At this moment, seismic monitors in Japan, and even in all countries and regions in East Asia, detected earthquake signals. Animals that were more sensitive than humans noticed the anomaly earlier and screamed and roared toward safety outside the earthquake range. The area migrated away.

However, this earthquake is different from the natural earthquakes in the past. The time it takes from brewing to official eruption is much shorter! In just a few seconds, the magnitude of the earthquake escalated from a slight level that could not be felt by the human body to an extremely obvious violent shaking.

If it weren't for the Isayama Ming Shen's earth veins that alleviated some of the crustal vibrations caused by the restlessness of spiritual power, there might really have been a Great Kanto Earthquake in the new century.

However, earthquakes and so on are actually just side effects caused by the process of mobilizing spiritual power.

The real attack has just begun now! "Now!" In Isayama Mei's consciousness, the instructions from the God Lord came. The miko lady, who already knew what she should do, immediately mobilized all the power of the earth veins under her control, activated them together, and tried her best to repel the tight Clinging to the bloody traces entwined in the earth's veins.

At the same time, a massive and endless amount of pure spiritual power spewed out from the depths of the ground, carrying the bloody marks full of filthy and vicious power, and flew up to the sky together - and by the way, stripped away the control of Isayama Mei. The small half of the leyline is fundamental.

The survivors in Tokyo were first panicked by the earthquake a few seconds ago, and were busy looking for a safe area to avoid the earthquake. Then they stared dumbfoundedly at the dazzling golden light rising from the ground. From bottom to top, it rushes to the zenith like a golden waterfall flowing backwards.

Some stubborn traces of blood could be seen among them, which were washed up together with the entire land and large areas of golden light. The entire world was immersed in the extremely dazzling golden color.

Those bloody marks were too stubborn and too polluting. In order to ensure nothing went wrong, Fang Yuan had to cut the "body" of the planet ruthlessly and completely peel off the earth veins in his eyes that were entangled with the bloody marks. go out.

For an entire planet, the peeling off of the earth veins in such a small area cannot be said to be a drop in the bucket, but it is not much different from ordinary people having their skin broken.

But for this city in the country where the incident occurred, Fang Yuan's move completely changed the fate of this area for hundreds or thousands of years in the future - from now on, the natural environment of the Tokyo metropolitan area will become increasingly... It becomes increasingly barren, until the damaged spiritual veins are gradually repaired and replenished during the rotation of the earth's veins, and the day comes when the old outlook can be restored.

Of course, compared with the survival of the entire world, this small loss is completely insignificant.

Fang Yuan did not care about how much trouble his grand gesture would cause to the Japanese government and secular governments around the world. Instead, he used the authority of the planet spirit to control the direction of these energy torrents, using planet-level spirits to control time and space. The intervention brazenly penetrated the space-time dimension and blasted it to a certain direction outside the world.

The war between worlds has officially begun! Second update completed') 411'\u003eChapter 410 Energy Hedging, Creation of the World

The void outside the world is originally a pitch-black void. There is no air, no gravity, and even no stable space and time. It is a desperate situation for life that is more terrifying than the vacuum of the universe.

But this does not mean that there is nothing outside the world.

In addition to the worlds scattered like stars in the endless void, certain "creatures" or "beings" that cannot be recognized by humans and beyond human imagination exist in the void between the worlds. middle.

For example, there are some giant worms that are as big as an entire world and have countless layers of space crystal walls as flesh and blood tissue. They swallow endless matter and energy while crawling in the void.

Another example is some long worms that do not exist in space, but exist in time, forming a cycle, self-generating and self-changing, like an eternal cycle like a tail-biting snake.

There are also many terrifying monsters whose appearance cannot be described in words. Once seen by humans, their San values ​​will definitely be lost. They are crawling and hunting in the chaotic void.

But at a certain moment, a certain void was "lit".

Two extremely hot and dazzling torrents of energy collided head-on in a seemingly empty void. The extremely high concentrations of energy collided with each other, and in an instant they caused a collision that was larger than when the largest particle collider on earth was started. Requires extreme environments.

At this moment, the extreme high temperature comparable to the beginning of creation ignited everything, and the boundaries between energy and matter, time and space have been blurred.

Perhaps it was a coincidence of some existential arrangements, or perhaps it was the destiny that overcame the world. The power between the two energies was almost equal, and they were deadlocked at the moment of impact.

In an instant, it was as if a brand new world was born from the collision of two torrents of energy - the sky, the earth, the sun, the moon and the stars, the mountains, rivers, vegetation, and all kinds of animals. You can even see traces of human beings and civilization... However, , in the next moment, this world seemed to have gone through the entire process of becoming, dwelling, and becoming empty space, from the peak of prosperity to decline and destruction, and finally returned to nothingness, turning into embers after the destruction of the world, and then being destroyed in the subsequent torrent of energy. Assimilated into pure energy again.

This is...the bubble world! With the help of the star spirit's vision, Fang Yuan captured the scene that lasted only a short moment.

The knowledge he gained from the Gate of Truth had a related description. The so-called "bubble world" is a world that is lower than the small world and only slightly higher than the dream of nothingness. It can be said to exist or not exist.

For the creatures inside, this world is extremely real. It will also experience billions of years of history, from the beginning of creation to the prosperity of civilization, and finally return to decline and extinction; but for the existence outside, this world only exists for a moment shorter than a moment, like a dream bubble, so it is called "bubble world".

When this bubble-like world is destroyed, the two violent energy torrents collide with each other again, and a new time, space and matter are born in it. The prototype of another new world emerges from the flame of creation.

And this new world also existed for a short time of less than a moment, and followed the footsteps of its predecessors, and was destroyed again, and then returned to the original pure energy state in two seemingly endless energy torrents.

In this way, the extremely brief scenes of creation and destruction continued to play out at the intersection of the two energy torrents. The fragments of time and space and the debris of material energy that exploded between the birth and death of the world, along with the energy aftermath of the collision of the two torrents, spread towards the endless vast void, and I don’t know how many beings living in the void, or who have the ability to observe the void outside the world from the world, were alarmed.

… In the ruins of the world of death, the ten beings who had just sacrificed a part of the world and launched a cross-border attack were now connected to the "artifact" enshrined on the altar, trying their best to maintain the stable output of the energy torrent brought by the world sacrifice ceremony.

With the help of the power of the artifact to raise their own vision, they also felt another cross-border attack from the void outside the world.

‘I didn’t expect that the other side actually had this method, it’s bad! ’ When the two cross-border attacks collided in the void, everyone had such a thought in their minds.

Their spirits have been integrated into one through the power of the artifact. They can feel that their attack launched by sacrificing the wreckage of the most important part of the past world has not gained the upper hand.

Although they can still maintain the balance at present, they also know that this kind of power obtained by sacrifice cannot be maintained for a long time and will be consumed completely in a short time.

But the world on the opposite side is different.

Although I don’t know what method the strong man in the new world used to launch such a powerful attack across the world, the other side is also a complete world after all. Whether it is the reserve of material energy or the completeness of the system of rules and laws, it is not comparable to their lingering broken world.

They all know that in a protracted war like this to compete for the foundation of the world, they will never be the opponent of the other side!   …  "Tsk, you actually have the same idea as me?"  Fang Yuan saw with the star spirit vision that his attack was blocked by the same type of attack of the opponent, and he couldn't help but sighed, feeling very unhappy.

He was still thinking about throwing those poisonous things to the other side of the world, so that the other side could also taste the "gift" from the outer gods, but he didn't expect to be intercepted halfway.

Fortunately, his original purpose has been achieved. The evil god's power that he had stripped away along with part of the earth veins has been completely annihilated by the collision of the two energy torrents - at least it has been annihilated to the point that he can't detect it.

... I don't know how long it has been, maybe a few seconds, maybe a few minutes, or maybe billions of years. Time has no meaning in the void outside the world, but since there is "existence", there must be a beginning and an end to the event.

After a period of stalemate, one of the energy torrents seemed to have exhausted its strength, gradually lost to the attack of the opposite side, and began to retreat step by step. The balance originally created by the similar strength of the two sides was instantly broken, as if the endless scene of creation and destruction disappeared instantly.

The last world created by the conflict of power between the two sides did not collapse because it reached the end of its lifespan, but was impacted by the energy torrent that had lost its balance and was destroyed by external forces.

If someone could see the scene inside the world that existed for only a short moment in the void outside the world, they would find out how panicked and desperate the civilization and creatures inside were in the sudden destruction of the world. They tried hard to continue their lives and civilization, but in the end they were powerless under the irresistible external forces.

When the world that existed for only a moment and a moment was completely destroyed, the next moment, the energy torrent that had lost its follow-up power was instantly crushed and penetrated by another torrent that always left room, and rushed to the direction of its source.

')412'\u003eChapter 4001 The first battle, on the verge of collapse, helpless choice

"Not good!" When the attack of their own side was penetrated, the ten guarding the altar exclaimed at the first time.

But before they could come up with a countermeasure, the energy torrent that penetrated the barriers between worlds and could not be calculated by conventional time had already bombarded the broken world of the God of Death.

Buzz——!!!   The elephant is invisible, the great sound is silent, when the intensity of the impact exceeds the limit of the world itself, there is no such thing as "sound".

Quietly, a quarter of the entire remnant of the Death World disappeared - after losing the suppression of the Soul King and experiencing the catastrophe of the collapse and fusion of the three realms, the world's own space-time structure and rule system have Already very incomplete.

Facing the violent impact from outside the world, the already crumbling world did not fall apart immediately, but only a quarter of it collapsed. It can be said to be very lucky.

However, even so, for the beings inside the world, this is already a situation that couldn't be worse.

The collapse of the world is not like cutting a cake, cutting out a quarter and then it's over.

A cross-border attack originating from another world bombarded the remains of the Death World, bringing an all-round attack from matter to energy and even time and space.

It can be seen that the entire world is full of spatio-temporal rifts and space collapses that are as dense as a spider web, swallowing up all energy and matter nearby like a black hole.

If this world hadn't died completely after all, and there was still some self-repairing instinct left, and the time and space collapsed and recovered at the same speed, barely maintaining the shape of the whole world, maybe the whole world would continue to collapse and be completely shattered. Broken into pieces.

Naturally, during this process, countless evil spirits and monsters living in the world died. It can be said that the Death World had lost less than half of its combat power before the official invasion.

But that's not the worst part - "Damn it! The World Sacrifice Array has been destroyed!" The spiritual connection with the artifact was disconnected, and everyone opened their eyes, their eyes filled with bloodshot eyes, making them already vicious and cold. His expression looked even more sinister and terrifying.

This is not just because of the defeat, nor is it just because the attack just now completely destroyed the world sacrifice circle that they spent an unknown amount of energy to complete.

What's more, the cross-border attack that just destroyed a quarter of the world also bombarded their spirits that were one with the Trioctahedron, causing them to endure the almost destruction of the world. Equal mental harm.

In fact, if it were not for the protection of the divine weapon, with the strength of a few of them, if they faced this kind of attack that could be called a world-breaking level, even if they kept it, they would be dead. All-round death from soul to thinking and will.

But even if they were lucky enough to survive, and their bodies seemed to be intact, their spirits were severely injured, and they were obviously exposed by their scarlet eyes, which were densely covered with bloodshot eyes.

"Damn it, just now, our world is one step closer to complete death!" Some people are worried about the remaining lifespan of the world.

Their world just swallowed that cross-border attack. Not only did a quarter of the realm evaporate on the spot, but the interior was also filled with space-time cracks. The already incomplete rule operation system was severely damaged, and the entire world was severely damaged. The remaining life span of the world will be calculated in "days".

It is true that they are villains and evil spirits who believe in evil gods, but this does not mean that they are willing to die with the world in such a meaningless way - if they want to die, they must first log in to the opposite world and drag each other with them. Let's die together! ! ! "Did we find the wrong target... If we had chosen another weaker world, or if we could have found a way to get more accurate information, maybe we wouldn't have..." Some people feel regretful and feel This world should not be chosen as a goal.

"Hmph! Don't you think the intelligence we collected before is not enough? It's not like you haven't seen the situation on the other side through the artifact!" Another person refuted this: "In the final analysis, it's still too much on our side. They were too weak to detect the real strong person on the other side, which is why they failed now..." After truly seeing the cross-world attack methods of the other world, they had to admit that the weak world they thought at first might be It is a terrifying world even more powerful than in the heyday of their Death God World.

"I wonder if we can change the direction now? I think if we continue to approach the opposite world, the final result will not be very good... It is better to find a weaker world..." Some people want to shrink back and avoid the world in front of them. If you want to fight hard, first find other weak targets to renew your life.

"There's no way, the world itself can't last much longer! It's already reached this point, and it's impossible for us to find another goal.

And even if we find it, who can guarantee that the world on the other side will be weaker than us? If another accident happens, we will be really doomed... For now, we can only keep going! "The leader finally came to a conclusion and decided to continue moving towards the goal.

"However, since we can't do any more world sacrifices, let's simply speed up the speed of the world approaching, and directly 'bump' the entire world before the opponent launches the next wave of attacks. Maybe we can create a little trouble for the opponent. Trouble! "... "Tsk! Didn't you completely destroy the other party..." In the spirit-eating world, Fang Yuan, who was one with the planet, "saw" the scene outside the world.

Although he was a little surprised at first that both sides launched cross-border attacks at the same time, after a brief stalemate, his attack defeated the opponent's attack and also hit the opponent's world body.

Although in Fang Yuan's field of vision, he could "see" many space-time fragments separated from the other party's world, in the end, the main body of that world was still alive, letting him know that that attack did not completely defeat the other party. .

However, it is already impossible for Fang Yuan to launch the attack just now - it's not that he can't do it, but that the planet itself cannot bear such intense consumption.

You must know that most of the energy contained in the planet itself is used to maintain the healthy operation of the planet itself. There are not many "free resources" that can be used at will.

The attack just now not only stripped off part of the spiritual source of the planet's surface, but also consumed almost most of the "free resources" on the planet. If you want to attack again, you have to consume the power that is the foundation of the planet's operation. This It is equivalent to cutting off the flesh of the planet, which is not a good thing when facing foreign enemies.

Or the second update')413'\u003eChapter 4002: Planet defense activated, Tokyo always suffers

"Is it over, knot?" In Tokyo, after a night of brutal war and a sudden earthquake, exorcists and other survivors were gathering in the empty streets outside the building.

But precisely because of this, they were lucky enough to see the spectacular scene of the golden waterfall rewinding just now.

Although the entire process of gushing spiritual power only lasted a few seconds from beginning to end, for these people who were personally "immersed" in high-concentration spiritual power, these few seconds seemed to be their entire lives.

——The feeling of being enveloped in huge energy that can crush oneself millions of times every moment is so exciting and unforgettable.

"I don't know, it should be over..." Looking at the time and space vortex gradually disappearing in the sky, Isayama Yomi answered the question of someone who didn't know who it was.

What happened on this day was really beyond her common sense, whether it was the "Hundred Ghosts Night Parade" that could be called a super natural disaster, or the prelude to the sacrificial ceremony that caused heavy casualties, or even the incomparable spectacle in the end The launch of the extremely terrifying planet-level energy cannon severely shattered her outlook on life as an exorcist.

She even doubted the reality of the world in front of her, and wanted to twist her body to see if she was dreaming.

Pulling—— "Hiss——! It hurts!" Well, she really did it.

"It seems this is not a dream..." Isayama Huangquan said.

"By the way, why are you screwing me! If you want to judge whether I'm dreaming, you should screw yourself!!!" The one who spoke was Sakuraba Ikki next to him. At this time, he was also because of the spectacular scene just now. , temporarily recovered from the grief of the tragic death of his best friend.

However, we can know from his words that Isayama Yoshizumi just pinched his body... "Huh? Won't it leave bruises on my body if you pinch it? These girls are very bad at taking care of their skin. Okay!" Isayama Huangquan tilted his head, looked at Sakuraba Ichiki sideways, and said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"..." So you just use me as a victim? ! Sakuraba Ikki didn't dare to say this complaint, otherwise he would most likely have had close contact with Miss Huangquan's soles or the Lion King's blade.

However, after such a small episode, everyone recovered from the shock just now, and it is incredible that in this seemingly ordinary fight, everyone in the countermeasures room originally died because of the death of a close friend. The resulting sadness has also been diluted a lot.

‘So, Huangquan-chan did this on purpose? ’ Especially Sakuraba Ichiki, although he usually behaves very unreliable, he is not really incapable of using his brain.

Seeing Isayama Yomi's actions just now, his intuition told him that the other party wanted to comfort him in this way.

Obviously the dead Iizuna Noriyuki was also the other party's fiancé. Logically speaking, the other party should be more grieved than him, but it was her turn to comfort herself... "I'm really useless..." Only he could hear this faint sigh. arrive.

... The survivors on the surface thought that everything was over, but Fang Yuan, who was in the core of the planet, knew that things had only just begun.

In his field of vision, the extremely damaged world on that side was "accelerating" at all costs, rushing towards his own world. Looking at the momentum, he probably wanted to crash into this world directly.

Although the collision between worlds is different from the collision between asteroids and planets, if one world really crashes in with no buffer, the disaster caused will not be any lighter than the asteroid impact that destroyed the dinosaurs. .

Well, for a specific example, you can refer to a certain "Honkai Fighter"... Sorry, it's the world of "Date Live", where a super giant space earthquake dug up Eurasia, and the two worlds collided. If so, the disaster caused would probably be three to five times greater than this level... Naturally, Fang Yuan could not allow such a disaster that could destroy human civilization or even the planet to happen.

Therefore, he activated the back-up plan that he had already prepared - the already calmed earth vein spiritual power surged again, but this time it was not to launch a terrifying attack that could penetrate the boundaries of the world, but to activate the final defense of the planet.

The national destiny law network system that he had spread to the whole world was suddenly connected at this moment. The conceptual law network that covered each country and banned all extraordinary powers was no longer a separate national concept, but a more vast and broad conceptual core that was integrated into a single entity and existed purely as the concept of "human civilization".

——This is no longer a "national destiny law network", but should be called a "humanitarian law network"! It is not even just the territory of each country. This conceptual network that covers all continents and islands, after connecting and merging into one, instantly spreads to the surface of the entire planet. Even the public waters and uninhabited islands that no country claims sovereignty over, and even Antarctica where there is no country and civilization, are all covered by this infinitely spreading network.

But this is only the surface. In fact, this conceptual law network field, in addition to spreading in the three plus one dimensional space-time, goes deeper in each dimension of space-time, gradually goes to the bottom of the world, until the "outer" edge of this independent space-time called "world".

The entire earth, as if covered with an invisible shield, was tightly protected.

But Fang Yuan knew that this was not enough! Even if he tried his best to build the entire earth into a fortress at the time and space level, facing the high-speed collision of the entire world - even if it was just a half-broken world wreckage that was about to collapse completely - when the collision really happened, it would cause great damage to the ecology and civilization of the entire planet.

Therefore, he had to create another layer of buffer - If you can observe from outside the world, you can see that layers of time and space are constantly generated and stacked between the "outer edge" of the world and the material level - this is Fang Yuan using the power of the planetary spirit to artificially divide the original unified time and space base into countless discontinuous semi-independent levels. These time and space are layered one after another, but they are not ordinary monotonous stacking, but are connected and nested by various time and space, and finally form a "funnel" shape at the multi-dimensional space level.

Of course, this so-called "funnel" is not the nearly conical shape we see in three-dimensional space, but a conceptual "direction" difference.

That is to say, any existence from outside the world, once it crosses the boundary that divides the inside and outside of the world, will naturally move forward in a certain limited "direction" no matter what its initial "direction" is, and will eventually "land" in a certain area.

And this landing point is none other than Tokyo, a tragic city that has experienced disasters again and again.

')414'\u003eChapter 4003 Death!

Of course, Fang Yuan is not so crazy as to directly use Tokyo as a sacrifice and let it be destroyed by the collision of the alien world.

Those semi-independent time and space that are divided layer by layer are a kind of targeted buffer. They will consume the "kinetic energy" carried by the high-speed collision of the debris world with their own collapse, and finally reduce the collision damage of the material world to the minimum.

But no matter how small, the damage always exists, and it will be the kind of damage that goes deep into the time, space and rules and takes a long time to repair. It is like a person being shot and suffering a penetrating wound that goes deep into the bone marrow. Although the wound looks small, the depth of the wound and the difficulty of healing are much greater than ordinary flesh wounds.

Rather than creating another "wound" in another place on Earth, it is better to do it directly in Tokyo, a place that has already suffered considerable damage. As the spirit of the planet, Fang Yuan will be much more convenient to repair in the future.

Of course, the more critical thing is that the various arrangements he left on this land will become an important battlefield to strangle the invaders from other worlds.

As for the residents living in Tokyo... Fang Yuan asked Jianshan Ming to create several high-level earthquakes in succession, creating a sign that the local strata are unstable and earthquakes have occurred frequently recently. Moreover, the epicenter was set in the city center, causing most Tokyo citizens to flee the city in a rush - or at least flee the central area of ​​the city, leaving a large battlefield with almost no people.

Here is the battlefield arranged by Fang Yuan! ... A dozen days later, with half of Tokyo reduced to ruins, almost no residents dared to stay here at the risk of being crushed to death by collapsed houses. The originally prosperous city has become a desolate scene like a ghost town. In addition, the gloomy dark clouds lingered in the sky for a long time, making the atmosphere in the city even more gloomy and terrifying.

The dark clouds were partly caused by the regional fire caused by the earthquake, but the more critical reason was that Fang Yuan broke through the space-time barrier above this place last time, turning a huge amount of pure energy into a bombardment that was enough to destroy the world and hit it outside the world, which greatly affected the spatial stability of this area.

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