The Rise of the Shen Family

Vol 2 Chapter 629: Flame Devouring Yan Yan

[网] In the cave where the Shen family rises to the sky, the blue-red flames are violently tossing, and with the burning of the cluster of flames, the surrounding space appears a little twisted, and it seems to be about to split. Up in general.

At this moment, Shen Ruiling's breathing was a little bit short, his deep gaze fixed on the cyan flame deep in the flames, his forehead was covered with a lot of sweat, and it followed his edge. The distinct cheeks flowed down slowly.

He could feel that after the spirit fire swallowed his own spiritual power, it was slowly gaining strength. The dark red flames violently churned and made a whirring sound, as if they were cheering in excitement.

Although his own spiritual power was ruthlessly swallowed by those flames, Shen Ruiling also successfully captured a trace of the source of fire and successfully stripped it from the fire.

When Shen Ruiling looked at the cyan flame in his palm, a deep condensing color appeared in his eyes again.

Although this is just a very weak flame origin stripped from that kind of fire, its flame power has been greatly reduced, but it is still dangerous for the foundation-building monks such as Shen Ruiling.

But soon, a look of determination flashed across Shen Ruiling’s face. He directly took out a jade bottle from the storage bag around his waist, and then poured out a blue spirit pill from it, without any hesitation. Swallowed it in one bite.

As the medicinal power of this azure blue spirit pill slowly dissipated in his body, a icy chill instantly swept across Shen Ruiling's body, causing the frost on his face and eyelashes to be condensed.

This azure blue spirit pill is called [Heavenly Dew Condensation Pill], and its rank reaches the third-rank high-rank level. It was specially refined by Shen Ruiling in order to refine the power of this fire source.

At the same time, Shen Ruiling burst out of a majestic spiritual power, and began to control the power of the cyan fire source slowly refining into the body.

When the ray of fire source power entered his body, a burning pain immediately swept along his strange meridian eight meridians, and Shen Ruiling's frosty cheeks instantly turned red.

And when this ray of fire source power rushed across his body, Shen Ruiling's dantian immediately poured out a majestic spiritual power, trying to envelop the former, making it the same as the cold power in his body before. Neutralize as much as possible.

At the same time, Shen Ruiling also had the [Three Yuan Turning Thunder Jue] running in her heart, controlling this ray of fire source power according to the mental formula, so that it would run in the body according to a specific week.

However, Shen Ruiling soon discovered that this ray of fire source power had actually begun to swallow the fire-attribute spiritual power in his body!

Moreover, the devouring this time seemed to be very different from the previous ones. The previous spirit fire just burned his spiritual power directly with its scorching high temperature.

But this time he could feel the greed emanating from that ray of fire source power, and it seemed that he was extremely sensitive to the fire attribute spiritual power in his body, or to be precise, it was greed for the red lotus karma fire in his body.

At this time, Shen Ruiling couldn't help but think of the situation when he first saw this heaven and earth spiritual fire in the underground magma world.

At the beginning, this heaven and earth spirit fire was floating in the dark red magma, relying on swallowing the surrounding magma to maintain its own burning heartily.

Could it be that this heaven and earth spiritual fire can swallow other flames?

This seemingly crazy idea immediately appeared in Shen Ruiling's mind, and it became more and more affirmed in her heart.

However, after feeling that the strength of the fire source was gradually growing, Shen Ruiling dared not be distracted, and hurriedly mobilized the spiritual power of the two attributes of water and earth in his body to wrap it up, and prevent it from devouring the spiritual power of the fire attribute. .

And as this scorching fire source's power circulated in his meridians, all the places covered by the frost were melted, and Shen Ruiling's meridians began to burn, and the pain like a sharp needle pierced constantly.

Shen Ruiling gritted his teeth tightly, bright red blood flowing from his gums and flowing down the corners of his mouth, but Shen Ruiling didn't have time to wipe it, he must concentrate his mind and heart to refine the source of fire in his body. Power.

At this time, his face was flushed, and the scorching heat emitted from his body caused the robe on his body to burn involuntarily.

I don't know how long it took before the red color on Shen Ruiling's face slowly faded, and the scorching heat from his body also disappeared.

The ray of fire source power in his body was finally refined into the spiritual root by him, thereby further tempering the fire attribute spiritual root in his Dantian.

After another half an hour, Shen Ruiling slowly opened his eyes. At this moment, a light blue flame flashed in his black eyes, which looked particularly strange.

But soon, the light cyan flame dissipated from his eyes, and Shen Ruiling's eyes once again returned to the deepness of the past.

After opening his eyes, Shen Ruiling first moved his muscles and bones, and then cast his gaze again at the dark red spirit fire that was still floating in the air, and a strange expression flashed in his eyes.

Although he had made enough preparations, he seemed to underestimate the power of this spirit fire, but fortunately he finally completed the process of refining the power of the fire source.

At this time, Shen Ruiling slowly stretched out the palm of his right hand, and a crimson flame burst out of his palm in an instant.

After refining a strand of spiritual fire's original power, he could feel that the [Red Lotus Karma Fire] he released seemed to have become more powerful, and the original crimson flame also contained a hint of cyan.

Shen Ruiling looked down at the flame in his hand, and suddenly flicked his right hand, throwing it directly into the dark red spirit fire in the air.


When the flame in his hand was thrown into the spiritual fire, the originally dimmed spiritual fire immediately seemed to have received fuel, and it immediately burned violently, and the raging flame began to burn everything.

Seeing this, Shen Ruiling's eyes flashed with a deep condensed color, looking at the elf-like jumping flame and fell into As he guessed, this heaven and earth spiritual fire Able to swallow other flames to continuously strengthen yourself!

This discovery could not help but make Shen Ruiling's mouth a smile, which means that he can continuously let this spirit fire swallow other flames, thereby slowly nurturing it into a more terrifying flame.

After a brief rejoicing, he quickly calmed down, and once again cast his gaze on the brilliant burning spiritual fire in mid-air.

I saw that Shen Ruiling then waved a burst of spiritual power, moved the pill furnace containing the spiritual fire to the side of the spiritual cave, so that it could absorb some spiritual energy to maintain its lowest consumption without hurting its most. The power of the core origin.

With the magic talisman drawn by Shen Huanchi and the golden light package emitted by the pill furnace, the temperature released by this spiritual fire has been greatly reduced, but it still makes his cave house much hotter than outside.

After finishing his busy work, Shen Ruiling sat back on the pad and began to feel the changes produced by the power of the fire source in his body.

. . . . . .

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