The Rise of the Shen Family

Vol 2 Chapter 648: Battle of Shanpi Island (5)

The huge city wall that stretches for nearly a thousand miles is like an insurmountable sky moat, blocking all the monster beasts pouring out of the boundless Black Sea.

Above the city wall, trebuchets continuously extended their huge wooden arms, throwing burning boulders into the air.

These burning boulders are like bright meteors, cutting through the sky and slamming heavily on the beach outside the city wall.

In addition to helping the mortals to operate the giant catapult, those qi training cultivators continued to release various spell attacks under the city wall, throwing a piece of talisman down like moneyless.

At this time, under the city wall, countless monsters swarmed over and began to hit the towering city wall continuously, trying to destroy it.

However, this ancient city wall has stood here for countless years, and it was built by the Lingnan monks of the past generations who spent countless manpower and material resources.

The surface of the city wall is engraved with countless reinforced symbols, which make it integrated with the protective array, and it is also inlaid with pieces of third-order deep-sea meteorite iron plates, which have long been made into an airtight copper wall and iron wall.

Even if these second-tier high-grade monster beasts sacrifice their lives to strike, they cannot shake their roots. Only those third-tier monsters can begin to threaten the city wall if they sacrifice their lives.

More and more monsters gathered under the city wall. Those monsters gathered under the city wall were trampled on their feet by later monsters. The latter relied on the former and the high platform built by the corpses of the dead monsters. Started to climb up to the city wall continuously.

Standing on the city wall, Shen Ruiling looked at the monster beasts that were climbing up below, a green-red color faintly appeared in his fierce gaze.

In the next moment, two flaming red roared from Shen Ruiling's palms, facing the storm, and instantly transformed into two blazing dragons with a body length of more than tens of feet in the lingering sea breeze.

These two giant dragons are all condensed by scarlet flames, and their surface is glowing with a faint blue-red color, exuding extremely terrifying hot temperature.

I saw that these two unruly flame dragons quickly swept towards the climbing monsters under the city wall.

Those monsters swallowed by flames turned to ashes, even Tier 3 monsters could not stop the flames from devouring their bodies.

These Tier 3 monsters sprayed out magical spells of water attributes, trying to fight against the giant dragons there, but they couldn't extinguish those flames.

After decades of careful practice by Shen Ruiling, the quality of [Red Lotus Karma Fire] has already reached the level of the third-tier pinnacle. Coupled with the part of the Heaven and Earth Spirit Fire he refines, the flame in his body has already exceeded three. Order category.

Wherever the blazing dragon passed, countless Tier 2 monsters turned into ashes, and a small number of Tier 3 monsters that survived were also burned by the flames and fell directly down the city wall.

These Tier 3 monsters that fell off the city wall were quickly swallowed by the tide of beasts coming from behind, and it was basically difficult to survive.

With these two raging flame dragons, Shen Ruiling quickly became the focus of this small battlefield, not only receiving the admiration of the surrounding low-level monks, but also attracting the attention of the third-tier high-rank monsters in the beast tide. .

"Shoo, hoo..."

Several ice cones exuding cold air flew towards Shen Ruiling, causing the temperature around him to drop a lot.

I saw that Shen Ruiling's figure moved quickly, leaving a few vague afterimages in the shining night sky, perfectly avoiding those fierce attacks.

However, at this time, a huge black shadow jumped directly onto the wall of a hundred meters high, and the white ice mist began to spread quickly on the wall.

Shen Ruiling looked intently, and what appeared in front of him was a giant toad with a blue crystal color and a layer of snow-white skin.

"Ice attribute monster!"

Looking at the toad in front of him, Shen Ruiling couldn't help but murmur, as if there was a hint of surprise.

After all, most of the monster beasts in the sea are of water attributes, and the mutated ice attribute monster beasts should be considered extremely rare.

Although these ice-attribute monsters are relatively rare, their strength is often extremely powerful.

It's like the [Ice Crystal Frog] in front of him. Its cultivation base has reached the level of Tier 3 pinnacle. Coupled with the power blessing with the ice attribute, I am afraid that it is already the top one among Tier 3 monster beasts. The hunter has been criticized.

This ice giant frog stared at Shen Ruiling closely. The cold air from its body caused a layer of snow-white frost to form on the city wall, and the frost spread along the city wall towards Shen Ruiling.

On the other side, Shen Ruiling's whole body was shrouded in blue-red flames, and the spirit sword in his hand had also become a fiery sword of flames.

The flames outside his body completely blocked the cold air, and the scorching heat quickly melted the frost on the city wall.

In the next moment, Shen Ruiling's figure moved quickly, and the sword of flame in his hand swung a scorching red sword aura towards the giant ice frog.

However, that giant frog is obviously not easy to deal with. After detecting Shen Ruiling's attack, it immediately jumped up and disappeared from its original place in an instant.

The frog-like monster originally possesses extremely powerful reaction ability and jumping ability. Even though this ice crystal frog has a huge body, it can still reach a height of tens of feet in a single leap.


The scarlet sword energy fell on the city wall, shining a dazzling fire light.

At this moment, a huge ice and snow ball fell from the sky and quickly fell towards Shen Ruiling.

Looking at the hockey puck falling from the sky, Shen Ruiling's sword eyes narrowed slightly, and a sharp killing intent flashed through his deep eyes.

Afterimages escape!

His figure flashed to one side in an instant, and the spirit sword in his hand exuded a dazzling crimson light, as if it was a piece of red iron, revealing a terrifying edge.

With the swing of the sword of flame in his hand, a red sword light measuring several feet long appeared, and it directly smashed into the huge ice ball that hit it.


The flames and ice collided violently in an instant, and the two extreme forces exploded into extremely terrifying shock waves.

Qi training cultivators and mortals within a few miles were overturned to the ground by this air wave, and those Tier 2 monsters that were climbing the city wall were directly shaken and fell.

The ice was vaporized by the raging flames, and the misty water vapor formed dispersed, making the center of the battlefield chaotic.

However, this did not prevent Shen Ruiling from locking onto the ice giant frog, and his figure quickly approached it again.

However, everything is relative. While Shen Ruiling locked onto the ice giant frog by virtue of his powerful spiritual sense, the latter also realized him by the special sense of the monster beast.

Before Shen Ruiling approached his opponent, a white light struck him. Wherever this white light passed, sharp ice thorns sprang up on the in the face of this sudden attack, [Red Lotus Industry Fire] in Shen Ruiling's body instantly struck this white light, blocking it several feet away.

In a short period of time, Shen Ruiling fought against this ice crystal frog at the third-tier pinnacle for several rounds, and the two sides are now evenly matched.

"The speed of this giant frog is too fast, you have to find a way to confine it!"

Shen Ruiling's figure is still moving quickly on the battlefield, but his heart has already begun to calculate silently.

Compared with monsters, monks' methods are not limited to magical spells. All kinds of spirit tools and talisman can be used flexibly.

On the other hand, as there are more and more monsters under the city wall, the high platform that is piled up with countless monster corpses is also getting higher and higher. Many Tier 3 monsters and Tier 2 monsters have used this high platform. Climbed to the top of the city wall.

The guard cultivator on the city wall began a **** battle with the monster beasts ascending to the top of the city, and the entire battlefield began to fall into a white-hot stage!

. . . . . .

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