The Rising Of The Anomaly

Chapter 71 - 70 - Hanging Out(Part 6)

"Um, I guess I'll go next," Volunteered Seila with a nervous smile, "I pick number five." 

"Alrighty, let's see...dare number five is to sniff either the armpits or feet of any three people here," Read Lin sheepishly. 

"H-huh...? But that's..."

"Damn, that one's kinda nasty! Who wrote it?" Inquired Mitchell with a curious laugh. 

"Me," Responsed Katie, raising her hand, before adding, "And the one you wrote was nastier." 

"I strongly disagree," He argued with a huff. 

Anyway, Seila ended up doing the dare, opting to sniff the armpits of Zoya, Katie and Lin. Her face was red with embarrassment after the first two, and as she stepped towards Lin...she tripped on her own feet. 

"Woah!" She exclaimed in alarm, falling onto Lin and as she reached out to grab onto something, she ended up grabbing Lin's boobs, her face hitting Lin's waist with a thud. 

Lin then fell onto Mitchell, who was next to her, the back of her head crashing onto his crotch and eliciting a winded gasp of pain from Mitchell, his face twisting in pain as he groaned in agony...ouch, that's brutal...I've never been hit in the balls so far, and I hope it stays that way, that looks horrible... 

"I-I'm so sorry!" Exclaimed Seila with an alarmed look on her face, before hurriedly trying to get up but slipping and landing face-first onto the middle of Lin's boobs, "Mmfph!" 

Before I could stop myself, I let out a snort of laughter, stifling it and trying to pass it off as a cough too late. Damn it, I'm still a bit stoned and buzzed from the weed and alcohol, it's harder to keep a straight face than usual. 

After a couple of seconds of silence, the others started laughing too, as Seila finally got back up and apologized profusely to Lin, who awkwardly told her not to worry about it. 

"W-well, anyway, let's keep going, we've still got four more dares!" Spoke up Lin, keeping things moving as she looked around, "Who wants to go next?" 

"I'll go," Responded Zoya, before adding, "I pick number one."

"Okay, let's see...oh, this is an easy one, you just need to spin a bottle and then sit on the lap of whoever it lands on for the rest of the game," Explained Lin, as she read the dare. 

"Oh...yes, I suppose that isn't so bad, it could be worse," Replied Zoya with a wry smile, "Who wrote this one?" 

"That one's mine...sorry, I've never done this before, so I don't know if it's good or not," Suri responded sheepishly. 

"No, I'm actually glad that I got one that's relatively we have a bottle to spin though?" 

"Eh, just use, use this," Chimed in Mitchell, picking up the last joint and spinning it, "Whoever the top end lands on is the lap you gotta grind!" 

"I'm only gonna sit, that's all the dare entails, anyway," Retorted Zoya with a frown. 

"Yeah, but why limit yourself? Take it to the next level-...oh, it landed on Kilzachs," He remarked, as the joint slowed down and stopped spinning. 

Damn it, I should have set up a Save point before he started spinning it. I mean, normally I'd be all for this, but not in front of an audience... 

"Um, here goes, I guess," She mumbled awkwardly, as she walked over to me and sat on my lap. 

Okay, this is no big deal...just think about anything to keep the blood from rushing down...keep a straight face...

"Does she have to stay there the whole time, it doesn't really make a difference, does it?" Protested Suri, as Lin began to ask who was next. 

"I mean, I got dicks drawn all over my face like five turns ago, and I can't wash them off even after the game ends," Pointed out Andre with a shrug. 

"Yeah, and I'm like, really cold, I've been shirtless for the last three turns," Added Mitchell, though it was harder to take him seriously since he'd gotten his own dare and brought this on himself. 

"But...," Began Suri, before trailing off as she couldn't think of a counter argument. 

"Hehe, let me guess, I bet you're wishing you were in her place right now," Teased Mitchell with a laugh. 

"Wha-...n-no way, th-that's ridiculous!" She huffed, her face turning red. 

"Er, why don't we keep the game going, it's just three more left, right?" Chimed in Zoya, shifting around a bit...crap, not good! 

"Hey, uh...could you keep still till this is over? Or at least, try not to move around too much, it's know, distracting," I whispered quietly.

"O-oh, right...sorry," She whispered back sheepishly. 

"Three more left, right? Who's yet to go?" Inquired Mitchell, looking around. 

Lin raised her hand, before Katie and I followed suit and raised our hands too. 

"I guess I'll go last, since I know all the dares and how they're numbered," Said Lin, before glancing between Katie and I, "So, which of you wants to go next?" 

"I'll go second to last, if that's okay with you," I said to Katie, who nodded after a brief pause. 

"Which numbers are left?" She asked Lin. 

"Three, six and nine...hey, that's neat, all the multiples of three made it to the end!" 

"It's just a coincidence," Katie replied objectively, "I'll go with six." 

"Six is to...text a love confession to any of our classmates who isn't here right now," Informed Lin, reading it out. 

"Didn't we already do something similar to that dare?" Inquired Seila, scrunching up her eyebrows, trying to recall. 

"Yup, I had to text a flirty message to, it's different enough, I think," Replied Mitchell with a shrug. 

Let's see...her options were Taayin, Makoto, Asshole and Kiran...oh, wait, technically there was also...

"Done," Declared Katie, making her holoscreen visible to us...she'd sent the message to Bytra. 

Nicely done, since that bitch had been here till a little while ago, she should guess that this was just a dare.

"Aw, man, I forgot about her...that was smart," Sighed Lin wistfully, "And yeah, that's the dare I wrote. That leaves two more to go!"

Guess it's my turn now, huh. 

"I'll pick number three," I remarked with a shrug. 

"Alright, you gotta show us the last picture you took on your I-Watch! Make your holoscreen visible to us and open your gallery so that you can't cheat!" 

"Yikes, that's brutal! I'm really glad I didn't get that one," Said Mitchell with a nervous laugh. 

I don't really see the big deal... 

"You're exaggerating...though I'll admit that I wouldn't want to do this either," Agreed Andre with a wry smile, before adding, "And that's why I thought it'd be a pretty good dare to write, earlier today, I happened to clean up my gallery in order to free up some space, so if I got that dare, I'd be fine."

"Damn, that's pretty devious, and here I thought that you were the super 'generic nice guy' type," Laughed Mitchell, smacking his shoulder. 

"More importantly...," I chimed in, "You needed to free up space on your I-Watch? I thought it was it was pretty much impossible to get to that point, these things have like five hundred terabytes of space each."

"Hey, that's a good much porn you got on there, Andre?" Inquired Mitchell with a grin. 

"It's not-...none of your business," Came the reply, "Anyway, get to the dare!"

Not the most subtle changing of topic, but whatever. 

"Okay, making my screen visible," I remarked, tapping on my I-Watch and then navigating the holoscreen. 

I don't really take pictures...I-Watches come with built-in cameras, just like smartphones did, but I just never had any interest in using it. I think I've taken a few selfies with my sister and Kumar, but only because Kilella insisted that I do, she said it was sad that I don't have any pictures with anyone...not gonna lie, that annoyed me. But I didn't feel like arguing, so I did it to get it over with and satisfy her. 

Other than that, I've taken pictures of stuff like posters for upcoming sales or whatever, just as reminders for when I'd be able to save some money, but half the time I'd just write it down in my notepad app instead, so yeah...I don't really take that many pictures. Which is why this dare doesn't really faze me at all. I can't even remember the last picture I took. I don't take pictures of my desserts since just looking at them without being able to taste them would be torture. 

"Wait...what is that?" Inquired Mitchell curiously.

Hm? As I opened my gallery and tapped on the most recent, really, what is that? It looks like skin that was bleeding, but below that looked like... 

"Is that a butt?" Asked Andre with a confused tilt of his head. 

"No, it's too doesn't look like a bent elbow though," Frowned Zoya, narrowing her eyes. 

And then it clicked... 

"Oh, it's the back of my shoulder! I accidentally nicked myself there while training, and I couldn't really see the damage properly, so I took a picture to get a better look," I suddenly recalled. 

"Hey, check out the time stamp, this was taken like a week often do you take pics anyway?" Asked Mitchell with wide eyes. 

"Hardly ever...I don't see the big deal." 

"You don't even take pictures of really good looking sweets?" Chimed in Suri with a look of surprise. 

"Absolutely not. That's a terrible idea, looking at pictures of sweets will just make me crave more sweets," I replied objectively. 

"Man, what are you, a robot?" Laughed Mitchell, as he lit up the final joint. 

"Alright, it's time for the final's me and number nine, which lick any one person's foot. I knew I'd be getting this dare as soon as Kilzachs picked number three...but saying it out loud makes it so much worse," She groaned, her expression all scrunched up. 

"Who wrote that one?" Asked Seila curiously. 

"The only one left is Bytra," Chimed in Katie. 

"Yup, she wrote this one. I have no idea who to pick, because regardless of who it is, a foot is a which case, I'll go with whoever volunteers," She sighed despondently. 

"Ooh, me!" Mitchell raised his hand almost immediately. 

"...on second thought, anyone besides him." 

In the end, she wound up licking Seila's foot, who volunteered out of guilt because of the whole falling on top of her thing. By then, we had finished up all the weed, alcohol and food, so after splitting the bill, we left the establishment and headed for the nearest Teleportation Point. 

"Man, that was fun!" Grinned Mitchell, stretching his arms up, "I should have thought of this ages ago!" 

When he's sober, he's more dryly sarcastic and teasing, but when he's drunk or high, he's louder, more annoying and his sense of humor is a lot less subtle, or in other words, his jokes are dumb...some traces of his usual sarcasm is still there, but not as much as usual. 

"Yeah, I agree, I had fun too," Added Lin, as the others voiced their agreement too. 

It wasn't long before we reached the Teleportation Point, the others would be heading back to their respective quadrants, while Suri and I would be going to the Residential District of the North Quadrant. 

"Well, see you guys at the Academy!" Exclaimed Mitchell, as he got ready to teleport to the East Quadrant, along with Andre and Katie who were also from there, before turning to me, "So, Mr Icy Demeanor, did you have fun?" 

Ice Demeanor? I thought I came off as more indifferent than cold... 

"...yeah, I guess."

"Come on, louder, I can't hear you!"

Fuck, that's annoying... 

"I said yeah, I had get going, you idiot," I sighed, rolling my eyes. 

"Hey, that's more like it! But, uh...maybe don't call me an idiot," He replied with a sheepish grin, "Would you be up for a next time?" 

What's with the interrogation? 

"I suppose so."

"Great, then let's come back here soon!" 

"Uh, sure...or, well-." 

"Hm? You got another suggestion?" 

"No, I-...well, I was just thinking, maybe a different Quadrant...I've never been to any of the other three Quadrants." 

Wait, why am I telling him that, I usually don't talk about trivial stuff that doesn't really matter like it the alcohol or the weed? Or both? 

"Let's do something in the East Quadrant next time, it ain't as grand as the Entertainment District here, but we've got some good options to have fun there too," Added Andre with a grin. 

"Sure...sounds good."

"Alright, then it's settled! Well, see ya guys later!" Mitchell exclaimed with a grin, before giving the impatient-looking attendant the go-ahead to activate the teleportation. 

"Bye, everyone," Said Katie with a slight nod, as the three of them got teleported away. 

Yeah, I can't deny it...I enjoyed today a lot more than I ever thought I would, I genuinely had fun hanging out with them... 


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