The Rise of the Shen Family

Vol 2 Chapter 789: Double repair ceremony

This golden core ceremony on Qingyun Mountain lasted three days and three nights. Except for the first day that was hosted by the Qingyunmen monks, the rest of the time was all monks who came to observe the ceremony to discuss the Dao on their own.

As a result of this Golden Core Ceremony, the invitation of Qingyunmen was sent to every foundation family, and even those who had no name and no surname during the foundation building period could go up the mountain with the invitation.

Therefore, hundreds of foundation-building monks have gathered on Qingyun Mountain today, and it can be said that more than 90% of the foundation-building monks in the Lingnan immortal cultivation world have arrived.

Hundreds of foundation-building monks gathered together. Such a grand scene can be said to be very rare, and everyone will naturally not waste that great time.

The monks who came to observe the ceremony were enjoying the wine and food prepared by Qingyunmen, while discussing matters such as Taoism and cooperative business between families with their acquaintances.

In addition, under the organization of the Qingyunmen monks, hundreds of monks during the foundation construction period also held several large-scale trade fairs.

It is rare to encounter such a large-scale trade fair. All monks who came to watch the ceremony naturally took out the temporarily unusable treasures in their own storage bags to exchange what they needed to exchange for other monks. .

In this way, amidst laughter and joy, this golden core feast lasted for three days and three nights, and it was not until the fourth day that it came to an end.

The monks who came to watch the ceremony walked down Qingyun Mountain one after another with landing, returning to the four giant square cities under the mountain with unfulfilled meaning.

However, they did not immediately get up and return to their respective families, but stayed in the city, waiting for the double repair ceremony ten days later.

. . . . . .

At the same time, in a magnificent hall on the Ten Thousand Array Peak, Zhen Tianzheng, Shen Huanchi, and the Zhuge family were all sitting together.

Of course, the new couple Shen Jinghua and Zhuge Mingyue are naturally indispensable.

Previously, the marriage between Shen Jinghua and Zhuge Mingyue, including the marriage proposal and the date of the agreement on the double repair ceremony, was handled by naive people.

Now the ceremony of double repair between the two newcomers is imminent. As Shen Jinghua's elder, Shen Huanchi naturally needs to meet his wife, who is also the elder of the Zhuge family.

I saw the innocent man sitting in the first place, with Shen Huanchi and Shen Jinghua on his right, and Zhuge Wenbin, Zhuge Qingyun and Zhuge Mingyue on his left.

"Father Shen Dao!"

Looking at Shen Huanchi sitting on the opposite side, Zhuge Wenbin arched his hands with a smile on his face.

"Friend Zhuge!"

On this side, Shen Huanchi also bowed his hand in return.

Although Shen Huanchi is a real Jindan, Zhuge Wenbin is also one of the few fourth-order masters in the Lingnan immortal cultivation world, so there is not much difference between the identities of the two.


"Well, now the double repair ceremony of these two children is coming soon, you are welcome..."

Zhen Naive is not only the master of Shen Jinghua and Zhuge Mingyue, but he is also a member of Zhuge's family, so he can speak more easily.

After hearing this, Shen Huanchi and Zhuge Wenbin couldn't help but smile at each other and nodded one after another.

"The two children, Jinghua and Mingyue, I grew up watching when I was young, and they were able to become concubine couples. I, a master and elder, are happy for them..."

Zhennian Zhen looked at Shen Jinghua and Zhuge Mingyue and said meaningfully.


In this way, Zhen Tianzheng, Shen Huanchi, and the Zhuge family sat together and discussed the double repair ceremony between Shen Jinghua and Zhuge Mingyue.

Then everyone lived on the Ten Thousand Array Peak, waiting for the start of the double repair ceremony.

. . . . . .

In a blink of an eye, the day of the double repair ceremony between Shen Jinghua and Zhuge Mingyue arrived.

On this day, the entire Qingyun Gate was covered with red makeup, and the red carpet of hundreds of meters stretched from the mountainside to the foot of the mountain. The stone steps of the mountain were covered with red lanterns, and the whole place was filled with joy. Atmosphere.

As the melodious bell on the top of the mountain slowly rang, the monks who had been waiting for several days under Qingyun Mountain walked on the red carpet to halfway up the mountain.

The venue is still the venue where the Golden Core Ceremony was held a few days ago, but at this time, eye-catching red lanterns and red silk are hung around the square, rendering a festive atmosphere.

In the hall in front of the square, Zhen Tian Zhen, Cang Su Zhen, Long Zhuqing, Shen Huan Chi and Ouyang Zhen were all seated.

In addition to these five Jindan real persons, various monks from the upper three races also took their seats, waiting for the ceremony to begin.

"Brother Jiang, this time the Zhuge family has to take this opportunity to ride the dragon, it is really a wonderful way..."

Xia Jinghong, the lord of the Xia family, looked at Jiang Tianhua who was silent beside him, and said with a smile.

"Mingyue's niece's appearance and talent are all the best choices, and the future is also the treasure of Zidan. The two of them are a natural pair of talents and women..."

Jiang Tianhua's face was calm, as if he was just feeling it.


Just as the people who came to watch the ceremony were talking about Shen Jinghua and Zhuge Mingyue, the head Qing Yunzi came to the middle of the The lucky time has arrived, and the ceremony begins! "

As his voice fell, a golden glow immediately appeared on the horizon, and then Shen Jinghua, wearing a red Taoist robe, walked into the hall with the glow.

Against the background of a red Taoist robe, he was very eye-catching at this time, and the whole person showed a sense of majesty.

Seeing Shen Jinghua who appeared, Zhen Nao, Shen Huanchi, Zhuge Wenbin and others couldn't help nodding slightly, their eyes filled with satisfaction.

At the same time, a loud phoenix ming sounded in the sky, and then a colorful bird slowly fell to the front of the hall.

On the back of this bird, Zhuge Mingyue, wearing a phoenix crown and wearing a dazzling haze, slowly came to the hall with the help of the maid.

Zhuge Mingyue was originally an extremely beautiful woman, but now she is dressed in a phoenix crown and a hail, and her fair face is slightly decorated with pink and daisies, which makes her even more thrilling.

At this moment, the eyes of countless people on the court were attracted by her, and they looked at Shen Jinghua, who was in front of the palace in Yushu Linfeng, and they all secretly praised her.

On this side, Shen Jinghua seemed to be amazed by the costumed Zhuge Mingyue, he couldn't help but pause in place, and then he stepped forward and took the slender hand of the latter.


"Second worship Gaotang!"

After the words fell, Shen Jinghua and Shen Jinghua bowed and saluted the elders such as Zhen Nao, Shen Huanchi and Zhuge Wenbin.

"Husband and wife worship!"

Then the former two turned around and bowed and saluted face to face.

"Li Cheng, congratulations from everyone!"

Suddenly, hundreds of monks on the square outside the temple stood up and congratulated Shen Jinghua and Zhuge Mingyue in the temple:

"Congratulations to Zhenhua's double repair ceremony...!"

. . . . . .

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