The Rising Of The Anomaly

Chapter 107 - 106 - Tournament Final

Just a minute to go before the final, I was currently making my way out to the arena, determined to hand Yugi a crushing defeat and have him suffer lasting humiliation. 

As I stepped out onto the arena and entered the Duel Field, Yugi walked in as well, a smug look on his face...he's totally underestimating me, isn't he? Well, that's fine, I'll just have to make sure he regrets that. 

"Now, ladies and gentlemen, the moment you've all been waiting for, the final match of the X-Warrior Championship 2116...Yugi Suzuki vs Kilzachs Light! Let the countdown begin!" Exclaimed the announcer enthusiastically, pumping up the excitement in the crowd, prompting loud cheers. 

Naturally, the arena's still all torn up from the last match...considering how much Sakura tore it up with her energy arms, there was no way an hour would be even nearly enough to repair so much as a fraction of the damage. 

And that works out great for me. Excluding Katie, Yugi beat every one of his opponents in a matter of's time to give him a taste of his own medicine. Let's have a look here...ah, that one should do nicely... 

"<Activate Anomaly, Tier Three: Cut>."

Now I just need to wait out the countdown, which is almost! 

"I'm gonna des-!" Yugi began to exclaim. 

"<Activate Anomaly, Tier Three: Paste>."

"-troy you!" He finished...from outside the Duel Field, right as a loud crash echoed out from the spot where he'd been standing a second ago. 

And just like that, I win round one. 

During the countdown, I focused on the biggest chunk of torn up floor that I could find and used Cut on it, which, luckily for me, was in my opponent's blind spot, so he didn't even notice when it suddenly vanished. 

And then, the instant the countdown ended, I used Paste to make the block of concrete I Cut reappear about a meter above his head, which plummeted down and got him teleported out before he could get crushed like a pancake. So, yeah, I beat him before he even realized it. 

I think that's some decent humiliation to start with...but it's hardly enough, I'll get serious this next round. 

"You little shit, that was a dirty trick," Growled Yugi, as he re-entered the Duel Field. 

"Hm? Considering how you made it this far in the tournament, that's awfully hypocritical...face it, you're nothing without your powers," I scoffed in response, as the countdown began for round two. 

"H-huh!? That's it, no one talks to me that way...I'm gonna crush you, you little shit!" He declared, drawing out his X-Blade handles and activating them, black energy forming in the shape of swords, as I did the same with my X-Blade. 

Hmph, I'd like to see him try. Here goes...the moment the countdown ended, I fired off a barrage of shots from my X-Blasters, which he narrowly evaded and deflected with his energy blades, before zipping towards me at top speed, a look of fury in his eyes. 

I swiftly increased the output on my X-Blasters to maximum and fired again, he began to deflect my shot with one of his blades, but he wasn't prepared for the increase in power, only partially deflecting it, wincing in pain as it deeply grazed his right arm. 

I fired out a couple more shots, he managed to narrowly evade one, which just barely whizzed past the side of his head, before trying to deflect the second shot but again, failing to fully knock it away, partially deflecting it to the left, letting out a hiss of pain as it struck his left hip. 

He then gritted his teeth and let out an enraged roar as he closed in on me, raising his blades. I'd like to fire out a few more shots from my X-Blasters, but at my current XFE level, the maximum output setting would drain me too quickly, better switch to my X-Blade. 

As he swung his blades down at me, I swiftly blocked them with mine, before quickly moving my blade and blocking as he slashed at my left with his right blade, and then springing back as he drove his left blade straight at me, narrowly avoiding getting pierced. 

Have to admit, he's better than I thought, he's quite skilled with dual wielding...but all I need is one opening, that's all I need to finish him off. I parried his right blade off the left as he slashed at me with it, before ducking as he swung his left blade at me, swiftly planting my palm on the ground and rapidly lifting myself up in a rising kick. 

He quickly jumped back, my foot clipping his chin as he backed away, before I got back on my feet as he leapt forward towards me, swinging both blades down at me, which I sprang back to evade, narrowly avoiding them. 

Before I could get any distance, he swiftly closed the gap and closed in on me, unleashing a barrage of slashes and thrusts at me with his energy blades, which I was just barely able to block, evade or deflect with my own energy blade, as he pushed me back towards the wall of the Duel Field barrier. 

I was able to avoid taking any hits, but I was a hundred percent on the defensive right now...and that's when my back hit the barrier wall, leaving me with nowhere to go. 

Yugi slashed straight down at me with his right blade, which I blocked with my blade, as a wide smirk spread out on his face. 

"I've got you now!" He exclaimed triumphantly, as he swung his left blade at my neck. 

I can't move my X-Blade...if I do, then his right blade will slash me. And if I do nothing, his left blade will do the job instead. This is...this is...exactly the opening I was looking for. 

I swiftly raised my right hand and fired a shot out at his left hand, striking it and knocking away his X-Blade as he let out a cry of pain, and as his grip weakened, I knocked away his other X-Blade with a quick flick of my wrist. 

Since my XFE had begun to run low, I decided to let him get in close. I knew that he'd have a slight advantage in a close range swordplay bout, but I was confident that I'd be able to fend him off if I focus on defense and simply wait for an opening. 

Most people leave themselves open when going in for the finishing attack against their opponent...and that's exactly what he did. Of course, if he'd genuinely been overwhelming me, then I wouldn't have been able to react fast enough to seize the opportunity. 

But as it turned out, it was an opportunity that I was waiting for, so all he did was play right into my hands. And now that I've disarmed him, the small advantage he had over me is gone. 

Now, turn to attack. I swiftly deactivated my X-Blade and evaded as he flung a punch at me with his right hand, before countering with a swift knee to his left side, eliciting a sharp gasp of pain from him. 

He then let out a furious growl and tried to grab me with his right arm, which I ducked under and slammed my fist onto his midsection, and as he stumbled back with a strained wheeze, I swiftly closed in and struck him with a rapid triple kick, first striking the same spot I just punched, followed by his chest and finished with a high kick to his jaw, sending him stumbling back with a dazed groan, blood pouring out of his mouth. 

"What, is that all you've got?" I inquired condescendingly, in an attempt to provoke him.

"Wh-why, you...!?" He screamed in fury, charging towards me and throwing a wild punch at my face, which I dodged effortlessly and countered by slamming my knee onto his midsection, eliciting a gasp of pain from him. 

As he began to collapse forward onto his knees, I swiftly raised my knee again, striking him square on the chin and knocking out a tooth, which fell onto the ground and skidded away. He stumbled back with a weak cry of pain, as I closed in on him and unleashed a barrage of punches onto his torso, striking him several times and knocking him flat onto his back. 

I then leapt up and forward towards him in a swift spin, raising my foot and swiftly bringing it down, slamming my heel onto his chest with a devastating impact, flecks of blood spraying out of his mouth as he let out a hollow gasp and I felt his ribs crack under my heel. 

Huh, he's still conscious after all that...I then stood up above him and raised my foot up as high as possible, smirking down at him. 

"I'm going to smash your face in now...go ahead and try to dodge...if you can," I taunted, before swinging my foot down with as much force as I could generate. 

Right as my heel touched his face...he got teleported out, my heel striking the ground instead, small cracks spreading out from the point of, man, that would have been really satisfying, too bad the Duel Field teleportation function kicked in. 

Not the most satisfying ending to that fight, but hey, I think I got some good hits in before that. And more importantly... 

"Er...ladies and gentlemen, we have a victor!" Exclaimed the announcer, after snapping out of it following a brief moment of shocked silence, "The winner of the 2116 X-Warrior Championship is...Kilzachs Light!" 

Hell yeah, it is! 


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