The Rise of the Shen Family

Vol 2 Chapter 627: Place of inheritance

[网] The rise of the Shen family When Shen Ruiling returned to the cave in Houshan, she sat cross-legged on the pad and began to meditate step by step.

A dash of pure spiritual power began to slowly surround him, like a dragon.

However, the time for half a stick of incense has passed, but his heart still hasn't calmed down, he can't settle for a long time, and he is still thinking about the content of the conversation with Zhao Jie just now.

. . . . . .

Originally, after asking Zhao Jie to refine the formations, Shen Jinghua and Shen Ruiling planned to turn around and leave.

However, at this moment, Zhao Jie suddenly spoke to Shen Ruiling:

"Brother Shen, there is something I want to tell you..."

After hearing this, Shen Ruiling and Shen Jinghua couldn't help but froze for a while, and then turned to look at him.

At this time, Zhao Jie was looking at Shen Jinghua next to Shen Ruiling, showing a hesitant expression.

Seeing this, Shen Ruiling and Shen Jinghua immediately understood what Zhao Jie meant.

But just as the former wanted to say something, the latter said with a smile on his face:

"Let's talk, I'm leaving now!"

After all, Shen Jinghua turned around and left without stopping.

After Shen Jinghua left, Shen Ruiling turned to look at Zhao Jie, and slowly said:

"Brother Xian, just speak up if you have something to say!"

Here, Zhao Jie also looked at Shen Ruiling with a solemn expression, hesitated and said:

"Big Brother Shen, I want to ask you to go to the sea with me!"

"Outside the sea?"

Hearing this, Shen Ruiling was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at him somewhat unexpectedly.

"What are you going to do outside the sea?"

Facing Shen Ruiling's question, Zhao Jie couldn't help showing a hesitation on his face, it seemed a little unspeakable.

But in the end he decided to tell some secrets hidden in his heart.

When Shen Ruiling heard the secrets Zhao Jie said, he was taken aback for a moment, and then a bright light flashed through his deep eyes.

It turned out that the reason why Zhao Jie wanted to invite him into the open sea was to jointly explore a place of inheritance in the depths of the open sea.

And in this place of inheritance, there may be some refining inheritance and advanced golden pill stage techniques that Zhao Jie needs.

"Land of inheritance..."

Shen Ruiling immediately raised her head to look at Zhao Jie, and said in a hurry.

Zhao Jie nodded slowly, then said softly:

"According to the content recorded in the handbook that my master left me, this place of inheritance should be left by a master refiner, and my master just got lucky with some of the incomplete and incomplete ones that passed down from it. Inheritance."

After hearing this, Shen Ruiling couldn't help but nodded slightly, and soon bowed her head to think.

In fact, over the years, he had already known that Zhao Jie's refining inheritance was extraordinary.

Whether it is the brilliant forging technique that is considered to have been lost, or the exquisite forging hammer method that is comparable to high-level magical powers, it implies that the forging inheritance that Zhao Jie has mastered is not an ordinary thing. .

However, although Shen Ruiling knew clearly in his heart, he had not deliberately asked Zhao Jie about anything over the years.

However, now, I didn't expect Zhao Jie to tell these things by himself.

"In this way, this place of inheritance should have the refining inheritance and subsequent cultivation techniques that your advanced fourth-order refining master needs?"

Shen Ruiling slowly raised her head to look at Zhao Jie and couldn't help asking in a deep voice.


Now Zhao Jie's cultivation has reached the peak of the late foundation construction period, and his refining technique has also reached the level of the third-order high-grade.

However, the refining inheritance passed down by his master was incomplete, and the refining inheritance of the third-tier middle-to-high grade was even more lost.

With these incomplete inheritance, it is already quite difficult for him to upgrade the refining technique to the third-tier high-grade, and become the rare third-tier refining master in the Lingnan immortal world.

And this also shows from the other hand, his talent for refining weapons that can be called heaven-defying.

However, if Zhao Jie wants to continue to advance to become a Tier 4 refining master, relying only on the inheritance of these incomplete refining tools in front of him is obviously not enough.

In addition to the inheritance of the refining tool, the complementary cultivation techniques are only the foundation building. If he wants to build a pill, he must also obtain the follow-up golden pill stage exercises.

"Now that the shipwreck is approaching, the monsters on the sea have gathered in the offshore area, and they have begun to invade the offshore archipelago.

So we want to enter the open sea now, I am afraid it will not be an easy task. "

Shen Ruiling groped his chin with his right hand, and said thoughtfully.

"I need to discuss this matter with the patriarch. How about giving you an answer at that time?"

After hearing this, Zhao Jie's face was slightly ugly and said:

"Big Brother Shen, according to the information described in the Codex, this place of inheritance only emerges from the depths of the seabed once every 100 years, so we need to leave as soon as possible."

Shen Ruiling's deep eyes could not help flashing a contemplative color, and he quickly asked:

"How long is it until this heritage of the underground once appeared?"

"There are still three or four years..."

. . . . . .

In the Houshan Cave Mansion, Shen Ruiling sits quietly on the paddle used for meditation and practice, but she has been thinking about the place of inheritance in her mind.

A place of inheritance, and probably a place of inheritance left by the master refiner, its value is absolutely incalculable.

The most scarce thing in the Lingnan immortal cultivation world is this high-level inheritance, which firmly limits the upper limit of the Lingnan immortal cultivation civilization.

Although it is said that this place of inheritance was left to him by Zhao Jie's already-contained master, since Zhao Jie invited him to explore this place of inheritance, he and his family would naturally get some useful and good things from it.

But now the open sea has completely become a forbidden place for human monks, and the dangers faced by entering it at this time are much greater than before.

The time for the reappearance of that heritage site is already very close, and they must rush to find it before it sinks into the depths of the sea again.

Otherwise, if you miss this opportunity, you will have to wait another hundred years.

While Shen Ruiling was pondering, the prohibition outside the Dongfu seemed to be touched.

I saw that he opened his eyes slowly, his divine sense had extended beyond the cave, and then he waved a spirit power towards the entrance of the cave.

When the restriction at the entrance of the cave dissipated, a figure came to him.

"Tui'er pays homage to Master!"

Shen Feng immediately bowed his hand respectfully to Shen Ruiling.

Shen Ruiling nodded slightly, his deep gaze fell on him, and he could see through his cultivation level at a glance.

Now Shen Feng's cultivation has reached the nine levels of Qi training, and his aura is strong, and it seems that he has completely stabilized his cultivation.

"Yes, after a big battle, your cultivation base has improved a lot!"

Shen Ruiling nodded slightly, his words filled with satisfaction.

For Shen Ruiling's praise, Shen Feng did not look happy, and once again respectfully bowed his hands in salute:

"The disciples are going to retreat and build the foundation soon, and I also ask Master to do it!"

Hearing this, Shen Ruiling's face couldn't help becoming serious, and her voice was a little low and said:

"It's only been more than a year since you broke through the ninth level of Qi training, so I might as well settle for a while."

"With your spiritual root aptitude, building a foundation is a matter of course, and there is no need to rush at this time."

Although the family urgently needs to build foundation monks, Shen Ruiling does not want his disciples to go to retreat and build foundations in such a hurry.

Despite Shen Feng's Feng Ling root aptitude and his current cultivation base, even without using any foundation building spiritual objects, the chance of success in foundation building is as high as 70%.

But if you can settle for more time, this chance will be even greater!

"I see it like From now on, you will go to the cave house in Houshan, which is specially prepared for the people to build a foundation, to practice in retreat."

"In addition, you can also bring this jade box in. You will open it when you build the foundation."

As soon as the voice fell, Shen Ruiling took out a crystal clear jade box from his sleeve and handed it to Shen Feng.

There is a fairy source fruit in this jade box, which he prepared for Shen Feng very early.

"Thank you Master!"

Shen Feng respectfully accepted the jade box and thanked him again.

Although he didn't know exactly what it contained, he knew it must be a spiritual creature that could help him build a foundation.

After Shen Feng took over the jade box, Shen Ruiling explained some of the precautions when building the foundation and his own experience when building the foundation in detail.

In this way, after a few hours, Shen Feng left Shen Ruiling's cave.

. . . . . .

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