The Rise of the Shen Family

Vol 2 Chapter 640: Shipwreck is coming

[网] The rise of the Shen family The sky is gray, and on the vast sea, huge waves are constantly being lifted from the dark sea, like a thousand horses, roaring in anger, as if possessing the destruction of the heavens and the earth. The great power of.

In the turbulent surging, countless low-level monsters in the sea were rolled up from the bottom of the sea and thrown mercilessly into the sky, and a strong fishy smell filled the air.

In the dim sky, the lightning all over the sky resembled raging fire snakes, and their reflections wandered in the sea, but they were quickly swallowed by the endless black abyss. It was just a flash in the pan.

However, in the midst of the lightning and thunder, there are three auras flying at extreme speed, just like three bright meteors across the dim sky.

However, when you look closely, you will find that what kind of meteor is this, it is clear that it is three monks who are soaring through the clouds.

"Friend Li Dao, can you still support it?"

The old woman with silver hair looked at the old man beside her and asked anxiously.

At this time, the old man next to him, his robe was already in tatters, one left arm was gone, and there were hideous and weird wounds all over his body.

The most deadly thing was that on those wounds that seemed to be cut by sharp blades, the strange liquid was still corroding and invading the flesh and blood, and the black silk thread was wandering in his body and gradually spreading.

The old man's face was pale, but he still gritted his teeth and said:

"Friends, don't worry, the old man can't die!"

At the same time, another old man in apricot robe said in a deep voice:

"We are not far from the offshore waters. As long as we enter the offshore waters, we will have the power to fight back!"

After hearing this, a cold light flashed in the eyes of the silver-haired old woman and the old man surnamed Li, as if they were still worried about the previous events.

However, at this moment, the faces of the three of them suddenly looked ugly again, and they all couldn't help but look behind them.

I saw that behind them, the monstrous wave was like a huge mountain hundreds of feet high, leaping towards them.

"Jiang Ang..."

At the same time, a roar like thunder came from among the huge mountains that were all gathered by the dark sea.

Immediately afterwards, a huge black shadow appeared from the huge wave. His figure was slender, and his body was covered with pitch-black scales. The huge snake head made people shudder.

"These beasts are here!"

The old man surnamed Li gritted his teeth and said.

On this side, the old man in apricot robe made a decisive decision and immediately sacrificed a flying spirit weapon like a flying shuttle.

"Let's go!"

The next moment, all three of them boarded the shuttle, turning into a flash of light and heading towards the mainland.

. . . . . .

In the chamber on the Yuxiu stage, Shen Ruiling, Shen Ruizhi, and more than a dozen elders in real power of the famous family gathered together.

At this time, the atmosphere in the chamber was very depressing, and everyone was silent, as if it was a sign that something big had happened.

Shen Ruiling looked around the crowd and found that, with the exception of a few people from the Jing family, most of the people present were already from the Rui family of his generation.

Today, the early members of the Swiss generations are almost 70 or 80 years old, and even many mixed spirit root monks rely on the accumulation of years to abruptly pile up their cultivation base to the later stage of Qi training.

And because the family has ample resources for cultivation in the past few decades, the speed of the people's cultivation has also increased a lot.

Originally, many people from the Si Linggen tribe could not reach the ninth level of Qi training until they were over 80 years old, but now they are in their 60s or 70s.

Therefore, in recent years, some of the Rui family members in the later stage of Qi training have slowly taken over the burden of the family from the Jing family members and have begun to enter the Presbyterian Council.

At this time, a member of the Swiss generation stood up and said in a low voice:

"The family's shop in Shanghai Shangfang has just returned news, and the Sanxiu Alliance has issued a notice to the outside world, and a new shipwreck has arrived!"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of everyone on the court immediately became ugly, and many people's eyes flashed with shock.

Although all the people here are from the Jing and Rui generations, none of them has experienced a shipwreck personally, but the horror of the shipwreck, as well as the **** and cruel scenes, all learned from the teachings of the elders and the family's collection of books. A general understanding.

The last shipwreck happened two or three hundred years ago, and the Shen family at that time was nothing more than a small family that had just been established for a hundred years.

And it was the shipwreck that caused the originally thriving family to experience drastic changes. The three foundation-building monks in the family fell two at once, and a large number of family elites were also buried in the shipwreck.

That shipwreck directly led to the weakening of the family that was strong at that time, and in the end it almost faced the catastrophe of genocide.

Now after more than a hundred years of development, the family has just regained strength, but it was unexpected that another shipwreck will come.

The disasters experienced by the literary generation and a large number of the Huanzi generation tribe now need people like them to face it.

The Shen clan members in the chamber began to whisper to each other. Most of them had recovered from the initial shock, and then they all turned their eyes on Shen Ruiling.

Above the first seat, both Shen Ruiling and Shen Jinghua were silent, quietly watching the reactions of everyone on the court.

After about a cup of tea, Shen Ruiling slowly said in a solemn voice:

"From now on, let the tribesmen who go out to return to the family as soon as possible, and at the same time send a few clansmen in the later stage of the Qi training to the shops in Shanghai to help the tribesmen find the news of the shipwreck. As soon as there is news, it will be passed back to the family."

"In addition, let the family's refining tool workshop and pill pavilion seize the time to refine a batch of magical tools and pill."

"Let the various strongholds in Pingzhou collect as much as possible the world's medicines, talisman, and the resources needed for various wars."


Now that the Qingyunmen and the Wujizong are still at war, the capital of various medicaments such as medicinal medicines on the market is very tense, and the news that the shipwreck is now coming is even more likely to be fired out of these things. Sky-high price.

Shen Ruiling's orders were issued one after another, and everyone present did not dare to be scornful.

Although none of them had ever experienced a shipwreck, but in the face of the coming of war, there was only this that could be done in advance.

After more than an hour, all the elders of the Qi training period left the chamber and began to strictly implement the order Shen Ruiling had just issued.

"Four brother, you are here to direct the dispatch of the clansmen, I will go to the back mountain to meet the patriarch!"

Shen Ruiling turned to look at Shen Ruizhi, and said very solemnly.

"Okay, you go!"

Shen Ruizhi also knew the urgency of the matter, and immediately nodded and agreed.

As a result, Shen Ruiling rushed out of the chamber and swept towards the cave mansion of the patriarch of Houshan.

Before the presbytery was held, Shen Ruiling had already passed the news of the imminent shipwreck to the patriarch Shen Huanchi.

So when Shen Ruiling came to Houshan Cave Mansion, Shen Huanchi was already waiting for him.

"The Promise Sect and Qingyunmen have just turned Lingnan upside down. Now that the shipwreck is about to come, it really seems to be an eventful time!"

Shen Huanchi looked at the jade slips in his hand, and couldn't help but sigh with regret.

"According to the unwritten rules of the Lingnan Cultivation World since ancient times, when a shipwreck is coming, all sects and monks will put aside their grievances and jointly resist the invasion of sea beasts.

It's just that now Qingyunmen and Promise Sect definitely cannot withdraw to support the Sanxiu Alliance, relying on the Sanxiu Alliance alone, I'm afraid they can't withstand this sea beast tide. "

"Moreover, there are still a group of foreign monks in Lingnan today. These evil monks are also a huge hidden danger!"

For Shen Huanchi's remarks, Shen Ruiling very much agrees.

In his opinion, the Lingnan cultivating world can be said to be a mess.

Inside, there are two giant forces, the Qingyunmen and the Promise Sect, shopping, and outside, there are those evil monks and monsters in the sea eyeing.

Today's Lingnan Cultivation Realm is also said to have internal and external troubles, it may be possible that all of them will fall into this chaos.

"Patriarch, what should we do now?"

Shen Huanchi couldn't help but glance at him, and then slowly said:

"Let's watch the changes first, we don't have the ability to influence the situation for the time being!"

Hearing this, Shen Ruiling couldn't help but nodded seriously, he thought so too.

At this time, although the Shen family had already possessed the Jindan real person, at most they could only protect themselves.

If they act rashly at this time, they will only expose their own shortcomings and be targeted by those enemies.

But as long as Shen Huanchi and Lingzun stayed on Yun Bifeng, no matter which force they were, they would not easily attack the Shen family.

. . . . .

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