The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 473: 472 [Self-cultivation and governance of the country and psychology]

  Sigmund Freud's theory is subverting tradition, crushing the ethics and morality of human society for thousands of years.

   "Analysis of Dreams" has only sold 600 copies in eight years since it was published. It is conceivable how difficult it is to promote. After the publication of "Three Treatises on Sexuality", European society regarded Freud as a **** full of obscene thoughts, and medical institutions even united to boycott him, making Freud the most unpopular person in academia.

   Until Freud was almost 60 years old, he finally received an invitation from Clark University in the United States to hold a series of lectures in the United States, and his own theory was recognized by the mainstream American society.

   Freud was very excited at the time. After decades of hard work, he finally made it out.

   But that's all, the recognition of the United States does not mean the recognition of Europe. Because the United States is a wild place for science and art, third-rate European scholars were treated as guests in the past, and Freud was still a crooked place in Europe.

   Until the end of the First World War, the psychological trauma brought by the war promoted the prosperity and progress of European psychological research, and Freud finally became a daughter-in-law and a mother-in-law.

  Why was Freud's academic career so bumpy?

   Very simple, few people can face up to their own desires, let alone admit their "dirty" side.

   Zhou Hexuan is the same, he doesn't want to be psychoanalyzed, it's as if his nakedness is displayed in front of others, and all his privacy is exposed. He smiled and said, "When I have a mental illness, I'll ask you to do a psychoanalysis."

Freud said: "Zhou, you are very wrong. Psychoanalysis does not have to be mentally ill, it can still be done when healthy, it can adjust people's thinking and emotional state. It is like visiting the dentist regularly. , This is the maintenance of health. I insist on doing psychoanalysis to myself every day, so my spirit has always been healthy. Even though I have been suffering from oral cancer for nearly ten years and have undergone many painful surgeries, I am able to Treat cancer with equanimity."

   "Sorry, I still don't want my spirit to be studied." Zhou Hexuan politely refused.

   Einstein chimed in: "I firmly support Zhou, people can self-regulate, and they don't necessarily need the help of a psychologist."

   Floyd shrugged: "Okay, I'll give up."

   Zhou Hexuan smiled and said, "Let's talk about other things, such as history, or religion."

   Hearing this, Freud said happily: "Have you read my research works in recent years?"

   Zhou Hexuan said: "I understand a little bit."

   Freud is almost 80 years old, but his psychological research has never stopped. The research objects of these years have shifted from individuals to religion, society, culture and history. For example, "A Fantastic Future" explores religion from a psychological point of view, and believes that religion is an illusion and a stage of obsessive-compulsive neurosis that human beings must get rid of. Another example is "Civilization and Its Dissatisfaction", which mainly expounds the connection and opposition between civilization and instinct.

Freud said: "Zhou, I have read you and Toynbee's "History Research" series of papers, you are analyzing and expounding human civilization from a philosophical point of view. And I try to study it from a psychological point of view, civilization is to serve The process of eros, the goal of eros is to combine human individuals, families, races, nations and countries into a large unity, a human unity, which is the true face of human civilization. It originates from the instinct of survival, It is the instinct of human life that drives the formation of civilization and society.”

  Romain Rolland said: "I agree with this view very much. Human desires drive the development of society and civilization, but sometimes desires also bring destruction and regression."

   "Like war," Einstein said.

Freud said: "War also stems from instinct. Human beings have two instincts, one is the survival instinct and the other is the death instinct. The death instinct endows human beings with aggressiveness and destruction. The progress of civilization is a kind of struggle, a kind of love. The struggle between **** and death is also the struggle between survival instinct and death instinct."

Zhou Hexuan frowned and said, "But I think the previous colonial war, the European war 20 years ago, and now Japan's invasion of China were all plundering by one group against another. This kind of plundering is a struggle for profit space and a survival instinct. Driving, has little to do with the death instinct."

"No, no," Freud shook his head again and again, "the death instinct has two manifestations, internal and external. Internally, it manifests itself as passive, self-exile, self-discipline, self-abuse, and even suicidal behavior, and externally, it manifests as sabotage and attack. War can be regarded as the ultimate manifestation of the outward development of the death instinct, and although it also contains elements of the survival instinct, no matter how many rationalistic motives there are, the desire to destroy occupies the greatest weight.”

   Zhou Hexuan asked: "What if a patriot, in order to defend the country, protect the culture, protect the family and relatives, spontaneously set foot on the battlefield? Is his behavior also driven by the death instinct?"

"The situation you're talking about is very complicated," Freud said. "Before a patriot sets foot on the battlefield, his motivation comes from the instinct of love, that is, the instinct of survival, which is an act of suppressing war. But when After he sets foot on the battlefield, all love instincts will be ignored and become dominated by the death instinct. When you look at this issue, you should not have a moral concept of good and evil, but should look at it from a purely academic point of view. Instinct is Instinct is the most primitive desire of human beings, and it should not be divided into good and evil. However, the influence of the love instinct is mainly positive, while the influence of the death instinct is mainly negative."

  Romain Rolland asked: "If we analyze it from a psychological point of view, how can we stop and avoid war?"

"Rationality and morality," Freud said, "people and animals have instincts, and in addition to instincts, people also have ego and superego consciousness. Self-consciousness is formed, it brings reason, Let people know how to seek auspiciousness and avoid danger. And superego consciousness is to let people have ethics and morality, such as what Zhou said about the patriots, this is a kind of superego leading action. To avoid and end war, you need to use reason to understand The horror of war requires morality to suppress the desire for destruction brought about by the death instinct. The most desirable way is to use reason and morality to formulate a set of rules for all countries and human beings to abide by. start a war."

   Zhou Hexuan felt so reasonable, but he was speechless.

Freud added: "In fact, it is not only war, but also human civilization. Society is full of human irrationality. Everyone is born in an irrational society, and is gradually restrained and transformed by ethics, morality, Fettered by customs. People influence society, and society influences people, which forms a vicious circle. Only a few strong-willed people can break free and have a benign impact on society. Human beings are born with aggressive instincts, causing individuals to oppose the whole, or The hostility of the whole against the individual. Each person, more or less, will have the idea of ​​destroying the world, and after being restrained by morality and ethics, this idea of ​​destroying the world will turn into negative self-destruction. This offensive instinct is death The derivative and main representative of the instinct, it coexists with the instinct of love, and together they enjoy the right to rule the world. The social civilization that develops forward is the positive influence brought by the instinct of love and good morality; The regressive and declining social civilization is the negative impact brought by the death instinct and bad morals and ethics. Whether it is people, or civilization, society and country, it is necessary to maintain a delicate balance between the instinct of love and the instinct of death ."

   "I understand, the way to cultivate one's self and govern the country is to learn to use this balance." Zhou Hexuan was relieved and felt that he had benefited a lot.

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