The Rising Of The Anomaly

Chapter 108 - 107 - Viral

Huh, I'm hearing a fair number of boos amongst the cheers in the audience. Probably people who hate me with a passion as well as people who'd likely been strongly supporting Yugi...whom I just beat the absolute shit out of. Ahh...I feel pretty good right now. 

"And that concludes this year's edition of the X-Warrior Championship, Kilzachs Light is the 2116 champion, the first student X-Warrior to ever win the tournament!" Exclaimed the announcer, "We will be back tomorrow for the bonus match of the champion vs an Ace, who is yet to be revealed! The awards ceremony and competitor interviews will also take place tomorrow!" 

Uptil around a couple of years ago, they held the awards ceremony and interview the competitors after the final, but more often than not, the finalists were too worn out to give any comprehensible answers, so they changed it up a couple of years ago. 

Now, the competitors are allowed to leave and rest after the final and then return the next day for the tournament wrap up, and the bonus match for the winner. 

I headed back to the waiting room to get my stuff and leave, as some of the medics rushed onto the arena and carried Yugi off on a stretcher. I have a feeling that he's going to try and cause problems for me in the future...but for now, he's not a concern, I suppose. 

I then entered the waiting room and picked up my stuff, before heading out and beginning to head for the exit...but I then stopped and decided to first head to the infirmary instead. 

I mean, since I've apparently become more socially adept lately, I might as well keep working on it, right? I reached and entered the infirmary, shutting the door behind me as I walked in. 

"Hey, that was so awesome! I just saw the last bit of it since I was in a Healing Pod up until a few minutes ago, but that was pretty satisfying...also, kinda brutal, but he totally deserved it," Greeted Sakura with a grin. 

She was seated opposite to Katie, who was looking less pale than before. One of the Healing Pods was active, must be Yugi...yup, the stretcher that they'd carried him off in was next to the Healing Pod. 

"Yeah, that was pretty cool," Added Katie, though her expression was blank...that's a good sign, I think, it probably means that she's more or less gotten over whatever Yugi hit her with. 

"Honestly, it was kinda disappointing that my last attack triggered the teleportation function, I really wanted that to land," I sighed wistfully, "So, you two heading out now?" 

"In a bit, I'm waiting a few more minutes to recover some more," Replied Katie, stifling a yawn. 

"I'm in no real rush, I can leave whenever," Shrugged Sakura, before her eyes lit up, "Hey, I know! How about we all stop by a café or know, to celebrate that we all made it to the top four, and that you freaking won the whole shebang, dude!" 

"Huh...I think that might be the first time I've heard someone use the word shebang in real life," I responded in bemusement. 

"Yeah...I felt weird the moment I said it. Anyway, what do you guys say?" She inquired expectantly. 

"Uh...," Began Katie, looking like she was trying to think of something, before letting out a reluctant sigh, "Fine, I guess."

Wow, was she trying to think of an excuse to say no but ended up blanking out? That's gotta be rough. 

"What about you, Kilzachs?" 

"Huh? Oh, uh...," I trailed off, as my mind blanked...crap, why didn't I stay focused, I should have thought up an excuse the moment she brought up the suggestion! 

Looks like the fatigue of the tournament is catching up with me, tch, how inconvenient... 

"Well? Hello, you in there?" She asked, waving a hand in front of my face. 

"Yeah, okay...fine, I can't think of a reason to say no," I relented, sighing internally. 

"Alright, then, let's get going!" She declared with a grin, standing up and stretching her arms. 

Wait a sec, if I'm doing this, I might as well enjoy it, right? 

"Mind if I make a suggestion as to where to go?" I asked, as Sakura stood up and stretched her arms up. 

"Hm? Yeah, sure, go ahead," She replied with a thumbs up. 

"Okay, in that case...I suggest we go to Delectables." 


About half an hour later, we were in the Shopping District in the North Quadrant, heading for Delectables. I can't wait to get there, ever since I made the suggestion, my mouth has been watering like crazy. 

It's been ages since I last went to Delectables, the last time was like...two weeks ago, I think? Okay, I know that doesn't sound like much, but it's an absolutely astronomical amount of least, it sure feels that way to me. 

I'm gonna really treat myself today, I think I've earned it after beating the shit out of that dickwad...also for winning the tournament, but mainly for beating the shit out of that cunthole. 

Anyway, on another note... 

"Hey, is it just me...or are we getting stared at, like, a lot?" I inquired with a frown. 

"It's not just you, I noticed it too...we're definitely getting a fair bit of attention," Replied Sakura, before adding with a wry smile, "Not that you can blame them, we're three of the top four in this year's X-Warrior Championship, after all." 

"Fair point, but it's still very uncomfortable," Chimed in Katie, a hint of unease in her voice. 

"Yeah, I second that," I agreed with a sigh, before perking up as heaven came into sight, "Hey, there it is, we're here!" 

"Wow, I don't think I've ever seen a happier face that this," Laughed Sakura.

"I don't care," I responded, resisting the temptation to run to it, barely able to contain my excitement. 

"You look like you're about to burst with joy," Remarked Katie, staring at my face intently. 

"Sure feels that way," I replied, no longer able to keep from grinning. 

"Damn, you're usually so serious and stuff that this is some contrast...actually, the childlike excitement is kinda adorable, you've got an almost naive innocence about you," Said Sakura with a slight giggle. 

"Okay, don't push it," I rolled my eyes, but the excitement only kept growing. 

Heaven, here I come-! 

"Ah, crap...," Muttered Sakura with a frown, as she received a notification and tapped on her I-Watch to see what it was. 

"What is it?" I inquired impatiently. 

"Sorry, you two, I gotta bail, family emergency," She replied with a grimace, a look of exasperation and frustration on her face. 

And just like that, without so much as an explanation, she took off with that grim look on her face. Family problems, huh? Been there, done that, and that shit freaking sucks. 

"Well, I'm still going in, I'd never forgive myself if I walked away now. You?" I asked Katie. 

"I came this far, so I might as well give it a try," She replied after mulling it over. 

"Wait a mean you've never tried desserts from Delectables before?" I asked incredulously. 

"Well, no...they don't have a branch in the East Quadrant."

"...alright, buckle up, cuz your whole world is about to change."


"All this time, I thought you were just overhyping it...but this really is amazing," Remarked Katie, as she bit into a brownie. 

"Oh, please, I couldn't overhype this place if I tried, that's how good it is," I replied with a smirk, as I took a bite of one of the things I ordered, called Death Chocolate Pizza. 

It was made using chocolate cookie dough with dark chocolate chips, topped with a layer of smooth chocolate sauce, on top of which were little brownie and red velvet cake chunks, and a light dusting of powdered sugar over the whole thing. 

"That looks like chocolate overkill, how can you eat that?" She inquired with a raised eyebrow. 

"Sorry, I don't understand the question. Here, take a bite and you'll see exactly how I can eat this," I responded, holding out a slice of the heavenly pizza-shaped dessert. 

She accepted my offer and took a bite, and the moment she did, her eyes widened, just for a split second. 

"Amazing...," She muttered, licking her lips. 

"Heh, I know, right? You know what, I think I just might order another one," I considered, having finished half the chocolate pizza. 

" do you not have diabetes?" 

"Don't know, but even if I did have it, it wouldn't stop me."

"Wouldn't that kill you?" 

"If the alternative is a life without sweets...then I'm fine with that."



A couple of hours later, I was back at my place, laying on my bed with a tired sigh. That was incredible...I mean, yeah, I'm very close to hurling and I can barely move at all, it's a miracle that I even managed to get back home without puking my guts out, but you know was all worth it. 

It's pretty early, but I think I'll turn in now and let myself succumb to this inevitable food coma. I don't have to go to the arena until 10 AM tomorrow, so I've got plenty of time till then. I'd already sent a message to Ruby, asking her if she could get me a replacement X-Blade for the one I lost in the tournament today. 

She replied that she'd be able to get it ready by tomorrow morning, so I could drop by before I leave for the arena again...she does great work and on such short notice thank her, I should pay her extra well tomorrow, if you know what I mean. 

I then tapped on my I-Watch, deciding to scroll aimlessly for a few minutes before going to sleep-...and, uh...what is all this? My face, it''s everywhere. 

Am I...going viral? I don't like it...but I guess I can't be surprised, considering that I'm the first student to ever win the X-Warrior Championship-...wait, what's this? 

A picture of me...with Katie in Delectables...particularly, when I was giving her a bite of my chocolate pizza. And in the comments...wild speculation. Great. Wow, a lot of people seem convinced that Katie and I are dating, and that's why I beat up Yugi so badly, because I was pissed off that he hurt my 'girl'. 

Oh my God-that-I-don't-believe-in, this is the worst. Who the hell are these people to speculate about my life like this!? No, I need to calm down, I should get offline, I can't get pissed off by what I can't see, after all. 

Huh, you know what's strange, usually I'd have to worry about a barrage of messages from my sister, but-...and that's when I remembered, the realization hitting me like a bolt of lightning as I quickly sat up...and almost puked my guts out from the sudden, abrupt motion. 

My sister had been messaging me so much during the first day of the tournament that I muted all my text notifications at the start of the second day, this morning...uh-oh, I almost don't want to open my inbox, there's a sense of dread about it... 

After a few hesitant seconds, I reluctantly opened my message inbox, my eyes widening in horror as I saw it...the number of unread messages I'd was over 9000!


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