The Rising Of The Anomaly

Chapter 173 - 172 - Christmas Party(Part 2)

"Alright, now that everyone's here, let's get this party started, guys!" Declared Mitchell with a grin, as he walked out with a large tray full of...joints?

That's, uh, wow, a lot of weed. There was already a ton of alcohol on the table, several beer cans and numerous large bottles of various liquors. From my perspective, that'd already been way too much alcohol for just nine people. 

But with this ton of weed on top of that, that's a massive amount of intoxication. I'm getting the feeling that things are gonna get messy if we consume all this, and I'm not particularly crazy about the idea of putting that much smoke and alcohol into my body... 

"Hey, uh...don't you think that this amount is, you know...just a little much?" Inquired Zoya with a frown. 

"Nah, it's fine, don't worry about it! I mean, if we can't finish it all, we can all just split the leftovers! You know, like little bits of souvenirs," Grinned Mitchell in response. 

"Yeah, there's no way that nine of us can finish all of that by ourselves," Chimed in Suri with a grimace. 

I'm inclined to agree, and even if that wasn't the case, like I said, I'm simply not comfortable with the idea of overly intoxicating myself. 

"You guys need to relax, parties are all about getting wasted!" Exclaimed Taayin, in agreement with Mitchell. 

"Totally, we're all probably feel like total shit tomorrow, but it's all about living in the moment on days like this!" Agreed Lin enthusiastically, as Mitchell began dragging the couches around to form a circle around a large coffee table. 

He then grabbed a couple of bottles of alcohol and several beer cans, taking them to the coffee table, along with the tray of joints. He also added some snacks for good measure...or should I say food, that's dumb, never mind. 

"Let's get started, everyone, sit around wherever you want," Said Mitchell, gesturing to the couches around the coffee table. 

Well, whatever, this is my first party so I'll just go with the flow and see how it goes. I sat down near where the tray of brownies had been placed...all the other snacks were savories, these brownies are the only sweets I've seen. But they're really good, so I'm not complaining. Plus I'm not so rude that I'd complain about the party to the host for a reason like that. 

"Hey," Remarked Katie, as she sat down to my right. 

"Oh, hey," I responded, though my focus was fixed on the brownies. 

Huh, looks like I finished the brownie slice that I was I feel all empty. Well, easy fix. I reached out to grab another slice, before biting into it...ahh, there we go, much better. Mitchell then put on some music, before joining the circle, as Suri sat down to my left. 

"So, uh, we just gonna sit around, drink and smoke?" Inquired Taayin, as he picked up a beer can. 

"Nah, not quite, we're gonna do more than just that...more specifically, we're going to play some games while we drink and smoke! But first, let's all crack open a beer, on three...," Grinned Mitchell in response, before counting down as we all picked up a can, "One...two...three!"

The metallic cracking sound of us opening the cans echoed out, before being replaced by the sound of every single can sprayed out as we opened them. 

"Did you shake these cans!? What the hell, man!?" Exclaimed Zoya indignantly. 

Ugh, some of it got on my glasses. 

"Yes, I did, thought it'd be a good way to kick things off," He responded with a grin, before raising his can, "Down the hatch!" 

Well, whatever...I let out a sigh before taking a gulp of the beer, the cold, bitter taste washing over my taste buds, as Mitchell took out a remote and pointed it at the TV screen on the wall, switching it on. 

"Alright, I downloaded what looked like fun party games on this, how about we start with a classic?" Suggested Mitchell with a grin, as he selected an icon with the remote. 

'Party Games: Truth or Dare', huh. I took another gulp of my beer as he set the game up, setting the number of players to nine, adding each of our names to a respective player slot, and then getting to something called 'Level', with the following options; E, 13+ and 18+. 

"Hey, we're not doing any creepy dares or whatever!" Protested Suri, as he began to select the 18+ level. 

"Oh, don't worry about it, it's not that big a deal!" Responded Mitchell dismissively, before adding, "This game is point-based, so if you don't want to do a certain dare or tell a certain truth, you can skip, in exchange for forgoing any points that round. Also, whoever ends up with the least amount of points is given a penalty dare at the end. Other than that, this game works the same as any old game of truth or dare, except that we won't be giving or asking each other dares or questions, it'll all be done by this app!"

Hm, I guess that does make it kinda neutral. 

"I think it sounds like fun, let's give it a shot," Said Lin encouragingly, after a couple of seconds of uncertain silence. 

"Yeah, relax and loosen up, guys," Agreed Taayin, as he picked up a joint and lit it up, taking a couple of puffs before passing it around. 

As Mitchell finished setting up the game and clicked 'begin', his name was the first to pop up, meaning that the first round would be his turn. 

"Huh, guess I'm starting things off. Alright, then, I'm not gonna take it easy, let's go with dare," Grinned Mitchell, before selecting the 'dare' option on the screen. 

Let's see...'Give a one-minute foot massage to the player on your left.' The person to his left was Zoya, who looked kinda apprehensive. 

"Wait, uh, I don't know about this...," Muttered Zoya with a frown. 

"Oh, come on, it's no big far as dares go, a foot massage is absolutely nothing," Lin persuaded her. 

"Well...," She began hesitantly, before chugging down the rest of her beer and slamming the empty can onto the coffee table with a loud sigh, "Alright, fine, get it over with."

She took off her heels and lifted her feet up, placing them on Mitchell's lap. 

"Okay, goes, I guess," Responded Mitchell, a little awkwardly, before he began kneading her feet. 

He seems almost surprised that she agreed to it, even though, like Lin said, this isn't that extreme of a dare in the slightest. Also, after Mitchell began, everyone went quiet, it was starting to feel kinda awkward. 

As Suri then passed the joint to me, I took a puff to distract myself from the awkwardness, but pulled a bit too hard and ended up letting out a sharp cough...ow, that really sucked, my nostrils and the back of my throat feel kinda sore after that. 

"Huh, wow, you're actually pretty good at this," Suddenly remarked Zoya in surprise, as about half a minute passed...she looked a little bit fidgety though, wonder what that's all about. 

"Oh, uh, dad's made me massage him since I was like six or seven, so I'm used to it," He responded sheepishly, as he continued pressing his fingers into the soles of her feet. 

He then moved up to her toes, but as he began to massage the areas between her toes, she let out a stifled moan, before trying to pass it off as a cough, but not very convincingly. 

"Heh, nice, shit's finally getting spicy!" Chuckled Taayin in amusement. 

"Wh-wha-...! N-nothing's getting spicy!" Sputtered Zoya in response, turning red with embarrassment. 

"Hey, stop moving, I nearly twisted one of your toes!" Added Mitchell in alarm, before letting out a sigh of relief. 

"Doesn't matter, it's been a minute already," I chimed in. 

Might as well put a stop to this, the secondhand embarrassment is killing me. 

"Oh, thank God!" Exclaimed Zoya, putting her feet back down. 

"Well, uh, anyway, moving on! Uh, it's your turn next, Zoya," Replied Mitchell awkwardly, handing her the remote. 

"Truth...definitely truth," She stated firmly, as she selected the 'truth' option with the remote. 

'Describe the details of the last wet dream you had'...damn, now I'm starting to feel bad for her. 

"Ooh, now this is interesting, spill the beans!" Grinned Lin with a look of intrigue, as she took a deep puff of the joint.

"Wha-..hell, no! I pass," Zoya responded immediately. 

"That's fine, but don't forget, if you end up with the least amount of points, you'll have an extra penalty dare. Oh, right, guess I should explain how the scoring works in this game...dares are worth five points while truths are worth three, and being involved in someone else's dare gets you one point. In other words, so far I've got five points and you've got one," Surmised Mitchell. 

"Yeah, I don't care, I pass," She replied with a huff, undeterred. 

"Aw, man, that sucks. Oh, well, hope things start heating up from here on!" Smirked Taayin, as he gulped down a drink. 

And I'm hoping for the opposite. While, yes, risky dares could be entertaining to watch, I'd rather not get caught up in one myself. Well, it'll be a while before my turn, so let's just wait and see how it goes...


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