The Rise of the Shen Family

Vol 2 Chapter 788: Golden Core Ceremony

In a blink of an eye, the day for Qingyunmen to host the Golden Core Ceremony has arrived.

On this day, there were loud and solemn bells ringing from the top of Qingyun Mountain. This shocking sound passed through the thick clouds of the mountain and rolled down the mountain.

At the same time, the four cities of Yunbei located at the bottom of Qingyun Mountain all opened their gates in unison, and the monks who came to watch the ceremony walked up to Qingyun Mountain one after another.

Since Qingyunmen invitations were only issued to the foundation-building families and forces in the Lingnan Immortal Realm, only the foundation-building monks of these family forces could walk to Qingyun Mountain with their famous posts.

As for most of the remaining Qi-training cultivators and unnamed and unnamed cultivators who could not pass through the gate of Qingyunmen, they could only stay at the bottom of Qingyun Mountain and join in the fun.

On a huge square halfway up the main peak of Qingyun Mountain, Qingyunmen disciples have arranged neat rows of tables and chairs, and all kinds of spiritual food have been prepared on the tables and chairs. There is a third-order spirit fruit, and a pot of fragrant spirit wine...

In terms of scale alone, the golden core ceremony prepared by Qingyunmen this time is even larger than the golden core ceremony prepared by the innocent people decades ago.

After all, this is different from the past. Although the Qingyunmen back then was strong enough, there are still Promise Sect and Sanxiu Alliance comparable to it.

Now it is different, the Promise Sect has completely become history, and the loose repair alliance has also been disbanded.

Now in the entire Lingnan cultivating world, there is only the Qingyunmen family alone, the former is already the well-deserved overlord of Lingnan, the uncrowned king.

Moreover, the protagonists of this golden alchemy ceremony are Long Zhuqing and Shen Jinghua. The former is the personal disciple of Qingyang Zhenjun, the only True Monarch Yuanying in the Lingnan Cultivation World, and the latter is the first in Lingnan history. Jindan real person who produces the highest quality Jindan.

Both of them are disciples in Qingyunmen who have great hopes to step into Yuanying Avenue.

I saw that under the reception of the Qingyunmen disciples, the guests who came to attend the Golden Core Ceremony came to this square one after another, finding a place to sit according to their identities.

The tables and chairs on this square are enough for hundreds of monks from the foundation-building period who came to watch the ceremony, but the number of seats seated is obviously different.

The stronger the family behind him, the more precious the gifts, and the monks who come to watch the gifts naturally sit more forward, and the monks sitting around are all of the same level of family members.

These big families basically knew each other, so as soon as they sat down, they began to chat with their acquaintances around them and discussed business dealings between the families.

As for the monks with weak clan strength, they can only sit in the back position, and almost all monks who don't know each other are sitting around them.

In this way, after about an hour, almost all the monks who came to watch the ceremony were seated, and only a few empty seats were left in the front row.

At this moment, a loud voice suddenly sounded at the foot of the mountain.

"Yuhua Mountain Jiang Family congratulates Yaori and Zhenhua Jindan Dacheng... Two [Three Pattern Blue Spirit Pills], one [Essence of the Earth's Heart], and one [Essence of Leaving the Earth]..."

For a while, all the monks present looked at the white jade stone steps up the mountain, and soon a group of monks in uniform costumes came from the bottom of the mountain.

The head of a middle-aged man with a Chinese character face, who has reached the realm of foundation building and perfection, is the current Jiang Tianhua, the head of the Jiang family.

On this side, Qingyunzi, the current head of Qingyunmen, also walked out of the main hall in front of the square, and welcomed the Jiang family and his party into the main hall.

At the same time, two more voices rolled from the bottom of Qingyun Mountain.

"Wolong Mountain Zhuge Family congratulates Yaori and Zhenhua Jindan Dacheng, and hereby present two [Tianfei Fruits] and two [Tianji Xulingbao Dan]..."

"The Xia Family of Yucheng congratulated Yaori and Zhenhua Jindan Dacheng, and presented two [Millennium Blood Mushroom] and [Tianhe Cinnabar] two taels..."

When these two voices sounded one after another in everyone's ears, the monks who came to participate in the ceremony knew that it was Zhuge's family and Xia's family.

Who does not know the prestige of the three clans on Pingzhou and who does not know them, and now these three families have arrived.

Under the gaze of everyone, the monks of the Zhuge family and the monks of the Xia family passed through the crowd and walked towards the hall above.

The Zhuge family is headed by an old man with white beard and hair, and a middle-aged Confucian student, Zhuge Wenbin and the Patriarch Zhuge Qingyun, the master of the fourth-order formation.

On the other side, the Xia family is also a man headed by a burly figure, his bare skin is bronzed, and his body is full of explosive power.

Obviously he is a rare body refiner in the Lingnan immortal world.

However, just when everyone's attention was on the upper three races, two more hearty laughs blasted in everyone's ears.

"The Ouyang family congratulates the Dacheng Yaori and Zhenhua Jindan, and hereby present a copy of [Xuanyin Lingshui] and a [Deep Sea Ice Marrow]..."

"Linhai Shen family congratulates Yaori and Zhenhua Jindan Dacheng, and hereby present a copy of [Qingling Saliva] and [Houtu Jinzhi]..."

As soon as the voice fell, two bright auras fell on the front of the main hall in the square.

After the two auras were gathered, an old man in apricot and yellow robe and a man in a dark green robe appeared in the eyes of everyone.

At the moment when the old man and the man showed up at the same time, everyone on the court immediately felt a special strong pressure, which made their hearts startled.

Real Jindan is here!

At the same time, on the Qingyun Gate side, the real person Cangsu and the real person Zhentian came out to greet him personally, and the two smiled and walked towards the real person Ouyang and Shen Huanchi:

"Daoyou Ouyang, Daoyou Shen..."

"Friend Cangsu, Fellow Daoist Formation..."

Zhenren Ouyang and Shen Huanchi looked at each other and smiled, and then replied in unison.

"Two fellow daoists, please take a seat..."

"No hurry, no hurry, it's not too late to wait for the two daoists to show up..."


Just as the four people were talking and laughing, two bright rays of sunlight appeared from the horizon and slowly dropped to the ground.

I saw that Long Zhuqing and Shen Jinghua, both dressed in Chinese clothes, stepped on the bright rays of the sun at the same time, and then there was a wonderful fairy music in the sky.

Suddenly, all the cultivating monks and Qingyunmen disciples present immediately shouted in unison:

"I will wait to meet the real person Yaori and the real person Zhenhua, and I wish the two real people have no boundaries!"

"Everyone, free!"

The voices of Long Zhuqing and Shen Jinghua were very soft, but they were able to reach the ears of all the monks present extremely clearly.

When Long Zhuqing and Shen Jinghua came to Ouyang Zhenren and Shen Huanchi, the latter two clung to hands with a smile:

"Congratulations to the two Taoist friends, Jindan Dacheng!"

Compared to Long Zhuqing who had already fought with them, Shen Jinghua was the one who had just succeeded in forming a pill, so both Ouyang Zhenren and Shen Jinghua looked at Shen Jinghua who was standing beside Long Zhuqing in unison.

"The two Taoists are polite..."

Long Zhuqing and Shen Jinghua also bowed their hands in return.


At this moment, hundreds of monks in the foundation construction period who came to watch the ceremony on the square cast their eyes on the six people, such as Shen Jinghua and Long Zhuqing, who were talking and laughing in front of the main hall.

After several battles between the shipwreck, Qingyunmen, and the Promise Sect, the entire vast Lingnan Cultivation Realm was left with only these six real Jindan men.

For these six Jindan real people standing at the top of Lingnan Cultivation World, everyone is full of reverence and yearning.

After a while, a colorful glow appeared in the sky again, and then the melodious fairy music slowly sounded, and countless cranes began to dance.

At the same time, everyone in the square smelled a refreshing special fragrance, which instantly made them feel intoxicated.

Six people including Long Zhuqing, Shen Jinghua, and Shen Huanchi were naturally aware of this vision and walked down from the high platform to the empty square.

"I'll wait to welcome True Monarch Qingyang!"

As the voices of the six Jindan real people sounded in the ears of everyone on the field, the foundation-building monks who had fallen into the intoxication also reacted, and hurriedly bowed to wait for the salute, and congratulated in unison:

"Junior welcomes True Monarch Qingyang!"

In the welcoming voices of everyone, the true monarch Qingyang, who is immortal wind and Dao bone, appeared in front of everyone.

"Everyone, free!"

Hearing that, everyone straightened up slowly and looked at the former respectfully, and many people's hearts were even more surging.

For thousands of years, the first Nascent Soul monk who appeared in the Lingnan Immortal Cultivation World, now stands in front of them alive, and the shock and excitement in his heart can be imagined.

However, compared with the excitement and anxiety in the hearts of the monks during the foundation-building period, the real person Cangsu and the naive person looked at each other at the same time, seemingly a little confused.

After all, it is reasonable to say that True Monarch Qingyang should be healing in the back mountain secret room at this time, how could he suddenly appear, and he hadn't notified them before.

On the other side, Shen Huanchi and Zhenren Ouyang inadvertently looked at each other, and they could see a hint of doubt in their eyes.

At the beginning, True Monarch Qingyang was severely injured in the process of fighting with Madam Junshan and the fifth-order corpse refiner. They saw it with their own eyes. Now it has only been two years, and it seems that he has recovered from a serious illness.

However, although Shen Huanchi and others had doubts in their hearts, they didn't show it, and they were still respectfully welcoming True Monarch Qingyang's arrival.

Under the sign of True Monarch Qingyang, the grand ceremony of the golden core officially began.

"It's auspicious time, the ceremony begins!"

With the sound of a solemn bell ringing, all the cultivators present became quiet, and their eyes all looked on the high platform.

I saw that the real person Cangsu came to the front of the crowd and began to read aloud the life history and major events of Long Zhuqing and Shen Jinghua.

Long Zhuqing, the Taoist name "Yao Ri Zhenren", came from a secular mortal family at the foot of Qingyun Mountain. From the day he got started, he was adopted by Qingyang Zhenjun as a direct disciple.

When he was 27 years old, he successfully built the foundation on his own. When he was more than 90 years old, he had already stepped into the realm of foundation building and became the first person of the younger generation in the current Lingnan immortal cultivation world.

Then he began to prepare for breaking through the bottleneck of Jindan Avenue, and finally formed a purple golden Jindan at the age of 122.


Shen Jinghua, a member of the Shen clan of Linhai County, with the Taoist name "Zhenhua Zhenren", started to practice at Qingyunmen at the age of six. He was favored by Zhenzheng and became a named He was 30 years old to build a foundation. In the same year, he was promoted to a rank 3 inferior formation master. At the age of 112, he set up the first rank 4 inferior formation and became the youngest rank 4 formation master in the history of Qingyunmen.

In the end, when he was 119 years old, he successfully formed the first golden pill of the highest quality in the Lingnan immortal world.


When the real person Cangsu gave a detailed introduction to the lives of Long Zhuqing and Shen Jinghua before they formed a pill, all the monks present were shocked.

Compared with the pride of heaven such as Long Zhuqing and Shen Jinghua, they can only be considered stupid, how can the light of the firefly compete with Haoyue for glory.

It took more than two hours for the true talent of Cangsu to finish reading the great achievements of Long Zhuqing and Shen Jinghua before they formed a pill, and then moved on to the next link.

Long Zhuqing and Shen Jinghua respectively stepped forward to tell everyone their own practice experience and their perception of breaking through the Golden Core Road.

Although most of the former talks about something mysterious and mysterious, which makes people unclear, the foundation-building monks present on the field, whether they are family monks or disciples of Qingyunmen, listened carefully, and were deeply afraid. Miss any word.

Because even though Long Zhuqing and Shen Jinghua both talked about it, they were just a little bit of fur, but after all, they were explained with the understanding of the Jindan real person, which is still of great help to the foundation-building cultivator.

Long Zhuqing and Shen Jinghua's lecture on the stage continued for several hours, and it was not until the sky had gradually darkened that the last part of the celebration began.

I saw that the monks who came to watch the ceremony began to enjoy the wine and food prepared on the table, and they talked about Dao Fa and other cooperation matters.

All of a sudden, the guests present toasted and drank in twos and threes, and they were staggered, which seemed to be a lively scene with a lot of fun.

. . . . . .

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