The Rising Of The Anomaly

Chapter 175 - 174 - Christmas Party(Part 4)

Should I skip? Or maybe lie? What should I do? 

"You've been silent for a while," Slurred Taayin with a sly look, "You better not lie, dude!" 

Tch, his instincts are as sharp as always. How annoying. 

"Yeah, no lying! That's totally not okay, don't break the spirit of the game!" Exclaimed Mitchell in agreement, looking pretty drunk himself. 

'Spirit of the game', my foot, I effectively have to answer two questions here, that's so not fair! I already have a point, since I was a part of Bytra's dare, so maybe I can afford to skip this...but, then, if the dare I choose in the next round is more sexual than the ones so far, I'll be in trouble. 

"Okay, this hesitation obviously means that the answer is a yes! So if you say no, we'll know that you're lying," Surmised Lin smugly. 

Damn it, she's right, I should have lied and said no as soon as the question loaded up on the screen. Tch, the alcohol is compromising my thinking speed or whatever, I'm not full-on drunk yet, but I'm more than a little buzzed.

"Fine, yes, but I'd rather not say who," I relented with a sigh. 

From the corner of my eye, I glanced at Suri, who looked both relieved and annoyed at the same time. I then subtly shifted my gaze over to Bytra, who averted her gaze as I caught her eye.

"I mean, it seems unfair to give you the points without answering the whole thing, so...," Trailed off Mitchell uncertainly. 

"Well, if we're talking about being fair, all the previous truth questions were just a single question, but mine has a second, follow-up question," I countered objectively. 

"I have to agree, getting two questions in one truth seems excessive," Added Zoya in agreement, though she was probably saying that because she wanted to set a precedent for in case she gets into a similar situation. 

"Alright, the event that we get two questions like this one, we'll call the follow-up optional," Sighed Mitchell with a look of disappointment. 

Great, looks like I'm going to be able to just about avoid this-... 

"Not so fast! Let's put it to a vote!" Suddenly protested Lin. 

Huh? Why? No! 

"Agreed!" Chimed in Taayin. 

No! Disagreed! 

"Yeah, that's fair. All in favor of disregarding the complaints and accepting truths with follow-up questions, raise your hands," Remarked Mitchell, before raising his hand. 

This should work in my favor, I think the majority here would prefer that this game doesn't get too out of control. Lin and Taayin both raised their hands, before Bytra raised hers too...grr, that bitch, I bet she's only doing this to spite me! 

Still, that's four out of nine, so they failed to get the my surprise, Suri then hesitantly raised her hand too, and for a moment, I thought I saw her defiantly glare at Bytra. Uh-oh, I don't like the direction in which this is going. 

"Then it's settled, we got the majority vote! Sorry, Kilzachs, but if you want the points, you gotta answer the follow-up question too!" Grinned Mitchell triumphantly. 

Suri's reasons notwithstanding, that bitch Bytra definitely raised her hand to spite me...but I refuse to let her win so easily. You know what, fuck it, I'll just power through and get it over and done with, like ripping off a band-aid... 

"Alright, fine, her and her. There, done," I responded with a huff, after pointing at Suri and Bytra. 

I then grabbed a vodka bottle and chugged down a couple of gulps from it, feeling a little stressed out.

"Damn, nice-...I mean, let's verify the answer before moving on!" Smirked Lin, before narrowing her eyes mischievously and glancing between Bytra and Suri, "So, this true or what?" 

"Mhm...," Muttered Suri, as she averted her gaze, her face turning red. 

"Yeah, it's true," Sighed Bytra in response...hmph, I win, bitch. 

"Oh, the players you pointed out each get a point too," Noticed Mitchell as he confirmed the end of my turn and updated the score count. 

Seriously? Well, whatever, looks like we're down to the last turn of round one, and it's Suri's turn. 

"I'll go with dare," She decided, as she munched on some potato chips. 

"Aight, got it," He replied with a thumbs up, as he fiddled with the remote. 

At first, he'd been passing the remote around to whoever's turn it was, but at some point he'd starting holding onto it. 

Anyway, Suri's dare was to...'Flash your tits to the other players'. Well, that escalated quickly. 

"Wha-...hell no, pass!" She protested immediately in bewildered indignation. 

"Hey, if it's going to get worse than that, then maybe we should end the game here," Frowned Zoya with a look of dread on her face. 

"Aw, but it's just getting good," Argued Lin with a look of disappointment. 

I quickly glanced around at everyone...yeah, after that last dare, most of them were looking pretty apprehensive. They were all quite significantly drunk and high at this point, but that wasn't clouding their judgement, not with this, anyway. In which case, the best way to settle this is... 

"Let's put it to a vote. Who wants to end the game right now?" I inquired as I raised my hand. 

"Hey, no fair!" Complained Mitchell with a whine. 

"On the contrary, I say it's very fair," Countered Zoya with a frown, also raising her hand. 

Suri raised her hand too, as did Seila...good, just one more and this game is over. Bytra looked conflicted over whether or not to raise her hand...she definitely didn't want to continue, but she also didn't want to agree with me. I'd probably be in a similar dilemma if our roles were reversed. 

Wait, Mitchell, Lin and Taayin not raising their hands, I can understand, and I've already figured Bytra's reason. But...why is Katie's hand still down? Does she want to continue? As always, she's the one person that I can't read... 

"Hey, Katie, do you seriously want to keep going with this?" Inquired Suri with a surprised frown, as she reached over and shook her by the shoulder. 

"Hm, what?" She responded with a start, as if she'd been half asleep, "Sorry, what did you say? I wasn't paying attention."

Woah, the whites of her eyes are super red...and since her irises were red to begin with, it looked both creepy and cool at the same time. She isn't slurring that much, so I'm guessing she's got a weaker tolerance for weed than with alcohol. 

Seila quickly brought her up to speed on the current situation, and as she finished explaining, Katie nodded before raising her hand too. 

"Aw, man, I feel so blueballed," Sighed Mitchell despondently. 

"Yeah, same here," Agreed Lin with another sigh. 

"Just when it was starting to get REALLY good, too," Complained Taayin, also sighing. 

Yeah, of everyone here, these three had definitely been the most into this game. 

"Well, whatever, I kinda expected this," Mitchell suddenly shrugged it off, before ending the game, "Alright, let's have a look at the scores, and...Zoya and Suri both tie for last place, which means that you both have to do the penalty dare. Which is..."

As he loaded up the penalty dare before either of them could protest, it read...'The last place players have to make out for ten seconds'., that, I wouldn't mind seeing. 

"No way!" They both protested immediately. 

"Um, I was wondering this the moment you mentioned it, but, exactly are you going to enforce this penalty dare?" Inquired Seila curiously. 

"Huh? Well, uh...I just sorta assumed that the losers would uphold the spirit of the game and go for it...but I can't exactly force them, so...I guess, no, I can't enforce it," Replied Mitchell, a downcast look on his face after mulling it over. 

"Hmph, you're crazy if you think I'd agree to this," Huffed Suri with a glare. 

"Same here, I'd have refused even if I was drunk out of my mind," Added Zoya in agreement. 

I'm surprised that he actually even thought that this would work at all, he's an idiot but he's not least, that's what I assumed. 

"Alright, that case, let's move on to the next game!" He suddenly suggested with a grin, as he pulled a box out from under the couch.

...okay, it looks like he didn't actually expect this to work, but instead, was really hoping that it would. And it the likely event that we bailed out of it earlier than expected, he prepared a back-up plan...whatever's in that box. 

Or maybe I'm just overthinking it, and he was planning to bring it out even if the truth or dare had gone as he'd planned. Wonder what kind of game this next one is going to be...based on the fact that we opened with truth or dare, this next game will probably be something that can get sexual too-... 

"Time to draw lots, cuz we're playing hide and seek!" He exclaimed enthusiastically. 

Wait, what? 


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