No movement was seen on his part. Strands of hair-fine lightning flashed under his feet. At the bottom of the platform where others could not see, a circular array with a diameter of several meters emerged.

Then, another huge conical beam of light shot downward.

It is still decomposed and refined, and it is a large-scale decomposition and refinement that is thousands of times larger than the decomposition and refinement that Fang Yuan can emit from the small refining array in the palm of his hand.

Although it pales in comparison to the previous ultra-large-scale refinement launched based on the second city wall, the range of this attack is far beyond that of ordinary modern thermal weapons.

The ground with a diameter of one kilometer suddenly disappeared, leaving only a very regular circle on the earth. Whether it was soil, trees, stones or anything else, all materials disappeared under the beam of white light, including Those huge tentacles that were slapping the ground with their fangs and claws.

However, Fang Yuan's enhanced vision could see that in the giant sinkhole that had been neatly cut away, there were still traces of flesh and blood tentacles moving around the edges deep underground.

——How come these monsters are still alive! ')036'\u003eChapter 36 About to leave...

"It seems that this kind of directional attack is not very effective..." Fang Yuan looked at the results below and pondered.

The key to the matter is that these underground monsters appear in groups, and there are too many of them. Even if Fang Yuan's earth-shattering blow that day before directly penetrated the earth's crust and even penetrated deep into the mantle, killing most of them Monsters, but those who survived are still everywhere in the underground branch of this secret realm.

Fang Yuan's sense of the location of the monsters underground was very rough and vague - there were only seven or eight monsters in the group that attacked them just now, but in the face of Fang Yuan's attack, one fish escaped alive. And further away, there are at least ten times more monsters hiding deep underground in every corner! If you really want to eliminate them all by decomposing them, you will probably have to plow most of the entire secret realm! So we still have to find another way.

"Perhaps we can try using water? Didn't you say that the Earth-Drilling Demonic Insect's weakness is water?" Sister Zhang and Captain Liu were not able to participate in a battle of this level, but they could still give Fang Yuan advice. of.

"Use water...but those monsters are hiding very deep. How do I pour water on their heads?" It's not that Fang Yuan hasn't thought of this method, but as he said, these underground monsters probably know their own weaknesses. The main body is hidden very deep, and ordinary groundwater cannot reach them. Fang Yuan has no way to attack them with water! "Or I can launch another large-scale attack and sink the entire island to the bottom of the sea? I can still do this."

"Are you kidding! If you do that, wouldn't this secret realm be completely ruined?" Fang Yuan, who couldn't think of any other way, came up with such a bad idea, and as expected, he encountered strong opposition from everyone.

Of course, he himself knew that this method was unrealistic - it wasn't that he couldn't do it, but that doing so would be even more extreme than plowing through this secret realm with a beam of decomposing light.

This is just like burning the entire field to prevent fire in order to kill insects in the farmland. It is a stupid thing to do! "What should we do? Let's go back first, and then bring the army in next time to fight with this kind of monster?" "... Ordinary people have no power to resist when faced with this kind of monster, let alone these monsters can also have mental suggestions. Such attacks."

"Just hand out a mental shielding device or something. What are you afraid of!" "But monsters of this size still attack from deep underground. Can our army hurt them? I'm afraid we have to use nuclear bombs to kill them. All over the place!" "...Or it's just like what the magician said, let's sink the island and feed those monsters water!" "Then we might as well go back first, let the people above decide on this. ..." ... At the end of the discussion, we still couldn't come up with an idea, but more and more people tended to return to the other side of the door first, whether they sent an elite team to kill the "bugs" at a targeted location, or sent a large army in Use heavy firepower to wash the floor, and we will talk about it when the time comes.

"Since there is no way to completely eliminate those monsters for the time being, let's continue to evacuate! Don't they want us to leave? We have to do it even more if the enemy doesn't want to see it!" Sister Zhang finally maintained her original decision, and everyone Go back to the other side of the door.

... The return trip this time was much smoother than before. Fang Yuan and the others flew all the way back to the space gate deep in the forest on the aerial platform. Even though they dropped to a height of seven or eight meters above the ground, there was still no movement underground. .

Are they really afraid of being beaten and don't dare to take action against Fang Yuan and the others? If it were an ordinary beast, Fang Yuan and the others would really consider it this way. After all, the desire to survive is the instinct of all living things. Except in some extreme cases, it is impossible for people to die knowingly that they will die.

But that depends on what kind of creature this is talking about - right now this is a Cthulhu monster, and it is said to be a dependent of a certain old ruler. The adult body has the ability to connect telepathically with thoughts, which means that all The minds of the earth-boring demonic insects are connected together, just like the Misaka sisters in a certain "scientific" super-power anime. The group is the whole, and the whole is the individual.

Even Fang Yuan didn't find it strange at all that this group of monsters that suffered heavy losses from attacks asked their parents to summon an old Japanese body in the next moment.

But Fang Yuan, the old ruler of the level of Shude Meier (the leader of the earth-burrowing demon insects), is not afraid. A mere mile in length is nothing to him at full strength. An opponent that is too difficult to deal with.

This kind of monsters that cannot be understood by human thinking, said that they were scared by Fang Yuan and did not dare to come. Fang Yuan didn't believe it anyway.

They must have other actions... But no matter what the reason was, Fang Yuan and the others finally arrived at the space door safely.

This place was also hit by the previous earthquake. Fallen and broken trees were everywhere. The drone serving as the signal base station on the door side was also affected. The antenna erected high up has been broken, and the car body was also lifted by the earthquake. Turn over, the whole scene is in a mess.

Fortunately, the situation on this side has been monitored from behind the door, and another one was immediately sent after the drone was damaged. Fang Yuan and the others would not have been trapped and died on this side of the door - if the correct information was not entered on the drone. If there is a password and password, the garrison behind the door will not let any living creature leave the secret realm.

This is the lesson learned after a tragedy happened at Asan's side.

It is said that that time Ah San discovered a new semi-open secret realm and sent people to explore it. As a result, one of the exploration team members committed more than a dozen murders in a month after coming out. After he was discovered, he went on a rampage and went on a killing spree. The Quartet was finally suppressed.

After investigation, it turned out that this team member secretly hid an item in the secret realm. It turned out that the item seemed to have some evil things that were whispered by the ancient gods, and it drove a guy who was a devout Buddhist crazy. , was directly brainwashed into becoming a believer of an unknown evil god! And the reason why that team member killed people was to collect enough sacrifices to summon the gods, intending to let the people of Asan in reality feel the glory of the "gods"... God knows what would happen if that guy's sacrifice was successful! Therefore, all countries that have learned from the past have made stricter regulations in the process of exploring new secret realms. China has directly set the space door so that it can only be opened from the outside. Explorers who enter the secret realm want to return, A very complex identity verification and mental verification process must be passed to prove that it is indeed them and that they are still mentally sane.

Of course, even so, there is still a three-month isolation observation period after leaving the space gate. Only after ensuring that everything is normal will they be released back to the crowd.

Enter the verification password and password on the new drone, and Sister Zhang will take the lead in performing voiceprint verification one by one (because the first exploration is basically done with full protective clothing, so facial recognition and fingerprint authentication cannot be done). Another person took a set of personality identification questionnaires, and after confirming that everyone was OK, the space gate finally changed mode, allowing the exploration team to pass through - it was a bit slow, and it was indeed a trap in an emergency. A dead man's design, but it's better than bringing danger outside the door.

I’m finally leaving this hellish place! ')037'\u003eChapter 37 A true hero kills with his eyes!

Just when Fang Yuan, who was walking at the end, stepped into the space door with one foot, something he had been guarding against finally happened.

boom------! ! ! Like a heavy artillery bombardment, a huge amount of soil was lifted into the air, but what rushed out of the smoke were not only the huge tentacles that we had dealt with before, but also countless slender worms as big as earthworms! This is the larvae of the earth-boring devil insect! Judging from the size, it is the initial stage of the egg that has just hatched and has not even experienced its first molt.

Although the earth-boring devil insects in this form are so fragile that even a lit cigarette can kill them, the number in front of him is too much, densely covering Fang Yuan's entire field of vision, and their impact Xiang’s target is the space door Fang Yuan just stepped into! Their purpose is the earth on the other side of the door! Fang Yuan instantly understood the purpose of those earth-burrowing demonic insects.

Obviously these cunning underground monsters have discovered this space door, and they also know that the size of the space door is limited, not enough to allow adult earth-boring demon insects to pass through, but it is enough to allow these newly hatched larvae to enter! It’s just that the previous space door has always maintained a state of no entry and no exit. Only after Fang Yuan and the others contacted the other side of the door were they able to pass, and those monsters seized this opportunity! These monsters obviously know that the size of this secret realm is limited, and they also know that there is a broader world waiting for them behind the door.

Can't let them pass! This is Fang Yuan's only thought at the moment.

He knew very well how difficult the adult Earth-boring Demonic Insects were. Even if a single one appeared on the earth, it would be a very terrible disaster, especially when they formed a colony in groups. It causes violent earthquakes over a huge range, but humans have almost nothing to do about them! What's more, what is appearing here now is an overwhelming and overwhelming tide of larvae that is almost impossible to calculate in numbers. As long as one successfully passes through the space door and hides underground, it is conceivable that a real family of the old rulers will be there. The earth has multiplied! Although Fang Yuan thinks that he is not a saint who cares about the country and the people, nor is he a hero who can die for justice, he also thinks that he is a member of the human race and cannot allow this kind of thing to happen! It’s too late to notify the other side that it’s closed, so we must stop them all here! Fang Yuan reacted in almost 0.01 seconds. His brain speeded up almost ten times or a hundred times, thinking about how to deal with it.

Use the earth and rocks on the ground to make a barrier? No, ordinary earth and rocks cannot stop that tentacle! Use material transformation to refine a metal barrier with ultra-high hardness? No, the transformation of matter takes at least a few seconds. The speed is too slow and there is not enough time! Burn everything in front of you with flames? No, there were too many larvae. He could only use ordinary flames to make it in a hurry, but he couldn't kill them all! …… Various countermeasures and predicted consequences flashed through his mind, and then he rejected them one by one.

In the end, Fang Yuan made a decision.

——The only option use decomposition and refinement to decompose everything in front of you! Time was running out, and he had no time to raise his hand or anything like that, but his eyes caught everything that happened.

The unprecedented bright blue lightning flashed in Fang Yuan's eyes, and the dissipated refined energy made Fang Yuan's eyes feel stinging, but his will forced his body not to blink.

He knew that he had to keep a close eye on everything in front of him to ensure that all incoming enemies were included in his field of vision.

0.001 seconds later, the invisible refining array was completed. Fang Yuan's spirit pushed the energy in the earth's crust into the refining array formed by his eyes. A faint white light flashed in his eyes, composed of dark Extremely bright, it instantly dyed Fang Yuan's eyes white like white dye, and then turned from a flat surface into a three-dimensional one. Two bright beams of light were projected from Fang Yuan's eyes, almost annihilating everything in front of him.

An obtuse-angle light cone close to 180 degrees illuminates every inch of space in front of the space door. The invisible decomposition force field is accompanied by light and is applied to every object in Fang Yuan's field of vision, first his helmet visor, and then the Huge tentacles smashed down like towers, and waves of larvae spewed out like a tidal wave.

A tentacle decomposed into nothingness layer by layer under the crystal-white decomposition light column, but immediately another tentacle rushed from behind and continued to push forward against the brilliance of destruction.

The tide of larvae is like a real ocean wave, one wave followed by another, seemingly determined not to give up until it achieves its goal.

However, the tentacles of the earth-boring demon insects are limited, and the number of larvae is also limited. This time, the larvae released by the earth-boring demon insects in the secret realm in order to go to the real and vast world have already used all the eggs they have accumulated so far. The result after all hatching.

Regardless of whether this operation is successful or not, in this secret realm, the group of earth-boring demon insects will not have a new generation for a long time.

It's a pity that such a desperate gamble did not have the desired effect.

An alchemist with super vigilance and mobility perfectly guarded the portal to the earth, not allowing a single larva to pass through his defenses.

After several minutes of continuous light cone illumination, Fang Yuan could no longer see any larvae or tentacles in front of his eyes, and even the soil on the ground had been evaporated and decomposed dozens of meters deep.

Woohoo——————! ! ! A painful and slightly crazy roar came from the ground. It was the earth-boring demon insect that had lost most of its tentacles and all its larvae.

Is it angry? Still grieving? Fang Yuan didn’t know whether this kind of monster had these human emotions, but he knew that it was a monster that could never coexist with humans. Even if they could not be completely eliminated, they could never be allowed to enter the earth! So for him, who killed countless earth-boring demon insect larvae with one glance, he had no compassion or sympathy in his heart! However, although it can be said that he has accomplished the feat of "protecting the earth and protecting human civilization," Fang Yuan's own condition is not very good.

First of all, we need to know that human binocular vision actually covers part of the nose. In addition, Fang Yuan is decomposed and refined by turning his head sideways, so half of his right shoulder and most of his nose are also They were all disintegrated together in the white beam. His right arm was only connected to the torso by a layer of flesh, dangling as if it would fall off at any time.

Fang Yuan, who had never been so seriously injured before, almost fainted from the pain signal emitted by the nerve endings exposed to the air.

However, fortunately, he held on in the end, kept his consciousness clear, and almost instinctively activated the body repair formation that was engraved in the bones of his body.

The brilliance of alchemy captures various atoms in the air, slowly but visible to the naked eye, repairing Fang Yuan's damaged body. Bones, muscles, blood vessels, nerves, skin, and various new body structures squirm and cover the blood-stained body. The wound gave Fang Yuan an almost unbearable stinging, numbing and itching sensation.

Although the price was a bit heavy, he did it! Fang Yuan dragged his somewhat weak body back. All he had to do was take the last step and let the people behind him close the door, and everything would be over! ')038'\u003eChapter 38 Those who disappear in explosions often do not die

Just when Fang Yuan was about to take the final step, his eyes, which had been severely burned by the spilled refined energy and had yet to recover, saw a blurry image - a huge black shadow that almost obscured his vision sprang out from the ground. Rush straight towards him! Again? ! Although Fang Yuan's vision was severely damaged, he could think of what the black shadow was with his knees - it was probably the body of the earth-burrowing demon insect. It was obvious that the monster saw the failure of the larvae's offensive and pounced directly on it. Planning to make a desperate move.

Fortunately, the monster's body was too big and its movement was much slower than its tentacles. Fang Yuan still had time to react.

He quickly stepped back and completely withdrew himself from the space door. After taking a step forward, he didn't care about the reaction of the team members behind him when they saw his messy and unrecognizable self. He yelled loudly: "Close the door quickly! That monster I want to come here!" The soldier in charge of operating the space door in the distance was on high alert and immediately pressed the emergency closing button after hearing Fang Yuan's voice.

However, it still seems to be too slow.

The moment the button was pressed, before the two-dimensional plane-like space door was closed, a wall suddenly appeared in the dark passage - a wall covered with mucus and mud on the surface, and there was still water under the surface. The wall of flesh and blood squirmed disgustingly, as if some monster was about to burst out of it.

This monster has a back-up plan! Fang Yuan saw this scene in his blurred vision and immediately understood the monster's plan.

I don't know what those things squirming in the flesh are, but it must be related to the monster's purpose of reaching the door.

What a perseverance! But we must not let it succeed! Fang Yuan ignored his injuries and activated the decomposition process with his eyes again. A blazing white cone of light shone out, covering the entire space door including part of the mechanical ring.

Seconds later, a huge explosion occurred.

Huge energy circulated in the mechanical ring used to restrict the space passage. The energy burst out the moment the ring shattered, immediately triggering a huge explosion.

The huge energy that lost its restraint turned into high-temperature lightning and fireballs. It first expanded into a huge high-temperature plasma fireball with a diameter of tens of meters and was surrounded by countless lightning sparks. Then it instantly retracted under the influence of some restrained adsorption force, and finally shrank into a A small dot disappeared, but in the end there was still some residual energy that turned into a shock wave, sweeping across several kilometers and almost overturning the entire camp.

When the fireball disappeared, only a piece of scorched earth remained where the space door was.

Fortunately, when the huge high-temperature fireball expanded, everyone closest to the door rolled and crawled to the safety line. Except for a few people who were not in good physical condition, they were knocked away by the shock wave behind and suffered serious internal injuries. Except, everyone is still alive.

——Thanks to Fang Yuan for the imitation Mjolnir armor protective suit. Without this protection, most of the people in front of the door would have died! "Is everyone okay?" "I'm still alive..." "I'm injured... ahem! Someone come and help me..." "There's nothing wrong with me..." "Has anyone seen it? "Magician?" "...No..." "I don't have one here either..." Although it seems that everyone survived, when I clicked on the number of people, I found that the person closest to the center of the explosion was missing. ! "This...could it be said..." Everyone was a little unbelievable - such a powerful companion died here like this? ! ! "Damn it! We shouldn't have let him go to the back!" Xiao Zhang hammered his legs with some regret. In the past, he always acted as a human shield, but in this mission, he had almost no effect. He even couldn't help himself. They all need the sacrifice and protection of other teammates, which is really useless! "...We don't even know his true identity..." Someone sighed in a low voice: "We don't even know how to talk about it in a condolence meeting..." "I don't know if he has any family, ugh~~ I don’t know who to talk to about this..." "..." "Oh~!" Just when everyone was immersed in sadness or regret, a familiar voice suddenly came to their ears.

Turning around, they saw another intact Fang Yuan standing in front of them! "It's been a long time... Ahem! Hello!" He was still wearing the high-imitation version of Mjolnir armor, but he had taken off his helmet, revealing his ordinary-looking fake face. Fang Yuan waved his hand. Say hello to everyone.

"You... you... you are..." Xiao Zhang, who was still immersed in self-blame and regret just now, looked like he had seen a ghost, pointing his finger at Fang Yuan but was speechless.

Not only him, but the others' performance was not much better either. Everyone's eyes widened and they couldn't believe what they saw.

"You...are you okay?" In the end, Sister Zhang had the best psychological quality and was the first to react.

"What can happen to me! Don't underestimate this 'magician' like me!" Fang Yuan said with a smile.

... The companions who originally thought they would not be spared were actually fine. After a false alarm, everyone finally managed to look at the situation in the camp.

However, when the smoke and dust generated by the shock wave dissipated, what appeared in front of everyone was a messy scene like the ruins of a battlefield.

Many tents that were originally neat and tidy have been blown over by the wind and waves transformed by the shock wave. Even simple houses made of steel plates have collapsed and collapsed under the violent blows. Vehicles have been overturned. All kinds of things are so expensive that they cannot even be calculated in terms of money. Valuable precious instruments were broken and scattered all over the floor, not to mention that the space gate prototype, which represented the motherland's highest achievement in space technology, had completely turned into a pool of molten scrap metal.

Coupled with the soldiers and staff who were injured in the sudden explosion, it can be said that the consequences of Fang Yuan's decomposition and refinement directly affected the entire camp.

But no one would accuse him of doing so.

After all, everyone can see what happened before. The kind of terrifying monster that can give people nightmares at a glance, if Fang Yuan hadn't responded in time, would really have come into their world! No, it should be said that at the moment the door was destroyed, the monster had already sent part of it over! Later, after learning the true identity and purpose of the monster from the mouths of other team members and Fang Yuan, I even cried out that I was lucky - fortunately Fang Yuan, a "righteous" comrade, handled it properly, otherwise those people would really have been killed. Monsters multiplied on the earth, and the consequences... And when Fang Yuan transformed into a miraculous doctor and used his miraculous medical skills to "make up for what was missing", he rescued all the seriously injured and even a deceased person who had been dead for several minutes. This camp Everyone's attitude towards Fang Yuan has changed from "trust" to "admiration".

Well, the so-called "make up for what is missing" treatment method is to grab a handful of sand from the ground and refine it into flesh and blood tissue when a certain part of the body is damaged, and then "snap" it on the affected area of ​​the wound, and it will become lightning. After dodge, no matter how serious the injury is, I can heal it for you! Although this kind of treatment looks very casual in terms of raw materials and treatment process, the mysterious power from "magic" is indeed not comparable to ordinary medical skills in reality.

It only took half an hour for Fang Yuan to heal all the dozens of injured people in the camp. Even the unlucky guy who was almost declared dead recovered to health.

——This group of people still haven’t recognized that Fang Yuan actually used alchemy instead of magic. It seems that their level of supplementation is not enough... When the entire camp regained order from the chaos, After a batch of materials were urgently transferred from the rear to rebuild the camp, two days had passed.

During this period, although the entire camp was still busy with post-disaster reconstruction, various experts were still dispatched to conduct comprehensive inspections and evaluations of the members of the exploration team.

This includes physiological medicine, checking whether there are parasitic infections such as unknown viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, etc., and psychological personality, checking whether there are hidden dangers such as psychological problems or personality deviations and splits caused by interference from unknown forces.

Of course, when it was Fang Yuan's turn, he gave the experts a live performance on what it meant to decompose and reorganize the human body at the molecular level, and then no one came to him for a physical examination. Check the evidence.

After all, the people above have seen what Fang Yuan did in the secret realm from the cameras carried by the team members, and they clearly know how destructive this man is, and the other party is not an official member of the system, and he is For "magic" talents who are proficient in all kinds of occult knowledge, it is still unknown whether this kind of routine examination can detect anything.

As for the mental examination... Who can tell them what the normal mental state of a magician is like? But it’s not good to just leave it alone. If something goes wrong with Fang Yuan, it would be even more terrifying than an ordinary person with superpowers having a problem! After all, this is a living walking nuclear bomb, and it is of strategic grade. If it gets out of control, it will be more terrifying than a nuclear bomb in the hands of terrorists! Therefore, after negotiating with Fang Yuan, the two parties finally came to a decision of "not to conduct an in-depth examination, but to provide three months of isolation and observation."

Although personal freedom has been subject to some restrictions within three months, it does not really mean that he will be imprisoned. Fang Yuan also made some requests to the government, such as more information sharing on supernatural events, and some high-precision The support of experimental equipment - he just pretended that he had been doing research behind closed doors for the past three months! ……It’s night.

Camp dormitories.

Fang Yuan's room.

Although he was lying on the bed at this time, he did not fall asleep. Instead, he played with a blood-red gem in his hand.

"This time, I really almost couldn't come back..." Fang Yuan, did he really escape the explosion? ​…')039'\u003eChapter 39 What’s more terrifying than waking up as a dead fat nerd?

After Fang Yuan opened his eyes, he found that he had arrived in a completely unfamiliar place. This was not the place he expected to be resurrected.

Yes, resurrection, Fang Yuan had already prepared himself for the worst.

Before he set out to enter the secret realm, he cut off the little finger of his left hand and buried it in a corner of the camp. Even if he suffered a devastating blow, his soul could still be resurrected as long as it was not harmed, just like the life of a lich. Same as box.

But when he woke up from the endless pain of his body being annihilated inch by inch by the torrent of ultra-high temperature energy, he discovered that something seemed wrong! ​…​He has a body again! Yes, Fang Yuan found himself "alive" again without regenerating his body.

But he also knew that this body was not his original body.

When he raised his hands, he saw big, plump, white hands. When he looked down, he saw a huge belly that was big enough to block his legs. When he moved his body, he felt a squeaking and earth-shaking feeling. - This was a protest from the chair under him that it couldn't bear his weight.

Then use your mental power to examine the inside of your body - loose muscles, excess fat, overweight, osteoporosis, irregular heartbeat, atherosclerosis, fatty liver, gastrointestinal disorders, kidney deficiency, endocrine imbalance, severe myopia in both eyes. ...It can be said that this body is even more useless than Fang Yuan's body as a social animal! Where did this bastard come from? The frightened Fang Yuan quickly closed his eyes and meditated, entered his own mind, and found that the door of truth was still there, and there seemed to be no obstacle to the activation of alchemy. He was relieved - with alchemy, there is still hope! He raised his head and looked around. Because the curtains were closed and the lights were not turned on, the light in the room was relatively dim, but Fang Yuan could still barely see the situation here clearly.

In front of him was an old-fashioned TV with the words "Game Over" displayed on it. Combined with the handle Fang Yuan was holding in his hand when he woke up, it was obviously some kind of TV game that Fang Yuan had never played.

But look at the rough pixelated graphics...this is probably a game from the last century! Turning around and looking, there was a bed to the right. It looked large and comfortable. The quilt and sheets were in a mess, and it looked like they hadn't been made up for a long time.

Looking down at the ground, there are takeout lunch boxes, pizza boxes and instant noodle cups everywhere. The amount is at least a week's worth.

Then he turned his head and looked to the left. Because the light was dim and the body's eyes were not very good, Fang Yuan squinted for a while before he could see clearly. They were probably some game cartridges or something, which was very popular in the era of red and white machines. kind of.

But that number... is nearly a thousand! Well, Fang Yuan probably has some understanding of his situation. If the fat nerd he possesses is not a retro game enthusiast, then he has probably traveled to an earlier world. It is probably not the eighties. The era is the nineties.

And judging from the number of games, this guy is not just a hardcore game enthusiast, but also a super rich tycoon.

It was somewhat difficult to get up from the large sofa. Because he got up too fast, Fang Yuan even felt dizzy and tinnitus - this body's physical condition was so bad! Somewhat staggeringly, he walked into the bathroom next to the bedroom and turned on the light. With the help of the light, Fang Yuan finally saw his current appearance clearly.

Well, from his appearance, we can vaguely see Fang Yuan’s original appearance. The swollen fat and stretched skin ruined his somewhat handsome face, coupled with the dark circles under his eyes caused by staying up late, And the lump under the neck that can be called a meat ball... Fang Yuan no longer wants to comment on the original owner of this body.

After turning on the faucet and rinsing his face to wash away some of the greasiness caused by staying up late, Fang Yuan walked out of the bathroom and looked at the place that was probably the home of his current body.

This is a two-story duplex house. The room he was in before was a bedroom on the first floor, with the living room and kitchen outside.

The house was decorated in an older American style, and all the items he had seen before were only in English. Fang Yuan initially judged that he was in an English-speaking country, most likely in the United States.

With heavy creaking footsteps, Fang Yuan trudged upstairs to take a look and found that although there were two other bedrooms upstairs, judging from the rusty door shafts and the dust in the room, no one had lived there for a long time.

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