The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 531: 530 [War of Resistance Behind the Enemy]

(Well, another three chapters have been deleted. Let's take a look. Some things are really too sensitive. I wanted to continue to write about the situation of the Northeast Army, but it seems that I can't mention it again in the future. This chapter is regarded as the anti-Japanese after the enemy in the Northeast. Let's end it, there is a beginning and an end.

  By the way, Pharaoh has been in the hospital for three days, reminding all friends to keep warm, because it is easy to catch a cold in the alternate seasons of summer and autumn.

  I am in a bad mood and body today, there is no second update, everyone will wait tomorrow. )

   At the turn of the winter and spring of 1932 and 1933, for the people of the three occupied Northeastern provinces, the days were extremely long.

   Since the "September 18", countless civil anti-Japanese organizations have emerged in the Northeast, with various names, such as the National Salvation Army, the Self-Defense Army, the Volunteer Army, the Red Spear Society, the Big Sword Society and so on. After layers of encirclement and suppression by the Kwantung Army, the large volunteers led by Ma Zhanshan, Li Du, Wang Delin, Tang Juwu and others were almost all dispersed, but there were more and more small groups of civil anti-Japanese groups.

  In Liaoning Province alone, there are about 100,000 volunteers. Among them, Deng Tiemei's troops were the largest, with a number of more than 10,000, and the rest of the groups were mostly between 500 and 3,000.

  These small groups of anti-Japanese troops moved to attack the Kwantung Army and the puppet army alone. Although a battle may only be able to wipe out a few or a dozen of the enemy, but the Kwantung Army is in a rut, as if there are mosquitoes flying around.

   When the Kwantung Army attacked Jehol, in order to stabilize the rear, the commander of the Kwantung Army, Nobuyoshi Muto, personally deployed the first "big crusade" to encircle and suppress the Liaoning Triangle. At the same time, he ordered the puppet army to carry out "propaganda and appeasement" work on the crusade areas.

   The so-called "propaganda and Fu" actually means the collection of civilian weapons, the distribution of "goodwill" leaflets to the people in the Northeast, and the suppression and arrest of potential "bad elements".

  Although the puppet army was unable to fight, the work of "proclaiming and appeasing" was extraordinarily diligent. Hundreds of people often enter the village to loot, and when they encounter a little resistance from the villagers, they are killed in the name of "bad elements", and wherever they go, it is like a locust crossing the border.

   Therefore, at the turn of winter and spring, the people of the occupied areas in the Northeast had a very bad life. Their biggest enemy is not the Kwantung Army, but the puppet army who helped Zhou to abuse them. Many honest farmers joined the Volunteer Army after losing their relatives.

  When Chengde, the capital of Jehol Province, was occupied by the Japanese army, and Zhang Xueliang announced his retirement, Hou Zhongguo (Hou Qi) was stepping on the snow and ice that had not yet melted, and led a team to kill the Miyun area overnight.

  Hou Zhongguo's anti-Japanese guerrilla campaign last year was very impressive. He had hundreds of teachers and students who were proficient in the manufacturing technology of "seven people's backs". As a result, his attacking firepower was very ferocious, and he often defeated the Kwantung Army and the puppet army by ambushes.

When    was at its most brilliant, Hou Zhongguo's forces expanded to more than 20,000, and as a result, he became the key target of the Kwantung Army.

   Just as Zhou Hexuan was worried, Hou Zhongguo's team had a traitor mixed in. A policeman who called himself Deng Tuohai brought more than 3,000 people to join him. Because of his heroic performance, he was trusted by Hou Zhongguo and quickly took the second position in the group.

   Then there was an infighting. Deng Tuohai revealed Hou Zhongguo's hiding place to the Kwantung Army, and blocked Hou Zhongguo's retreat route during the battle.

  Hou Zhongguo broke through the siege with blood under the protection of his cronies, and only brought more than 1,000 people to the rescue. The anti-Japanese group that originally had a size of more than 20,000 fell apart and split into three small groups that moved in multiple directions.

   In addition to Hou Zhongguo's more than 1,000 troops, Zhang Chunhe, a teacher from Fengyong University, took 2,000 people to the South Manchurian Line to continue the fight against Japan, echoing Deng Tiemei's troops who were entrenched there. Another policeman named Chen Yu took more than 1,000 people into the old forest in the central Liaoning area.

   "Seventh brother, let's make a fire, brothers can't bear it anymore," Zhou Yuliang said, "This forest is inaccessible, and Japanese devils are not easy to find."

Hou Zhongguo glanced at the brothers beside him, all of them shivering with cold, he gritted his teeth and said, "Hold each other together to keep warm, hold on, and those who are frostbitten will find a nearby fellow for boarding. Resolutely can't make a fire, the devil's recent 'crusade' is very fierce. "

   "Alas!" Zhou Yuliang sighed silently, hoping that no one would freeze to death tonight. He used to be the section chief of the Panshan County Statistics Bureau. He went to university and joined Hou Zhongguo's team last summer. Now he is equivalent to the logistics director of this group.

   Hou Zhongguo asked, "How long can you eat?"

   Zhou Yuliang said: "Save some food, it will last for two days."

   Hou Zhongguo murmured in a low voice: "We have to do a ticket deal." He suddenly ordered, "Get up and hurry, keep heading northwest, it should be much easier to approach Miyun!"

   Zhou Yuliang hesitated, he thought it would be better to stay in Liaoning to fight guerrillas, but Hou Zhongguo chose to support the Great Wall War of Resistance.

   But as Hou Zhongguo said, it would be much easier to go to Miyun, because the Kwantung Army's "crusade" this time focused on the Anfeng and Nanman fronts.

   The Northeast People's Self-Defense Army founded by Deng Tiemei has as many as 10,000 people, active between the two railways of Anfeng and Nanman, like a sharp knife piercing the enemy's heart. This anti-Japanese force not only threatened Shenyang, but also often destroyed railway traffic, causing great logistical troubles to the Kwantung Army attacking Rehe.

   Today, thousands of Kwantung Army, with tens of thousands of Japanese puppet troops, are frantically besieging and suppressing Deng Tiemei. But Deng Tiemei was as cunning as an old fox, and the large Japanese troops could not catch them at all. Instead, he sporadically annihilated a large number of puppet troops.

   Even the authentic Kwantung Army suffered heavy losses in the face of Deng Tiemei, and at least nearly 500 elite Japanese soldiers died.

   It was precisely because Deng Tiemei held back the main force of the Kwantung Army's "crusade" that Hou Zhongguo had the opportunity to bring his troops to the northwest to kill the Miyun area. The Great Wall Anti-Japanese War was raging over there. Of course, Hou Zhongguo did not dare to confront the Japanese army head-on. He only wanted to harass the Japanese army logistics there and contribute to the brothers in the Great Wall Anti-Japanese War.

  When he broke through the bloodbath, there were only more than 1,000 people around Hou Zhongguo. But after several months of development, the strength has skyrocketed to about 5,000 people again, and each of them are "veterans" with rich combat experience. He believes that it can cause great trouble to the Japanese army.

  Unfortunately, there are only 18 teachers and students of Feng Yong University who went out with Hou Zhongguo to fight against Japan. As for the others, they have either been sacrificed or separated from him, and I don't know how many are left.

   After another two days of marching, Hou Zhongguo finally approached Miyun. Fortunately, the climate is warming in spring, and the frostbite is not serious. The only bad thing is that the food is almost exhausted.


   Hou Zhongguo's adjutant brought people over and said happily: "We got news from our fellow villagers that tomorrow the puppet army will come to the village ahead to collect grain."

   Hou Zhongguo's spirit was shocked, he immediately got up and said, "Come on, follow me to see the terrain!"

The    puppet army has always been Hou Zhongguo's favorite target. These guys have poor fighting power, but they treat the common people extremely brutally. Especially in the past two months, there have been endless puppet troops robbing farmers under the banner of "Xuanfu".


   At nine o'clock in the morning, the warm sun shines on the ice and snow.

  Zhao Si was sitting on a bumpy mule cart with a thick "China-Japan Friendship Flyer" under his butt. His task was to go to the surrounding villages to promote "peace", arrest potential "bad elements" by the way, and finally collect food and transport it to the Japanese logistics station in the county seat.

   "Fourth Master, Guojiagou is in front." The dog-legged man ran over to show his hospitality.

Zhao Si shifted his butt, picked up the stack of goodwill flyers, and said, "The task assigned by Taijun must be completed first. Li Er, after entering the village, distribute these flyers, remember to ask each villager One per person."

   "Okay, okay! Fourth Master, don't worry." The dog-legged said flatteringly.

   Zhao Si opened his mouth and yawned, then stretched his waist, and being lit by the warm sun, what he wanted most was to have a good sleep.



   The sound of gunfire suddenly sounded, making Zhao Si jump up from the mule cart in fright, and a bullet flew past his ear.

   Zhao Si was so frightened that he urinated in an instant. He even climbed down on his knees and climbed down from the mule cart. His puppet troops were also in a panic, because anti-Japanese teams here were rare, and they didn't know how to deal with emergencies.

   After panicking for a while, Zhao Sicai remembered that he was the leader. He pulled out the box cannon from his waist, and shouted, "Don't mess up, don't mess up, shoot me back!"


  I saw thousands of volunteers rushing down from the hillside on the left, some with guns, some with big knives and spears, and recklessly attacked the puppet army below.

   The puppet army had only hundreds of people on this side, and they fired a few random shots, and they were scared to retreat.

   "Run!" Someone dropped the gun and turned around and ran away.

   "No retreat, no retreat!"

   Zhao Si shouted loudly, wanting to rectify the troops to counterattack, but he himself quickly retreated.

  More than 100 puppet troops instantly became headless flies. At this moment, the direction they came from was suddenly loud again, and even their retreat was cut off by the volunteers.

   Zhao Si immediately dropped his gun and knelt on the ground, raised his hands in surrender and said, "Grandpa, grandpas, stop fighting!"

   When Hou Zhongguo came to the battlefield, hundreds of puppet troops were already kneeling on the ground, and he spat: "Bah, bastard! I haven't even had time to use my grenade."

   Zhao Si cried bitterly: "The hero spares his life, the hero spares his life, I have no choice. The Japanese devils forced me to work for them, or they would kill my whole family.

"You are the traitor leader of this army?" Hou Zhongguo smiled cruelly. He had his own bandit style and shouted, "Listen to you traitors, come here if you want to live, and kill all the officials. Mom is called to vote for the name, whoever dares not to do it, I will shoot them all!"

   Zhao Si collapsed to the ground in an instant, and after a brief silence, the puppet army suddenly rushed towards Zhao Si and his dog-legs frantically.

   Hou Zhongguo smiled with satisfaction: "Clean up the battlefield for me, then go to the village to buy some food, and evacuate immediately!"

   Half an hour later, Hou Zhongguo, who had already cleaned the battlefield, was about to strike out, when he suddenly heard someone shouting: "Is that fraternal army in front? We are the Second Division of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Volunteer Cavalry!"

   "Director Huang's troops?"

   Hou Zhongguo's face suddenly showed a happy expression, and he quickly called the other party and said, "I am Hou Qi, and you are an old friend of Commander Huang, take me to see him!"

   The other party was also happy and said, "You are Hou Qiye of Megatron Sanshan? How wonderful!"

   Huang Xiansheng, formerly the Liaoning police chief and the Shenyang public security chief, was the one who fired the first shot of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army and killed Zhang Xuecheng (Zhang Xueliang's cousin) who had joined the enemy as a traitor.

  When the Japanese army attacked Jinzhou last year, Huang Xiansheng put a lot of pressure on the Kwantung Army behind enemy lines. The Kwantung Army sent a cavalry wing of the 20th Division to use this "invincible" cavalry wing to wipe out the Volunteers in one fell swoop.

   As a result, Huang Xiansheng ambushed in advance, annihilating more than 60 Japanese cavalry in one fell swoop, and also killed a lieutenant colonel.

   In order to retaliate, the Japanese army dispatched infantry, artillery, cavalry, armored troops and flying teams to carry out continuous crusades against Huang Xiansheng. And Huang Xiansheng compiled the various volunteers in western Liaoning into the Northeast People's Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army, a total of more than 60,000 people, who persisted in the War of Resistance for more than a year, and now they are almost dispersed.

  The two anti-Japanese troops quickly converged. Hou Zhongguo rushed up and punched Huang Xiansheng. He smiled and said, "Old Huang, I haven't seen you for two years. Your reputation is getting bigger and bigger!"

   "Your town of Sanshan Hou Qiye is also good," Huang Xiansheng asked with a smile, "Why didn't you fight in Liaozhong and come here?"

   "What about you?" Hou Zhongguo asked.

   Huang Xiansheng said sternly: "I am going to Baimaguan to fight against Japan."

   Hou Zhongguo said in shock: "You are going to the Great Wall to confront the Japanese head-on?"

  Huang Xiansheng nodded and said, "Yes, let's go together."

   Hou Zhongguo shook his head again and again: "No, no, I'm here to fight guerrillas, specifically to destroy the logistics route of the devils."

  Huang Xiansheng didn't force it, he said with a smile: "Then let's cooperate more in the future, but I heard that your bombardier unit is very strong."

   "Go to the Great Wall. If you really can't fight, come back," Hou Zhongguo said. "Mr. Zhou said, we should still focus on guerrilla warfare, and don't confront the Japanese head-on for the time being."

   "It's not the way to go on like this. People are also needed in the frontal battlefield." Huang Xiansheng sighed.

  The two chatted for a while, then ate a meal together, and then parted ways.

  Huang Xiansheng went to the White Horse Pass of the Great Wall to fight against Japan, while Hou Zhongguo stayed outside the pass to fight guerrillas. It's just that none of them thought that after two months, their troops would merge and eventually become the Communist team.

   The reason is very simple. When Huang Xiansheng led his troops to fight against the Japanese army, he was actually under the supervision and coercion of the 205th Division of the Kuomintang, and all kinds of bad things were holding him back.

  Huang Xiansheng joined the Communist Party in anger and formed a party branch in the Second Cavalry Division.

   As Hou Zhongguo's troops harassed the logistics of the Japanese army outside the Great Wall, the Kwantung Army sent three regiments to kill them in anger, and also cooperated with cavalry and flying teams. More than 5,000 people under Hou Zhongguo were devastated. In the end, only a few hundred backbones escaped, and they were incorporated by Huang Xiansheng, who went out to fight against Japan.

Although    Hou Zhongguo's team disbanded, the other two teams that split have survived tenaciously. Later, they all joined the Northeast Anti-Japanese Federation, and the "seven-person back" technique they mastered was also spreading rapidly. The surviving anti-Japanese teachers and students of Feng Yong University became the technical backbone of various anti-Japanese groups behind the enemy.

  The Chinese have been fighting the war of resistance, even if the frontal battlefield collapsed again and again.

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