The Rise of the Shen Family

Vol 2 Chapter 793: Negotiate

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Shen Ruiling sat in the secret room of the cave for a long time, thinking a lot in his mind, and made the final decision in his heart.

But before that, he still planned to discuss with the patriarch.

It is said that it has been more than half a month since Shen Huanchi returned from Qingyunmen. After returning to Yunbifeng, he immediately ordered Shen Ruizhi and others to prepare a family feast for the two of Shen Jinghua and Zhuge Mingyue who returned to the family a month later. Take the wind to wash the dust.

The reason why he didn't immediately tell the clansmen about Shen Jinghua's Dan formation was because he didn't intend to make a big fanfare to make it known to everyone.

But now, Qingyunmen has held the Golden Core Ceremony and the Double Cultivation Ceremony, and the news of Shen Jinghua's success in consolidating the pill has already spread throughout the Lingnan Immortal Cultivation World.

Therefore, as the family of Shen Jinghua's birthplace, the Shen clan, he naturally needs to follow the excitement, and the whole clan celebrates lively.

Moreover, this time is also the first time that Zhuge Mingyue, as Shen Jinghua's Taoist couple, followed the latter back to Yunbifeng to worship their ancestors. Naturally, the Shen clan could not be negligent.

On the other side, when the people of the Shen clan heard these two news, uncontrollable excitement and joy naturally emerged in everyone's hearts.

Although it is said that Shen Jinghua succeeded in forming alchemy in the Qingyunmen, and he was also a monk of the sect, he was also a member of the Shen clan.

Now, with the smooth formation of the former, this means that the number of Jindan real persons in their Shen clan has reached two.

If you add the spirits in the depths of the back mountain that are comparable to the real Jin Dan, it is equivalent to owning three Jin Dan Qi reals.

The three Jindan real people, if they were the giant forces placed in the previously proper Lingnan Cultivation Realm, they would have even surpassed the debilitated Promise Sect.

Of course, Shen Jinghua is a member of the tribe who was sent to the Qingyunmen since he was a child, so he is still the Jindan real person of the Qingyunmen, and he can only be regarded as a name in the Shen family.

However, even if the former cannot sit in the family like the patriarch, it is still the relationship between the family and Qingyunmen.

With this level of relationship, the Shen clan and Qingyunmen will be able to cooperate better and develop better.

. . . . . .

On this side, Shen Ruiling had already come to the patriarch Shen Huanchi's cave mansion, and repeated what Yao Yao told him earlier and the latter in detail.

And when Shen Huanchi listened to the former's words, his calm face gradually showed a contemplative look.

In fact, even he didn't know the origin and identity of Yao Lao very well. It was more based on some guesses during the process of getting along with each other.

Speaking of it, the reason why he was able to know Yao Lao can also be said to be a coincidence. To be precise, the latter can be regarded as his lifesaver.

When he picked up a mysterious spiritual plant in the open sea, he was besieged by several Tier 3 monsters. When he was about to bury his body, he happened to meet Yao Lao, who was searching for spiritual medicine nearby. The person rescued him.

Coincidentally, the mysterious plant on Shen Huanchi's body was exactly what Yao Lao needed to find. Therefore, in exchange for the elixir in the hands of the former, Yao Lao agreed to take three shots for him to refine the pill he needed. .

It was also from that time that Shen Huanchi and Yao Lao had an intersection, but this intersection only remained in the matter of willingness to take three attempts to refine alchemy.

At that time, Shen Huanchi was just a foundation-building monk, and he only had a rough guess about Yao Lao's identity, thinking that he should be a hidden alchemy master.

Later, when the three alchemy opportunities promised before were all used up, the intersection between the two of them gradually estranged.

It wasn't until Elder Yao came personally more than ten years ago that the two had some intersection again.

In fact, Shen Huanchi's doubts have always been in Shen Huanchi's mind as to why Yao Lao would find him in the Shen family somehow.

Because of his comparison with the two giants of the Qingyunmen and the Promise Sect, the Shen clan is obviously not on the same level.

Although there was an intersection between the two before, it was obviously not enough to make Yao Lao come to his Shen clan as a alchemy guest.

However, on this issue, Shen Huanchi has never been too much investigating, just letting it go with the flow.

After all, Yao Lao himself is a great master of alchemy, and his strength may have reached the realm of golden alchemy or even higher.

Since he was willing to come to the Shen clan as an alchemy guest and stay on Yunbi Peak, that would be the best.

Of course, Shen Huanchi also knew that the former could not come to the door for no reason. The other party must have come with purpose.

However, compared to Qingyunmen and Wujizong, his family of Shen clan was poor and white, and he also didn't understand what the other party was plotting.

It is precisely because of this that, in Shen Huanchi's view, as long as Yao Lao did not do anything harmful to the family, the rest of the matter will develop naturally, and it will be clear at that time.

Now, when Shen Ruiling told Shen Huanchi about the fact that Yao Lao was looking for him, the latter immediately understood the purpose of Yao Lao's willingness to stay on Yun Bifeng.

Judging from all the signs, Yao Lao's purpose should be Shen Ruiling, wanting the latter to help him enter the mysterious [Meteor Sea] to find a certain treasure.

It's just that he still doesn't know the hidden dangers, nor can he understand why the former chose Shen Ruiling?

. . . . . .

After a long time, Shen Huanchi slowly raised his head to look at Shen Ruiling in front of him, and said solemnly:

"How do you think about it yourself?"

Facing the former's inquiry, Shen Ruiling paused slightly before speaking:

"What Yao Lao told me should be true. If I want to get out of Lingnan and have enough strength to compete with the outside world, I must form the highest quality golden core..."

From the former's gaze, Shen Huanchi saw unparalleled determination, and it was obvious that the former had already made a decision in his heart.

That is to enter the [Meteor Sea] to seek the opportunity to form the highest quality golden core.

"Besides, the family obtained the inheritance information in [Meteor Star Sea] from the Promise Sect before. I can just take advantage of this opportunity to explore it according to the picture..."


Seeing Shen Ruiling who had already settled to pay attention, Shen Huanchi couldn't help being silent for a moment, before finally speaking slowly:

"Your Sixth Uncle has successfully formed a pill. He will return to the family in a few days. You can ask him about the pill formation and the information in [Meteor Sea] at that time..."

Hearing this, Shen Ruiling couldn't help showing a touch of surprise in his eyes, and he quickly asked the former with a little excitement:

"Uncle Six has successfully formed a pill?"

"Well, during your retreat, the pill formation was successful, and the Golden Core Ceremony and the Double Cultivation Ceremony have all been held..."

Shen Huanchi nodded slightly, and then briefly talked about the important things that happened to Shen Ruiling in the past few years.

After half an hour, Shen Ruiling bid farewell to the patriarch and returned to the cave.

And shortly after the former left, Shen Huanchi also walked out of the cave, and after a glance, he headed towards Linghu Peak.

. . . . . .

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