The Rise of the Shen Family

Vol 2 Chapter 645: Battle of Shanpi Island (3)

After coming down from the city wall, Ouyang Chengzheng led Shen Ruiling towards the Lingshan in the center of the island.

"The courtyards at the foot of the mountain are the residences of the qi training monks, and these independent courtyards on the mountain are the residences of the monks in the foundation period!"

Ouyang Chengzheng turned and slowly introduced Shen Ruiling behind him.

Hearing this, Shen Ruiling looked at the buildings on the Lingshan Mountain and couldn't help asking:

"Brother Ouyang, how many qi training cultivators and foundation building fellows are there on the island today?"

Facing Shen Ruiling's question, Ouyang Chengzheng's face was slightly ugly, and he spoke with a heavy tone:

"Now there are more than 60 foundation-building daoists on the island. If Qi training monks, it should be about 500!"

"But this is only the current figure, and there are still many monks rushing over from the rear!"

Hearing this, Shen Ruiling nodded slowly, and was not talking, but followed Ouyang Chengzheng to move on.

Given the current situation in the Lingnan Cultivation World, it is not easy to gather more than 60 foundation-building monks and more than 500 Qi training monks here.

After all, the two sects of Qingyunmen and Wujizong did not send out disciples, and even the vassal families under these two sects were not ordered to be recruited, so naturally they would not jump into this fire pit by themselves.

The cultivators gathered here are all cultivators under the rule of the Sanxiu Alliance and those who want to get a chance.

Moreover, it is impossible for the Sanxiu Alliance to put all their belongings on this island. The other Hushangfang, Yazhou Island and Yizhou Island need a large number of elite monks to be stationed, after all, that is their lair!

Shen Ruiling didn't know whether they could hold the island with their current manpower, but it was still very dangerous to come!

Soon Shen Ruiling and the two came to a courtyard, and the foundation-building monks that could be seen here suddenly increased.

"This is the place where the foundation building monks on the island meet and receive quests!"

Just as Ouyang Chengzheng was speaking, a few passing-by Buddhist monks who were passing by had already greeted him.

"Friend Ouyang Dao!"


Ouyang Chengzheng said to Shen Ruiling after returning the gifts one by one:

"The few just now are the commanders of the island, and each of their teams has ten qi training cultivators working together!"


In this way, the two of them walked and talked, and soon came to a hall.

"Brother Ouyang!"

I saw that a barefooted man walked towards Ouyang Chengzheng and laughed.

"Brother Xing!"

Ouyang Cheng was arching his hands towards the barefoot man, and then he saw a purple-clothed nun sitting not far away.

"It just so happens that two fellow daoists are here, let's come down and introduce them!"

After that, he pointed to Shen Ruiling behind him and said to everyone.

"This is Fellow Shen Daoist from the Shen family in Linhai!"

As Ouyang Chengzheng's voice fell, the eyes of the barefooted man and the purple-clothed woman could not help but fall on Shen Ruiling.

After a few breaths, the barefoot man arched his hands towards Shen Ruiling:

"In Xia Xing Kai, I met fellow Daoists!"

On the other side, the purple-clothed woman also came over and whispered softly:

"Your concubine, You Nianfu, met Fellow Shen Daoist!"

"This brother Xing is the big disciple of Zhenren Li, while this fellow Daoyou You is the second disciple of Zhenren Jinhua."

At this time, Ouyang Chengzheng spoke again and introduced Shen Ruiling.

"Under Shen Ruiling, I have seen two fellow Taoists!"

Shen Ruiling slightly arched his hands and replied to the barefooted man and the purple-clothed woman.

He could feel that the cultivation bases of these two people were both at the pinnacle of foundation building, similar to the cultivation bases of those Qingyunmen True Legend disciples he had seen before.

Of course, the surface cultivation level that Shen Ruiling now reveals is also the pinnacle of foundation building, and it's no less than the disciples and younger generations of these Jindan real people.

"The two may not know, but Daoist Shen is a third-tier high-grade alchemist, so in the next time, the two Daoists should seize the opportunity!"

Ouyang Cheng was looking at everyone and said half jokingly.

Sure enough, Xing Kai and You Nianfu couldn't help but look at Shen Ruiling after hearing that Shen Ruiling was a third-tier high-rank alchemist.

"I didn't expect Fellow Daoist Shen to have such an ability!"

Although with their identities, it is not difficult to obtain a Tier 3 high-grade spirit pill, but it is not easy to ask a Tier 3 high-grade alchemy master to make alchemy for them.

In this way, after Ouyang Chengzheng introduced Shen Ruiling to Xing Kai and the two of them, he took Shen Ruiling to the key place on the island, the alchemy room.

"This is the alchemy room on the island. All the pills after the war come out from here!"

Shen Ruiling followed Ouyang Chengzheng into the alchemy room and saw several Tier 2 alchemists busy in front of the furnace.

"Now there are three Tier 3 alchemists on the island, including Brother Shen, all gathered here!"

While they were talking, a black-robed old man suddenly passed by them.

"Bitter old, this fellow Shen Daoist is also a Tier 3 alchemy master..."

The old man stopped and looked up at Shen Ruiling and Ouyang Chengzheng, but he just nodded slightly before turning and leaving.

Shen Ruiling looked at the old man's leaving back, a strange color flashed in his eyes, but then quickly disappeared.

"Ku Lao is one of the only three Tier 3 high-rank alchemists in my Sanxiu Alliance. Although his temperament is a little weird, his alchemy skills are top-notch."

Here, Ouyang Chengzheng put away a slightly awkward expression and explained.

After hearing this, Shen Ruiling smiled slightly, and then said:

"Brother Ouyang, let's go!"


. . . . . .

After coming out of the alchemy room, Ouyang Chengzheng took Shen Ruiling to get acquainted with several towns on the island.

Although this is already the front line, sea beasts may come at any time, but they still can't stop those merchants from seeking profit, so the shops in the square city and the passenger flow are good.

When the sea beasts attacked, these profiteers would buy the monster beast corpse at a low price from the guardian monk, and then transport it to the rear for sale.

Seeing that the sun was about to set, Shen Ruiling and Ouyang Chengzheng received a letter from the elders at the same time, and immediately went to the hall on the top of the mountain.

"Let's go, let me go to the cave mansion!"

Shen Huanchi said indifferently to Shen Ruiling without waves on his face.

Upon hearing this, Shen Ruiling nodded immediately and agreed, and followed Shen Huanchi towards a cave near the top of the mountain.

This cave mansion is located near the top of the entire Lingshan Mountain. It is the place with the most aura. Obviously, it is prepared for the Jindan real person.

Sitting on the stone bench, Shen Huanchi looked at Shen Ruiling next to him and asked:

"Walking around on the island, what's the gain?"

He asked Shen Ruiling to leave with the Ouyang family, just to let him get a deeper understanding of the bottom of the island.

After all, Shen Huanchi himself can only understand some high-level deployments on the island, and the real Jindan of the Sanxiu Alliance will not tell him about the low-level situation.

Here, Shen Ruiling told Shen Huanchi in detail what he had seen and heard all day, including the defensive deployment on the city wall and the monks guarding the island.

After hearing the number of monks on the island mentioned by Shen Ruiling, a solemn color flashed across Shen Huanchi's face.

Seeing this situation, Shen Ruiling did not dare to disturb Shen Huanchi's meditation, but stood quietly and waited.

After a long time, Shen Huanchi slowly said:

"The scale of this shipwreck is once in a thousand years. With the current manpower on the island, it is difficult to say how long the island can be maintained, and the possibility of abandoning the island is not ruled out!"

Hearing this, Shen Ruiling's eyes immediately flashed an incredible look, but he quickly understood it, and his heart was very restless.

At this time, the Sanxiu Alliance is still using the human righteousness and cultivation resources to gather more monks to resist the sea beast tide, but this is just a superficial effort.

These monks who came from the inland of Lingnan to resist the monsters will eventually become cannon fodder blocking the advancement of the sea beasts!

Obviously, only a few senior officials in the Sanxiu Alliance knew about this but Shen Ruiling believed that Xing Kai and others who met him during the day must also know about it.

But judging from the brief contact with them during the day, each of them seemed to pretend to be nonchalant.

These people's nonchalant performance has won the trust of those who don't know, and they are still looking forward to the glimmer of beauty in their hearts, but it is not that they are not as good as the temperament on the chessboard, but just a group of cannon fodder.

Here, Shen Huanchi has already walked into the inner room, leaving only Shen Ruiling there alone, thinking deeply and in a daze!

. . . . . .

On the other side, in a hidden room somewhere on the island, a group of people dressed in black are gathering here.

"The real Jindan from the Shen family in Linhai suddenly arrived. Now there are four real Jindans on the island, so your next plan needs to be carried out carefully, and don't show your feet."


. . . . . .

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