The Rising Of The Anomaly

Chapter 174 - 173 - Christmas Party(Part 3)

Man, everyone's kinda on edge thanks to this game. And as a result, they'd drank a bit more than they otherwise would. Are games supposed to be this stressful? Four turns had been completed so far, after Zoya's turn ended, Lin and Taayin went next, both of them choosing dare. 

Lin's dare was to take off an article of clothing, which she had no trouble doing, since she was wearing an unbuttoned shirt over a tube tob. She took the shirt off with a nonchalant shrug, completing the dare pretty much instantly. 

And Taayin's dare was to speak in a high-pitched voice till his next turn, though he seemed pretty disappointed that he got such an innocuous dare. Some of the others seemed kinda envious that he'd gotten an easy dare, especially Zoya. 

Anyway, next up was Bytra's turn, and she looked like she was already pretty drunk. She'd finished her beer and had also taken a shot of vodka, she didn't seem to have a very high tolerance and looked more than a little's barely been half an hour since I arrived, and already, it's starting to look like things are going to get messy... 

"Oh, it's my turn? Okay, I'll go with truth," She remarked with a slight slur, before picking up the remote but fumbling a bit, and ended up selecting dare, "No, I meant to choose-...well, whatever, I guess I don't mind."

The dare then loaded on the screen, it said...'spin a bottle, and then sit on the lap of whoever it lands on for a minute'. 

"I don't think I have any empty bottles, so spin one of the empty beer cans. Go with whoever the top end points to," Suggested Mitchell, as Bytra looked around. 

"Okay, I'll use mine," She replied, spinning her can on the coffee table.

It then began to slow down...and stopped as the top end of the can pointed at me. Oh, hell, no... 

"Uh...can I refuse?" I frowned in apprehension.

"Nope! Though she can opt to skip this turn," Responded Mitchell. 

"Hey, skip your turn, bitch," I said to her bluntly. 

"Huh? Well, I was considering it, but since you asked so 'nicely', I think I won't skip it after all," She replied with a sarcastic huff, before standing up and walking around the coffee table, with a slight stumble. 

"You goddamn bitch...," I muttered in response, as she walked over towards me and then sat on my lap, before I started the timer on my I-Watch...I'm not gonna go through this for any longer than I have to. 

Okay, time to distract myself, because as much as I hate to admit it, she's got a really soft butt and thighs, which were pressing down onto me firmly... 

"Now, this is more like it," Grinned Taayin, speaking in a ridiculous high-pitched voice, as he poured himself a drink. 

I leaned forward and reached for the table, picking up a joint and lighting it up with a sigh, biting my lower lip to distract myself as Bytra shifted herself around. 

"Hehe, let us know if you feel anything poking you, Bytra," Snickered Lin with a goofy laugh, clearly drunk.

"Hm? What do you mean?" She responded with a confused tilt of her head. 

Damn it, stop shifting around, it feels way too good to ignore! Alright, thirty seconds down, I'm halfway through...just keep calm and think non-sexual thoughts. 

"Gotta say, it looks like you're barely keeping yourself together, Kilzachs," Smirked Mitchell, as he took a puff of the joint I'd passed around. 

"No idea what you're talking about," I replied, keeping my tone and expression as even as possible. 

"Hey, um...why are you glaring at me?" Bytra suddenly asked Suri. 

"Wha-...I'm not glaring at you, must be your imagination," Suri responded with a huff. 

"Okay, one minute is up! Get off me, bitch," I remarked, giving her back a light push. 

"Hmph, as if I want to be here any longer than I have to, shithead," She shot back, as she stood up and walked back to her spot. 

Thank fuck, it's finally over. Any longer and I probably wouldn't have been able to keep myself calm. 

"Alright, this game is starting to heat up! Let's keep going! Next up is...Seila!" Exclaimed Mitchell, as he clicked on the remote. 

"Okay, um, I'll go with truth," She replied without any hesitation. 

"Alright...oh, I forgot to mention, the way this game works is that you can't pick truth twice in a row, so everyone who chose truth this round, will have to pick dare next round," Remarked Mitchell, before adding, "Oh, and another thing, the questions and dares slowly get more and more risqué with every turn."

" you tell us!?" Snapped Zoya indignantly. 

"Oh, bad? Anyway, you sure you wanna go with truth, Seila?" Mitchell asked her. 

"Well, um...yeah, I'll stick with it," She replied, after hesitating for a moment. 

Let's see...'Are you sexually attracted to any of the other players?' 

"Now that's an interesting question," Laughed Lin in amusement, before turning to Seila with a sly smile, "Well, got the hots for anyone here?"

"No, not really. At least, I don't think so," She responded with a shake of her head. 

"Well, that's boring," Sighed Taayin in disappointment. 

"Um...sorry, I guess?" Shrugged Seila in bemusement, before pouring herself a drink and downing it. 

The next turn was Katie's, she'd been as quiet as usual so far, slowly sipping her glassful of vodka and watching...after her, it'd be my turn, then Suri's and then back to Mitchell again, and the whole cycle would repeat itself. 

"Hey, how many rounds of this game are we going to play, anyway?" I inquired curiously. 

"Hm? Oh, uh, I don't know...maybe, like, five rounds?" Replied Mitchell, after taking a second to mull it over. 

"Absolutely not!" Protested Zoya immediately. 

"Agreed, this is fun and all, but let's switch it up after, say, two more rounds, so three in total?" Added Lin, suggesting a compromise. 

"I can live with that," Agreed Bytra, slurring more noticeably now. 

"Yeah, um, me too," Spoke up Seila. 

"Alright, fine, three rounds it is. But we've still got three more turns to go in this first round, so let's finish 'em off! Katie, T or D?" Inquired Mitchell with a grin. 

"Dare, I guess," She replied, her cheeks slightly flushed from the alcohol, but she seemed to be in control of herself.

Also, Mitchell hadn't been exaggerating when he said that the dares get more risqué the longer the games goes on...Katie's dare was to 'Kiss the player nearest to you'. 

"Alright, this is the best one yet!" Grinned Lin mischievously, before adding, "As far as 'player nearest to you' goes, looks like either Seila or Kilzachs are viable, which one you gonna pick?" 

"I'd prefer to skip, but I can only imagine how bad the penalty dare is, so I'd rather rack up some points, but...," Katie muttered with a slight crease of her eyebrows, before her eyes widened as if she'd realized something, "Wait, this dare doesn't specify where I have to kiss them..."

Oh, yeah, she's doesn't specifically say that it has to be a kiss on the lips or something, and now that that's out in the open, it suddenly feels like this dare is a lot more innocuous than it had initially seemed. And having realized that, Katie wasted no time, turning to Seila and giving her a kiss on the cheek. 

"Does this mean that I get a point now too?" Asked Seila. 

"Yup, them's the rules," Replied Mitchell, as he entered the results and updated the score count, before pressing next...and bringing up my turn. 

I've been dreading this moment, and now that it's here, all I can do is get through it as best I can. Hm, how should I play this? If I choose truth, then I'll have to choose dare next round, but I'll also be able to choose truth again during the third round. 

"Uh, Kilzachs?" 

But then again, the second round's dare is likely to be a lot more, but if I choose dare now, then I'll be forced to choose dare again for the third round, assuming that I go with truth in the second round... 

"Hey, earth to Kilzachs!" 

Hold up, maybe I shouldn't be underestimating the truths...some of the others have gotten some pretty difficult to answer questions so far, and if the questions get even more invasive, I'd prefer to avoid them. Damn it, this game is tougher than you'd think-...!

"Yo, did you go deaf or something!? It's your turn!" Suddenly yelled Mitchell straight into my ear, startling me and causing me to swing my arm out in alarm, the back of my fist striking him square on the nose. 

"Huh, wha-...!? Oh, it's just you, scared me, don't shout so close," I grumbled, rubbing my ear. 

"Y-yeah...I regret that now. Anyway, uh, it's your turn, dude," He responded in a pained voice, as he gingerly rubbed the bridge of his nose, "Damn, that really hurt...I'll consider myself lucky that you didn't break it." 

"Sorry, I guess...though you did kinda bring it on yourself," I replied wryly, before making my decision, "Alright, then...I pick truth."

"Right, got it," He replied as he sat back down, pressing the remote. 

The question for me to answer is...'Have you ever made out with any of the other players? If so, who?' 

...maybe I should've gone with dare, after all... 


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