The Rise of the Shen Family

Vol 2 Chapter 647: Battle of Shanpi Island (4)

At night, a bright moon hangs in the ink-like sky, and bright stars are scattered around it.

The faint moonlight scattered on the rough sea, making the dark sea look shimmering.

At this time, Shen Ruiling was standing on the city wall, and the oncoming roaring sea breeze kept blowing his sleeves, but he seemed completely unaware of it.

Looking at the endless darkness of insomnia, Shen Ruiling's deep eyes revealed a touch of contemplation.

The sea breeze tonight seems to be particularly strong, and the waves on the sea are also particularly turbulent, and there is a faint pungent smell in the roaring sea breeze.

"Is it coming tonight?"

There was already a trace of speculation in Shen Ruiling's mind, and his gaze toward the sea became sharp.

"Fellow Daoist, what are you looking at?"

At this time, a hearty voice came from behind him again, and a figure appeared next to him.

Shen Ruiling seemed to have known it a long time ago, without turning his head back, still looking at the rough sea in front of him, Ren Weizheng Min standing beside him.

After two days, this has become the norm, and Shen Ruiling is also willing to talk to this fearless young man.

There is no particular reason, just that this person is interesting.

. . . . . .

At the same time, on the top of the highest mountain on the island, a man in a dark green robe stood facing the wind.

The howling sea breeze was blowing towards him, and a foot in front of him, suddenly disappeared without a trace, as if there was an invisible barrier.

The man looked deeply at the sea in the distance, his sword-like sharp gaze seemed to be able to penetrate the night covered by sea mist and see the sight hundreds of miles away.

Beside him is an old man with white beard and hair, and the old man also stared at the dark sea in the distance.

I don't know how long it took, the man's eyes suddenly sharpened, and he said solemnly:


. . . . . .


The sound of a long and powerful horn suddenly sounded, breaking the tranquility of the night, and the long echo sounded thousands of miles away.

At this time, everyone standing on the wall understood that the beast tide was coming!

For a while, everyone was busy. Whether it was a monk or a mortal, they polished their weapons and pushed the giant crossbow and catapult to the forefront, preparing to give the attacking monster a head-on blow.

The fires on the city wall lit up one after another, making the entire city wall seem like a fire dragon in the night, illuminating the entire beach.

On the west side of the city wall, only Shen Ruiling was left. Yu Zhenmin had returned to his post and commanded his team of monks to go.

At this time, the waves on the sea were getting bigger and bigger, and in the oncoming strong sea breeze, in addition to the smell of monsters, there was also the roar of a lot of monsters.


Suddenly, a loud and muffled sound of thunder rolled from the dark sea, just like the sound of a rumbling drum.

"I'm coming!"

As the monk's exclamation sounded, a huge black wall was quickly moving towards the island.

I saw that this huge black wall was all made up of sea water, and in this huge water wall that was hundreds of feet high, there were countless monsters hidden.

When everyone on the city wall saw this giant water wall approaching them quickly, the roar of the monster beast became clearer. Many people showed horror on their faces, and there were many people who just turned around and ran away.

"Everyone is ready to meet the enemy immediately, if there is anyone who retreats, kill without mercy!"

Shen Ruiling held the spirit sword, and said in a cold tone towards the mortals and Qi training cultivators not far away from him who were ready to escape.

After being enveloped by Shen Ruiling's killing intent, those who flinched stopped. Although extremely reluctant, they had to return to their posts.

In a blink of an eye, the huge waves tens of feet high that the sea water gathered had already landed on the coast and continued to slap towards the giant city wall.


This huge wave impacted on the city wall. The copper wall and iron wall made the huge wave disperse in an instant, turning into white waves and rushing on the city wall.

Leaning on these waves, the ferocious monster beasts were thrown onto the city wall, and began to frantically attack the monks and mortals guarding the city wall.

This sudden change made the giant crossbow and the giant trebuchet ineffective, and the monks had to engage in close combat with the monster beasts that had boarded the city wall.

Obviously no one had expected that the huge wave had such a powerful force that it almost swamped the city wall that was hundreds of feet high.


A series of brilliant spells bloomed on the city wall, and the monks and the monsters who boarded the city wall fought fiercely.

I saw that the spirit sword in Shen Ruiling's hand was constantly waving, and countless sharp sword lights shot out from the spirit sword, and with a force of destruction, they strangled all the monsters within a few miles around him. Including three third-tier low-grade monster beasts.

After solving the monster beasts around him, he began to scavenge to the east. Wherever he passed, none of the monsters below the middle rank of Tier 3 were spared. They were all strangled into piles of corpses by the fierce sword energy. .

On the city wall at this time, the cultivator Zhuji was doing his best to kill the Tier 3 monsters, and the remaining Tier 2 monsters were left for the Qi training cultivators to solve.

As for the mortals of the innate stage, facing these monster beasts without any backhand, they have already begun to fall in large numbers.

Fortunately, the monster beasts that climbed the city wall with the help of a huge wave slapped them on the wall, and the monks on the wall quickly slayed them clean.

And with the arrival of the leading troops of the beast tide, a large number of monster beasts began to rush to the coast, like a tide, crawling up from the dark sea.

Looking around, there are more than a hundred huge Tier 3 monsters hidden in the countless Tier 2 monsters. They seem to be driven by a mysterious force, rushing madly towards the giant city wall not far away.


Under the monk's command, a giant trebuchet lit up its giant wooden arms and threw thousands of kilograms of boulders into the air.

Accompanied by flaming sparks, these boulders smashed into the herd like shining meteors.


Accompanied by a loud noise, the huge fireball fell extremely fast at a high altitude, hitting the hard shell of a second-order crab monster, and instantly smashed it to pieces. The impact of the explosion was even more powerful. Injured more than a dozen Tier 2 monsters nearby.

"Swish swish..."

Dozens of bright white lights flew out from the city wall, and flew towards those Tier 3 monsters in the herd with a force of destruction.

When these crossbow arrows, comparable to the full blow of the monks in the late stage of foundation building, fell on those third-tier middle- and high-grade monsters, even those crustacean monsters known for their defenses could hardly escape serious injuries or even fall on the spot.


These powerful crossbow arrows will produce huge explosive attacks when they hit Tier 3 monsters. And this huge explosion is enough to kill most of the monster beasts within a radius.

Along with the huge flames bursting into the sky, a large number of monsters died, and the air began to be filled with a scorched breath and a strong **** breath.

But the number of monster beasts is too much, even if the power of these crossbow arrows is enough to bring a painful blow to the monster beast, it will not be able to stop the monster beast from rushing towards the city wall frantically and starting to destroy the city wall.

. . . . . . .

On the top of the mountain, Shen Huanchi, wearing a dark green robe, and the three Jindan real men of the Sanxiu Alliance silently watched the development of the battle.

Today's beast tide is only the advance force, the real big force has not yet arrived, and it is not their turn to take action.

However, they must always pay attention to the battle situation and the situation at sea, because it is not ruled out that Tier 4 monsters will arrive first.

. . . . . .

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