The Rising Of The Anomaly

Chapter 128 - 127 - Conversation

I regret this already. I'd just stepped into the hospital that Director Silva had specified, a place in the East Quadrant...and it's super fucking crowded in here. Since the hospitals in the South Quadrant are at capacity thanks to the X-Warriors finding so many tortured and injured people during their sweep of the South Quadrant, a lot of the victims had been moved to hospitals in the other Quadrants. 

There's so many people here, way too many for my liking, talk about unpleasant. I know which floor and room that Sofia is on, I think I'll just head up there...the reception desk has a long line of people ahead of it, I can't be bothered to get in line and get permission to visit or whatever. It should be fine though, the staff here look so overwhelmed and busy that they probably won't even notice. 

"<Activate Anomaly, Tier Two: Pause>.."

Ahh, much's still crowded, of course, but it's a lot quieter now. I headed for the stairs and walked up, before heading for the room that Director Silva had it is, this must be it. I opened the door and glanced in, just to make sure it was the right room...yup, looks like it. I then closed the door, unfroze time, and knocked on the door. 

"Who is it? Come in." 

Huh, she asked who I am and then just said 'come in' without waiting for me to answer? Seems careless, but considering what she's been through over the last few days, I guess I can't blame her for being a bit out of it. I opened the door and walked in, feeling a bit awkward. 

"Hi, uh...Director Silva said that you requested that I come here?" I greeted her, as I stepped into the room and shut the door. 

All the cuts and bruises she'd had when I found her were almost completely gone now, though she did have a pretty worn out look in her eyes, with dark circles under her eyelids. 

"Oh, hi. Wait, you mean that you're the one who saved me?" She inquired in surprise. 

Wait, what? 

"Huh? I, uh...thought you already knew that," I replied uncertainly. 

"Well, no...the report that the director gave me on what happened was detailed and all, but the name of the person who saved me wasn't included, so no...I didn't know," She explained. 

"Oh...I did tell her to leave my name out of this incident, but since she told me to come here, I assumed that she must have told you," I sighed it feels like I was tricked into coming here, how annoying. 

"When I first asked her to let me thank the person who saved me, she was hesitant, saying that you wanted to keep your involvement a secret. But I then kinda begged and wore her down, so yeah, sorry if this is an inconvenience," She replied sheepishly. 

"Nah, it's cool, I guess. So, uh, how are you feeling and stuff?" I inquired, a bit awkwardly...small talk isn't my strong suit, I have no idea what to say in a situation like this. 

"Oh, I'm fine now, thanks for asking. Just a bit dehydrated and some minor wounds that should heal up in no time," She answered, flexing her arm for emphasis. 

"That's good, uh, I guess...," I responded, not sure what else to say. 

How long do I have to be here before I can leave without it being rude? Normally, I wouldn't care about stuff like that, but given her current condition, I guess it wouldn't kill me to be a bit more considerate. 

"Hehe, you can relax, you know," She remarked with a slight laugh, before adding with a smile as she gestured to the chair next to her bed, "No need to look so uncomfortable, why don't you have a seat?" 

"Oh...I didn't even notice that," I responded sheepishly, before sitting down. now what? Do I keep talking? Or do I wait for her to talk? Or-? 

"Wow, if anything, you look even more tense now," She remarked with a chuckle. 

"Yeah, well, I'm not that good at talking with someone that I've never spoken to before...well, unless they're assholes, then I know exactly what to say," I replied with a shrug, "But when it comes to normal, amicable conversation, it's hard for me until I'm used to the person I'm talking to, I guess."

Crap, I'm talking way too much now. And am I seriously trying to justify my lack of social skills? What am I doing? Maybe I should just leave... 

"Oh, I totally get that. I was a major introvert when I was a kid, and it wasn't until high school that I made an effort to become more social, and boy, was that a difficult time. I had so many cringy awkward moments that I want to forget during my efforts to become more extroverted...I still sometimes feel embarrassed to death when I think about some of the things I said and did," She replied with a wistful sigh.

Oh...well that's a relief. 

"I see. I haven't put in any especially significant efforts to improve my social skills, but I definitely see that it's an important skill to have," I added with a nod. 

"I know, right? If you can't hold a conversation, you end up an outcast...even something seemingly minor, like saying good morning to someone, can make a big difference in the long run," She responded in agreement. 

As the time ticked by, I found it starting to get easier and easier to talk to her. There were a few moments where I got stuck and didn't know what to say, but no major bumps. It turns out that she's really nice...well, or maybe she's only being nice to me out of gratitude, but I don't think that's the case, she seems genuinely nice. 

"By the way, I think I owe you an apology...I know that a lot of X-Warriors have been giving you shit because they think Director Silva's been showing you favoritism, and well, I can't deny that I kinda felt the same way too. Now that you've revealed you powers, a lot of people should now understand that the director's reliance on you was justified. And while I get that now too, it doesn't change the fact that I thought poorly of you because I assumed that you must have gained her favor through less than genuine means," She remarked apologetically, "I'm really sorry."

"Well, first off, I doubt the director is the type whose favor could be gained through stuff like bribes and whatnot, so if anything, you owe an apology to her, not to me. And second, I don't think you've got anything to apologize for. I mean, it's not like you ever said or did anything to me, right?" I pointed out with a shrug. 

"I suppose that's true, it was all just in my thoughts, but it was still really spiteful and petty, so-."

"And that's just being human. Everyone's spiteful and petty to some extent," I stated, before realizing that I'd been here for over half an hour already, "Crap, look at the time...I need to get going, I kinda snuck up here since I didn't want to stand in line, I'd rather not push my luck and get caught."

"Seriously? I thought they make sure that no one can visit a patient without getting a visitor's permit at the reception, and even then it's usually like ten minutes max for non-family. Well, that explains why no one's come knocking to tell you that your visiting time's over," She laughed, after an initial look of surprise. 

", uh...bye, I guess." 

"Wait, before you go...mind if I get your contact info? I'd like to thank you properly sometime," She spoke up with a smile. 

"Oh...don't worry about that, a simple thanks is more than enough. Actually, that's preferable to a big gesture or whatever, so yeah...," I trailed off awkwardly. 

"Well, could I get your contact info anyway?" She responded, making it hard to say no. 

"Uh...sure, I guess, I don't see why not."

After giving her my contact information, I snuck out of her hospital room, after making sure the coast was clear. And as I left the hospital and began heading back home, I couldn't help but wonder...what just happened? 

That's definitely got to be the longest conversation I've had with someone I'm speaking to for the first time, and while it wasn't exactly seamless, it was...comfortable, once I got over the initial feeling of awkwardness. 

I think this is an association that I should try to Director Silva said, I could use more allies among the X-Warriors, that might make a big difference further down the line. Looks like I'm getting a call...from Director Silva. 

"Yeah, hello?" I greeted as I reluctantly answered the call...this better not be something inconvenient again, I'll refuse for sure... 

"Hey, Kilzachs, got a second? I was waiting till you left the hospital to contact you, this is important, so-."

Huh? Don't tell me... 

"Wait, how do you know that I just left? Are you stalking me through the signal of my I-Watch or something?" I sighed in exasperation. 

" Totally not doing that. Just, uh...woman's intuition, yeah, that's what it is! A-ahem, anyway...I need you to come to the X-Warrior Zone tomorrow. Hebi Fujimoto will be going through the Awakening Procedure, and since he'll be the first Wight to do so, I'd like your presence there, just as a precaution."

Huh? Did I hear that right? 

"I'm sorry, you're doing what?" 


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