The Rise of the Shen Family

Vol 2 Chapter 626: Refining the Array Eye Pestle

[网] The rise of the Shen family. Near a spiritual cave on the main peak of Yunbi Peak, Shen Jinghua and Shen Ruiling are busy with a few clansmen in that orderly manner.

Under the command of Shen Jinghua, those members of the Shen clan soon dug out a huge deep pit that was three feet deep and about fifty feet long near the spiritual cave where animators had appeared not long ago. It is connected to the spiritual cave, but the other end is covered by the formation.

"Pour all those earthen stone crystals into this deep pit!"

After hearing this, Shen Ruiling next to him immediately opened the storage bag and poured all the clay stone crystals into this deep pit that had just been dug out.

In order to be able to cultivate a small earth vein, he took out all the earthen stone crystals in the family library, including more than four hundred third-order earthen stone crystals, as well as the second-order earthen stone crystals mined by the family over the past year. Tier ore.

After Shen Ruiling poured all the earthen stone crystals into the deep pit, Shen Jinghua directly waved a spiritual force and pushed it to the mound next to the deep hole, burying all the earthen stone crystals poured into the pit.

Immediately afterwards, he inserted an array of flags on both sides of the deep pit, using the power of the array to refine these clay crystals buried in the soil.

As the formation slowly revolves, strands of spiritual power are drawn from that spiritual cave and injected into this deep pit to cultivate this earth vein.

"Uncle Six, have you succeeded?"

When Shen Ruiling felt the slight tremors coming from under her feet, she couldn't help turning her head to look at Shen Jinghua beside her and asked.

I saw that Shen Jinghua looked at the constantly rotating formation, shook his head slightly, and then solemnly said:

"By the time these earthen stone crystals are refined, it should be possible to cultivate a miniature soil vein, but if you want to cultivate it into a small spiritual vein, you need a lot of soil attribute spiritual objects."

Hearing this, Shen Ruiling nodded slowly, without saying anything.

Since Qingyunmen has promised to provide their family with the resources needed to cultivate spiritual veins, they will surely be able to deliver them in a few days.

"Well, now the two spiritual veins of civil engineering have begun to slowly take shape, and we also need to refine the five spiritual veins as soon as possible."

At this moment, Shen Jinghua turned to look at Shen Ruiling, and said with a serious face.

Like array flags and array plates, the array eye pestle is also the array tool of the array mage, but it is mainly used in those fourth-order large arrays that cover hundreds of miles.

The fourth-order large array often has several array eyes, which are connected to each other and can play a corresponding role at the beginning and the end.

In these formations, the formations are needed to suppress the formations, and it is also the key to control these formations.

The [Five-party Thunder Array] arranged by the Shen family this time needs to be supported by the five elements spirit veins, and each spirit vein needs to be equipped with an array eye, so it needs five-handed array eye pestle.

Compared with the formation equipment such as formation flags and formation plates, the formation eye pestle is more complicated and more difficult to refine. Only the third-order high-grade and above master craftsmen can make it out.

It is like the formation eye pestle in the Qingyun gate, which is usually made by the fourth-order refining master of Zhenren Ziyun himself.

After the formation of cultivating soil veins stabilized, the two nephews and uncles of Shen Jinghua turned around and left this spiritual source land, and ordered the people not to enter this place easily.

. . . . . .

The Huoling Mountain next to Yunbi Peak, although the rocks and veins have just stabilized, it is already quite lively.

In addition to the several earth fire chambers that were opened up on the current Lingshan Mountain, more than ten cultivation caves have been built.

Now the family’s pill pavilion and refining workshop have also been moved to this spirit mountain, in order to facilitate the family’s alchemists and refining masters, so that they can use the ground fire on this spirit mountain to refine pills and various medicines. Seed instruments.

It didn't take long for Shen Ruiling and Shen Jinghua to come to the door of a ground fire room, and the former directly touched the protective barrier at the entrance of the cave.

The quality of the ground fire in this ground fire room is second only to that of the fire eye in the crater. Even if the ground fire released by it is suppressed by the formation method, it cannot be controlled by ordinary Qi training monks. It must be a third-tier medium-high grade. The alchemist or the refining master of yours will do it.

After the effort of a cup of tea, the restriction at the entrance of the cave slowly dissipated, and a figure walked out from the sloppy inside.

"Big Brother Shen!"

Looking at the two Shen Ruiling at the door, Zhao Jie immediately arched his hands.

Here, Shen Ruiling quickly stretched out her hand to help him up, and said with a smile:

"Virtuous brother, don't have to be polite!"

If, in the impression of Shen Ruiling and others, Zhao Jie was just a idiot who was obsessed with the way of refining tools, then after that genocide war, their perception of Zhao Jie has undergone earth-shaking changes. .

In that battle, Zhao Jie's opponent was a Wujizong cultivator of the same level as his cultivation level. Originally, Shen Ruiling and others thought it was good for him to be able to entangle the opponent.

After all, in the impression of him and the patriarch and others, Zhao Jie, as a refining idiot, is naturally not good at fighting people.

Moreover, in the decades since he came to the Shen family, he has been living in a semi-reclusive state, living in the mountains behind Yunbi Peak, and has never fought against anyone.

Therefore, in the view of Shen Ruiling and others, although Zhao Jie has a cultivation base in the late stage of foundation building, his true combat power may not be much higher than that of the cultivator in the middle stage of foundation building. Not easy anymore.

However, the real situation surprised both Shen Ruiling and Shen Huanchi. Zhao Jie not only managed to contain the veteran late-stage foundation-building monk, but also beat his opponents with a set of superb forging hammers. There is only power to parry, nothing to fight back.

They could see that if it wasn't for Zhao Jie's lack of experience in fighting techniques, he could completely kill the Promise Sect monk on the spot by relying on the sophisticated forging hammer technique he had already used.

It was after seeing Zhao Jie's battle with his own eyes that Shen Ruiling's perception of him changed drastically.

That set of hammering is not a simple forging method, but a powerful martial skill that can be used in combat and has great lethality.

"Uncle Six, this is Zhao Jie!"

Shen Ruiling turned to look at the sixth uncle Shen Jinghua next to him, and pointed to Zhao Jie to introduce.

Although it has been more than sixty years since Zhao Jie became the Ke Qing elder of the Shen family, it was the first time that he and Shen Jinghua met.

After all, two of them, one lives in the back mountain all the year round, while the other stays in the sect all the year round. Even if they return to the family, it is only a short stay for certain things.

Shen Jinghua cast a deep gaze on Zhao Jie, looked carefully, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then he said with a smile on his face:

"Zhao Keqing!"

Hearing that Shen Jinghua called himself that, Zhao Jie hurriedly bowed his hand in return.

In this way, after Shen Ruiling introduced Zhao Jie and Shen Jinghua to each other, the three of them walked into the fire room.

The blazing flames at the fire's eyes were burning, and a scorching breath rushed in. In the dark red flame, a spiritual weapon embryo was experiencing the scorching of the ground fire.

And around the fire eye is a forging table, as well as piles of ores and various materials used by various refiners.

Now in the family, the only third-tier mid-to-high grade alchemists and refiners are Shen Ruiling himself and Zhao Jie, so this fire room is equivalent to Zhao Jie's exclusive.

"Big Brother Shen came to me today. Is there anything I can do for you?"

Zhao Jie looked at the two of Shen Ruiling who had arrived, and couldn't help asking.

Upon hearing this, Shen Ruiling immediately laughed and said:

"Brother came here today, really wanting a virtuous brother to help refine something!"

Hearing that it was a refining thing, a light flashed in Zhao Jie's dark eyes, and he couldn't wait to ask:

"I wonder what Big Brother Shen needs to refine?"

At this time, Shen Jinghua, who was standing next to Shen Ruiling, slowly took out a jade slip from his sleeve and handed it to Zhao Jie.

"I wonder if Zhao Keqing can refine this thing?"

Hearing this, Zhao Jie was taken aback for a moment, and then reached out to take the jade slip that Shen Jinghua had handed over, and went into the divine sense to check it.

As time passed, a contemplative color appeared on his somewhat plump cheeks.

Seeing this situation, Shen Ruiling and Shen Jinghua glanced at each other, and then their serious eyes fell on Zhao Jie again.

"No problem, leave it to me!"

It didn't take long for Zhao Jie to extract his own consciousness from the jade slip, and watched Shen Ruiling's vows and promised.

Hearing this, Shen Ruiling and Shen Jinghua's eyes flashed with joy, and the former quickly said:

"Then please come to virtuous brother!"

. . . . . .

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