The Rise of the Shen Family

Vol 2 Chapter 628: Refining Spirit Fire

[网] In the rise of the Shen family in the cave mansion, the flames soared into the sky, and the dark red fire light exuded a scorching atmosphere, causing the temperature in the cave mansion to rise sharply.

At this moment, Shen Ruiling was sitting crimsonly on the stone bed in the cave mansion, with deep eyes staring at the cyan flame that was constantly churning in the air.

Although he had tried his best to calm himself down in his heart, his hands were shaking slightly uncontrollably.

And what was in front of him was the heaven and earth spiritual fire that he, the patriarch and the six uncles had obtained from the depths of the fire not long ago!

Although this spiritual fire has now been sealed by the golden talisman drawn by the patriarch, and it has escaped from the underground world full of magma.

But Shen Ruiling was still able to keenly feel that the sealed talisman was continuously burning with the crimson flame.

A terrifying force of destruction is slowly waking up, seeming to want to break through this restrained cage.

This group of spiritual fires, wrapped in golden rune seals, floated on top of his head, like a jumping flame elf, exuding a scent of fiery heat.

And under the scorching flames, the blue rock wall at the top of the cave had quietly melted, forming a cavity the size of a bowl.

I don't know how long it took, Shen Ruiling looked at the flame, from the very beginning, the dignified gaze became fierce.

I saw that his hands formed wonderful seals on his chest, blasting these mysterious and mysterious seals against the flame floating in the air.

The cultivation process of "Three Yuan Zhuan Lei Jue", in addition to the step-by-step refining of heaven and earth spiritual power into the body according to the recorded mind mantra.

It is also necessary for the cultivating monk to refine as many heaven and earth spiritual things as fire, earth, and water before forming a pill.

Only by refining these heaven and earth spiritual things into the body, can they use the power of the sky thunder to reshape the spiritual roots when forming pill formation.

After careful calculation, Shen Ruiling has practiced the "Three Yuan Zhuan Lei Jue" for more than fifty years, and during this period he has also refined a lot of spirit objects with the three attributes of fire, earth, and water.

However, most of them are just some relatively low-level spiritual objects, and the power of the attributes contained in them is very small. What really counts as a heaven and earth spiritual object is the nail-capped sky-filling stone.

And this blue-red spirit fire contained extremely abundant fire attribute power in its body, and it could definitely be regarded as the best choice to help him temper the fire attribute spiritual root.

Of course, Shen Ruiling also knew in his heart that with his current cultivation level, it was absolutely impossible to completely refine this heaven and earth spiritual fire into his body.

If he did this, he would really be dead, and this spiritual fire could definitely burn it alive in his body.

After the marvelous Dharma seals entered the jumping spiritual fire, the dark red flames began to violently shake and burn.

At this moment, Shen Ruiling immediately sacrificed a metal artifact from the storage bag around her waist, letting it slowly float to the flaming heaven and earth spiritual fire in mid-air.

Although this metal artifact looks incomplete, and the surface is shining with a faintly faint bronze light, but the kind of simplicity it emits seems to be beyond the category of the third-order spiritual weapon.

And this artifact is made up of the three pill furnace fragments obtained by Shen Ruiling!

The first piece was obtained from the dilapidated third-order pill furnace that Shen Ruiling had exchanged from the Qingyunmen Shangong Hall.

The other two pieces were obtained from Dongxie's Dongfu and indirectly from Ziyun's hands.

Now these three pill furnace fragments can barely be pieced together into the prototype of an alchemy furnace, but there is still a part missing.

In Shen Ruiling's view, the three pill furnace fragments in his hand can only barely make half of it, and at least three pill furnace fragments are missing.

But now, the prototype of the pill furnace made up of these three pieces is enough.

After all, anyway, these fragments used to belong to a fifth-order alchemy furnace, enough to hold this spiritual fire.

As the pill furnace fragments slowly approached the spirit fire, the seal of Shen Ruiling also began to change. His hands are like butterflies, dexterously shuttled and transformed in front of his chest, and his palms are constantly slapped against the spiritual fire in the air.

The palm of his hand was shot, and each palm contained a phantom of a red lotus, which immediately revolved and broke apart at the moment it entered the spiritual fire.

At this time, Shen Ruiling displayed this set of fire-controlling techniques called "Red Lotus Handprints", which was inherited from the real person of Dongxie, a set of extremely mysterious techniques for controlling fire.

For every alchemist or tool refiner, there will be a set of fire control tactics of their own, and the level of the fire control tactics they master often determines the level of their alchemy or weapon refining. .

As a rare fourth-order alchemy master in the Lingnan cultivating world, the true man of Dongxie used the fire-preventing technique when he made his alchemy.

At this moment, what Shen Ruiling is doing is to put this spiritual fire into the broken pill furnace, making it an intermediate conversion medium, allowing herself to slowly refine this flower a little bit safely. Spirit fire.

As the seals were shot, the dark red spirit fire was tossing violently, seeming to be resisting, but because it was sealed by Shen Huanchi's charms, and lack of flames to swallow it, it made itself weaker a lot. .

Under the lead of Shen Ruiling's Fire Control Technique, he finally entered the dilapidated Pill Furnace obediently.

And at the moment the spiritual fire entered it, this broken pill furnace actually shone with an extremely dazzling light, and it seemed to be able to feel the extraordinary of the spiritual fire, releasing a golden light to wrap it firmly. NS.

After being enveloped by the golden light emitted from the furnace, this unruly spirit fire actually quieted down.

Seeing this situation, Shen Ruiling's eyes could not help flashing an unexpected color. As expected, the pill furnace used to be Tier 5, even if it was broken into this way, it still retains its spirituality.

However, with the assistance of this pill furnace, it has helped him a lot, allowing him to more easily refine a trace of the original power of this heaven and earth spiritual fire.

I saw Shen Ruiling sat up cross-legged, holding her breath, her hands quickly changed different fire control seals on her chest again, and they plunged into the spiritual fire.

And as the red lotus handprints submerged, the crimson flame began to violently toss again, and exuded a terrifying high temperature.

Looking at the scorching flame in front of him, Shen Ruiling looked solemn, and beads of sweat the size of soybeans began to pour on his forehead.

On the other side, in the constant tumbling process of the spiritual fire, the small green flame at the center of the flame was gradually exposed, which was the original fire of this spiritual fire.

Seeing this exposed source of fire, Shen Ruiling's deep eyes immediately showed a touch of joy, but then it was replaced by a touch of fierceness.

At this time, Shen Ruiling once again shot a three-color mottled spiritual power, and began to slowly approach the original fire in the depths of the flame.

And when he approached the spiritual fire, Shen Ruiling immediately felt a swallowing power burst out of the flame, and began to devour his own spiritual power to his heart's content.

. . . . . .

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