The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 474: 473 [Desire Reason and Morality]

   As the saying goes, all laws belong to the ancestry.

  Sometimes, different disciplines, different theories, different factions, different religions, regardless of their differences, the final conclusions are often the same.

  What Freud said is actually a bit like the Confucian thought of benevolent governance. However, his expression is more objective and general, only mentioning the theory, but not giving the actual operation method.

   Zhou Hexuan admired this, but soon fell out of admiration, because Freud's thinking tended to be pessimistic.

"It is very difficult to achieve an ideal balance," Freud continued. "Although human beings have ego and superego consciousness, reason and morality are derived. But human beings are often dominated by instinct. The influence of my consciousness far exceeds the ego and superego. So war is inevitable, so society is always in an irrational state, which cannot be controlled and avoided.”

   One of Freud's great achievements in psychology was the discovery that personality consists of id, ego and superego.

   To put it more bluntly and popularly, "I" is a natural character, a desire, an instinct, such as eating when you are hungry, and drinking water when you are thirsty. "Self" is rational consciousness, such as things in the store should be bought with money, not directly robbed. The "superego" is more perfect. It is the moral and ethical self, such as respecting the old and caring for the young, saving the dying, and serving the country with loyalty.

   To put it simply, the "id" is "I want to do this", the "ego" is "I can do this", and the "superego" is "I should do this".

  The most criticized point of Freud is the extreme magnification of the "id", believing that the individual, society and the country are all at work by the "id", and that instinctive desires promote the development of individuals and society. So he made so many arguments, and finally came to the conclusion that reason and morality are often difficult to work. Under the **** of instinctive desires, individuals and groups will always choose irrational behaviors, so things like war cannot be avoided. Individual and societal mistakes are also unavoidable.

Romain Rolland was the first to disagree. He argued: "The reason why people are human is because they have lofty morals and the pursuit of a bright future. In ancient civilizations, human beings were drinking blood, and then there were slaves and feudalism. And It is the pursuit of beauty and kindness that gradually leads to freedom and democracy. Instinct desire is always bowed in front of lofty morality, rather than being enslaved by desire. I believe that one day, all human beings in the world will be free Live in freedom, eradicate poverty and disease, and have no fear of war.”

   Freud laughed: "If you have been engaged in psychological research for a long time, you will find that instinctual desires are like the ocean, while reason and morality are just small lakes and rivers. Lakes and rivers can never compete with the ocean."

  Einstein asked Zhou Hexuan: "Zhou, what do you think?"

Zhou Hexuan smiled and said: "I neither agree with Mr. Romain Rolland's theory of moral victory, nor with Mr. Freud's theory of instinct domination. I think the most precious thing in people is reason, morality cannot last, instinct can be suppressed, only reason can It is the core weight that drives human and social progress."

  Einstein laughed: "Like me, I am a rationalist."

   Freud retorted: "When people are critical, they will always lose their senses and morals, and rely on instinctive desires to act."

   This topic cannot be discussed any more. Freud valued the "id", Romain Rolland supported the "superego", while Zhou Hexuan and Einstein advocated the "ego".

   This is the case because their starting points are different. Freud has dealt with mentally ill people all the year round, and he knows the terrifying power of instinctual desires; while Romain Rolland belongs to the Virgin (complimentary), he has abandoned personal and national interests, and pursues the happiness of all mankind.

   As for Einstein and Zhou Hexuan, although they also love peace and oppose war, they always maintain their own reason and can never be as crazy as Romain Rolland. They have their own guidelines and bottom line for life, and all behaviors are carried out according to the bottom line of this rule, and they belong to a very typical rational school.

Romain Rolland is still insisting on his own opinion. He said: "The brilliance of human nature is great. Take this International Non-War Conference for example. Why is this conference held? It is because human beings pursue justice and light, and their desires must be restrained, so we can Unite together."

Freud poured cold water and said: "You belong to the few who can transcend, and people like you are very rare. You can't prevent war from coming, just as morality can't overcome instinct. This non-war meeting of yours, I am not Look good, there's nothing to talk about."

"There is no result from the discussion, and it is not because the instinctual desire is too strong," Zhou Hexuan said. "Every country in the world has its own interests. For example, Japan's invasion of China violated the interests of European and American powers. But why is appeasement popular in the world now? It was because of the poor national conditions of the great powers, and no one was willing to fight under the Great Depression. There is also a lesson from the European War (World War I), the war will bring terrible consequences, so under the rational judgment, the great powers chose appeasement."

  Romain Rolland asked: "Zhou, aren't you optimistic about this meeting?"

"Yes," Zhou Hexuan nodded and said, "I can only appeal for peace as much as possible, but this appeal must be made clear to the foreign powers in advance, explain the harm caused by the spread of fascism, and let the foreign powers weigh the pros and cons, so that they can make a sound judgment.”

Einstein echoed: "Zhou is right. Only when countries can see the horror of the spread of war will they stand up to stop it. It is useless to talk about peace and beauty. Morality is just a set of established rules, and Rules are often made to break."

  Romain Rolland insisted: "No matter what, we must strive for peace and freedom. I believe that the future of mankind is beautiful, but it has not yet reached that historical stage."

   A Virgin and Saint Seiya like Romain Rolland, no matter how naive he is and how impractical his approach is, Zhou Hexuan must be admired.

  Human civilization needs such people. The beautiful qualities they represent are the ultimate pursuit of the general public and represent the bright future of mankind. Like beacons in the dark night, the light they emit guides mankind to the right path.

   Zhou Hexuan chatted with the three masters all day, and the next day Freud went to The Hague to attend a medical conference. Einstein and Romain Rolland, on the other hand, stayed in Amsterdam for a non-war conference.

   Anti-war activists from all over the world gathered in Amsterdam one after another.

   Zhou Hexuan soon met another woman worthy of respect - Mrs. Sun, the mother of the country.

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