The Rising Of The Anomaly

Chapter 70 - 69 - Hanging Out(Part 5)

"Wow, some of these are-...heh, this should be fun!" Remarked Lin with a mischievous gleam in her eyes, which were pretty red at this point, as everyone finished sending in their dares, "Okay, I've labeled them from one to nine, so pick a number within that range...who wants to go first?" 

"I'll take the first crack at this, if no one else minds," Volunteered Andre with a stoned grin, "I'll pick...lucky number seven." 

"Seven is...hehe, you gotta wear heavy makeup from now till you go home."

Glad I didn't get that one... 

"Whaaat, that's an easy one," Scoffed Mitchell with a shake of his head. 

"Easy for you to, how heavy is 'heavy makeup'?" Asked Andre reluctantly. 

"Hm...ooh, I know, let's let whoever came up with this dare decide, and they'll also get to put the makeup on you!" Suggested Lin eagerly...she's way too into this...though to be fair, most of the others seemed to be enjoying this too...I suppose I might as well relax and try to enjoy myself as well... 

"Um...that was my dare," Seila spoke up, "But I, um, I don't have any make-up on me."

"I've got some pink lipstick," Chimed in Zoya. 

"I have black lipstick, if that works," Added Suri, looking amused. 

"We can't do much with just lipstick though," Replied Lin with a frown. 

"Nonsense, this is plenty! Just leave it to me!" Grinned Mitchell, a devious look on his face. 

"If you say so, I guess," Responded Lin after thinking it over for a sec, and then handing him the two lipstick tubes. 

"Uh...I've got a bad feeling about this," Mumbled Andre reluctantly, as Mitchell began... 

Five minutes later, he was done...specifically, he'd used the lipsticks to draw a bunch of dicks all over Andre's face. He used the black lipstick to draw them and the red lipstick to add, uh... 

"What's with all the red streaks?" Inquired Lin curiously. 

"Huh, isn't it obvious? I used the black lipstick to draw the cocks and the red to draw the discharge...they're a bunch of STD-infested cocks!" He declared with a proud smirk.

"That's disgusting," Sighed Zoya with a look of disdain, smacking the back of his head. 

"Ow, that hurt! Well, not really, but it startled me!" 

"Do I really gotta home like this?" Groaned Andre, as he looked at himself in his I-Watch camera. 

"Ah, don't worry, dude, the black lipstick is barely even visible...and the red lipstick looks like bad acne from a distance!" He shrugged in reply. 

"Huh...isn't that kinda racist?" Responded Andre with a frown. 

"What, because I said that the black lipstick is barely visible? Why? I mean, it's a fact that your complexion makes the black lipstick barely visible, I was just stating that fact," Argued Mitchell with a nervous look on his face. 

"...I was just kidding around, no need to get so defensive," Laughed Andre, before adding with a look of concern, "No, but seriously, do I have to go home like this?" 

"'fraid so!" Replied Mitchell with a grin. 

"Now, then, who wants to go next?" Inquired Lin, looking around. 

"I'll go, I'd rather get it over with quickly," Said Suri, raising her hand with a sigh, "I pick number four, I guess." 

"You need to show some more enthusiasm, girl!" Replied Lin, before reading out the dare, "So your dare get spanked by anyone in the group of your choosing...this is a really good one!" 

"Wha-...n-no way, absolutely not!" She protested in horror immediately. 

"Aw, come on, don't be a spoilsport, whatever happens here stays between us!" Said Lin, attempting to persuade her. 

"I'm not so sure about that...," Suri responded with a frown, looking not-so-subtly at Bytra. 

"N-no, I...," She began to reply, before averting her gaze as Suri glared at her...seriously, why are you even here? 

"Now, now, let's all just chill out! I don't think you need to worry about that, I bet all the dares are embarrassing in some way or another, so no one's gonna talk!" Assured Mitchell, though his argument was based on speculation. 

"Well? Are all the dares embarrassing?" I asked Lin. 

"Hm...yeah, I guess so...I mean, I wouldn't willingly do any of these nine dares if they weren't dares," She replied with a shrug, after looking at her screen for a bit. 

"And there you have it," Grinned Mitchell, turning to Suri, "So, who you gonna pick?" 

"I can't believe I'm agreeing to this...," Groaned Suri with a reluctant expression, before her face turned slightly red as she pointed at me. 

Seriously? Doing this in front of an audience was kinda...why didn't she pick one of the other girls, that'd've been way less awkward. 

"Interesting choice," Remarked Zoya with a raised eyebrow. 

"I'll say! I thought for sure that you'd pick a chic," Added Mitchell with a grin. 

"Shut up," She growled in reply, before standing up, walking towards me and turning around, "C-come on, get this over with already."

Yeah, good call, I'd rather not drag this out either... 

"No light smacks, by the way, make it LOUD!" Laughed Mitchell, earning a glare from Suri. 

Here goes...I raised my hand and swung it towards her butt with a moderate amount of force, striking it with my palm and causing it to shake a bit.

"Nice jiggle," I blurted out before I could stop myself...I think that's enough weed and alcohol for me tonight...fortunately, only she heard my comment, as she glanced back at me with a red-faced pout and glare, before sitting back down and taking a sip of her beer. 

"I feel like that wasn't hard enough, but I'll let it slide!" Declared Mitchell, before turning to Lin, "Me next, I'll pick number two! Oh, by the way, who wrote the previous dare anyway?" 

"That was mine," Replied Andre sheepishly. 

"For real? Nice!" 

"You said number two, right? Let's gotta remain completely topless for the rest of the game!" Chimed in Lin, stifling a laugh. 

"Is that actually one of the dares?" Inquired Katie with a slight sense of apprehension. 

"Yup, it is," Came the reply. 

"Aw, man...I got my own dare," Sighed Mitchell in disappointment, earning glares from all the girls, even Seila and was barely noticeable with the latter, but her expression was slightly more strained than usual, "Well, guess I should strip."




"O-okay, why's everyone staring so intently, you're making me feel unconscious!" He exclaimed, as the glares didn't stop even after he took his shirt off. 

"Well, anyway...who's going next?" Inquired Andre with a wry smile, changing the subject. 

"Me...I, uh, have to go now, so I'll take my turn, um...I'll pick number eight," Spoke up Bytra awkwardly. 

Pretty sure that's a lie, the more likely explanation is that she can't stand being the outcast in this group...despite the fact that Katie, Seila, Suri and I were all quiet and untalkative types, Bytra was definitely the person who had spoken the least during this whole thing, and also the person who was spoken to the least...I hadn't said a word to her, and most of the others hadn't either. 

"Oh, er, sure!" Replied Lin, before reading out the dare, "Get roasted by each person in the group."

"O-okay, sure," Said Bytra, fidgeting awkwardly. 

Oh, that's my dare...I figured it was innocuous enough without being boring, that's why I picked it. And it went to the perfect person. 

"I wrote that dare, so I'll go're a bitch, glad you're leaving," I remarked with a sweet smile. 

"Holy crap, that was cold," Said Mitchell, letting out a whistle. 

"So, uh...I don't know if I can roast her, I feel like that's something that's possible with people you know well, but it's kinda awkward with someone you don't know that well," Spoke up Andre. 

"Aren't you in the same team?" I pointed out. 

"Well, yeah, I guess, but...," He replied in an uncertain tone. 

"I-I'll just go, I-I have to be somewhere," Stuttered Bytra, her expression downcast as she slipped out of the room without waiting for anyone to respond. 

Good riddance. 

"You know, I kinda feel bad...she was super awkward all night, maybe we should have made a better effort to talk to her," Said Zoya with a look of concern. 

"I don't know about that, you heard about what she did to Kilzachs, her quiet demeanor doesn't fool me," Frowned Suri with a huff. 

"I'm kinda with Zoya. Even if she has some negative characteristics, that must have been rough," Chimed in Andre. 

"I'm on the fence, what she did in the past wasn't cool, but she might have changed since then, but since I don't know her that well, I don't really care either way," Remarked Mitchell bluntly. 

"Um, I feel the same, though I wouldn't say it so harshly," Added Seila. 

Wait, is everyone supposed to give their opinion on this situation? How did this happen? When did it start?

"I agree, what she said," Nodded Katie, after Seila finished. 

"So, what about you, Kilzachs?" Inquired Mitchell curiously. 

"First off, why exactly are we talking about this? And second, to answer your question, I hate her with a passion, and that's regardless of whether or not she's changed, I don't care, I'm holding onto that grudge...I don't really know what else I'm suppose to say."

"Huh, you're right...why are we talking about this? I...don't really care," Replied Mitchell with a bemused look. 

"Forget her, she's gone and good riddance," Remarked Suri with a slight smirk. 

"Yeah, more importantly...let's get back to the dares!" Grinned Lin, lifting the slight awkward tension with a loud clap of her hands, "Now, then...who wants to go next?" 


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