The Rising Of The Anomaly

Chapter 129 - 128 - Gamble(Part 1)

"Can I just say that I think this is a really bad idea?" I remarked with a frown.

"I acknowledge that it's a gamble, yes, but if it works out, it could turn out to be a significant boost to our overall fighting power," Countered Director Silva, "You know how much we've been stretched thin lately, we lost too many during the attack on the Wight base camp. Right now, we could use all the boosts we can possibly get."

I was currently in her office, about half an hour before Hebi was scheduled to undergo the Awakening Procedure. 

"There's just too many unknown variables...for instance, his XFE is already 'awakened', so who knows what the Awakening Procedure will actually result in?" I pointed out objectively. 

"If things go south, freeze time and kill him, simple as that. But I have a good feeling about this," She replied confidently. 

What, just intuition? Yeah, no, I'm not placing my confidence in something like that. Well, she's already made up her mind, so I'm not gonna bother trying to convince her. Also, I'm not going to kill him, I'll just set up a Save point and undo if it things go wrong. 

"Well, whatever, I don't really care. Anyway, you find out everything that the Wights learned through Sofia?" I asked her.

"No, not yet...we first want to make sure she's both physically and mentally sound before we grill her about what happened. But given the state you found her in, it's likely that she gave away quite a lot, especially considering that she went as far as to lead that Wight, Aku, to Ze-Ro and then kill him," Sighed Director Silva with a frown. 

"Not to mention that she was in that basement for days, breathing in the rotting carcasses all around her, wouldn't blame her for losing her mind in that nightmare situation," I added, recalling the horrifying sight of that room. 

"That's for sure, when I last when to see her, sometime last night, it was clear to me that she was trying to act normal, but not very well...she was very fidgety and her eyes kept darting about, it felt like she was primed to snap at any given moment," Remarked the director with a look of concern. 

Huh, I didn't really notice that...then again, I was preoccupied with not trying to suck at holding a normal conversation, and I wasn't really paying especially close attention to her demeanor or anything. 

"You should get her some therapy or something, I bet this is something she'll have to get over with time, but it's not gonna happen overnight. Well, anyway, it's almost about time for the Awakening Procedure, right?" I inquired, glancing at the time with a sigh. 

"Yeah, you're right, let's go...we should arrive just in time if we leave now," She replied, standing up with a nod. 


Shortly after that, we'd arrived at the Awakening Lab, just a couple of minutes before the procedure was scheduled to begin. Director Silva asked me to go talk to Hebi for a bit, to try and gauge how he's feeling and what he's thinking, since we were roommates for a while and all. 

I didn't really want to, but I reluctantly gave in because I didn't feel like arguing, and also because this whole thing had me concerned. I set a Save point and then headed in to where Hebi was told to wait in. 

I entered the waiting room, giving him an awkward wave as he looked up and met my gaze, a look of slight surprise on his face. 

"Hey, how are y-...?" I began to ask. 

"Yo, Kil, been a while!" He greeted me, standing up and walking towards me with a grin, before slapping my shoulder, "Haven't seen you in weeks, man! Well, technically, not true, I've seen you all over the internet and in that tournament, but you know what I mean! Also, FYI, you're powers are like, dope as hell!" 

Right...I almost forgot about how loud he can be. Almost. 

"Oh, uh...thanks, I guess. So, anyway, how have you been?" I inquired, sitting down. 

"Well, things were great, but now they're just before, I was free to laze about all day and night, it was the freakin' life! But now, they told me that I have to earn my keep...carry out some of their Missions from time to time and I'm allowed to chill the rest of the time. Which is still, like, a million times better than it was for me before I was brought to the Sanctuary, so I can't complain," He replied with a sigh. 

"Were things really that bad with the Wights?" I asked him curiously. 

"I mean, I've told you how things were, right? And okay, the Wights' living situation improved by a lot, but I wasn't allowed to enjoy it, no one was...they were all like, dedicate your lives for the sake of our future generations or whatever, but why should I care about people that won't even exist for a few more decades, you know? I'm alive now, so shouldn't I be my own priority, you know what I mean?" He sighed, a slight frown on his face. 

"Actually...yeah, I think I know exactly what you mean, that last part anyway. But surely there were others that felt the same way you did?" I responded with a raised eyebrow. 

"Yeah there were, but most of the time, it felt like no one felt as strongly about it as I did. Some of the others were totally brainwashed and as a result, kinda unstable," He replied with a wry smile. 

"Makes sense, I guess. So, hey...tell me, did you know a Wight named Aku?" I asked, taking a gamble. 

The instant I mentioned that name, Hebi's expression soured, a look of disgust on his face. 

"Fuck that're talking about the one that can turn invisible and stuff, right? Yeah, I really didn't like him...he was kind of a sociopath, really creeped me out. See, like me and some others, he didn't let himself get brainwashed, but unlike me, he had no complaints about the decisions of our elders. In fact, he reveled in it. Whenever Mutants showed up, I noticed that he was very violent in killing them, like he'd tear them apart bit by bit, making sure they don't die too soon," He explained with a grimace, "He's one of the elders' most relied upon and valued weapons, but he makes me feel really unsettled and uneasy." 

Yeah, I can imagine, considering that he did say that he began kidnapping and torturing random people due to no other reason than boredom.

"So, wait, how do you know that creep?" Asked Hebi curiously. 

Should I tell him? Hm, not telling might antagonize him and make him feel untrusted or whatever, but don't want to give him any details...alright, let's give him a summarized version of what happened... 

"I happened to run into him, he tried to kill me, failed, then I tried to kill him, and he got away," I summarized with a shrug. 

"That's too bad, I really don't like that guy," Frowned Hebi. 

Come to think of it, right before I used Load to escape getting killed by Aku after he poisoned me, I think he mentioned something about killing Hebi...guess he must have found out from Sofia. 

", anyway, how are you feeling about this whole Awakening Procedure thing?" I inquired, watching his expression closely. 

"Kinda nervous, but also pretty excited," He replied with a grin, "Like, how cool would it be if I got a super awesome power up or something? And if it doesn't work, that's fine too, because in that case, I'll probably have more free time."

Well, for better or for worse, he tends to say whatever's on his mind without any deception or anything, I'm definitely appreciating that directness right now... 

"You mean as in the stronger you become, the more Missions you're likely to get?" I surmised. 

"Exactly, man. And don't get me wrong, I don't mind a little physical effort and action, but...I prefer lazing about and enjoying digital entertainment to going outside and getting tired, you know?" He sighed wistfully. 

I mean, sure, there are times where I feel a bit lazy, but I've never gone to that extreme. 

"Sure, I guess."

"By the way, uh...don't mean to get weird or anything, but it's kinda lonely without you, I do enjoy my own company and all, but I had a lot more fun when you were rooming with me," He remarked, giving me a slightly awkward grin. 

"I, know what, you were kind of an annoying and sloppy roommate at times, but...yeah, I suppose it wasn't all bad, it was fun at times," I admitted reluctantly, averting my gaze.

" are such a tsundere!" He responded with a snort of laughter, after an initial look of surprise. 

"Definitely not, I-!" I began to protest, before I was interrupted as the door to the waiting room opened and a nurse poked her head in. 

"Mr Hebi Fujimoto, your Awakening Procedure is prepped and ready to begin."

"Cool, let's do this," He replied with a grin, standing up and following after her as she led the way. 

I walked behind him, not quite sure whether I should or not, but no one said anything, so I went with it. As we reached the lab where the procedure was going to take place and the nurse pressed her ID tag against the sensor to open the door... 

"Well, uh...good luck, dude," I remarked a bit awkwardly, as I noticed a slight, nervous look appearing in his eyes. 

"Thanks...I should get this over with, the anticipation is killing me!" He exclaimed, trying a bit too hard to hide his nerves as he walked in and the doors shut behind him. 

Well, I suppose I might as well update my Save point, might as well. And besides, I gotta admit, I kinda don't want to undo the last few minutes, regardless of whatever happens next... 


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