The Rising Of The Anomaly

Chapter 172 - 171 - Christmas Party(Part 1)

"Yo, glad you could make it," Greeted Mitchell with a grin, as he opened the door and let me in. 

"Oh, right, uh...thanks for inviting me," I replied awkwardly. 

"Heh, what's with the nervousness, dude? That's so not like you,"He remarked with a smirk. 

Huh, he's got a point. Plus it's just him, there's no reason to feel awkward or nervous... 

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," I sighed in response, as I walked in. 

The front door opened into a large hall, with couches, a huge TV screen and a table full of snacks and drinks, both alcoholic and otherwise. There was also a spiral staircase that led upto a first floor. This is about the same size as the house I grew up in, which is really big. 

"Hey, Kilzachs, you made it!" Grinned Lin, waving me over as I walked in. 

"Yeah, uh, hi," I responded...okay, yeah, maybe I'm a bit too nervous. 

It was currently a little bit past 7 PM on the 25th of December, and I'd just arrived at what was essentially the first party I've ever been to. And I couldn't help but feel kinda jittery and restless.

Well, anyway, I'll just have to settle down as soon as possible, this is embarrassing. Hm, looks like I'm the fifth to arrive-...or rather, fourth...-since Mitchell lives here, he doesn't really count. Besides him, Lin and myself, Seila and Zoya were the other two that had arrived. 

"Feel free to roam around and have some snacks until everyone gets here, though go easy on the booze if you don't mind, let's save it for when we're all here," Grinned Mitchell, smacking my shoulder as he walked past me, a big dog following after him, brushing against my leg. 

Oh, I see some puppies too...looks like Huskies. Wonder if it's okay to pet them? Eh, I'll ask him later, first things first...I see a tray full of brownies. 

"Sure, thanks," I replied, before heading for the table with the snacks and picking up a slice of brownie. 

I bit into it and let out an internal sigh of pleasure, as the rich, bitter sweetness coated my taste buds. Wow, this is really good...the outside has a slight crunchy texture to it while the inside is really soft and gooey. 

"Your face always lights up when you eat sweets, it's kinda amusing since you usually look so serious," Remarked Seila as she walked up to me with a wave. 

"Wha-...leave me alone, I know that my sweet tooth is a bit more prevalent that most, you don't have to rub it in," I grumbled in response, as I took another bite. 

"Just a bit?" She replied with a smile. 

" my defense, this is really, really good," I defended myself sheepishly. 

"Well, yeah, but you get all smiley with any and all sweets, not just the really good ones," She teased me. 

She's gotten more and more comfortable around me and our other teammates with the more time we spend around each other, she used to keep to herself a lot more and was a little bit timid, but she has no trouble holding conversations and joking around with us now. 

It's been a slow, gradual change, so I bet most of the others haven't really noticed or realized it yet, but since I had pretty bad social skills to begin with, I guess I'm more conscious of that kind of stuff than the others were. 

"Well, I, you know what, I don't have to justify my preferences," I huffed, as I tossed the last bit of the brownie into my mouth. 

"Never said that you had to," She responded with a laugh. 

"...fair enough."

"Oh, Suri and Katie are here, looks like our entire team has arrived. Let's go say hi," She suggested, before talking a step forward...and losing her balance, "Woah!" 

Yeah, so...she may have come out of her shell a lot more than she used to, but uh...some things never change. She still sometimes loses her balance despite there being nothing to trip her up, and I've been able to avoid getting caught up in her clumsiness for a while now. 

But, this time, that's not going to be possible. I could freeze time...except that I won't be able to finish the chant before she crashes onto me. I can't evade either, there was a puppy to my right, the snack table to my left, and my balance was too off to jump backwards. 

Alright, in that case, if I can't dodge...I'll try to catch her instead. Right as she closed in on me with an alarmed cry, I reached out to try and grab her shoulders and stop her. But I was naive...I've seen her trip up so many countless times that, by now, I should know that trying to stop her is futile. 

Instead of stopping her, me grabbing her shoulders only caused her to lose further control, as she automatically shot her arms out to try and grab hold of something, and ended up grabbing my shirt and pulling down on it, the sudden force causing me to lose my balance...and fall backwards.

Also, my hands kinda slipped down from her shoulders and, well, latched onto her boobs, as I fell onto the floor and she landed on top of me. Ow, my back feels a little sore, that was rough...but my front wasn't feeling so bad. 

A nice, warm softness pressing onto my body, and a firm yet squishy sensation in my hands. Uh-oh...considering how silent our surroundings suddenly became, it's safe to say that everyone's staring. It was kinda hard to think about that though, since her very soft thigh was firmly, but not too firmly, pressing into my crotch. 

"Hey, uh, mind getting off of me?" I remarked, as I quickly moved my hands away. 

"S-sorry, I tripped!" She stuttered in embarrassment, as she rolled off me and stood up, looking mortified. 

"Don't worry about it," I sighed in response, as I stood up and dusted myself off. 

"Man, that never gets old, no matter how many times I see it," Grinned Mitchell with a look of amusement, before averting his gaze sheepishly as Seila glared at him. 

"Yeah, well, I'd prefer it not happening anymore," Chimed in Suri with a frown, as she and Katie approached us. 

"Agreed," Sighed Seila with a despondent look on her face. 

"Why don't you sit down? Can't trip if you're sitting," Pointed out Katie, before she wandered over to the table of snacks. 

"Guess she has a point," Responded Seila with another sigh, before heading off to find a place to sit. 

She always gets super down in the dumps whenever she does this, and I suppose I can't blame her for that. 

"You sure looked like you enjoyed that, didn't you?" Inquired Suri, narrowing her eyes at me. 

"No idea what you're talking about," I responded with an innocent shrug, playing dumb. 

"Hmph, don't think I didn't notice your hands," She retorted cuttingly. 

Damn, she's got sharp eyes. 

"Yeah, well, I didn't do that on purpose, you know," I defended myself. 

This happens every time too. I've gotten used to it, it's almost like a routine at this point. 

"Is that so?" She responded, looking unconvinced, before letting out a sigh and dropping it, "Well, whatever, Seila looks kinda depressed, I'm gonna go talk to her."

"Oh, cool, I'll see you a bit later then," I replied, as she walked over to Seila. 

I think I'll go get myself another brownie. As I headed for the table and reached for one, my arm bumped onto some else's, my elbow striking their forearm. 

"Sorry about th-...oh, never mind, it's just you," Remarked the person I'd bumped into. 

"Oh, what a relief was worried that I might have just hurt someone, but it's just a random bitch, no harm done," I responded with a mocking sigh of relief. 

"Grr, you goddamn shithead," She muttered in reply. 

"Dumb ass whore."

"Fucking bastard."

"Stupid cunt."

"Son of a bitch."

"Bitch-ass sl-..."

"Hey, could you two please not right now? Once you start, you never stop," Suddenly interrupted Mitchell, pushing between us. 

"She started it," I grumbled in response, before biting into another slice of brownie. 

"Huh!? You're the one who started it, when you called me a bitch!" Bytra protested indignantly. 

"Okay, seriously, it doesn't matter who started it, just end it," Sighed Mitchell, before adding, "If you can't get along, then just keep a distance between you two."

"Hmph, whatever," I grumbled, before walking away with an extra piece of brownie. 

Oh, looks like Taayin's here too, guess that means everyone's arrived. Uh-oh, he's spotted me heading this way. 

"Yo, Kilzachs! How about a quick bout outside, let's throw down!" He suggested with a grin. 

Definitely saw that one coming... 

"Hell no," I turned him down immediately.


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