The Rise of the Shen Family

Vol 2 Chapter 643: Battle of Shanpi Island (1)

[网] The Shen family rises up on the Dongtai Islands, located on the most fringe area of ​​the Lingnan continental shelf. It can be said that it is the closest archipelago to the open sea.

To the east of the islands is the endless black sea, while to the west is the blue offshore waters. It is like a natural dividing line, which separates the open sea from the offshore waters.

There are more than two hundred islands in the entire archipelago, but most of them are just uninhabited and desolate islands. There are only dozens of islands inhabited by monks.

Although the Dongtai Islands are unremarkable in the entire offshore waters, there are no minerals and special cultivation resources on the islands under its jurisdiction, but its special geographical location has created its special status.

Because it is located on the easternmost side of the Lingnan continental shelf, close to the open sea, it is like a gateway to the offshore waters.

Therefore, since ancient times, the Dongtai Archipelago has been the bridgehead for Lingnan monks to resist the sea beasts and the gateway for those giant sea beasts to invade Lingnan.

Of course, the vast sea is boundless, and it is impossible to keep all the sea beasts from the Lingnan Immortal Realm by virtue of an archipelago that spans thousands of miles.

However, with the existence of the Dongtai Islands, most of the sea beasts were confined here, winning a lot of time and strategic depth for the Lingnan monks.

Shanpi Island is the largest island in the entire Dongtai Archipelago. Now it has become the frontier position for Lingnan monks to resist sea beasts, and most of the monks who came from the inland of Lingnan gathered here.

At this time, Shanpi Island was already shrouded by large protective arrays, and on the huge walls dozens of miles away from the beach, there were also full-armed Qi-training monks.

In a glorious hall in the center of the island, the three real Jindan men of the Sanxiu Alliance have already appeared here.

"Friend Ouyang, what did Linhai Shen say? Are you willing to make a move?"

The old silver-haired woman looked at Zhenren Ouyang on the side and couldn't help asking.

At this time, Zhenren Ouyang, who was looking at the map in front of him, slowly raised his head and said:

"Friends, don't worry, the old man has already negotiated with Shen Daoyou!"

After hearing this, the old silver-haired woman and the old man surnamed Li both breathed a sigh of relief.

Now there are seven Tier 4 monsters cruising in the deep sea not far away, and if one more Jin Dan real person can take action, the pressure on them can be reduced.

. . . . . .

And just as the three Jindan real people of the Sanxiu Alliance were talking in secret, a cloud of auspicious clouds had already arrived at the top of Shanpi Island.

Standing on the auspicious clouds, Shen Huanchi and Shen Ruiling first looked down at the situation on the island, and then slowly landed on an empty beach.

The arrival of the two Shen Huanchi immediately attracted the attention of the guarding monks on the wall not far away. Soon the foundation-building monks opened the formation and came to welcome them.

"Well, senior, please follow me into the city!"

The visitor was a middle-aged man, and he bowed respectfully toward Shen Huanchi.

Shen Huanchi nodded slightly, and said faintly:

"Lead the way ahead!"


In the next moment, Shen Huanchi and Shen Ruiling followed this middle-aged man into the guardian formation of the island.

The three of them passed through the huge city wall, and the various workshops and cave buildings on the island, and went straight to the highest mountain in the entire island.

In the end, the middle-aged man stopped in front of a hall and turned to Shen Huanchi and said:

"Senior, Master, they are already waiting inside!"

Shen Huanchi looked up at the hall in front of him, nodding slightly, while Shen Ruiling beside him was also looking at the surrounding environment.

Soon the three of them walked into the hall, and the three Jindan real people of the Sanxiu Alliance also stood up from their seats.

"Shen Daoyou can come to help out of righteousness, I am indebted to the casual repair alliance!"

Zhenren Ouyang came to Shen Huanchi and arched his hands.

"Friend Ouyang said seriously!"

Shen Huanchi waved his hand slightly, smiled faintly, and looked at the other two Jindan real men of the Sanxiu Alliance with a warm look.

"The old man has seen Fellow Daoist Shen!"

The old silver-haired woman leaned on the coral crutch in her hand and saluted Shen Huan as he galloped.

The old man surnamed Li behind him also arched his hands with a smile:

"I have seen Fellow Shen Dao!"

"I have seen two fellow Taoists below!"

Shen Huanchi nodded to the two of them, smiling in return.

During these few meetings, the two parties who had never met before had a certain degree of understanding of each other.

After a few simple greetings, Zhenren Ouyang's eyes suddenly fell on Shen Ruiling, who was standing behind Shen Huanchi.

At this time, Shen Ruiling was still quietly looking at the three Jindan real people in front of him. When he noticed real person Ouyang's gaze, he quickly bowed his hands and said:

"Junior meet the three seniors!"

"Presumably this little friend is the third-order high-grade alchemist from the Taoist family!"

Zhenren Ouyang looked away from Shen Ruiling, turned to look at Shen Huanchi, and asked with a smile on his face.

After hearing this, Shen Huanchi smiled and nodded:


After Shen Huanchi admitted, the silver-haired old woman, the old man surnamed Li, and the middle-aged man who greeted Shen Huanchi before couldn't help but look at Shen Ruiling.

This can't be blamed on them, after all, such a young Tier 3 high-grade alchemist is rare in the entire Lingnan Immortal Cultivation World!

The eyes of the audience fell on Shen Ruiling, including three Jindan real people, which made him feel more pressure.

At this time, Zhenren Ouyang looked at the middle-aged man and whispered softly:

"Chengzheng, it's up to you to take this little friend to get familiar with the situation on the island!"

"Yes, ancestor!"

The middle-aged man was taken aback for a moment, and immediately agreed after reacting.

Here, Shen Ruiling couldn't help but glanced at Shen Huanchi, who just said lightly:

"Go, I'll let you know if something happens!"


Shen Ruiling bowed to Shen Huanchi and the others to resign, and then left the hall with the middle-aged man.

After the two of Shen Ruiling left, there were only four Jindan real people left in the hall. Obviously, they had important issues to discuss.

The four of them came to the front of a sea area map, and Shen Huanchi asked:

"I just came here, I don't know what is going on now?"

"I have already planned to abandon the rest of the islands, shrink all our forces on Shanpi Island, and rely on the restrictions left by the ancestors to defend."

The speaker was an old man surnamed Li, but he seemed to have not healed from the injury he had suffered before, and just said a few words, he couldn't help coughing.

"Now the monster army has broken through nine islands, including Yangling Island and Fengbo Island, and we still have at most half a month's work away from here!"

After listening to the deployment of the Sanxiu Alliance, Shen Huanchi did not immediately speak but was ready to continue listening.

"There are seven Tier 4 monsters that appeared this time, two of which were the organization of the previous shipwreck and the culprit."

"In this, the mysterious golden underworld armor has been promoted to Tier 4 high-grade for more than a thousand years, and its tortoise shell is difficult to enter with swords and guns. Even if I wait for a full blow, I can't break the tortoise shell's defense."

"The bloodthirsty dragon python is known for its insidious cunning, and its sharp teeth and venom are very difficult to entangle.

Li Daoyou was seriously injured by this bloodthirsty dragon python last time. "

Hearing this, Shen Huanchi couldn't help but look at the old man Li again.

When he first met, he had already seen that the other party was seriously injured, and that he had hurt his original wish. If he wanted to recover, he would not be able to do it without decades of effort.

"The remaining five are, a deep-sea wild shark of a fourth-tier middle-grade, a ghost mother of a fourth-grade low-grade, a thousand-legged king crab, and two fourth-grade low-grade ghost electric eels!"

. . . . . .

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