The Rise of the Shen Family

Vol 2 Chapter 642: Decide

[网] The rise of the Shen family at Qingyun Mountain in Pingzhou, the entire Qingyunmen has been shrouded in the guardian formation, and all Qingyunmen monks have been waiting for it.

At this time, in an antique hall, Zhen Nai and Cang Su were sitting there with heavy faces.

"Brother, according to the news from the Sanxiu Alliance, a total of seven Tier 4 monsters appeared in this shipwreck. How should we make a decision?"

The naive person looked at the real person Cangsu on the side, and said solemnly.

True person Cangsu couldn't help but knead the bridge of his nose, and said in a low voice:

"Seven-headed Tier 4 Demon..."

He paused for a while, then asked:

"What did the San Xiu League say?"

"The Sanxiu Alliance naturally hopes that we will help and resist this shipwreck together!"

Zhen Naive person took out a jade slip and handed it to Master Cangsu.

Master Cangsu took the jade slip and took a look, then put it down, then lowered his head and fell into contemplation.

The shipwreck of seven Tier 4 monster beasts has been encountered once in a thousand years in the history of Lingnan Immortal Realm. From the historical point of view, only the cooperation of all forces in Lingnan can withstand the invasion of monsters.

However, as far as the current situation is concerned, it is impossible!

"Senior Brother Qingyang has reached the most critical juncture. You and I must not have a slight omission at this time, so we can't make a move!"

The meaning of True Person Cangsu has been very clear, for the sake of the sect's millennium plan, he will not disperse his strength to support the casual repair alliance.

"But the Sanxiu Alliance is our allies after all, and if the Sanxiu Alliance can't support it, those monsters will follow the river and attack the hinterland of my Lingnan..."

Having said that, Zhen Tianzheng did not continue to speak, because the next consequence was that no one wanted to see.

"Junior Brother, everything is important to the sect!"

Real person Cangsu glanced at the innocent person, and shouted with a serious expression:

"Only Brother Qingyang has accomplished the Yuan Ying Dadao, and how much waves can the Promise Sect, the evil cultivators and this shipwreck be able to overcome!"

Faced with the question of Real Person Cangsu, Zhen Naive person opened his mouth, as if he still wanted to explain something, but in the end he still did not say anything, just bowed his hands:

"Junior Brother understands!"

. . . . . .

At the same time, deep in the Hengduan Mountains, here is a place where there is no sunlight all year round.

And in a gloomy cave mansion here, there was constant strange black air slowly drifting out along with the infiltrating death air.

In the cave mansion, a pitch-black coffin floated in the strange black air, and from the gap in the coffin lid that had not yet closed, there was endless death.

These dead auras turned into infiltrating ghosts, wandering in the cave, and constantly making the sound of devil cry, making those who heard it couldn't help but frighten.

At this moment, under this weird black coffin, two figures dressed in black robes and masks with grimace faces sat facing each other.

A raging black aura emerged from the two of them. In the black fog, the hideous bones and skeletons seemed to want to break free, but they were all swallowed mercilessly by the black coffin.

I don't know how long it took, these two people gathered the black energy that was raging in the cave, and slowly opened the eyes behind the mask.

"Jie Jie... This [Sky Burial Coffin] is worthy of my teaching treasure, even if I wait for a ray of spiritual assistance from the leader, it is not easy to refine it!"

A weird and ethereal voice rang from behind the black-robed man's mask on the right, which made people shudder upon hearing it.

"Jie Jie... This [Sky Burial Coffin] can be buried in the heavens. It is the property of the leaders of the past. It is already rare for you and I to be lucky enough to drive it once!"

The black-robed man on the left also made a devil-cry-like sound.

At this moment, the two black-robed men noticed something at the same time, and then they rushed to the outside of the cave.

Outside the cave, another black-robed monk had been waiting here for a long time. When he saw the two ghost-faced men coming out of the cave, he immediately bowed down and saluted.

"Subordinates pay homage to the two holy envoys!"

"What can you do with the two of us?"

The grimace man on the right slowly spoke, still with that extremely strange voice.

Facing the question, the black-robed man on his knees buried his head lower, and said quickly:

"Returning to the two holy envoys, the monster beast in the sea has already begun to invade the offshore waters, and the Promise Sect asked if I would start to act."

"Jie Jie... these sea beasts finally chose to do it!"

The grimace man on the left gave out a stern laugh, while the grimace man on the right said in a low voice:

"Tell the people of Promise Sect and let them be ready to attack at any time, and I will be able to leave soon."


The black-robed man who was kneeling on the ground immediately nodded and agreed, then got up and left.

The two grimacing men also turned and returned to the retreat in the cave, and sat under the black coffin again.

"It seems that Mr. Junshan has already successfully transferred to cultivation. The three late Golden Core cultivators, including me, should barely be able to exert half of the strength of [Sky Burial Coffin], and then destroy the guardian formation at Qingyun Gate. It's easy."

"Hurry up and refine the [Sky Burial Coffin], so as not to have many dreams in the night, or to really let the Qingyunmen break the major event of the leader!"

. . . . . .

Zhenren Ouyang and Shen Huanchi talked secretly for a long time before leaving Yun Bifeng. After learning the news, Shen Ruiling immediately went to the living room to meet the patriarch.

"Patriarch, this real Jin Dan is a real Jin Dan of the San Xiu Alliance?"

Shen Ruiling looked at Shen Huanchi, who was sitting on the top of the curtain, meditating, and asked softly.

He has already seen the real gold cores of the Qingyunmen, and now the most likely to come to visit his Shen family, there are only the three real gold cores of the Sanxiu Alliance.

Shen Huanchi slowly raised his head and looked at Shen Ruiling in a solemn voice:

"The ancestor of the Ouyang family on Yizhou Island, Ouyang Yelin!"

Hearing this, Shen Ruiling couldn't help but stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the old man before was actually the ancestor of the Ouyang family.

At this moment, a beautiful figure appeared in his mind involuntarily, and after reacting, he shook his head quickly.

Shen Ruiling has been extremely sensitive to Ouyang's family since she spent some time with Ouyang Muxue in Dongtian Ruins, and even after she learned the secrets of Ouyang's family.

But fortunately, the patriarch has now achieved the golden core. Even if the Ouyang family knows about it in the future, it shouldn't be too difficult for him.

"This real person Ouyang came, what did you talk about?"

Shen Huanchi silently picked up the uncooled spiritual tea on the side table, and said quietly:

"Invite my Shen family to resist the attack of sea beasts!"

"What is the reward?"

Shen Ruiling knew that this kind of thing must be driven by profit, and the loose repair alliance would not come to the door without sufficient benefits.

"The benefit given is that I let the Shen family enter the Shanghai Stock Exchange, and I can get 40% of the income of the Shanghai Stock Exchange every year."

Hearing this, Shen Ruiling couldn't help but lower her head in thought.

Hushangfang, as the largest large-scale market in Lingnan, its annual income, if converted into low-grade spirit stones, is hundreds of thousands or even millions.

And 40% of it is not a small For today's Shen family, it can be said to be a lot of fun.

The most important thing is that their Shen's ability to be the owner of Hushangfang means that they have the right to control the black market and auction houses of Hushangfang.

The benefits of all aspects of this are incalculable for a while!

However, as far as the current situation is concerned, Hushangfang not only faces the attack of sea beasts, but Qingyunmen and Wujizong will not let go of the fat meat of Hushangfang, and the sharing of benefits is much more complicated.

Although Qingyunmen and the Promise Sect may not be able to take care of them now, who can tell what will happen in the future?

So at this time, Hushangfang is a piece of fat, but also a hornet's nest!

After a long time, Shen Ruiling looked at Shen Huanchi and asked:

"Patriarch, did you agree?"

"I have already agreed, but I only need you and I to take a trip!"

. . . . . .

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