The supernatural radiance with supreme holiness and terror instantly tore apart the darkness shrouding the body of the Night Demon, and mercilessly destroyed the incarnation of the evil god exposed to the strong light - although for Nyarlathotep Generally speaking, this kind of independent incarnation can reappear after a period of time no matter how many times it is destroyed. However, if it is the power of an outside god who is also one of the three pillar gods that destroys it, then the recovery time will probably be longer than that of being killed by other forces. Death has been growing for a long time... The great portal made of brilliance only opened for a moment. After destroying the incarnation of the night demon, the summoned door of truth turned into endless brilliance and dissipated into the void.

Also disappearing were the huge cavity that had expanded to a diameter of over a thousand meters, as well as the alien invaders outside the cavity, including the altar enshrining the Trapezohedron.

——In the end, the Gate of Truth took care of all these things. Maybe he thought these were Fang Yuan’s sacrifices to him? Well, it’s hard to say... "Is it over..." Isayama Mei, who was put back on the ground and regained his human body, looked at the dark clouds gradually dissipating in the sky and breathed a sigh of relief.

Although she was protected by the "God Lord" before and did not directly see the war on the surface, but when the incarnation of the Night Demon really showed its power, even in the core of the planet, she could still feel that it seemed as if she was facing an inviolable situation. The horror of a natural disaster.

Fortunately, although she didn't know what methods her divine master used, everything was eventually calmed down.

Moreover, it seems that in order to prevent similar supernatural disasters from happening again in the future, Isayama Mei can feel that the spiritual environment in Tokyo, no, the entire Japan region has changed.

Some kind of invisible force is coming from all directions, exerting it on every inch of land and every creature without distinction. The spiritual power in the atmosphere that was originally lively and agile and can be used by those with extraordinary talents has become dull and inert. The spiritual power flowing in the earth's veins no longer evaporates to the outside world.

This familiar power... is the Lord of God! She could feel that if he were an ordinary exorcist, he would no longer be able to use his spiritual power to cast spells at this moment. Even those precious props that have been passed down since ancient times and have power beyond human levels will gradually lose their power. .

That is to say, a living god like Isayama Mei who possesses part of the authority originating from the planet in his body and transcends human personality can still mobilize some extraordinary power with the power of authority, but the power is much smaller than in the past.

The decline of her extraordinary power turned out to be the power of her divine master! Originally it was just abroad, but this time it’s finally Japan’s turn? "Well, there's nothing wrong with this... From now on, there should be peace!" Having seen too many disasters caused by supernatural forces, Isayama Mei is not dissatisfied with this extraordinary and peaceful apocalyptic world.

In fact, because she herself has become a privileged class that will not be suppressed during this round of changes, she quite welcomes this approach of completely suppressing supernatural powers.

... "Hmm! My spiritual power..." Just as Isayama Mei felt a little bit happy about her new "privileged class" status, her former companions, the exorcists in the countermeasures room, including Her cousin Isayama Yomi felt like the sky was falling.

For the vast majority of exorcists, the spiritual power in their bodies is their only source of survival. Even modern exorcists from the Countermeasure Room who come from three religions and nine streams and are proficient in using thermal weapons, spiritual power is also part of their power system. An indispensable and important part - without spiritual power, they can't even see the spirit body! But now, the exorcists have met their end.

"The decline of extraordinary power... So this is what it feels like..." For everyone in the countermeasures room, the decline of extraordinary powers abroad is no longer news. They have also expected that they will wait for this day sooner or later.

But what they didn't expect was that this day would come so quickly and suddenly! "Maybe the disaster just now is the last afterglow of the supernatural world!" Isayama Yomi quickly relaxed after the initial panic - only after losing her extraordinary power did she realize that maybe she could be an ordinary person. Maybe the high school girl is the life she really wants... "In this way, Kagura-chan no longer has to be involved in this dangerous world..." Looking up at the sky, there were streaks of golden sunshine. The dark clouds in the sky were torn apart, and the light shone down. Isayama Yomi also seemed to see the ordinary world where there were no supernatural disasters, and the two ordinary girls living ordinary lives in the ordinary world... ...')419' \u003eChapter 4008: The Hidden Danger of "Final"

After everything settled, Fang Yuan escaped from the state of fusion with the planet spirit and regained his complete human body.

Looking up at the Humane Law and Forbidden Magic Barrier in the sky, which is integrated with the planet, and then looking at the urban Tokyo that has really turned into ruins, Fang Yuan nodded, expressing satisfaction with the results of his work.

——With such a small price, the crisis of world destruction was solved. It couldn't be better!   "I just hope that those who accidentally saw the Gate of Truth and the Night Demon's true body will have a strong San value..."   Well, in the previous battle, Fang Yuan saw the true power of the incarnation of the outer god, and finally had to summon the Gate of Truth to fight the enemy. Although he had created heavy and low clouds in advance to block most of the outside vision, there was no way to guarantee that this scene would not be seen by anyone.

In fact, there should be quite a few people who saw this scene near Tokyo.

Even if the humans in this world do not have the same San value setting as the world in the novel of Master Ai Shouyi, facing this great existence that can almost be regarded as the true body of the gods, there should still be some sequelae.

Fortunately, he has blocked the spiritual veins and spiritual power of the entire planet, suppressing almost all extraordinary powers. Those who accidentally see things they shouldn't see will at most have nightmares, see some hallucinations, hear some hallucinations, or have some irreversible mental distortions... There shouldn't be any big problems.

"The only hidden danger left now is the 'Shining Octahedron'!" Emmmm... Fang Yuan simply ignored the fact that there seems to be a human incarnation of Nyarlathotep on Earth.

After all, he also knows that for such a big guy, if He really wants to make trouble, Fang Yuan, a mere human, can't stop him... However, he can't deal with Nyarlathotep's incarnation, but he may not be able to eliminate the hidden dangers of a prop like the "Shining Octahedron".

Yes, although the Gate of Truth destroyed Nyarlathotep's Night Demon incarnation and took away the invading evil spirits, the most critical prop, the tridecahedron, was not swallowed by Him.

I don't know if this is a tacit understanding between the Outer Gods, or if Master Yog thinks that thing is worthless. In short, the so-called "artifact" that is most likely closely related to the destruction of another world was swept away by the energy aftermath during the battle.

Of course, this "unknown" is for ordinary people. For Fang Yuan, he still has a way to find it.

Leaving the Tokyo city full of man-made buildings, he came to the Aokigahara Sea of ​​Trees outside Mount Fuji. This famous suicide sanctuary in Japan is exactly the place where the tridecahedron fell that Fang Yuan sensed.

Fang Yuan also relied on the convenience of the planetary spirit to find such an inconspicuous little crystal from the vast land, mountains and seas.

Continuing to go deeper into the forest, he also saw many complete or incomplete corpses along the way. Most of them were suicides who entered this forest for various reasons, and some were hikers who didn't know how to live or die and liked to seek excitement.

Originally, according to the original situation of this world, this should be an excellent place for breeding evil spirits. Ordinary people can't think of leaving alive after entering.

However, now, under the suppression of the humanitarian law network set up by Fang Yuan, all extraordinary powers have been suppressed. Human practitioners have only lost their spiritual power that they were born with or cultivated with hard work, and those ghosts and monsters produced by the resentment of residual souls have really returned to dust and completely disappeared.

Therefore, now, outsiders walking in this forest, as long as they don't have the misfortune to encounter Japanese black bears, basically don't have to worry about their lives.

And for Fang Yuan, there is even less need to worry - even if this is still a dangerous and evil place with countless evil spirits like before, he can still walk as he wants as if he is in an uninhabited place.

Moving forward, Fang Yuan finally arrived at his destination - a deep cave hidden in the woods, after a glance drove away a black bear that wanted to hunt the "bald-haired upright ape".

As soon as he approached the cave entrance, Fang Yuan felt a subtle force trying to interfere with his mind, and a voice seemed to want to say something to him.

Fang Yuan decisively strengthened his mental shielding, and even quietly used a trace of the power of the Gate of Truth. The next moment, the voice that interfered with his mind immediately disappeared.

"Sure enough, it's here!" If an ordinary person heard this kind of voice, he would probably listen carefully and want to hear clearly what the voice was saying, but if so, it is estimated that the person would not have a good end.

Fang Yuan stepped into the cave and found that it was actually a wild animal's nest, but there were no food residues and shed hair on the ground, and there was no smell of wild animals in the air. This place should have been abandoned for a long time.

Walking deeper into the cave, Fang Yuan found the open-faced octahedron in a pile of rubble with a crack of skylight above.

"...How did this thing get here?" Fang Yuan looked back at the direction of the cave entrance and the width of the crack above the rubble. He found that no matter what, the octahedron could not have fallen directly from the crack above, nor could it have rolled all the way from the cave entrance to here by inertia without any power, and still kept the open appearance of a box facing up.

——If there wasn’t some trouble-making outsider in this, he could eat the door of truth! Looking at the nearly spherical crystal on the ground that flickered with faint fluorescence and looked like just a decoration, Fang Yuan had a headache as to what to do with it.

"Did you summon the Gate of Truth again and sacrifice it?" Fang Yuan thought, but the Gate of Truth in his mind was vaguely shaken. He somehow knew that this thing would not be closed by the Gate of Truth. ! He was a little confused about the relationship between the big boss behind his door and the outside god who loved to cause trouble.

Although according to the novels and many subsequent settings of Master Ai Craftsman, there is no such thing as "mutual love" in the Cthulhu pantheon. Between the old rulers and the old rulers, and between the outer gods and the outer gods, there is no such thing as love. There are not many good relationships.

Especially Yog-Sothoth and Nyarlathotep. One has neither good nor evil, and can be said to be an absolutely neutral position; the other is like a demon, mixing and spreading among humans. Evil thoughts shape human beings into what they like, and then guide human beings on the path of self-destruction in various ways, and finally appreciate the despair of human beings who have fallen into darkness before they die... Both of these are unpredictable. Existence is really impossible to fathom with Fang Yuan's "shallow" wisdom.

"How about sealing it?" Today's second update')420'\u003eChapter 4009: The mission of the witch, the accident on the return journey, and the unexpected changes

"The Lord of God has not responded to me for a long time... Are you sleeping? Or have you left?" In a small, deserted shrine, wearing a witch costume, she has officially changed her profession from an exorcist to a witch. Isayama Mei is cleaning the newly built small shrine.

Although she herself is a human god and will inevitably become a new god after her flesh and blood body dies, at this time she still regards herself as a witch serving the god, and she is very conscientious in taking care of this place that almost no one cares about. A small shrine.

Fortunately, she also knew that her divine master did not need the incense offered by mortals, so she was not dissatisfied with this kind of deserted scene - in fact, it was more to her liking. This feeling that she was the only one in the whole shrine made her feel happy. She had the illusion of being alone with her beloved God.

Until this day, when she got up early before dawn and planned to complete her daily cleaning work, she suddenly discovered that there was an object similar to a pyramid in the main hall of the shrine where the tablet of the god was enshrined.

"This is..." Isayama Mei stepped closer and looked at the object placed on the altar.

You can see that its size is several feet square, and it is in the shape of a pyramid. The whole body is shining with light, and the surface is flashing with floating golden symbols. You can tell at a glance that it is not a mortal thing.

Although it is now the end of the Dharma world and the supernatural is extinct, the shrine maiden who still retains most of her supernatural power with the help of the authority of the human god can still feel that there is the aura of her divine master on this pyramid.

"Is it something sent by the God Lord..." After muttering to himself, Isayama Mei took a few steps forward and carefully touched the mini pyramid that appeared inexplicably with his hand.

Just when her hand touched the surface of the pyramid, a piece of information suddenly appeared in her mind.

Only then did she realize that the pyramid was originally a magical tool used by her god to seal some kind of evil power. This so-called "evil power" was none other than the culprit that caused a series of catastrophes in Tokyo. The culprit, a terrifying object that can summon evil gods.

Fang Yuan sent her here so that she, a human god who was destined to become a god, could take on the task of guarding the seal.

"I see... Is this my mission as a shrine maiden, as a human god, and even as a god in the future!" Isayama Mei did not reject the task assigned by Fang Yuan at all, but happily accepted it.

From the moment her life was saved by Fang Yuan, she had made up her mind to dedicate everything she had to her god.

In the previous series of events, she felt that she had not actually helped her divine master much, but she still received divine favor and gained such powerful power, which made her feel very uneasy.

It was only now, when she finally took over a task from the Lord of God that might last for thousands of years, or even forever, that she truly felt that she was needed by her God! This feeling is really not bad! ​​… However, the situation of the “God Lord” that a certain miko girl longed for was not very good at this time.

After completing the mission of saving the world and properly sealing the last hidden danger and entrusting it to the care of the right person, Fang Yuan, who felt that there was no need to stay in this world anymore, decisively started the process of returning to the main world as usual. program.

However, his return this time was not very peaceful.

"Hell, I've been tricked!" When he saw that what emerged from the summoning array was not the Gate of Truth, but an indescribable darkness, he knew that he was on the right track.

——Nyarlathotep, who had an incarnation destroyed, really didn’t let him go! …… In the main world, in geosynchronous orbit, Fang Yuan is paying attention to the incarnation that travels through time and space through the door of truth in his mind.

To be honest, he originally just wanted to let the avatar walk on the ground this time, and take a look at what was going on in the secret realm where there was a lot of commotion.

But I didn't expect that I would encounter so many things one after another - the secret realm of evil spirits that endangers the world, the ritual formation that reverses time and space, traveling through time and space to return to the past of another world, and the incarnation of Nyarlathotep Fighting... Fortunately, the door of truth in his mind communicates with infinite time and space. Even if he is in another world, or even in the past of another world, he can still maintain consciousness synchronization with his current body.

However, on this day, he suddenly found that the relationship between himself and this incarnation was disconnected.

Yes, not only his "original self", but also the incarnations in other worlds that have always maintained consciousness synchronization with each other have also lost their sensitivity to the incarnation that traveled to the world of eating souls.

‘Beheaded? ’ Fang Yuan’s first thought was this.

But before he could think of a way to determine the life or death of his incarnation, suddenly, a feeling of dizziness came over him for no reason.

In a daze, Fang Yuan seemed to have forgotten something.

When Fang Yuan recovered from the dizziness, he calmed down and immediately realized something was wrong.

——With his current state, he still feels dizzy? ! He searched his memory carefully and found that there was no problem.

He just sits in space as always, overlooking everything happening on the earth. From time to time, he sends one or two incarnations to the surface, and after experiencing the fireworks of the world, he takes back the incarnations... There is no problem with everything, but there is no problem. the biggest issue! "[Ether], what just happened?" He immediately asked his artificial intelligence. Fang Yuan believed that if it was some kind of mental attack, [Ether], as an artificial intelligence, might be able to detect something.

"I'm sorry, Master, what are you talking about? Nothing happened just now."

The inorganic voice of [Ether] came from the air, causing Fang Yuan to fall silent.

"..." "When was my last action and what was its purpose?" After a moment of silence, Fang Yuan continued to ask.

"Your most recent action was to send an avatar into the world of "A Certain Magical Index" and "A Certain Scientific Railgun". The purpose was to obtain the magic and technological information of the world. The action has been completed, the avatar has been recovered, and there will be no other action."

The artificial intelligence that recorded everything dutifully answered like this.

...It was normal, completely consistent with his memory, but Fang Yuan always felt something was wrong, but he didn't know what was wrong.

After thinking for a long time, Fang Yuan thought of his previous experience in the world of forbidden super guns.

Is it possible that... the change does not occur at the spiritual level or the material level, but at a higher level beyond the material and spiritual levels... "Is it information manipulation, existence erasure, or world line change? ...If you want to know the answer, this is the only way!" Fang Yuan took out a Philosopher's Stone from the inventory, held it in his hand, then closed his eyes, and his mind sank into the depths of the spiritual sea.

Here, he opened the eyes of his soul and once again saw the door of truth that had been with him for a long time.

"If there is any existence that knows everything, it's only you!" Holding the Philosopher's Stone that was brought here at an unknown time in his hand, and pressing the door of truth with his other hand, Fang Yuan placed the sacrifice and himself questions were sent to the door.

A few moments later, when Fang Yuan opened his eyes again and regained consciousness, the Philosopher's Stone in his hand had disappeared, and he also knew what exactly happened at that moment.

')421'\u003eChapter 420 New World, Unusable Alchemy

"Well..." Fang Yuan opened his eyes, and his consciousness gradually woke up from his drowsiness.

"I'm..." He lowered his head and looked at his seemingly intact body, then raised his head to look at the surrounding environment. For a moment, he was a little confused as to why he was here.

However, a few seconds later, Fang Yuan, who had completely regained consciousness, finally recalled that he had been plotted by Nyarlathotep when he was trying to return to the main world, and he did not wake up until now.

"It seems I'm lucky enough, or that big guy didn't plan to kill me?" Fang Yuan breathed a sigh of relief after looking at the whole body, with no missing parts or multiple parts.

To be able to survive Nyarlathotep's hands without mutating into something else, I have to say that he is really lucky - maybe it's also because he has Big Brother Yog standing behind him... But , after a detailed inspection of himself, Fang Yuan found that he was not really intact.

"The Gate of Truth has disappeared?" When Fang Yuan checked his mental memory and soul state, he discovered this and was stunned for a moment.

He never thought that the Gate of Truth, which he used to travel through all the worlds, would leave him one day.

But that's not the key, what's more important is - "Doesn't that mean that the connection between me and the main body is severed?!" Yes, Fang Yuan was able to exist incarnations in multiple worlds before, and he was able to maintain all of them. The incarnation's thinking and consciousness are completely unified, relying on the door of truth that can communicate with all realms.

But now the projection of the Gate of Truth in his incarnation's mind has disappeared, which means that he has cut off the connection with his true body and other incarnations.

Fang Yuan didn't have any happy thoughts about this.

Perhaps in the impression of ordinary people, this kind of isolation and independence is a good thing for an avatar - isn't it written like this in novels, after the avatar becomes independent, it will bite back the master and become the subject... But Fang Yuan's actions have already been Practitioners who have achieved Yang Shen, and even cultivated the materialization of the soul of the third method, have a completely different relationship between the subject and the incarnation than what ordinary people imagine.

He has determined the core concept of "I" in the step-by-step practice, which is unshakable and unchanging, and takes it as the basis of his own existence, regardless of whether it is an incarnation or a real body.

Even though the incarnation and the original body are isolated in different worlds and disconnected, Fang Yuan's "I" is still the same "I". The inherent "centripetal force" in his thinking prevents him from having the thought of betraying the original body.

...However, after a brief period of annoyance, Fang Yuan still accepted the fact that his incarnation was forced to be independent.

Only then did he have the intention to pay attention to the situation outside.

When he woke up before, he discovered that he seemed to be in the ruins of a city.

It's not an ancient city, nor a futuristic city full of science fiction, but a city with modern technological level - but it has been turned into ruins.

"It seems that this world is not a peaceful world..." Sighing like this, Fang Yuan turned around and looked around, and then quickly saw the iconic objects that allowed him to determine where he was - towering buildings standing side by side. Entering the clouds, there is a giant black stone monument thousands of meters high.

"...Don't tell me it's that twisted world..." Fang Yuan had roughly determined the world he was in, recalled all the information related to this world, and suddenly frowned in displeasure - if this If the world is really what he knows, he will not play a savior this time, but a destroyer! However, at this moment, a roar full of animality and murderous intent sounded from behind him. At the same time, a gust of evil wind hit from behind his head. Fang Yuan was instantly alarmed and subconsciously mobilized his mental power to try to use alchemy. Technique to block attacks from behind.

But something horrified him happened - his mental power penetrated into the material as usual, but when he wanted to change the composition of the material, he found that he couldn't! Alchemy can no longer be used! Fang Yuan instantly thought of the Gate of Truth that had disappeared in his mind, and at the same time he understood that it was actually the power of the Gate of Truth that had been supporting his alchemy.

But these thoughts only flashed through his mind. The most critical thing now was how to solve the immediate crisis.

After Fang Yuan knew that alchemy could not be used, he immediately knew that this time was completely different from the previous time travels. He did not know how much of the extraordinary power he possessed could be used.

However, one thing is certain, in any world with matter, the power of the body is universal.

And with Fang Yuan's physical strength at this time, it was not difficult to dodge such an attack.

Bang——! ! ! The sharp blade cut into the ground, creating two deep and long gaps in the hard ground. However, Fang Yuan, who was the target of the attack, did not die under the sharp claws.

With a physical fitness that was dozens of times higher than that of an ordinary person, he had already stepped aside and was turning around to look at the monster that attacked him.

Yes, it is a monster, with a body structure like a mantis, but its body size has been enlarged to the size of a horse. It has two forelimbs like blades, and the sharp edges exude a metallic luster. Two freshly baked " "Knife mark" is the effect created by these two "sharp blades".

The most impressive thing was the blood-red eyes all over the monster's body. The scarlet beast pupils mixed with chaotic murderous intent made Fang Yuan naturally think of some indescribable monsters.

"Gastrela...well, it is indeed that world!" Yes, seeing this monster, Fang Yuan finally confirmed that the world he was in was exactly the one he had guessed before - "Pitch Black Bullet", In Fang Yuan's memory, this world should be called this name. It is also a Japanese animation that has been shown in the main world, and there are also novels and comics published.

The most striking features of this world are two - one is that the ferocious-looking monster in front of Fang Yuan is actually a viral parasitic organism "Gastrula" with terrible infectivity and self-healing ability. It is also a terrifying monster that forces the humans in this world to survive in settlements one after another and is on the verge of destruction.

The other one was what Fang Yuan had seen before, the huge black stone tablet that stood tall and reached the clouds. It was made of a metal called varanium.

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