This special metal can emit a weak electromagnetic field, which has a restraining effect on the protogastric virus. After forming a scale effect, it can prevent the protogastric virus from approaching in a large range. At the same time, it is also the greatest reliance for humans to survive and build settlements in this near-doomsday environment.

Fang Yuan came to such a world!   Today's second update')422'\u003eChapter 421 World Blessing, Diamond Indestructible, Extremely Detailed

The appearance of the protogastric animal made Fang Yuan confirm the world he was in, but for this monster that was like a mantis magnified hundreds of times, killing the humans in front of it was its only goal.

"Hiss-Roar-!!!"  The mouth was completely different from the bloody mouth of insects, and the long tongue swung, and the saliva full of protogastric virus splashed everywhere. This mantis-like protogastric animal disappeared from the spot with a "bang". The next moment, it had already arrived above Fang Yuan's head, and its two sharp forelimbs like samurai swords chopped down on the target below again.

However, this time Fang Yuan would not hide again.

Swoosh!   From the moment of extreme movement to extreme stillness, when the simple brain of the protogastric animal came to its senses, it found that its forelimbs were tightly grasped by the prey in front of it with bare hands, and it could no longer move.

It can be vaguely seen that between the blade and Fang Yuan's palm, a trace of light is flowing. Looking closely, it can be found that Fang Yuan's whole body is flashing with faint light.

In that light, it seems that the world, mountains and rivers, wind and clouds can be seen, as if there is a complete world hidden in it.

This is Fang Yuan projecting the mental world in his body into his body, adding the concept of "world" to his body, and strengthening his body with a body that is already dozens of times stronger than that of ordinary people. A more powerful and indestructible body that can withstand all attacks.

With this defensive power that exceeds the laws of conventional physics, he can use his bare palms to confront the sharp blade feet of the protogastric animal that can cut gold and jade.

——Just in the few seconds before, Fang Yuan had roughly figured out his own power. He found that, in addition to the inability to use alchemy, the Yang Shen and the world of mind, which were the basis of his power, still existed in his body. It was just that it seemed that because the laws between the worlds were different, the extraordinary power could not take effect outside the body and could only be limited to the body.

Therefore, Fang Yuan, who usually used magic attacks, had to play a role in melee combat at this time, adding all his extraordinary power to his body, and gaining a strong body that was indestructible and stronger than dragons and tigers.

"Roar--!!!" Seeing that his own attack was blocked and the knife foot, which was the strongest weapon, was also tightly captured and unable to move, the protostomes full of chaotic murderous intent did not think of retreating, but launched a new round of attacks.

This time, it used the bloody mouth full of sharp teeth and emitting a terrible stench.

"Tsk!" Although he knew that he would not be injured, Fang Yuan did not want to experience the feeling of drilling his head into the monster's head.

He clenched his hands hard, far exceeding the limit of carbon-based organisms, and exerted a huge force of thousands of tons on the pair of blades in his hands.

Crack-crack-- In an instant, the sharp blades comparable to high-strength alloys broke under the influence of the protostomia virus.

Fang Yuan held the broken blade with both hands, not caring about the sharp edge on it, and danced a knife flower, then stabbed upwards instantly, piercing the bloody mouth that was rushing towards his head from bottom to top, and by the way, he stepped aside to avoid the opponent's forward body, letting it fall to the ground.

Bang--! The mantis-shaped protostomia, which was two times larger than an ordinary horse, stumbled to the ground, and its remaining limbs struggled and fluttered subconsciously, raising a large amount of dust.

Fang Yuan just watched the monster struggling to get up from the ground. The broken forelimbs regenerated in just a few seconds, leaving only the upper and lower jaws nailed by two broken blade feet unable to open, which looked inexplicably funny.

"This regeneration ability seems to be no worse than the T series virus, and it is said that the high-level stage V can also regenerate at the molecular level... It is also something that seems to be scientific but is actually completely unscientific! Could it be that the protogastric virus in this world is related to some indescribable person?" The fight just now has given Fang Yuan a relatively basic understanding of the so-called protogastric animals. If it is this level, even if he can only use physical strength, he will not hesitate to kill thousands of them in a row.

Therefore, Fang Yuan even had the leisure to guess the truth of the so-called "protogastric virus" in this world during the battle, completely ignoring the protogastric animals that have been completely enraged and are approaching step by step.

Swish——! There were two more high-speed blade lights that were difficult to see with the naked eye. The mantis-like protostomes swung their limbs with the animal nature and killing instincts in their genes, but their blades were like those of a peerless swordsman who had practiced for many years. With instinctive killing and the survival killing intent of the law of the jungle, they rushed directly to the relatively "fragile" "weak points" around Fang Yuan.

But Fang Yuan, who had already figured out the details of his opponent, was just strolling in the garden. He wandered freely in the storm of swords that could cut any intruder into pieces. He easily avoided all the opponent's attacks with his gestures. Only the scattered sword wind and air waves cut deep knife marks on the ground.

"Is that all?" Half a minute later, seeing that the monster seemed to have no other means of attack, Fang Yuan stopped playing with it. He paused and reached into the tornado-like blade storm with his hands with a hazy glow. With a "clang", he captured the monster's blade-footed front limbs again.

However, Fang Yuan would not hold back this time.

Buzz!   Accompanied by a barely detectable buzzing sound, Fang Yuan's muscles, bones, ligaments, and tendons all exerted force together. The extraordinary force that was enough to be calculated in tens of thousands of tons under the blessing of the "world" concept, under the extremely subtle control, turned into pure physical vibration force, and flowed into the body of the protostomes along the contact points of his hands.

In an instant, the shock force ignored the internal and external skeletons and tough muscles of the protogastric animal that were enough to resist ordinary thermal weapons, and tore every organ, every tissue, and even every cell in its body. The monster, which was originally roaring and wanted to continue attacking, suddenly lost its voice and turned into a ball of blood and meat, and fell to the ground with a "smack", and the smelly blood was splashed all over the ground.

"Huh——" Fang Yuan looked at the pool of his "masterpiece" in front of him and nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, it seems that my physical force skills developed based on computing power are comparable to the fourth-level "micro" realm in Yuanzu Infinity!" After giving such an evaluation of his performance, Fang Yuan pressed on the ground casually, trying to use alchemy to refine a container to hold some protogastric animal tissues, but then he realized that he could no longer use alchemy, so he gave up with a dull mood.

"Forget it, the tissues of the protogastric animals can be collected at any time. Let's go into the city and see the situation on the human side..." As he said this, Fang Yuan turned his head and looked at the towering stone tablet in the distance, and took a step forward.

')423'\u003eChapter 422 The first contact with the heroine - coincidence, or arrangement?

Walking on the street, watching the busy pedestrians coming and going.

From time to time, you can see young boys and girls walking together on the street, talking about something interesting and laughing.

If you don't look at the tall stone tablet standing in the distance, it would be difficult for Fang Yuan to associate such a peaceful scene with the end of the world.

"It's really... peaceful!" Fang Yuan sighed and shook his head. He knew that this peace was just an appearance. Under this seemingly calm appearance, the unfathomable undercurrent had already begun to surge.

In particular, he learned from the conversations of passers-by that this was one of the five major areas divided into Japan after the protogastric animal war - Tokyo District, which is where the original plot unfolded.

"Tokyo again. It seems that the name of this city is unlucky..." Fang Yuan thought of Tokyo in the previous world, which was badly screwed by his plan to fight. If this world is really as oppressive and dark as described in the original plot, he can guarantee that the final fate of Tokyo in this world will definitely be worse than the previous Tokyo! Thinking of this, Fang Yuan suddenly saw a bicycle with people riding by his side speeding past, and then accidentally rode into a pit on the road, and then-"Woo-wah-!!!" Accompanied by a scream that made people feel painful, a petite girl with crimson hair fell off the back seat of the bicycle and rolled to Fang Yuan's feet.

"..." Looking at the girl with twin ponytails lying face down on the ground, and then looking up at the figure of the boy who was gradually moving away on the bicycle that was riding away in front of him, Fang Yuan was speechless.

What is this? A coincidence? Or a fateful encounter? The scene in front of him was very déjà vu, and the unique hair color and hairstyle of the girl under his feet immediately reminded Fang Yuan of the "heroine" in the original plot of this world.

"Hiss~~ It hurts! That guy Rentaro actually threw me down..."  Hearing the name complained by the girl, well, Fang Yuan finally confirmed that it was just as he thought.

——There are many possibilities for just one name, after all, it is not uncommon to have the same name and surname in Japan.

But if it is matched with a young girl with crimson twin ponytails and a habit of calling herself "my concubine", the result is obvious.

The boy who was speeding on a bicycle just now was the protagonist of the original plot, Rentaro Satomi.

And the girl who was "ruthlessly abandoned" by the male protagonist is naturally the loli heroine-Aihara Enju.

'But is this really a coincidence? ' Fang Yuan didn't believe that it was a coincidence that he met the hero and heroine as soon as he arrived. Judging from the situation in which he was thrown into this world by Nyarlathotep, his every move might be controlled by someone in some obscure way - what he wanted to do was not difficult, and a certain upside-down man had already demonstrated it to him in person.

In other words, he was asked to participate in the plot... Fang Yuan thought about the hidden purpose behind being thrown into this world, while watching the little girl on the ground climb up by herself after lying on the ground for a few seconds.

Logically speaking, if an ordinary person fell off a bicycle like this, he would have to lie on the ground for a while, especially a delicate girl. If she didn't cry on the spot, she would be considered strong-willed.

But the girl with twin ponytails in front of her was not like that at all. She just rubbed the redness and swelling on her forehead, then stood up as if nothing had happened, and patted the dust on her body.

Then she realized that the embarrassing scene she had just seen was completely seen from beginning to end by a passerby.

"..."  "..."  As their eyes met, the two people, one big and one small, were silent for a long time.

"Wow! Hug, sorry! I'm so rude!"  Finally, the precocious girl realized that the embarrassing scene she had just seen was completely seen by outsiders. Suddenly, she couldn't even speak smoothly. She bowed with a red face, then turned around and ran away in the direction of the bicycle.

……  "... Really like a rabbit..."  Watching the cute little girl jumping away, Fang Yuan had no intention of following her.

To be honest, although he encountered this nonsensical development of "important female characters prostrating themselves in front of him", Fang Yuan did not want to contact these so-called "protagonists" according to the will of the mastermind who did not know whether he existed or not.

Although the original novel and animation revolve around the protagonists, Rentaro Satomi and the women around him are like the center of the world, and everything will come to them.

But in fact, if you look closely, you can see that in this world on the verge of destruction, the so-called protagonists are not that important at all - the real theme of this world is that the protozoa infected with the protozoan virus want to destroy humans, and the stupid humans survived the devastating war by chance, but after getting a chance to breathe, they immediately fell into an extremely short-sighted struggle for power.

In this context, no matter what the protagonists did, how many people they saved, how many enemies they defeated, or how many conspiracies they thwarted, they could only affect the survival of one or several human settlements at most, which was just a trivial episode for humans as a whole.

The real source of disaster in this world - protostomes, the protagonist can't solve it at all, and the biggest sorrow and misfortune in this world - the cruel status quo faced by the so-called "cursed children", the protagonist can't change it.

For Fang Yuan, it is a real waste of time to mix with the protagonists in the original book who have all kinds of problems in their values. It has no meaning for him or the world.

This unexpected encounter with the so-called male and female protagonists only made Fang Yuan truly confirm the time when he entered this world - just at the beginning of the anime plot.

This is another place that Fang Yuan feels too coincidental - he has traveled through so many times, and none of them came so "on time", which obviously has a problem!   "Nyarlathotep, what do you want to do? Or, what do you want me to do?"  Fang Yuan asked himself, but he also knew that no one would answer this question.

Everything requires him to find the answer himself...  The second update is completed')424'\u003eChapter 423 It's really okay to meet the villain after the protagonist?

Hiruko Kagetsuji was in a very good mood today.

Originally, he just killed two policemen in the process of executing the mission, but he didn't expect to meet an interesting person at the scene.

Satomi Rentaro, this boy should be a cyborg related to the New Human Plan like him, the touch of that kick must be correct!   However, it seems that this boy still retains the naive part in his heart. He actually attacked himself for the lives of two policemen... It seems that he needs to be "taught" a little!   Thinking so, the man wearing a mask, who had great dissatisfaction and hatred for this hypocritical and peaceful world in his heart, joined his initiator, his daughter, Hiruko Kobinai, and broke through the blockade hastily set up by the police, and rushed towards their hiding place.

"Dad looks very happy today. Did something good happen?"  The girl in a cute dress walked beside her father and asked with interest.

"Ah, is my performance so obvious?"  Hiruko Kagetsuji was a little surprised. He was wearing a mask, so how could his mood be seen? "Yes, Daddy's pace is two points lighter than usual. This only happens when Daddy is in a good mood. Xiaobinai remembers it very clearly!" The girl who always sticks to her dear father said this, and a big smile appeared on her proud little face.

"Ah, it's really my lovely daughter!" The masked man nodded. His expression could not be seen, but from his tone, it can be heard that he is in a good mood: "Today Daddy met an interesting person, um, really interesting!" "Hey~ Very interesting person... Can I chop him? Dad~" Such terrible words came out of the cute little girl's mouth. Obviously, this little girl, Hiruko Xiaobinai, who looks weak and harmless, is a complete "abnormality" from the inside out.

Just as the father and daughter were "happily" talking and laughing and moving quickly in the streets and alleys of the city, suddenly, the petite girl seemed to have discovered something and stopped first.

As an adult, Zhizi Yingyin also reacted in the next moment, and immediately opened all his senses, searching every inch of the surrounding space, and alerting him to any possible enemies.

However, there was no need for him to search for it. At the next moment, with the sound of footsteps "tap, tap, tap...", an ordinary-looking figure walked out from the corner of the alleyway ahead.

‘Not an ordinary person! ’ The first time he saw the other party, Zhizi Yingyin made a judgment.

Although the person in front of him looks very ordinary in appearance, and there is nothing too attractive in terms of figure or appearance, but the moment Zhizi Yingyin saw the other person, his intuition, which had been trained on the battlefield for a long time, felt something. A cold and biting feeling of threat.

The man opposite has the ability to threaten his own life! In fact, not only Hiroko Yin, but also Hiroko Kohina, who was still a child. No, it should be said that it was precisely because she was still a child, and she was a "cursed child" with animal genes mixed into her body. The threat he felt from the person in front of him was even greater than that of Zizi Yingyin.

"Can I cut it? Dad~" The girl drew her Kodachi and made a fighting stance.

... "..." When Fang Yuan walked out of the corner and looked up to see the two people, one big and one small, in front of him, he almost blurted out the words "fuck" in his heart.

An adult wearing a magic tuxedo, a magic hat and a smiling mask, and a girl who looks about 10 years old, but is carrying two swords, plus the girl has a habit of cutting people at every turn... Okay, He is an important character in the plot, and he is also the main villain in the early stages of the plot - does this mean he has to meet all the decent villains in one day? Fang Yuan felt very speechless about his "good luck", and at the same time, he once again deepened the unpleasant feeling of being "controlled in every move".

It seemed that a certain black hand behind the scenes was trying to involve him and these plot characters.

However, Fang Yuan was a little confused when he saw that the other two people were as alert as cats with exploded hair when they saw him. Could it be that he was so fierce and menacing that people would feel threatening at first sight? This was Fang Yuan's negligence. He had never experienced such a situation where extraordinary power could not be released. In addition, it was such a dangerous world with seemingly deep water. Therefore, after confirming that there was indeed a problem in this world, He maintains a state of being in the mental world all the time.

The internal world has its own set of rules, which is naturally very different from the external world where Fang Yuan is now.

The two different rule systems are adapting to each other even when they conflict with each other. However, before the rule correction of the inner world is completely completed, Fang Yuan will unconsciously release a certain momentum that even he himself cannot feel.

In the eyes of people with overly sensitive intuitions like Hiroko Yingyin and Hiroko Kohina, this was equivalent to Fang Yuan taking the initiative to release an overwhelming and powerful momentum, forcing them to take action before losing the idea of ​​resistance.

"Endless Wailing!" The experienced combat veteran Zhizi Yingyin was the first to take action, and the move was the most powerful single-target attack.

His right hand instantly formed a weapon similar to a spear with flaming light. At the same time, with the assistance of the repulsion field, it instantly accelerated to a speed that the human eye could not react, and pierced towards Fang Yuan's heart.

Squeak~~! ! ! There was a harsh sound like glass being scratched. When Hiruko Kohina's eyes caught her father's figure again, she was shocked to find that the spear that the man's arm had turned into was being held by one hand, and the tip of the spear was far away from the target. His chest was still within a punch's distance, but he could no longer move forward even a little bit.

"How could..." The little girl made a sound of disbelief. She had seen her father use this move many times, so she naturally knew how powerful this piercing move was.

You know, under the acceleration of the repulsion field, the spear can pierce even the gastrea with special defense, but it can be caught by a human with bare hands... No, it can do such a thing, really Is it a human? ! As a bystander, Hiroko Kohina was so horrified by the scene in front of her that she forgot to take action, while as a person involved, Hiroko Kageyin naturally felt it even more profoundly.

‘This guy… is less human than a modified person like me! ’ The spear transformed into his arm was tightly squeezed, unable to move forward or retreat. Feeling the inhuman strength of the person in front of him, Zhizi Yingyin began to wonder if the other person was the latest model of a modified person from some force.

')425'\u003eChapter 424 Just scream, no one will come even if your throat is broken...

"Hina Hina!" Seeing that the attack was ineffective and his actions were restricted, Hiroko Yingyin had no intention of giving up. Instead, he woke up his stunned daughter with a stern tone and signaled her to launch an attack.

"Yes, Dad!" After hearing his father's order, Hiroko Hina finally came to his senses and immediately waved his double swords, arriving behind Fang Yuan in an instant with agility and speed that far exceeded that of ordinary humans.

He saw the little girl jumping up high, her skirt flying, and swinging the two small swords in her hands towards Fang Yuan's neck in a cross pattern, trying to kill him with one blow, and her attack was no less ruthless than her father's.

However, the girl's blade, which had been invincible against other humans in the past, met an impossible opponent this time.

Buzz——! Like the sound of a bell or thunder, when the blade touched Fang Yuan's skin, a faint glow flashed, and the violent physical vibration was transmitted into Hiruko Kobinai's arm through the small contact point between the blade and the skin, which made her feel like she was electrocuted and could no longer control her muscles. The two small swords immediately flew out of her hands, and the whole person was thrown away as if hit hard.

"This is..." Hiruko Yingyin, who was in front, saw this scene completely.

In an instant, he reaffirmed his previous guess a little bit - the device that could deflect Kobinai's attack without any physical movement and without any warning could only be the same type of device in his body, and it was a new model with more advanced and more sophisticated control! Well, this warrior who was transformed into a cyborg in the new human creation plan had never been exposed to real supernatural power in the past. As a result, no matter what surreal scenes he saw now, he kept leaning on black technology.

Fang Yuan certainly didn't know that the man in front of him treated his indestructible body and the power control of the subtle realm as a repulsive field that was so low that it exploded. He just ignored everything that happened behind him, and clenched his hand holding the tip of the spear slightly, and then--Crack! The long spear transformed from the hard holmium metal prosthesis was instantly crushed by the extremely huge force and cracks appeared, and it was about to be completely shattered.

"Hiss!" Zhizi Yingyin secretly took a breath of cold air, and quickly estimated in his mind how much force it would take to crush the holmium metal, and then instantly came to the conclusion that "it is impossible to defeat it."

The next moment, he made a decision.

Bang! The sound of the spring breaking sounded, and Fang Yuan only felt that the power that had been struggling in his hand suddenly lightened. Looking down, he found that the long spear in his hand had been disconnected from Zhizi Yingyin's body-the other party decisively gave up one of his hands to get a chance to escape! However, Fang Yuan would not give the other party a chance to escape easily - attacking him for no reason, and wanting to escape after seeing that things were hopeless, how could such a good thing happen in the world!   Crack——Bang——!   Fang Yuan squeezed his hand hard, and the gun head, which was already full of cracks, instantly shattered into hundreds of pieces. Then Fang Yuan waved his sleeves, and under his precise control, the huge force was applied to the most appropriate position of each piece through the airflow in contact with the skin.

In an instant, these hundreds of holmium metal fragments were like hundreds of bullets, shooting towards the direction of Hiruko Yingyin at supersonic speed.

And because there were enough fragments as ammunition, every direction of Hiruko Yingyin's dodge was covered by the rain of bullets, and he had no way to escape.

At this moment, Hiruko Yingyin had only one choice - Biu——! With a wonderful sound effect, all the "ammunition" shot at Hirudo Yingyin seemed to be blocked by an invisible force field and stagnated in mid-air.

This is the strongest power that Hirudo Yingyin obtained in the new human creation plan. The repulsive field generated by the device called the imaginary device in the body is enough to resist most attacks from cold and hot weapons to protostomes, and can even rebound the attacks.

However, before Hirudo Yingyin launched a counterattack, Fang Yuan's figure disappeared on the spot.

The next moment, Hirudo Yingyin only felt an irresistible huge force that instantly broke through the defense limit of the repulsive field. A big hand emitting a hazy glow appeared above his head in the blink of an eye, then grabbed his head and threw it down heavily.

Boom——!!! With a loud bang like a sledgehammer, a huge human-shaped pit was smashed out on the hard concrete ground by the excessive force - of course, this was also due to the fact that the person used as the sledgehammer had almost all of his body replaced with hard holmium metal prostheses, otherwise the person who was thrown would have been turned into meat paste before the human-shaped pit was smashed out on the ground.

Fang Yuan loosened his hand and looked at the leech Yingyin who had lost consciousness but was still alive on the ground, nodded, and expressed satisfaction with his perfect measure of attack.

He just completed a series of projects in a short moment: "breaking through the force field defense-grabbing the head-using the force of tactile feedback to analyze and calculate the opponent's body structure and pressure tolerance limit-using the force that can just knock the opponent's brain out to smash the opponent hard on the ground", perfectly achieving the result of a battle that did not kill but completely disabled him.

"Dad!!!" Hiruko Kobinai, who had just recovered from the previous heavy blow, looked up and saw that her father had been defeated miserably. She screamed in surprise, and at the same time, like an angry little beast, she picked up the double swords on the ground and rushed towards Fang Yuan again.

Hearing the movement behind him, Fang Yuan just turned his head halfway, glanced slightly, and then his figure disappeared again.

The next moment, he appeared behind Kobinai, grabbed the opponent's neck with one hand, and took the double swords from the girl's hand with the other hand, and then watched the little girl who had lost her weapon waving her hands and feet in confusion in his hands, but like a cat with its neck pinched, she could never escape from Fang Yuan's hands.

"Let me go! Let me go! What did you do to my dad?! You big bad guy! Let me go!!!" The little girl was screaming while struggling. If someone who didn't know the inside story saw this scene, they would think that Fang Yuan had knocked out the old father and robbed the girl.

Unfortunately, in order to operate secretly, the father and daughter of Hiruko Yingyin walked along the deserted alleys with few people. This did add a lot of convenience to the confidentiality of their operations in normal times, but if they encountered extremely unfavorable situations... Well, the result would become like this.

The second update is completed')426'\u003eChapter 425 Paralysis caused by a wire (fog)

When Hiruko Yingyin woke up from his coma, he found that he had become a prisoner as expected.

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