit medicine garden, they immediately went to the next high-level spirit medicine garden.

The Promise Sect is a great school that has been passed down for thousands of years in the Lingnan Cultivation Realm, and the number of medicine gardens opened during these thousands of years is unimaginable.

Therefore, every medicine garden on Luqiu Mountain needs to be numbered with A, B, C, Din and numbers, among which the A-type medicine garden is the most precious.

Every A-type medicinal garden should be planted with precious elixir of Tier 3 middle and top grade and Tier 4 elixir that is more than a thousand years old at every turn.

As a result, Shen Huanchi and Shen Ruiling only stared at the A-type pharmacy and wiped out the several A-type pharmacies nearby.

In these elixir gardens, although they discovered nearly ten other Tier 4 elixir, all the [Nine Turns Jinzhi] had been dug away in advance.

However, there is good news for Shen Ruiling, that is, he has collected all the auxiliary elixir for refining [Heart Relief Pill].

After this battle, he was able to open the furnace for alchemy and prepare himself for the formation of alchemy in the future.

Soon after coming out of those medicine gardens, Shen Huanchi and Shen Ruiling came to an independent spiritual peak.

The whole Lingfeng exudes a scorching smell everywhere, and one can smell the strong fragrance of medicine pill from the buildings from a long distance away.

So this place is obviously a place for refining pills in the Promise Sect.

At this time on this spiritual peak, the monks of the Wujizong who defended the sect to the death and the coalition monks of the Qingyunmen who came to hunt for treasures had already fought fiercely.

However, with Shen Huanchi's sudden arrival, all the fighting monks stopped their movements in unison, and cast a very jealous look at the former.

In the next moment, the terrifying golden core pressure directly shrouded everyone, and a look of horror appeared on everyone’s faces. Many qi training cultivators with low cultivation levels were directly affected by that. The coercion fell down.

I saw that Shen Huanchi's gaze slowly turned towards the stubbornly resisting cultivators of the Promise Sect, and then he waved a majestic spiritual power casually.

The azure blue spiritual power condensed into a sharp blade in mid-air, and quickly attacked those Promise Sect monks with lightning speed.

Looking at the overwhelming sharp blade above their heads, whether it is the Promise Sect monk or the coalition monk belonging to the Qingyunmen camp, their eyes are full of horror.

"Run away!"

A cultivator of Wuji Zongji who had reacted immediately yelled in horror, and then he wanted to flee to the distance as quickly as possible.

However, just as he flew out, an azure blue blade condensed by spiritual power directly penetrated his heart from his back at an incredible speed.


This monk of the Promise Sect suddenly spouted a mouthful of red blood, and then the vitality of the whole person was completely dissipated under that spiritual light.

In a blink of an eye, a foundation-building cultivator fell silent in the eyes of everyone like this.

And the fall of this foundation-building cultivator completely caused the rest of the Promise Sect cultivator to react, and everyone immediately began to flee like a frightened bird.

"Shoo, hoo..."

The azure blue blades that appeared above everyone's heads instantly fell like dense raindrops, harvesting fresh lives crazily at an extremely appalling speed.

On the other side, the coalition monks who belonged to the Blue Cloud Gate camp were directly stunned.

Not only these coalition cultivators, but even Shen Ruiling was taken aback by the patriarch's actions. He hadn't seen the patriarch kill people like he did today.

After all, on weekdays, the impression that the patriarch gave him was always a gentle and elegant Confucian image, but today's cold-blooded and ruthless appearance is really beyond his expectations.

On the other hand, Shen Huanchi, he looked at the Wujizong monks who had fallen in a pool of blood, his calm face did not show a trace of movement, but the whole body had already exuded a frightening chill.

In just a few breaths, more than a dozen disciples of the Promise Sect who had resisted stubbornly fell completely, including five monks in the foundation-building period.

Such fierce means completely scared the remaining Promise Sect disciples' guts, and the rest of them quickly began to flee.

However, Shen Huanchi didn't pay attention to these Wujizong monks who were scattered and fleeing.

"Not chasing..."

Those coalition cultivators who were stunned in the same place suddenly heard a sound of scolding, which directly shocked everyone in a daze.

"Yes Yes Yes...!"

After they reacted, they quickly gave up their hands and agreed, and then immediately turned around to chase and kill the Wujizong monk who had fled in all directions.

Even the Qingyunmen disciples and the members of the Ouyang family did not dare to disobey Shen Huanchi at this time. After all, the latter only needed one hand to destroy them, and the real Jindan and Ouyang of Qingyunmen would not necessarily come forward for them. .

After most of the people fled in a hurry, Shen Huanchi looked at Shen Ruiling and said in a very calm tone.

"Let's go, go in and see..."

After that, the two of them rushed straight into the magnificent hall in front of them, and began to search for valuable things inside.

A large area of ​​buildings here are places for alchemy in the Promise Sect. It can be said that the alchemists in the entire Promise Sect are here to make alchemy.

Therefore, there are not only more than ten earth fire chambers used for alchemy, but also many warehouses containing elixir and all kinds of medicinal pills that have just been refined.

Therefore, although the things in these warehouses are not comparable to the treasury of the Promise Sect’s sect, the many elixir needed for alchemy and the newly released elixir are also a lot of wealth, enough for Shen Huanchi and the two to work on. It's time.

Among these elixir and elixir, there is no shortage of those that have reached the third-order quality. Among them, the third-order high-grade elixir and elixir are not absent, and there are still a lot of them.

As a result, Shen Huanchi and Shen Ruiling directly opened their portable storage bags, and filled all the bottles and cans and various jade boxes on the cabinet.

"I'll leave the rest of this place to you, I'll go to the Fuyuan of the Promise Sect to see..."

After moving everything in the warehouse here, Shen Huanchi turned to look at Shen Ruiling and said.

After all, for him, in addition to the need to refine spiritual power to improve his cultivation level, the cultivation of the natal magic talisman in his dantian cannot be ignored.

However, he did not fully comprehend how to cultivate the natal spirit talisman. He has only used his own understanding of the talisman for many years to study and practice on his own.

So this time he was going to the Wujizong's Fuyuan to see if he could get something from it, and by the way, he also got some materials for drawing the Fuluo.

After hearing this, Shen Ruiling nodded quickly and agreed. Obviously, he also knew that the patriarch went to the Wujizong's rune court for that fateful talisman.

In this way, Shen Huanchi gave a few simple explanations and left directly, leaving Shen Ruiling alone to continue searching for the remaining places.

. . . . . .

At the same time, big and small fierce battles on Luqiu Mountain continued, and the entire mountain gate of the Promise Sect seemed to have become a huge death pan.

Countless people have fallen in a pool of blood. There are not only disciples of the Promise Sect, but also disciples of the Qingyunmen, as well as various monks and casual cultivators, a stream of blood flowing out of their cold corpses.

The blood that flowed out began to gradually converge into a river, and then slowly flowed along the mountain to the foot of the mountain.

However, those who are alive can't see this scene at all. At this time, they are already immersed in the pleasure of plundering and can't help themselves. They can't wait to put everything in the entire Promise Zong gate into their storage bag.

At present, almost every living person has seven or eight pieces in their waistbands, and the inside is full of all kinds of treasures they plundered.

Just as the people on Luqiu Mountain were looting and killing wildly, a stone chamber in the belly of the mountain began to shake violently.

The center of the formation in the stone room, which had been destroyed, was actually lit up again, but soon it dimmed again, and then the ground with countless runes began to fall apart, causing the entire stone room to follow the cracked ground. Collapsed.

Soon the whole towering Luqiu Mountain began to shake violently, and then countless huge cracks extended from the inside of the mountain.

Suddenly, everyone on Luqiu Mountain felt violent waves of tremors, but they didn't take it to heart.

Everyone thought there was another high-ranking monk fighting on the other side.

Above the clouds, True Monarch Qingyang also cast his gaze on Luqiu Mountain below him, and he could feel a huge force bursting out of the ground.

"not good!"

After reacting, his face changed drastically, and he quickly waved a majestic spirit power to the ground of Luqiu Mountain, trying to stabilize the spirit mountain that was about to collapse.

"All disciples immediately leave Luqiu Mountain!"

The anger of True Monarch Qingyang blew up in the sky like thunder, and soon reached the ears of every monk on Luqiu Mountain.

However, this sudden change left everyone at a loss, and the first to react was Shen Huanchi and other four real Jin Dan who discovered the strangeness in advance.

However, even the four of them are too late!

Thousands of feet of Luqiu Mountain collapsed completely at this moment, and the ground that everyone stepped on suddenly shattered into a bottomless Numerous building debris wrapped in a torrent of gravel, Buried everyone and countless treasures into the abyss.

At this time, the monks on the periphery of Luqiu Mountain saw that as if a huge palm had suddenly stretched out from the ground, and then they dragged the entire Luqiu Mountain into the ground forcibly.

At the moment when the mountain collapsed, the bewildered people finally felt the danger coming, and they wanted to escape from Luqiu Mountain.

I saw that in the dusty, countless auras rushed into the sky, these were foundation-building monks who desperately wanted to escape.

However, compared to these foundation-building monks who can fly with swords, the remaining Qi-training monks who can't fly are completely in despair when facing the landslide.

At this moment, the coalition monks who had been forcibly asked to stay at the foot of Luqiu Mountain to prevent the disciples of the Wujizong on Luqiu Mountain from escaping couldn't help feeling a bit afraid.

Although these people missed the opportunity to plunder the treasure, at least they managed to save their lives at this moment.

The monks who had previously penetrated the Wuji Zongshan gate, although they had gained countless wealth, still couldn't save their own lives at the moment of disaster.

On this side, Shen Ruizhi, who was arranged to be a fugitive monk from the Qing Suppression Wujizong under the mountain, saw the collapse of the thousands of feet Luqiu Mountain in front of him, and his mind suddenly went blank.

When he reacted, the process of the mountain's collapse and rupture had gradually stopped, and the original Lingshan mountain of several thousand meters now looked like a huge tomb.

. . . . . .

Happy New Year’s Eve, everyone!

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