The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 532: 531 [Matsuhana Egami]

  Beiping, railway station.

  The Great Wall battle is in full swing, the Japanese army has occupied Chengde, and the gate of Shanhaiguan is tightly closed.

   Waves of exiles rushed towards Peiping. Among these people, many are from Rehe, and many are from Liaoning, and even further afield in Jilin and Heilongjiang. They did not want to live under the iron shoes of the Japanese invaders, they fled westward step by step, and finally all gathered outside the city of Peiping.

   "Dong Dong Dong Dong!"

The sound of gongs and drums suddenly sounded, and a middle-aged man held up a tin horn and shouted: "Compatriots in the northeast, my fathers and villagers, we are the people of the northeast who resisted Japan and saved the country. If you have any difficulties, you can ask us for help. I represent 40,000 people in the country. My compatriots, make sure that you have food to eat, water to drink, and clothing to wear..."

   Behind the middle-aged man, there are countless old clothes piled up, as well as a few cauldrons that are cooking porridge. These clothes are donated items. The original owners came from all over the country and were donated by the "Northeast People's Anti-Japanese National Salvation Congress".

   "Everyone line up, let's have a bowl of hot porridge first. As for finding a place to stay and finding a job, we will try our best to help. All line up..." The volunteers from the National Salvation Association shouted to maintain order.

   These money, grain and materials used to relieve the exiles in the Northeast are very sufficient. When Zhang Xueliang left the field, he donated 100,000 ocean, and Yu Fengzhi personally donated 30,000. There are also donations from the private sector. The Anti-Japanese Rescue Association receives countless donations every day.

   Some of these money and goods were quietly transported to the northeast to support the civilian anti-Japanese armed forces there. Most of the rest were used to resettle the Northeast exiles, and even a number of Northeast exile schools were established.

21-year-old Duanmu Hongliang, holding a leaflet with his classmates, handed it out when he saw young exiles: "We are the 'Northeast Exiled Students Anti-Japanese and Save the National Congress', and young people are welcome to join. The Chinese should unite and fight against Japan. , drive the little Japanese devil back to his hometown!"

   There are more than 10,000 Northeastern students stranded in Peiping and exiled Northeastern students who have escaped, and the number is still increasing.

   These students must be properly placed, and they are robbing people in every way.

  Northeastern University and Fengyong University successively resumed schools in Peiping, Northeast Jiaotong University was collectively merged into Northeastern University, and then Zhang Xueliang opened Northeast College and Northeast Refugee Children's Middle School. This is the work of the affiliation.

The Kuomintang established Xingzhi Middle School, Nianyi Middle School and National Zhongshan Middle School in Peiping, attracting a large number of exiled students.

   As for the work of the Communist Party, it is more in-depth, actively cooperating with the Northeast People's Anti-Japanese and Salvation National, and openly forming the Northeast Exiled Students Anti-Japanese National Salvation National, trying to gain the leadership of the Northeast exiled student group.

   Although Duanmu Hongliang was only 21 years old and was admitted to Tsinghua University last year, he was already a full member of the Northern Left Alliance. In the past six months, he has used his spare time to promote the Party's ideology everywhere, and has attracted more than a dozen Northeastern students to move closer to the Left Alliance.

   "Classmate, your accent is from Liaoning?" an exiled student asked.

   Duanmu Hongliang said, "I'm from Changtu, how about you?"

  The student said, "My name is Gao Tianqi from Liaoyang. I heard that Northeastern University has reopened. Where is the address?"

   Duanmu Hongliang felt that he had a new business and said quickly, "Come with me, I'll take you there!"

   "That's great, thank you." Gao Tianqi suddenly became happy.

   Duanmu Hongliang's companion also gathered a few students, all of them gathered together and walked into Peiping City with bags and boxes.

   "What's the situation in Liaoning?" Duanmu Hongliang helped Gao Tianqi with a burden and asked casually.

Gao Tianqi looked remorseful: "It's irritating to say it. The little Japanese devils are crusting the volunteers everywhere, and the puppet army is fighting in the fish and meat villages. I heard that the fellow villagers in Heilongjiang are even worse. Many compatriots were arrested by the little Japan to build fortifications. How many people died. After 'September 18', I joined the Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army, and joined three teams before and after, but all of them were broken up by the Japanese devils. Is there no way? I had to go to Peiping to continue studying."

   "Yes, in today's world, young people with aspirations are full of enthusiasm, but have no way to serve the country." Duanmu Hongliang used to study at Nankai Middle School, but he was expelled from the school because he actively promoted anti-Japanese. Angered, he ran to join the army, only to find that the army was equally smoky, so he retired and was admitted to Tsinghua University.

   Duanmu Hongliang kept trying to get close to the house, preparing to bring Gao Tianqi closer to the party organization.

  The two were talking when they suddenly heard singing from the roadside broadcast:

   "My home is on the Songhua River in the northeast,

   There are forest coal mines,

   There are also the soybean sorghum that is full of mountains and fields.

  My home is on the Songhua River in the northeast,

   my countrymen are there,

   And the aging parents.

   Nine-one-eight, nine-one-eight,

   From that miserable time!

   Nine-one-eight, nine-one-eight!

  From that tragic time,

   away from my hometown,

   cast aside the endless treasure,

  Wandering! stray!

  The price is in the customs all day long, wandering!

   Which year, which month,

   to be able to return to my lovely hometown?

   Which year, which month,

   to be able to recover the endless treasure?

   Father and Mother, Father and Mother,


   Can we get together? "

   More than a dozen Northeastern students suddenly stopped and stared blankly at the sounding roadside broadcast.

   Duanmu Hongliang's chest seemed to be slashed open by a sharp sword, and the grief and anger that had been suppressed for a long time were all drawn out by the sad song.

   Duanmu Hongliang is just a pseudonym. His real name is Cao, and he was born in a rich peasant family in Liaoning. My great-grandfather purchased more than 100 mu of land in Horqin Grassland. His father, who advocated education, resolutely sold 80 mu of land and sent Duanmu Hongliang and his second brother to Tianjin to study.

   Today, the second brother has become a university teacher, and Duanmu Hongliang himself also studied at Tsinghua University. However, their hometown in Liaoning has long since fallen into disrepair, and Duanmu Hongliang has not seen his parents for more than three years.

   Father and mother, father and mother, when will we be able to gather together?

   Duanmu Hongliang suddenly burst into tears, because the song sang his heart and touched the weakest part of the soul.

  The eyes of the Northeastern students around him all turned red. Too many tragic encounters resonated with the song at this moment, and it was heartbreaking to hear.

   Many passers-by also stopped to listen and felt the heartache in the singing.

   "Woooooooo! Mother, you died so miserably! Wooooooo..."

   On the street, a northeastern man was crying like a helpless child. After crying, he suddenly stood up and roared: "I want to join the army, I want to fight with Little Japan!"

   Duanmu Hongliang looked at the northeastern man, secretly wiped away his tears, patted Gao Tianqi on the shoulder and said, "Brother, sooner or later, we will have our revenge!"

   Gao Tianqi's eyes were sore, and he choked: "Yeah, to take revenge, to kill and go back to the northeast."

The singing of    "On the Songhua River" floated repeatedly in the sky of Tianjin and Peiping, and countless exiles in the northeast cried bitterly. The song, with severe pain, quickly spread to the north and south of the river, awakening the national soul of countless Chinese people.

  Duanmu Hongliang finally found out that Zhou Hexuan was the composer of this song after many inquiries. With reverence and some manuscripts of his first novel "Horqin Banner Grassland", he took the train to Tianjin to ask Mr. Zhou for advice.

   Duanmu Hongliang felt that the most important thing now is not to fight with the little Japan, but to awaken the spirit of resistance of the Chinese people. Like the song "On the Songhua River", like the novels, songs and literature he is writing now, sometimes it is better than a sword.

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