... Since the decision to return was made, everyone did not delay and got directly into the armored vehicle again, speeding away in the direction in which the vehicle traveled at maximum speed.

However, after nearly three hours, Fang Yuan first noticed something was wrong - it only took them more than two hours to arrive, and the speed at that time was slower than now. Why hadn't they returned even after almost three hours? Point of departure! "Something is wrong! It's been three hours and we haven't arrived yet!" Fang Yuan's reminder immediately made everyone aware of the abnormality.

"Xiao Song, what's going on? Did you take a detour?" Sister Zhang immediately asked the driver of the lead car, a young soldier named Song.

"This... I have always driven the same way I came here!" From the voice on the other end of the communication, it could be heard that Xiao Song didn't know what was going on.

"Does the armored vehicle have a location? Can you check our movement trajectory in the past three hours?" Fang Yuan felt that machines were more reliable than people in this situation, so it was best to see what the data said.

"Yes. Although there is no satellite signal in the secret realm, the drone over the door has a positioning antenna. We should be able to... Damn it, we can't contact there!" Only then did they realize that they were actually there without knowing it. The connection between the room and the other side of the door was lost, and no one was aware of it! The strange development made everyone nervous - there was no doubt that they were being targeted by something! ')032'\u003eChapter 32 Speculations and Responses

"It's some kind of mental attack. Everyone, be careful!" Sister Zhang, who has the most combat experience, immediately made a judgment.

"Damn it, we didn't carry mental shielding equipment!" The unexpected and strange mental attack really caught everyone off guard - it seems that their decision to return to the base first was correct, but it seemed to be too late... … "Mr. Magician, do you have any way to block malicious mental attacks?" Captain Liu also turned to ask Fang Yuan. Based on the current situation, the only thing that is most likely to provide help is mysterious magic.

"Don't worry! Calm down! I will solve it!" - Fang Yuan really has a way! "Stop the car first, and then ask everyone to come to my side. I will add a buff to your protective clothing!" I was speechless, but Sister Zhang still issued the order vigorously and resolutely.

Soon, more than a dozen soldiers on the two armored vehicles, including the driver of the vehicle, came to stand in a row in front of Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan, on the other hand, patted their foreheads one by one - or rather on their helmets. A circle with various symbols and words of unknown meaning appeared as if etched on the originally dark green painted helmets. Form diagram.

"Okay, with this, you don't have to worry about being attacked by this weird mental attack just now!" This is Fang Yuan's reorganization and modification based on the basic refining formula of the soul fixation refining array and the mental power amplification refining array. The new "mental power shielding formation" realizes the remote output of mental power through remote connection with one's own soul, and uses a method similar to infinite power transmission to promote the formation of the formation, and the specific effect is to reverse the increase in mental power. The mental power shielding from the formation can effectively cut off non-physical mental power fluctuations.

In other words, it's something similar to Magneto's helmet.

Although the entire formation took only ten minutes from design to completion, its effects were indeed immediate.

After everyone received a buff on their heads, they immediately felt as if a certain burden had been lifted off their spirits, and their spirits were lifted.

They couldn't be sure when they weren't aware of it, but now as soon as this feeling came out, everyone knew that they had indeed been attacked mentally just now, and it was the most secretive and insidious type of suggestion.

"Sure enough, there is something hidden here!" After ensuring everyone's mental safety, Sister Zhang relaxed a little and began to think about the enemy's situation.

"Can you find out what's attacking us?" she asked Xiang Fang Yuan.

It was Fang Yuan who was the first to notice something was wrong before, and it was he who thought of a way to deal with this invisible and mysterious spiritual attack. Now that he doesn't know what the enemy is, he is the only one who is most likely to find something. .

"...I wonder if you have ever heard of the Earth-Drilling Demonic Insect?" ""Huh?""" Fang Yuan thought for a while, then told his previous guess.

The Burrower is a monster in the Cthulhu mythology system. It is a superior independent race fictionalized by Brian Lumley in his work "The Burrower".

[A bunch of surging tentacles grow on the soft gray-black bag-like body... except for the pile of tentacles stretching out and groping around, it has no obvious characteristics that can be identified.

No, there is - yes, there's a lump on the front of this thing... that's the brain, or nerve center, or whatever it is that controls this horrible, disgusting creature. Containers prepared for diseased organs.",

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