The Rise of the Shen Family

Vol 2 Chapter 646: Sanxiu Yu? Min

On the second day, as soon as the rising sun slowly rose from the sea, Shen Ruiling left the cave and walked towards the alchemy room.

After a whole night of deep thinking last night, Shen Ruiling finally convinced her own heart, because none of this could be decided by his little foundation builder.

As for the decision made by Jindan Zhenren, he would not make any comments. After all, some things are not that simple.

Shen Ruiling came to the alchemy room, and the Sanxiu Alliance had already prepared a separate alchemy room and various elixir for him. He only needed to start alchemy.

The elixir provided by the Sanxiu Alliance is mostly used to refine the [Returning Spirit Pill], which can quickly help the monks restore their spiritual power, and the [Chun Lu Pill], a healing pill that stops bleeding and heals.

These two spirit pills will be widely used in the next battle with the monster beast!

Therefore, in the next few days, Shen Ruiling spent most of the time in the alchemy room refining pills for the San Xiu Alliance.

But now on the island, there are still a steady stream of monks coming, some of them retreated from other islands, and some came from the back to make a fortune, but this has nothing to do with Shen Ruiling.

. . . . . .

In the quaint hall on the top of the mountain, Shen Huanchi and other four real Jin Dan once again gathered together to discuss the immediate countermeasures.

"According to the situation discovered by Daoyou Ouyang and I, the first wave of beasts will hit Shanpi Island in two or three days!"

Shen Huanchi looked at the other three people and said in a low voice.

After hearing this, the left-behind old man named Li and Granny Jinhua looked at each other, and a faint worry could be seen in both of them.

"I wonder what the scale of the first wave of beasts was?"

Granny Jinhua looked at the two Shen Huanchi and asked.

"This advancing tide of beasts stretches forward and backward for more than a hundred miles, and the Tier 3 monsters inside are no less than two hundred!"

This time it was not Shen Huanchi, but Ouyang Yelin who went out with him to investigate the situation of the sea beast tide.


Suddenly, even the two real Jindan men, the old man surnamed Li and Granny Jinhua, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

They are all Golden Core cultivators of the older generation in the Lingnan Cultivation Realm. They have experienced two or three shipwrecks, but it is the first time they have seen a shipwreck of this magnitude.

This is just the first wave of beasts, the real force is yet to come!

When everyone was silent, Zhenren Ouyang spoke again, looking at the two old men surnamed Li and Shen Huanchi and said:

"Although the scale of this shipwreck is once in a thousand years, Shanpi Island still has to be defended, and it is necessary to persist as much time as possible to win the time for the rear monks to transfer and strengthen the fortifications."

Hearing this, the old man surnamed Li and Granny Jinhua couldn't help but glance at each other, and after they pondered for a while, they nodded slowly.

Both of them are rooted in Yazhou Island and Hushangfang behind them. Once Shanpi Island falls, then they will be their lair.

On the other side, Shen Huanchi did not express any opinions. After all, he was just an invited thug, unable to decide on matters within the casual repair alliance.

Of course, in all fairness, he naturally hopes that the Sanxiu Alliance can successfully intercept this beast tide at sea.

Because once the loose repair alliance falls, the sea beasts are bound to invade Lingnan in an all-round way, and Linhai County is close to the boundless sea, and will naturally become the only target for sea beasts to attack.

After more than an hour, the four Jindan real people reached a consensus, and they summoned their own stewards to pass the news of the imminent shipwreck to everyone on the island.

In just half a day, all the Qi training on Shanpi Island. The foundation-building monks and the innate mortals have all received the news that the beast tide is coming.

All innate mortals and Qi training monks need to guard the walls day and night, and those registered foundation building monks are also required to not leave the area they need to guard for a while.

On this side, Shen Ruiling also received the news that the beast tide was coming. Originally, as the only three Tier 3 alchemists on the island, he didn't need to climb the city wall to fight the incoming monster beasts like ordinary foundation building monks.

But this is obviously not in line with Shen Ruiling's character!

The shipwreck only occurred once in hundreds of years. In his lifetime, he naturally hoped to be able to board the ancient city wall full of traces of years, and start a hearty battle with the incoming monsters.

Shen Ruiling boarded the majestic giant city wall again. Since he was not designated to guard a specific area, he seemed to be much more free.

"Brother Shen, how did you climb the city wall?"

After seeing Shen Ruiling, Ouyang Chengzheng, who dispatched the monks on the city wall, immediately walked over and asked.

"Haha... such a big scene once in hundreds of years, I naturally don't want to miss it!"

Shen Ruiling couldn't help but laughed, and there was a sense of heroism in his words!

Hearing this, Ouyang Chengzheng could only smile wryly, and then he said:

"Brother Shen's broad mind, I admire it!"



After a brief chat, Ouyang Chengzheng went busy again, while Shen Ruiling continued to stay on the wall.

Even if several monks were scattered on the city wall nearly a thousand miles away, the two neighbors were separated by several miles.

At this time, there were no monks around Shen Ruiling, only some innate mortals, and these people naturally did not dare to disturb him.

Looking at the turbulent and magnificent sea in front of him, Shen Ruiling's heroic feelings could no longer be restrained, and she couldn't help but muttered:

"To the east is the Jieshi, to view the sea.

The water He Dandan, and the mountain islands stand upright.

The trees are overgrown and the grass is lush.

The autumn wind was bleak and Hong Bo surged.

The journey of the sun and the moon, if out of it.

The stars are brilliant, if they are out of it.


"Good scene, good poem, good spirit!"

At this moment, a hearty laughter came from nowhere, and an afterimage appeared next to Shen Ruiling.

"I have met fellow Daoists in Yu Zhenmin!"

Shen Ruiling smiled slightly, and slowly turned to look at the figure.

I saw that beside him was a young man. The man wore a plain gown and held an ink-colored long sword. There was a hint of sharpness between his brows.

"Under Shen Ruiling!"

"Just now I heard the bold words of fellow Daoists in Xia, and now I can smell this bold and passionate four-character music poem. You admire the boldness and mind of fellow Daoists!"

Yu Zhenmin turned to Shen Ruiling, convincingly and convincingly.

"Friends of Taoism are polite!"

Shen Ruiling smiled faintly, and cast his eyes on the vast sea again.

The man next to him was only at the initial stage of foundation building, but he dared to stay here and wait for the arrival of the beast tide, and he dared to talk to himself, the "predecessor" who was at the peak of foundation building, was really interesting.

"It's only been a few days since I watched you build a foundation, dare you come here?"

Shen Ruiling looked at him with a non-smiling smile, and said playfully.

"As the Taoist fellow said before, this beast tide has only happened once in hundreds of years. Isn't it a pity to miss this time!"

"Furthermore, a big man is walking around the What a fear!"

After hearing this, Shen Ruiling laughed again.

This is the first time he has seen such a young man who is not afraid of tigers, but his new temperament and ambition are very similar to his young self, so Shen Ruiling is also willing to chat with this person.

During the ensuing chat, Shen Ruiling learned that this young man who smelled like him was of mortal origin and accidentally embarked on a fairy road.

A few years ago, after untold hardships, I was finally lucky enough to build a foundation, and since then I have been living in the offshore waters.

Not long ago, I heard that a shipwreck that happened in hundreds of years was about to come, so I came to Shanpi Island without hesitation, ready to see the big scene, and prepare to make a fortune.

Regarding his thoughts, Shen Ruiling could only smile without talking. With his cultivation base, he still wanted to make a fortune from the shipwreck.

At the time of parting, Shen Ruiling took out the previously refined bottle of [Returning Pill] and another bottle of [Chun Lu Pill] from the storage bag, and gave them to the young man.

. . . . . .

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