The Rise of the Shen Family

Vol 2 Chapter 794: Ancestor worship

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The early morning sun slowly rose from the east, and sprinkled the first ray of sunlight on Yunbi Peak through a thin cloud layer, making the entire Yunbi Peak exude a golden light.

At the same time, the entire Yun Bifeng was immersed in a burst of laughter, and the faces of all the members of the Shen clan were filled with a cheerful smile.

Because today is the day when Shen Jinghua and Taoist companion Zhuge Mingyue return to the family to worship their ancestors.

I saw that the stone steps from the foot of the mountain to the Yuxiu platform have been cleaned up, and every dozens of steps will be hung with a red lantern representing celebration. Looking from the foot of the mountain to the mountain, it is winding and winding. Like a red dragon hovering up, it is spectacular.

In a large hall on the Yuxiu platform, rows of tables and chairs are neatly placed, and a lot of wine and food have been placed on the table, almost all of which are produced by the family.

Today, although the Shen family only occupies a few Lingshan Mountains on the bright side, the actual control area has been far beyond the past. It not only completely controls the entire Linhai County, but also controls a part of the islands in the waters near Linhai County. A small part of the southern part of Shangcanglan County.

Among them, Linhai County once occupied most of the area during the invasion of the Promise Sect, and finally Shen Huanchi led the Shen clan to successfully regain it after forming the golden core.

After this, Qingyunmen was busy fighting the Wujizong, so it acquiesced in the entire Linhai County to become the territory of the Shen clan.

In addition, some islands near Linhai County were incorporated into the territory by Shen Huanchi's clansmen after the Sanxiu Alliance was disbanded.

The last area in the southern part of Canglan County is where Liangtai Mountain is located.

Within the sphere of influence controlled by the Shen family today, there are as many as eleven Lingshan and islands above the third level alone, as well as many other industries such as mines and fishing grounds.

It is precisely because of such a vast territory that the spirit wine, spirit fruit and various delicacies prepared by the Shen family for this family banquet are self-produced and do not need to be purchased separately.

In the main hall, Shen Huanchi and Shen Ruiling have not yet appeared. Shen Ruizhi is directing a group of Qi-training clansmen to be busy with the final matters of the start of the family banquet.

On the other side, in the family ancestral hall, Shen Yongxuan is directing the clansmen to quickly arrange them, placing tributes and incense burners on the altar table in front of the ancestor's spiritual seat.

This is the final preparation for Shen Jinghua and his wife to return to their family to worship their ancestors.

Since this was a family dinner, the Shen family did not invite the vassal families and friendly forces like the Ouyang family.

But even if the former did not invite, when the vassal families of the Du, Zhu, and Wei families learned about this, they still sent their tribesmen to send gifts in advance.

Of course, in addition to vassal families such as the Du family, there are also many qi training families and casual cultivators who want to establish some relationship with the Shen family, so they all sent gifts one after another.

. . . . . .

As the sun gradually climbed higher, and it was almost noon, a bright light quickly passed across the surface of Zhenze Lake, and then fell on the Yuxiu Terrace.

I saw that Shen Jinghua, Zhuge Mingyue and his wife walked down slowly from the flying spirit weapon that landed on the Yuxiu platform.

In addition to the former two, two foundation-building monks walked down behind them. One of them was sent into the sect by Shen Ruiling himself a few decades ago, Shen Yonggan, and next to him was a man dressed Sister in blue robe.

At the same time, Shen Huanchi and Shen Ruiling had also appeared on the Yuxiu stage, followed by Shen Ruizhi and other foundation-building monks.


Shen Jinghua slightly arched his hand towards Shen Huanchi, who was standing beside him, and Zhuge Mingyue, who was standing beside him, also seemed to be a little cautious.

"Don't be polite if you are a family..."

I saw, Shen Huanchi nodded and said with a smile on his face.

At this moment, Shen Yonggan, who was standing next to Shen Jinghua and his wife, brought the female cultivator forward, and walked toward Shen Huanchi and Shen Ruiling:

"Meet the patriarch, fifth uncle..."

"Junior Gu Ying pays homage to senior!"

The sister who was standing next to Shen Yonggan also bowed her hands.

Soon Shen Huanchi and Shen Ruiling's eyes fell on Shen Yongxuan and the woman, and they had clearly seen the relationship between the latter two.

"This is the Taoist couple formed by Yong Gan in the sect, and this time they came back together to worship their ancestors..."

Shen Jinghua glanced at the two of Shen Yonggan, and then said with a smile.


Hearing this, Shen Huanchi nodded slightly, obviously quite satisfied with the Taoist companion Shen Yonggan brought back.

"Okay, let's go to the ancestral hall first..."

. . . . . .

In front of the family ancestral hall at this time, most of the Shen clan members have gathered there, and among them there are only a few surviving elderly people in the family who are of the same generation as Shen Jinghua.

In addition to these Qi-training period clansmen, several Zhuji clansmen in the family also stood in the most conspicuous position.

This time the family held a family banquet, Shen Huanchi summoned the family foundation-building monks who were stationed in the Liangtaishan and Tuyanggu mines. Therefore, as many as five foundation-building monks have appeared today.

In addition to Shen Feng and Shen Yongxuan, there were also monks such as Shen Yonghuan and Shen Yongqi who successfully built the foundation a few years ago.

Of course, this is not all the foundation-building monks in the Shen family at present, and now the Shen family plus Shen Ruiling and Shen Ruizhi have a total of eleven foundation-building monks.

Just because they were worried about attracting the special attention of Qingyunmen, several foundation-building monks who had just successfully built the foundation could not appear in the crowd.

Even though the people standing in front of the ancestral hall are all members of the Shen clan, after all, there are so many people, it is inevitable that some things will be spread out.

Soon Shen Huanchi, Shen Jinghua and others arrived, and the bells in the ancestral hall of UU reading also rang slowly, rendering a solemn and solemn atmosphere.

Although the cultivation family also pays attention to the inheritance between bloodlines, it does not have as many red tapes as the secular world, so the whole process of worshipping ancestors is not very complicated.

I saw that the couples of Shen Jinghua and Shen Yonggan walked into the ancestral hall in pairs, inserted the fragrance in their hands into the huge incense burner in front of the ancestor’s spiritual position, and bowed down to the ancestor’s spiritual position. .

Afterwards, an elderly person of the Jing character generation slowly stepped forward and read aloud the sacrificial text, as well as the family identity information of Shen Jinghua and Shen Yonggan.

Immediately afterwards, the patriarch Shen Huanchi personally took the shot, and added the names of Zhuge Mingyue and Gu Ying into the genealogy with special fumo, right next to Shen Jinghua and Shen Yonggan.

Finally, under the leadership of the patriarch Shen Huanchi, all the members of the Shen clan bowed to the spiritual positions of their ancestors.

After the ancestor worship process was completed, all the Shen clan members returned to the hall where the banquet had already been prepared.

All of a sudden, everyone started toasting and drinking, enjoying the food on the table, presenting a happy scene.

. . . . . .

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