The Rise of the Shen Family

Vol 2 Chapter 639: Pointing

[网] The rise of the Shen family Shi Taihu's enthusiasm is also a big event for the Shen family, so the family specially organized a grand ceremony for the newly married two.

Everyone in the clan has just come out of the grief of the previous war, and they also need a festive ceremony to ease the pain in their hearts.

So staying on Yunbifeng, the members of the Shen clan gathered together for a while, and it was considered a congratulation to the newcomer.

To be honest, what should be held at this time is not a big wedding celebration, but rather the golden core ceremony for the patriarch Shen Huanchi to achieve the Jin Dan real person.

It's just that the situation in Lingnan is too complicated and delicate now, and it's not the time to hold the ceremony, so the patriarch's alchemy ceremony can only be held after a while.

After the wedding, Shi Taihu was considered a member of the Shen clan, and Shen Ruiling personally wrote his name on the genealogy.

Shen Yongying and Shi Taihu, the two names were written together.

Although Shi Taihu's character and behavior had been investigated by Shen Ruiling and others, when the name was recorded in the genealogy, Shen Ruiling gave him another appropriate beating, which was regarded as a reminder.

As elders, they will not favor one another because of his status as a parent. As long as he can make contributions to the family conscientiously and show his excellence, they are also willing to help him build the foundation.

On the contrary, if they are ungrateful, empathetic, and abandon Shen Yongying, they can also make him pay a heavy price.

After Shi Taihu entered the Shen family, his elder brother Shi Tailong was also regarded as a relative, and the Shen family naturally would not treat him like an ordinary guest.

However, Shi Tailong seemed to know his jinliangs too, he just asked to be the lord of the town at the foot of Yun Bifeng, and he was about to marry a wife and have children.

After finishing this matter, Yun Bifeng returned to calm again, and everything was proceeding in an orderly manner.

Now the situation in Lingnan has fallen into a strange calm, and the Promise Sect and foreign forces are accumulating strength, ready to give Qingyunmen a full blow.

The Qingyunmen still closed the mountain gate, and tried their best to help the real man Qingyang to retreat and gather the infants. It was already desperate.

On the other side, there was no news after the three Jindan real men of the Sanxiu Alliance entered the open sea, and the entire Sanxiu Alliance fell into a state of no leader.

In addition, a large number of sea beasts poured into the offshore waters, and many islands were breached by sea beasts. The monks who lived in the offshore waters in the past fled to the inland of Lingnan.

For this weird situation, the Shen family did not have the ability to influence the situation. All the senior Shen family leaders, headed by Shen Huanchi and Shen Ruiling, can do is to wait and see the changes.

While watching the development of the situation, they are improving their strength as much as possible to prepare for the next turmoil.

. . . . . .

The rising sun, as usual, shone the bright sunlight on Yunbi Peak, awakening the Shen clan who was sleeping.

At a cave in the back mountain, as the stone gate slowly opened, Shen Ruiling in a dark purple robe walked out of the cave slowly.

He looked up at the glowing red sun, then stretched out his body, his body made a crisp sound of bone collision.

After a night of hard cultivation, he once again refined a ray of spiritual fire's original power, making his own strength unknowingly strengthened.

It was less than a year since he broke through the eighth basement building, and Shen Ruiling's desire to advance to the nine basement building still seemed quite far away.

What he needs to do now is not to blindly pursue a breakthrough in his cultivation, but to make full use of the phantom of the green lotus in his dantian to gain a deeper understanding of the mystery of the Dao.

While comprehending the power of the Great Dao, he should also earnestly practice "Dayan God Dream Spectrum" and strive to enter the third level as soon as possible.

Standing in front of his own cave, Shen Ruiling looked at the magnificent scenery around Yunbi Peak, and his gaze soon fell on the Linghu Peak to the west of Yunbi Peak.

At this moment, he seemed to have suddenly remembered something, so he jumped in the direction of Linghu Peak.

Linghu Peak was formed not long ago, but now the vegetation on the mountain has grown very luxuriantly.

And in this dense woods, there is a path paved with bluestone slabs, winding all the way from the foot of the mountain to the lake on the top of the mountain.

With a light touch of Shen Ruiling's toes, he could directly climb dozens of steps and soon came to the lake on the top of the mountain.

By the lake, there is a newly built attic, and in front of the attic there is a medicinal medicine garden.

On the other side, the lake was filled with hazy water mist, making the scene on the lake look so fuzzy.

Shen Ruiling could faintly see that there seemed to be a figure dancing on the water, approaching the shore.

Before long, a beautiful shadow floated out of the mist and fell in front of him.

"Are you here to find Master?"

Li Ningshang looked at Shen Ruiling in front of him, a flash of color flashed in his eyes, and asked with a soft smile.


Shen Ruiling nodded slightly, and couldn't help but look at the girl in front of him.

At this moment, a hearty laughter floated from the attic, echoing above the white lake.

"You might as well come up and tell!"

Following the source of the sound, Shen Ruiling looked at the top of the attic, then turned his head and gestured towards Li Ningshang, and then swept towards the top of the attic.

Looking at the rising figure of Shen Ruiling, Li Ningshang couldn't help but laughed, and then walked towards the medicine garden.

Shen Ruiling came to the attic and saw the old man lying in the reclining chair, so he immediately arched his hands:


"You don't need to be polite, just call the old man Yao Lao!"

The old man directly waved his hand and said, and sat up lazily from the recliner.

He looked at Shen Ruiling in front of him, couldn't help but laughed, and slowly said:

"Laofuguan Xiaoyou is also a person who refines alchemy. I don't know how many levels of spiritual pills can be refined now?"

"Third-tier top grade!"

Although knowing that the old man in front of him may be the alchemy master, Shen Ruiling still said neither humble nor overbearing.

"Not bad!"

The old man nodded slightly, not surprised, he seemed to be expecting it.

But you must know that there are only a handful of Tier 3 high-rank alchemists in the entire Lingnan Cultivation Realm, not to mention that Shen Ruiling is so young, he is already a Tier 3 high-rank alchemist, and it is impossible for others to be indifferent.

After thinking for a moment, the old man smiled and asked Shen Ruiling:

"Little friend thinks, what is the most important step in alchemy?"

Facing the old man’s question, Shen Ruiling was taken aback for a moment, then bowed his head and muttered. After a while, he raised his head and said:

"From the next point of view, the most difficult thing is to purify!"

After Shen Ruiling gave the answer, the old man couldn't help but glance at him, and then said seriously:

"Indeed, the most difficult part of alchemy lies in a pure word!"

As soon as the voice fell, the old man immediately waved his hand and presented a Tier 3 elixir in front of Shen Ruiling.

"Can the little friend purify this elixir in front of the old man?"

Shen Ruiling looked at the elixir, he did not speak, but directly acted. A ray of karma burst out of his palm, directly wrapping the elixir.

At the moment the karma fire appeared, a gleam of light flashed in the old man's eyes, and then a faint smile appeared on his face.

On this side, in the crimson flame, the elixir quickly melted, and the essence inside turned into a dark green juice.

Shen Ruiling quickly refined the elixir by virtue of her powerful spiritual knowledge and orgasmic fire control methods.

"Yes, yes, with the spirit of heaven and earth, the purification effect is really extraordinary!"

Hearing this, Shen Ruiling couldn't help but flashed a cold light in the eyes of the old man, but at this time, the old man spoke again.

"But this is far from enough!"

In the next moment, a crimson spiritual fire burst out of the old man's hand, wrapping the liquid medicine that Shen Ruiling presented to him.

Shen Ruiling felt a powerful force from that flame, which seemed to be stronger than his [Red Lotus Karma Fire], which was a fusion of heaven and earth spirit, and in his perception, the mass passed by him. Impurities appeared in the purified liquid medicine.

After a cup of tea, the liquid medicine appeared in front of Shen Ruiling, and the old man's voice floated again.

"How do you feel now?"

"This...junior, I'm sorry!"

Facing such a result, Shen Ruiling naturally had nothing to say, and directly admitted his shortcomings.

"The purification of the elixir does not rely solely on the powerful pill fire and divine consciousness. Only the person who refines the pill can truly make the elixir pure."

The old man looked at Shen Ruiling and said with a smile.

"Keep your heart pure?"

Shen Ruiling murmured involuntarily, then bowed and thanked him:

"More predecessors' teachings!"

. . . . . .

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