The Rise of the Shen Family

Vol 2 Chapter 644: Battle of Shanpi Island (2)

When Shen Huanchi and the four Jindan real men discussed the strategic deployment, Shen Ruiling and the middle-aged man who led the way had already chatted.

"Under Ouyang Chengzheng, I have met fellow Daoists!"

The middle-aged man turned around and slightly arched his hand towards Shen Ruiling.

Upon seeing this, Shen Ruiling also bowed his hand in return:

"Under Shen Ruiling!"

"Unexpectedly, Fellow Daoist is so young, he is already a third-tier high-grade alchemy master, I really admire Zaixia!"

Ouyang Chengzheng looked at Shen Ruiling with a smile, with a hint of friendship in his voice.

As a direct descendant of the Ouyang family, it is quite normal to make friends with the talents of all parties.

Although these people can't be regarded as standing at the top of Lingnan Cultivation Realm at this time, it is not difficult to do it in time.

And for a Golden Core family that has been passed down for thousands of years, it is through these personal connections that have accumulated bit by bit that can make the family more and more prosperous.

At this time, Shen Ruiling was clearly considered to be among the geniuses of Lingnan. Not only had his cultivation reached the pinnacle of foundation building, but he was also a Tier 3 high-grade alchemist, and his future could be described as limitless.

Of course, if it is just a simple genius monk, it may not be worthy of those big family disciples to devote themselves to, but with Shen Huanchi's formation of alchemy, the status of the Shen family has undergone earth-shaking changes in the Lingnan cultivating world.

Therefore, to make friends with Shen Ruiling at the moment, it is not only his own talent, but also the family power behind him.

The two came out of the main hall, walking along the way and talking, as if already very familiar, Ouyang Chengzheng turned to look at Shen Ruiling next to him and said:

"It's better to take Brother Shen to the city wall at the bottom!"

"It's so good!"

Shen Ruiling couldn't help but nodded, and thanked her.

In the next moment, the two of them quickly flew towards the giant city wall on the east beach.

After half a cup of tea, Shen Ruiling and the two came to the foot of the city wall, but they couldn't help but stop and watch.

At this time, in a clearing at the foot of the giant city wall, nearly a hundred monks in the middle and late stages of Qi training were practicing their battle formations.

Most of the Qi training monks are dressed in a variety of ways, and they should be monks who came to support them from all over Lingnan. These people were temporarily assembled to conduct large-scale battlefield drills to enhance their mutual understanding and cooperation.

With the waving of the flag in the hands of the old man who built the foundation in front of the phalanx, these nearly a hundred monks began to act according to a certain rule, and the light curtains of the earth-yellow formation lightened up, forming a large formation with both offensive and defensive capabilities.

"Brother Shen, these are all cultivators who have just arrived some time ago. You need to get familiar with the methods of warfare and the use of battle formations first!"

Ouyang Chengzheng saw that Shen Ruiling seemed to be interested in the Qi training monk in front of him, so he explained it.

Hearing this, Shen Ruiling smiled and nodded slightly, then his eyes fell on the Qi training monks who practiced the battle formation.

The Sanxiu Alliance has been standing in the offshore waters for nearly a thousand years, during which it has experienced several shipwrecks. It is naturally extremely rich in the dispatching personnel to resist the attacks of sea beasts.

"Let's go, Brother Shen, let's go up to the city wall and have a look!"

Ouyang Cheng was looking at Shen Ruiling and pointed at the giant city wall in front of him.

Shen Ruiling raised her head and glanced at the giant city wall nearly one hundred feet high, and then smiled at Ouyang Chengzheng:

"Then there will be Brother Lao Ouyang!"

"Haha... Brother Shen is polite, let's go!"

Ouyang Chengzheng waved his hand indifferently, and then walked towards the giant city wall with Shen Ruiling.


The two late-stage qi training monks standing at the entrance of the city wall's stairs immediately held their fists and saluted towards Ouyang Chengzheng.

Shen Ruiling noticed that the two cultivators in the later stage of Qi training were wearing uniform black profound armor, and the magical weapons they held seemed to be uniformly configured. Obviously, these two were not the same as those who were just now.

Ouyang Chengzheng nodded slightly, motioned for the two of them to continue their vigilance, and then walked towards the wall with Shen Ruiling.

Shen Ruiling came to the city wall and found that the width of the city wall was more than thirty feet, which was wide enough to accommodate dozens of people walking side by side.

On the city wall, there are obviously more Qi training monks wearing black profound armor. When Shen Ruiling and the two pass by them, they will bow to Ouyang Chengzheng.

"Brother Ouyang, these monks...?"

Shen Ruiling pointed at these black armored monks and couldn't help but look at Ouyang Chengzheng.

Ouyang Chengzheng naturally knew what Shen Ruiling wanted to ask, squinting and smiling:

"Hehe... These monks are Zhenhai Guards, the most elite force in my Sanxiu Alliance, and they are also the troops set up specifically for this shipwreck that arrived on schedule!"


Shen Ruiling nodded slightly and couldn't help but murmur in her heart.

The Sanxiu Alliance can stand in the offshore waters, and it can stand up against the two giant forces of Qingyunmen and Promise Sect. It really is not as simple as the surface.

Relying only on the large number of casual repair groups, which are mixed with fish and dragons, obviously can't compete with the regular sect disciples of Qingyunmen and Promise Sect, so this Zhenhai Guard is the elite force in the casual repair alliance!

This Zhenhaiwei is usually the power of the Sanxiu Alliance to frighten everyone in Lingnan, but when facing a shipwreck, it is also an important force to resist sea beasts!

Standing on the city wall, Shen Ruiling looked over and found that dozens of miles below the city wall were covered with sandy beaches. There was nothing on the sandy beach, which was obviously cleaned up in advance.

In the distance is the turbulent black sea, and huge waves several feet high slapped on the beach one after another, making a roar like muffled thunder.

The entire giant city wall stretches for nearly a thousand miles, but the baptism of years still stands on this beach, protecting the many monks and mortals on the island.

These hundreds of feet high city walls were built with second-order high-grade cyanite. Each piece of qinggang rock is as high as one person. The most rare thing is that the gap between the two giant qinggang rock piles is very small.

On the surface of the piled stone wall, reinforced runes were drawn to make the rock indestructible. On the outside of the wall, pieces of submarine meteorite iron plates of the third-order inferior grade were embedded, making the whole city wall like a copper wall and iron wall. generally.

It is impossible for such a huge project to be built in one or two hundred years. This is the Lingnan monks, generation after generation, it took a long time for thousands of years to make this huge city wall stand here.

Regardless of the age, building and strengthening the walls here is always the most important thing for Lingnan monks.

Over the past two hundred years, the Sanxiu Alliance, Qingyunmen and Wujizong have invested a lot of manpower and material resources on the ancient defense line left by their ancestors, in order to be able to make them a strong fortress in the next shipwreck.

Looking at this ancient and majestic giant city wall, Shen Ruiling couldn't help but ignite a sense of heroism in her heart!

Looking at the mottled marks on the city wall, he seemed to be able to see the tragic and majestic scene of those ancestor monks in Lingnan resisting sea beasts on this city wall hundreds of years ago!

After a brief shock, Shen Ruiling's gaze fell on the giant crossbow machines glowing with cold light on the city wall.

Every some distance, there will be a huge crossbow machine on the wall, and the huge crossbow arrow makes people shudder.

"This is a weapon against sea beasts. Every crossbow that it fires is comparable to the full blow of a monk in the late stage of foundation building, and it can cause a fatal threat to the monster beasts of the third rank."

Ouyang Chengzheng's voice rang in Shen Ruiling's ear again.

The crossbow in front of him reminded Shen Ruiling of the family's Cloud Piercing Crossbow, but it was much stronger than the family's Cloud Piercing Crossbow.

These giant crossbows are all Tier 3 spiritual weapons, and the crossbow arrows they use are all Tier 2 best, and the overall cost is probably higher than a Tier 3 best spiritual weapon.

He glanced over, there were no fewer than a hundred giant crossbows on the wall, and the total cost of it was even more unimaginable!

However, Shen Ruiling wanted to come, the giant crossbow among them should have been left by the ancestors, after all, as long as the third-order spiritual weapon is properly warmed, it will not be destroyed after thousands of years.

On the city wall, in addition to these huge crossbows, there are also countless boulders and corresponding large trebuchets.

Those giant crossbows were used to deal with Tier 3 monsters, and these giant trebuchets were used to deal with Tier 2 monsters.

Shen Ruiling also found several giant stone statues on the other side of the city wall, which exudes the atmosphere of formations.

"These are the formations left by the ancestors, which can produce suppression and restraint, blocking monsters above Tier 4 from the island!"

"Suppress the prohibition?"

Shen Ruiling was taken aback for a moment, and UU Read then asked:

"In that case, those Tier 4 monsters can't get close to the city wall!"


Ouyang Cheng was looking at the stone statues and said very seriously.

Hearing this, Shen Ruiling's eyes couldn't help but a flash of admiration.

The ancestors of Lingnan fought fiercely with monsters in order to open up their homes, and they left these guardian methods for their descendants.

The destructive power of Tier 4 monsters is unimaginable. If you let them get close to the city wall, no matter how hard the wall is, it will be difficult to withstand the attacks of these Tier 4 monsters.

But with the restrictions left by this ancestor, those Tier 4 monsters could not get close to the city wall, which relieved the pressure for the Lingnan monks to eliminate low-tier monsters.

. . . . . .

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