Under the chain reaction, the airflow and water vapor distribution in the material world were directly affected, resulting in the long-lasting dark clouds.

However, on this day, the dark clouds suddenly rioted, and the unprovoked strong wind rolled up large pieces of clouds, and began to rotate with the place where the time and space were pierced.

The violent friction of the airflow, the huge amount of water vapor and material dust carried in the clouds, caused a large-scale charge transfer in it. The huge potential difference brought about by the slight fluctuation instantly ionized the air in between, and burst out thunderbolts with a central temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees Celsius.

When the first thunder flashed in the clouds like a dragon and snake, the terrible thunderstorm began. In the swirling black clouds, dazzling lightning flashed from time to time to illuminate the entire cloud vortex, accompanied by deafening thunder, and the center of the vortex ignited a scorching flame like hell...  Boom--! ! ! A bolt of lightning struck the roof of a tall building, igniting some flammable materials and creating a not-so-serious fire.

Then, more and more lightning fell from the sky, either being led underground through lightning rods on the top of tall buildings, or directly striking trees and vegetation on the ground, creating small and medium-sized ignition points, as if to ignite this abandoned city.

All this meant that something was about to happen!   When another bolt of lightning, more shocking and dazzling than all the previous ones, struck the clouds, a dark hole finally opened in the vortex of the clouds, as if even light could not penetrate.

Just like the most terrifying celestial body in the universe, the black hole, the moment it appeared, this black hole burst out with endless suction, and the clouds, lightning, atmosphere, and even the trees and bricks on the ground were sucked up in the air and flew towards the increasingly larger hole in the sky.

However, it was only a few seconds, and before this terrible black hole that seemed to devour all the matter in the world could continue to exert its power, a stream of rune light emerged from the sky, the earth, and even from the space itself, like a chain, not only locking the changing wind and clouds in the sky, but also instantly locking this black hole that was like a gap in the sky.

The next moment, waves of human-perceptible vibrations came from the city where earthquakes were frequent, as if the earthquake that had not yet ended had erupted again.

However, if you look at the whole world, you can find that this time the vibration occurred synchronously across the entire earth - in other words, the entire planet was shaken by some force just now! Finally, all the changes accumulated to the limit. After a short silence, an invisible force emerged from the black hole, instantly shaking away the clouds surrounding it.

"Our new world has finally arrived!" A voice that was in an unknown language but could be understood by everyone came from the black hole.

The next moment, tens of thousands of monsters with black bodies and white bone masks on their faces swarmed out of the black hole.

And waiting for them was a shrine maiden with blond hair, red eyes and a naginata who appeared here at some unknown time.

One against ten thousand?   The seemingly alone shrine maiden seemed to be swallowed up by tens of thousands of monsters that surged like a tide in an instant.

However, when the shrine maiden brought up a fire storm hundreds of thousands of meters long with one knife, killing countless monsters instantly, those enemies realized that the enemy was not as weak as they looked.

However, before the controllers behind these monsters sent out more monsters, something even more unfavorable to them happened.

Under the earth, above the sky, between the four curtains, lines that looked like runes, talismans, and the world itself flashed like flowing light, and an indescribable and vast will blocked the entire space, and even the air seemed to solidify.

The next moment, this will slightly plucked the strings of rules, and some changes occurred in this closed space that modern technology could not detect at all, but were extremely fatal to some beings.

[Alien creatures, die! ] There was no sound, but every living and dead soul stranded in this space seemed to hear such a voice from the depths of their hearts.

Then, silently, all the evil spirits and monsters that had not died under the flames of the witch sister collapsed in an instant, shattered their souls, turned into black and purple light spots all over the sky, and gradually dissipated in the atmosphere.

The second update is completed')415'\u003eChapter 4004 Burn the boats and go out in full force

"... What is that...?" In the wreckage world that collapsed two-thirds again in the previous collision "landing", several of the only sane beings in the world also saw the scene happening in the "new world" opposite.

"... Send another batch down!" The leading "person" ordered.

The next moment, more monsters rushed into the opposite world through the space door opened above the altar.

However, just like the previous batch of pioneers, these evil spirit monsters, big or small, strong or weird, all completely collapsed into the most basic spirit particles the moment they entered the other side of the door, as if that world did not support the existence of such evil spirits at all.

But this is obviously abnormal! As early as when the remnants who survived the destruction of these worlds discovered the existence of the Soul-Eating World, they had already preliminarily confirmed that this world was an environment where evil spirits like them could survive.

But when they actually entered this world, they encountered something like this. It was obvious that "someone" had tampered with it.

Moreover, although they were on the other side of the space portal, they all heard the word "death" that resounded through their souls just now! "...Sure enough..." "This is...the god of this world..." Although he looks calm and gentle, he can change the laws of the world with just a thought. Only the title "God" can be used to describe it.

"As expected, this is the terrifying existence that launched the cross-border attack... But it seems that the other party has no entity?" "If there is no entity, wouldn't it be even worse! For this kind of person who doesn't even have a real body "How should we fight against the enemy?" "It would be great if the World Sacrifice Array was still there. We could directly sacrifice the entire old world and fundamentally tamper with the laws of the world, but now our world has become like this. …” The person who spoke turned around and glanced at the wreckage of the world behind him that was about to be completely torn into pieces by space cracks and turbulence in time and space, and then looked at the only intact piece of land under the feet of several people that was protected by the power of the altar and the artifact. Tutu shook his head and stopped thinking about these completely impossible assumptions.

"Don't be too pessimistic! The opponent seems to have no entity, it's just that our life level is not high enough and we can't see it!" Seeing that the morale of our side was a little low, the leader said so.

"What should we do? We don't have the means to directly fight against such invisible and insubstantial enemies now!" Regarding the new world that is so close at hand, all "people" who still have reason are very eager to enter it immediately.

However, the overly powerful "god" on the opposite side really daunted them.

"...Abandon the rest of our world, use your last strength to teleport the entire altar to the opposite side of the door, and then directly summon the incarnation of my lord!" After thinking for a long time, the leader made such a decision.

""...Yes!""... Just after Fang Yuan killed any evil spirits who dared to cross the door with the word "death", Isayama, who still maintained his human-god form, was still in his heart. Quietly relieved.

When she knew that this world was facing an invasion from another world, she was actually very nervous, especially after seeing Fang Yuan put up an unprecedented formation and use the power of the planet to launch a cross-world bombardment. While she was horrified by the great power of the Lord of God, she also felt a deep sense of crisis - her Lord of God was already so powerful, but how strong would the enemy that required Him to spend so much effort and be prepared for? Now, the answer is here.

Although after the black hole-like space passage was opened, those who rushed in were only cannon fodder-like beings, and they seemed to be vulnerable to Isayama Meito who exercised the power of the living god.

But only she knew that according to the evaluation standards of the countermeasure room, the power and harm of these numerous evil spirits, which numbered in the tens of thousands, were almost all above B level, and many were even close to A level.

If they were really allowed to break into this world and start killing people, what a disaster it would bring! ——Just look at the city of Tokyo, which is now almost in ruins. This is just the result of the local evil spirits rioting in Hyakki Yakou. Although there are indeed some other powers that are not evil spirits in it, the first half of it alone The evil spirits caused chaos, causing countless casualties.

If there are really over 10,000 evil spirits, each with a B-level or above, breaking into the world, not to mention Tokyo, the whole of Japan will be doomed! And this obviously cannot be the entire power of the world on the other side of the door. God knows how many monsters are hidden on the other side, one hundred thousand? million? Ten million? 100 million? Isayama Mei couldn't imagine what would happen to this world if over 100 million B-level evil spirits broke into the world - it would probably be destroyed... Fortunately, her god master did have enough Awesome, just one sentence turned the blocked city of Tokyo into a restricted area for invaders. No matter how many monsters came from the opposite side, they would only end up with the word "death" in the end.

However, just when Isayama Mei was about to relax, suddenly, there was another faint vibration between heaven and earth.

Just like the previous one, it was not the earthquake she created with the power of the earth's authority, but the vibration that occurred along with the sky, the earth, and even the space itself.

Could it be that the world on the other side has any new methods? Isayama Mei guessed.

The next moment, her premonition came true.

Click - click - Accompanied by a sound like shattering glass, the invisible network that enveloped the sky over Tokyo, functioning as a blockade and suppression, suddenly emerged from the void and shattered inch by inch under another huge force. Countless rune chains exuding golden light collapsed from the void, gradually dimmed and decomposed as they fell, and finally turned into points of light and dissipated.

The black hole that was originally firmly suppressed and could not expand by half an inch expanded instantly after losing its suppression. By the time it was suppressed by Fang Yuan with even more powerful force, it had already expanded by at least a hundred times in diameter. Buildings that touch the ground.

At this time, the strange situation in the sky over Tokyo could no longer be concealed. Even from space, it could be seen that a huge black hole appeared in the sky over eastern Japan.

The next moment, from the huge hole that had expanded countless times, a huge floating altar, accompanied by hundreds of thousands of evil spirits, crossed out from it.

')416'\u003eChapter 4005 Summoning - Dark Night Hunter

Although the space blockade was almost destroyed by the opponent's sudden force, Fang Yuan still held on, and his temporary law of "death of alien creatures" still existed.

Therefore, when the millions of evil spirits that covered the sky and blocked the sun invaded, they also began to spontaneously collapse and die at the first time.

"Hurry! These cannon fodders can't hold on for long!" Standing on the edge of the floating altar, watching the surrounding layers of monsters guarding the army disappearing at a rate of tens of thousands per second, an invader couldn't help but urge.

"Do you need to tell me?" The leader of the ten people responded with a roar. He had already walked into the altar and stood beside the "artifact". The shining trioctahedron was within his reach.

He knew that the current situation was a race against time, and he had to get rid of the terrible enemy in front of him before the evil spirit army was killed.

With a resolute mentality of dying if he didn't succeed, his hand touched the open, irregularly shaped lid.

The next moment, he closed the lid!   ...  The sky, it's dark!   It's not that the sun is setting, nor that the vast army of evil spirits in the sky blocked the light, but it's as if the darkness itself has become substantial and swallowed up all the light in the space.

"This is..."   Jiashan Ming, who avoided the black hole in space as soon as it changed, saw the golden divine light emanating from his body gradually being swallowed by the darkness spreading in space, and immediately knew that this darkness was not an ordinary optical change, but some special extraordinary power.

Moreover, this darkness not only swallowed up the light, but also blocked the transmission of divine thoughts. Even if Jianshan Ming used all his spiritual power, he could not observe the area beyond 10 meters outside.

Only when she placed her mind on the authority of the earth in her body could she indirectly observe what was happening on the earth through the power of authority, but this special "vision" was also disturbed, as if she was "seen" vaguely through a layer of frosted glass, which had a great impact on her actions and battles.

However, just when she wanted to continue to mobilize the power of authority to wipe away the fog shrouding the "vision", the divine instinct in her body stopped her - once she did so, something very terrible would inevitably happen! Fortunately, no evil spirits would come to trouble her at this time.

It was not because those evil spirits were killed. In fact, after the appearance of this darkness that swallowed all light, the absolute killing law shrouding the sky over Tokyo City had been broken.

However, the evil spirits that had escaped by chance did not kill their way to other areas as planned. Instead, they wailed and struggled as if they had encountered a more terrible disaster, turning around and rushing towards the huge hole hanging in the sky, trying to return to the ruined world that had been completely destroyed.

Obviously, something appeared in the darkness, which made these evil spirits who had almost no reason, only animality and killing desire, panic.

Jianshan Ming didn't know what it was. Her human perception didn't detect anything at all, but the divine authority in her body was trembling, as if even this ignorant authority itself felt fear.

Just when she couldn't hold back her curiosity and planned to burst out her own power to clear the "fog" in the authority's vision and see what was hidden in the darkness, a huge force that she couldn't resist suddenly appeared on her body and dragged her away from where she was.

The next moment, when she came to her senses, she found that she had changed from a human body to a form of Yuanqi will without a fixed entity, wrapped by another larger and more majestic will.

This is her God Lord!   【Stay here, don't move! 】  A voice echoed in her mind, and the irresistible will instantly extinguished the curiosity in the heart of the witch, making her stay obediently in this place that is completely different from the material world.

…  After bringing his reckless witch back to the core of the planet and transforming it into a form that can survive there, Fang Yuan turned around to deal with the "foreign objects" that appeared over Tokyo City.

Although the supernatural darkness that covered an unknown area absorbed all the light and suppressed extraordinary perception abilities such as divine thoughts, with Fang Yuan's current realm and the power of the planetary spirit level, he could still see clearly what appeared in the darkness.

It was a swollen monster similar to a bat, with a fiery red single eye split into three petals. The terrifying appearance that should not exist in the human world was enough to make people who saw it die of fear.

Yes, that is "Him", not "it".

Because, unlike those evil spirits that are also hideous and terrifying, but are actually just the reunion of the soul residue after the death of living beings, this terrifying "foreign object" is a monster with a status far higher than humans, and even higher than most of the monsters in the world.

"The Haunter of the Dark!" Fang Yuan's consciousness said such a name.

In fact, when he saw the altar flying out of the huge hollow and what was enshrined on the altar, he immediately knew that something was wrong.

The shining Trapezohedron, for those familiar with the Cthulhu mythology, can be regarded as one of the most well-known supernatural items - and it is also one that is extremely dangerous and easy to use! Yes, according to the setting, this thing does not require any rituals, nor does it require the use of any magic or technology. As long as it is placed in a dark and lightless environment, it can directly summon Nyarlathotep's Night Demon incarnation.

And it would be even more convenient if the cube-shaped trioctahedron was placed in a box - just close the lid of the box! Such a simple summoning method can be called "child's play" compared with the complicated methods that the group of alien invaders used to have to build altars, draw formations, and perform specific rituals with great fanfare.

But such a "child's play" summoning method is actually the "correct" way to use this so-called "artifact" - those methods that require a lot of trouble to perform various rituals are amateur methods that take a long way around! Well, as for whether the enemy of the summoner or the summoner himself will suffer after using it, it depends purely on their luck and the mood of the Night Demon incarnation - not the mood of Nyarlathotep, after all, Nyarlathotep Each incarnation of Tipu is independent.

Obviously, this group of visitors from another world knew this, but after discovering that an overly powerful landlord appeared in the new world they hoped for, they were desperate and directly chose to flip the table and summon it in this way. The incarnation of Nyarlathotep.

Who said I blew it? ! My date yesterday was obviously a success, right? ! ! I obviously deleted the leave request note in order to take care of the reading sense of the readers behind me, okay? Some people, don’t spread rumors casually, saying that wind is like rain! This is a waste of time and money! Well, in view of this, I decided to add an update today and a third update later.

')417'\u003eChapter 4006: The Incarnation of Photophobia, Supernatural Darkness, Shattuck Bird Legion

As one of the most famous incarnations of Nyarlathotep, the Night Demon, or Night Hunter, is also well known for his weakness - light.

In fact, from the summoning conditions of this incarnation, we can see the origin between the incarnation of the Night Demon and darkness, and darkness and light are naturally opposites.

It only takes a little bit of light to seal this incarnation back into the cubehedron. If the light is strong enough, it can even destroy the incarnation directly! However, since it is the incarnation of an alien god, it is impossible to ignore such weaknesses.

Fang Yuan knew that the supernatural darkness that shrouded the entire urban area of ​​Tokyo was the method used by this incarnation of the Night Demon to make up for his own weaknesses.

——Since light can seal or even destroy the incarnation of the Night Demon, it would be better to simply create an environment where light does not exist.

In this kind of supernatural darkness that swallows all brilliance, let alone ordinary light, even spiritual light and divine light with the same supernatural power cannot spread too far here.

With such a layer of protection, Nyarlathotep's incarnation of the Night Demon instantly becomes a deadly hunter in the darkness, and other extraordinary beings may not be his opponents.

Of course, Fang Yuan, who was transformed into a star spirit, felt that he could give it a try.

Although at this time he was only a tiny ant compared to Nyarlathotep's outer god, but if he only faced an independent incarnation of the Night Hunter, Fang Yuan felt that he You can still fight a dozen.

——What's more, even if he can't defeat him, doesn't he still have the ultimate move to summon Big Brother Yog... "Light!" With the authority of the planet's spirit, Fang Yuan forcibly used the power accumulated inside the planet to destroy It transforms into pure light and shines out, trying to tear apart the darkness that shrouds the city.

His idea is simple. Since this supernatural darkness can swallow light, it should release a light that far exceeds the opponent's swallowing limit! The effect of this was also very significant - the entire surface of Tokyo suddenly lit up with an extremely dazzling pure golden light, and the original cement rock ground and buildings seemed to have instantly turned into a crystal diamond-like texture. Comparable brilliance was projected from the bottom up, and the brilliance comparable to the surface of the sun instantly illuminated a small half of the sky, tearing apart large tracts of supernatural darkness.

However, the other party's supernatural darkness seemed to be thicker than Fang Yuan imagined - "Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"" A roar that was harsh enough to drive people crazy sounded from the darkness still shrouded in the sky, Fang Yuan Although Yuan's counterattack dispelled the small half of the darkness, it obviously did not achieve its full success, and it also angered the incarnation of the Night Demon who did not like the light.

Thumping, fluttering—thrust—the sound of flapping wings and scraping of scales resounded in the darkness, layer upon layer, densely packed, as if countless monsters suddenly appeared in the darkness, swarming around and trying to escape, toward the light outside the darkness. Come to kill.

Swish——! A huge flying monster rushed out of the darkness and came to the area covered by light.

It looks like a bird as a whole, but it has a head like a horse. Its wings are not feather wings, but are similar to bat wings. Its body is larger than an elephant and is covered with a layer of scales. It was very filthy, its claws were sharp and powerful, and the hissing sound from its mouth was as harsh as glass being scratched.

Shatak bird... Fang Yuan immediately recognized the identity of this monster that seemed to come from hell.

At the same time, he also knew that after just expelling the group of evil spirits, this planet welcomed a new group of monsters.

——You know, the Shatak bird is a social monster!   The next moment, Fang Yuan knew that his premonition was correct.

Hualala--After the first pioneer, groups of Shatak birds rushed out of the darkness. The number was endless. In an instant, they filled the gap between the sky and the earth, blocking the light emitted from the surface, allowing the supernatural darkness behind to advance again.

This night demon incarnation, which looks like a beast but is actually highly intelligent, saw that its own supernatural darkness was expelled by the equally powerful supernatural light, and actually summoned the Shatak bird clan to drive them to suppress the light source on the ground.

And these lower-level servant races who devoutly served Nyarlathotep did not hesitate to sacrifice their lives, just like moths to a flame, one after another rushed towards the light on the ground.

Seeing this, Fang Yuan did not hesitate, and instantly changed the type of light radiation on the ground transformed from the original Qi, from the original pure light to the divine light with supernatural killing power.

In an instant, the dazzling light radiating from the surface of the entire Tokyo city killed large groups of Shatak birds. This mythical race, which has no other advantages except the ability to fly, can be killed even with modern weapons, not to mention the divine light released by Fang Yuan with the power of the planet spirit.

But the sacrifice of these Shantak birds was not in vain. After being killed by the divine light, their bodies instantly turned into filthy and evil blood, which poured on the surface of the earth where spiritual energy was surging. A trace of evil breath like maggots on the tarsal bones entangled them, and the originally sacred and pure spiritual light of the earth veins suddenly became dim.

Although this dimness was instantly restored by the subsequent flushing of more pure spiritual energy, it immediately increased Fang Yuan's spiritual energy consumption several times in an instant - fortunately, Fang Yuan now has the spiritual power reserve of an entire planet. Although considering the need to maintain the operation of the planet, there has been a huge consumption before, if he wants to rely on this method alone, he is not afraid of any consumption.

But it is obvious that this is just the prelude of the opponent.

After all, the Shantak bird itself is just a mount. Although it will also fight as a cannon fodder in the war between Nyarlathotep and the ancient gods, and become a nemesis with the Nightmare race, this cannot change the fact that they are actually mounts with little combat power.

Therefore, when most of the light on the surface was blocked and suppressed by the almost endless Shantak birds at the cost of their lives, a supernatural darkness suddenly surged up, gradually eroding the light leaking through the gaps.

At the same time, a more evil and filthy breath than the flesh and blood of the Shantak birds leaked out from the darkness. This filth and evil not only eroded matter and energy, but also eroded the space itself!   Fang Yuan could feel that the surface of Tokyo City was still under his control, but the part above the surface had been gradually eroded and controlled by another terrible will, and the power of his planetary authority could no longer penetrate.

The sky above the entire Tokyo City was becoming a different world!   Three more chapters are here')418'\u003eChapter 4007 Summoning the Gate of Truth-Everything is over?

"Is it just an incarnation that is so strong..."  Fang Yuan sensed the space above Tokyo City that was gradually out of his control, and he had a clearer understanding of the power of the external gods in his heart.

Apart from other things, just talking about the opponent's ability to corrode space with darkness and turn it into another world, ordinary gods can't deal with it, and it is even extremely threatening to the planet itself.

Fortunately, Fang Yuan is not completely powerless to fight back-"Okay, since it is the incarnation of an alien god, then I won't continue to be arrogant, and I'd better ask an existence of the same status to deal with you!" As Fang Yuan said this, his will surged in the spirit body of the planet, and the underground spiritual veins between the material world and the spiritual world also changed automatically under the control of this will.

The flowing ground veins and spiritual power readjusted their flow underground, using themselves as the pen and ink, interweaving and outlining, and in the interlayer between the material world and the spiritual world, a huge circle that could cover the entire Japan was drawn.

The next moment, the sky over Japan was covered by a sudden black cloud. Satellites in space could see that on the east side of the Eurasian continent, a large, roughly circular cloud had completely covered the Japanese archipelago. In the cloud, huge lightning flashed, dazzling enough to be seen in outer space. The scene seemed like the end of the world, and it seemed as if the gate of hell had opened here.

In fact, a door had indeed opened here, but it was not a gate of hell, but a gate of truth that possessed endless knowledge and penetrated the infinite time and space of the three thousand worlds.

It was like the gate of light itself, descending outside the darkness that enveloped the sky, and what came out of the open door was no longer the endless darkness that Fang Yuan had seen in the past, but a dazzling light in contrast to it - as if Yog-Sothoth's body was behind the door.

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