"Ah, you have indeed kept me waiting for a long time!" After saying this, the young man did not hesitate, and immediately climbed into the sports car and closed the door - because at this time, a fierce battle had already started above their heads, and countless rocket launchers were launched. The missile exploded on the apostle who was very close at hand. The dazzling fireball and shock wave made Shinji Ikari unable to even see what was going on outside the car window.

However, the woman driving the car was indeed an old Si Ji. She was seen skillfully shifting gears, reversing, and changing gears. She escaped the unconscious stampede of the apostle above her at the critical moment. Then she immediately stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, as far as the vehicle allowed. The top speed accelerated instantly, and he quickly escaped from this dangerous battlefield.

')486'\u003eChapter 485 The Essence of A.T. Force Field \u0026 Fang Yuan's First Appearance

In the fully enclosed comprehensive combat command post, the battlefield scenes captured by the camera were broadcast in real time on the huge screen.

"The target is still intact and is still heading towards the Third New Tokyo City!" "The firepower of the air force cannot stop the target!" Listening to the report coming from the radio, a man wearing a ribbon and badge looked like The general punched the table in front of him and shouted an order: "Fight to the death! Put all the fourth division in the rear into battle!" Seemingly infected by the emotions of his colleagues, another officer next to him did the same. He yelled, "Destroy the target at all costs!" Click - He even accidentally broke the pencil in his hand because he was so excited.

On the outside battlefield, the army accepted the order and immediately launched into action.

Missile launchers, tanks, self-propelled artillery, rocket launchers... all armored units fired at the target together. Countless missiles, artillery shells and rockets drew arcs in the air and bombed the huge apostle in the blink of an eye, bursting out instantly. The huge fireball and smoke made it impossible to even see the apostle's body for a while.

Before this wave of attacks ended, the next wave of attacks continued one after another. The bombers in the sky dropped huge bombs. It was a super large annihilation bomb GBU-120B that was one-third the height of the apostle. Its explosion The power is several times greater than the so-called "Mother of Bombs" and "Father of Bombs" in another world.

In order to deal with the enemy in front of them, the military frantically dropped five of these bombs! The first explosion of the bomb instantly spreads the liquid charge inside to the surrounding area, mixing with the air to form a cloud of extremely tiny droplets.

Immediately afterwards, a second explosion occurred, and the aerosol charge that had been fully mixed with the air was ignited.

In an instant, an extremely dazzling light burst out in the town that served as the battlefield. When the light dissipated, the entire town had turned into a sea of ​​burning fire.

However, the apostle who was the target of the bombing still stood unscathed in the blazing flames, with not even a trace of a wound visible! "Why is this! It should have hit the target directly?!" The officer who just broke the pencil slammed the table hard, his expression full of anger and confusion, as well as a trace of fear that could not be concealed at all - such a terrifying Can monsters really be defeated? "The tank unit was destroyed, and the missiles and high-altitude bombing were completely ineffective..." Another officer told the troops' losses, his tone full of dejection.

"No! This level of firepower is totally unacceptable!" The officer, who had been unbalanced by the continuous bad news, shouted loudly, as if this could increase his own chances of winning.

Didi Didi——At this time, a red phone rang, and the officer who had never spoken answered the phone: "...Understood, start as scheduled!"... On the other side, I just took Ikari with me. Misato Katsuragi, who had escaped from the extremely dangerous battlefield, was currently holding a telescope, with her whole body pressed against the boy, observing the apostle's body through the window on the passenger side of the car. trend.

When she saw the air force surrounding the apostles scattering in all directions in an instant, she was immediately shocked: "Hey! No way! Do you want to use N2 mines?!" She said, without waiting for Shinji Ikari's reaction. , immediately pressed him under him, and he lay firmly on the seat.

The next moment, a dazzling light bloomed on the earth like the sun falling to the ground.

A mushroom-shaped explosive fireball, like a nuclear weapon detonating, rose from the other side of the mountain. The dazzling light shone on the two people in the car, and they felt a scorching heat even through their clothes.

A few seconds later, the shock wave that followed the light radiation directly overturned the entire sports car, causing the two people in the car to involuntarily let out waves of exclamations.

... "It's done!" Seeing the mushroom cloud rising on the big screen, several commanders of the United Nations Army suddenly exclaimed happily.

"Unfortunately, it seems that you have no chance to appear!" One of the officers turned around with a stern face, looked at the NERV commander sitting in the back, and issued a declaration of victory.

And this man wearing brown sunglasses with his hands folded at the end of his nose, who we all know as Commander Ikari Gendo Ikari, said nothing, and a fleeting hint of ridicule flashed in his eyes behind the sunglasses.

At this moment, the video communication that was temporarily disconnected due to the explosion was finally restored, revealing a scene that made everyone speechless - in a sea of ​​​​purgatory-like fire, the tall figure of the apostle still stood! It can be seen that the apostle who stood still in the flames was not unscathed. His body was covered with mottled black marks and wounds of peeling flesh and blood. The white bone decks on both sides of his shoulders opened up, revealing something similar to the inside. The tissue of the fish's gills opens and closes as if breathing.

The most eye-catching thing is that under the white mask on the top front, another brand-new face is regenerating from the tissue, pushing aside the severely damaged mask above.

"Our trump card actually..." "What's going on..." "This monster!" The three United Nations commanders let out the roar of a defeated dog in despair.

Commander Ikari, who had been ridiculed by the commander before, curled up the corner of his mouth.

——As long as the final "elements" are in place, his NERV performance can begin! ... "Oh... this is the Apostle!" Right at the place where the N2 mine exploded, where the Apostle stood, a tiny figure was standing in the sea of ​​​​fire like purgatory, looking up at the one in front of him. The huge monster was trying its best to repair its injuries.

Although he looked like a human being, there was no doubt that this was not a place where ordinary humans could survive safely in such a harsh environment where even taking a breath could boil their lungs.

And in this world, apart from the last humanoid apostle, the only one who could walk in this flaming hell as lightly as he did was Fang Yuan, an outsider.

"Although the A.T. force field looks like the manipulation of space phase, it is essentially the use of soul power. It is not difficult to learn!" Fang Yuan's eyes flashed with supernatural brilliance, and his spiritual eyes gave him the ability to His ability to look directly at things invisible to mortal eyes is what he uses to analyze the A.T. force field activated by the apostles, and study the most fundamental and important concepts of this world in the most direct way.

What was beyond his expectation was that the process of analyzing the A.T. force field was not very difficult. He learned it just by looking at it twice——The so-called absolute field is essentially a phase transfer space. When the absolute field is affected by the outside world, At that time, the soul material in it will move to a certain extent, causing the overall phase of the absolute realm to change.

For example, when the Absolute Domain is impacted, the Absolute Domain will deform, with the impact point as the center, and the force received will be dispersed to the entire area covered by the Absolute Domain in the form of mechanical waves at extremely fast speeds.

And if the temperature outside the Absolute Realm is higher than the internal temperature, the soul material will also transmit the internal energy in the form of mechanical waves to the entire coverage area of ​​the Absolute Realm, and reduce the impact of high temperature on the body by converting the internal energy into the kinetic energy of the soul material. At the same time, part of the soul material will also decompose, thus consuming energy.

All these operations are fundamentally based on the "soul substance".

For Fang Yuan, who is a truth-level alchemist and a third-level magician, manipulating soul matter is almost his instinct! He was seen analyzing and simulating it with the spirit in his hand. Soon, an invisible barrier flashed in his hand and spread to cover his body surface in an instant.

Fang Yuan withdrew the magic barrier he had released to isolate himself from the high temperature, but he didn't feel the heat at all - there was no doubt that the invisible force field around him was working! ... At the same time, in NERV's command center, a monitor suddenly exclaimed: "A new A.T. Field signal was detected next to the apostle! The waveform... is unknown!" "Nani?!" He has always acted like he has the overall situation in hand. , Commander Ikari, who was at ease with himself, changed his expression for the first time: "What's going on?!" The second update is completed, I have a headache today, but that's all for now') 487'\u003eChapter 486 "Humanoid Apostle" Fang Yuan

Just as everyone in the command post was surprised by the new unknown A.T. force field signal, on the other side, Shinji Ikari, who was helping to right the overturned sports car, was already back on the road and was rushing towards the destination of his trip. "You You are really taciturn, Shinji-kun!" Misato Katsuragi, who couldn't stop talking while driving in the driver's seat, couldn't help but sigh when she looked at the boy who hadn't spoken for a long time.

"Uh, yes..." Shinji Ikari, who had been silently thinking about something, was stunned when he was suddenly said this, and showed a somewhat embarrassed expression.

"I've been the only one talking since just now!" Misato Katsuragi said in a deliberately unhappy tone.

"...I'm sorry..." The polite boy apologized in a low voice, which actually made Misato Katsuragi, who had been teasing her, a little embarrassed: "There's no need to apologize! It's just that, normally, you shouldn't ask 'just now' What is that big guy? ', or 'What happened? He has good qualities, but until now, he hasn’t even asked a question. He doesn’t look like a curious boy at all... "...No, I think, no matter what the problem is, as long as we get there, we will definitely solve it." You will know!" The young man was silent for a few seconds and then said.

But in fact, he secretly laughed at himself: What else should I ask? I have experienced all this so many times... "...You are really good at making assertions in strange places. You don't look like a child at all!" Misato Katsuragi didn't hear the answer she wanted. , curled his lips in disappointment, but in the end he thoughtfully gave the young man some relevant information: "That one just now is a mysterious life form called an 'apostle'~..." In the command post, stood Ikari Yuantang got up and walked behind the observer on the side. He looked at the test data displayed on the computer screen with a solemn expression: "...Is it the new apostle?" "I don't know, the new A.T. Field waveform. It’s completely unknown, but judging from its strength, it’s very likely that it’s an apostle!” Dr. Ritsuko Akagi answered the man’s question.

"..." Ikari Yuantang was silent for a long time. He didn't speak for a long time, but his face became more gloomy.

——This is completely inconsistent with the situation in the script. Could it be that SEELE is doing some trick? But the plan has just begun, they shouldn't do this... "Can you pinpoint the opponent's position? If possible, it's best to have a clear video picture!" After thinking for a long time, Commander Ikari still felt that it should be safer. , first collect more information.

"...Please wait...it's here!" With a burst of adjustments by the technicians, the picture displayed on the big screen was filtered out of the flames and smoke, and on a land that was so hot that it was almost molten, the fourth apostle's A figure that shouldn't exist was clearly revealed at his feet.

"That's..." Seeing the new picture displayed on the big screen, Deputy Commander Dongyue, who had been standing behind Commander Ikari, exclaimed in disbelief.

"...Human?!" This was Dr. Ritsuko Akagi who was also stunned.

"...No, not a human being, but an apostle in human form!" Only Commander Ikari Yuando Ikari calmed down after a brief moment of shock, and gave a very arbitrary answer to the newly discovered target in the picture. defined.

——No, in fact, it cannot be called arbitrary. After all, in the eyes of people in this world, anyone who can survive the scorching hell created after the N2 mine explosion is absolutely impossible to be a human being, no matter how much the other person looks like a human being. , that can only be an apostle with a human appearance! ... Fang Yuan, who was accidentally expelled from the human race, also noticed that the camera outside the explosion site seemed to have found him, but he had no intention of hiding it. Instead, he raised his hand to attract a gust of wind and blew it away. He eliminated the remaining smoke that shrouded the surroundings, allowing his figure to be clearly reflected in the lens.

"Hello World!" His voice miraculously penetrated the screen and clearly reached the ears of everyone in the command post.

"..." Looking at the smiling expression of the human-shaped being in the high-definition picture, and listening to the greeting coming from the other party through unknown means, no one in the command post saw the "guest" at all. "The joy, but an indescribable chill rising from the bone marrow.

"It's really not human..." Deputy Commander Dongyue said in a low voice, agreeing with Ikari Yuantang's previous judgment.

"A humanoid apostle... can such a thing happen?!" Dr. Ritsuko Akagi's eyes flashed with a strong desire to explore. She discovered that some of the information promoted by her NERV agency did not seem to be all! ... Just after everyone had just accepted the fact that this guy who suddenly appeared was indeed a "humanoid apostle", suddenly, the "person" in the picture moved again——Zizzi——The picture on the big screen It flickered twice like a bad TV signal. Everyone in the command post discovered that the space where the fourth apostle was suddenly became blurry, and it seemed that there was a layer of translucent material surrounding it.

"Is this... a spatial phase change? Which apostle activated the A.T. Field?" Ritsuko Akagi immediately saw the nature of this phenomenon. After all, the A.T. Field she participated in the research can also produce a similar phenomenon.

At this time, the monitor on the side gave an unexpected answer: "It's the new target! His A.T. Field signal continues to strengthen, and it has surpassed the previous fourth apostle!" Just as everyone was guessing about this "humanoid When asked what exactly the "Apostle" wanted to do, the female doctor had a look of disbelief on her face: "How is this possible?" It turned out that the person in the picture was in the process of self-healing due to the explosion of an N2 mine. The fourth apostle, his huge size is actually gradually getting smaller! "No, what changes is not the body shape, but the space itself!" At this moment, she finally understood what Fang Yuan, the "humanoid apostle" wanted to do: "Does he want to save the fourth apostle?" "No, I'm afraid No!" It was Commander Ikari Gendo who answered her, and his expression was more serious than ever: "This is not a rescue, but a hunt!"... At the same time, Katsuragi Misato was riding in the car towards the third party. Shinji Ikari, who was rushing from Neo-Tokyo City, looked at the direction of the apostle as if he was feeling something, with a surprised expression on his face.

')488'\u003eChapter 487: The shrinkage of matter, the stasis of time and space, and suppressed curiosity

"What's wrong, Shinji-kun?" Misato Katsuragi saw the boy's movements and expression changes, and also turned her head to look into the distance, but found that she couldn't see anything.

"...No, it's nothing!" Upon hearing Misato Katsuragi's inquiry, Shinji Ikari was just stunned for a moment, then immediately shook his head and calmed down the expression on his face.

‘I’ve never felt that A.T. Field just now. What happened on the other side of the battlefield? 'It seems that our classmate Shinji Ikari is unusual in more than one or two places... Fang Yuan on the other side naturally cannot know about the abnormality in a certain protagonist of this world. He is currently focusing all his energy on it. Put it on the "prey" in front of you.

Yes, as Ikari Yuantang determined, the so-called fourth apostle was just a relatively large beast to Fang Yuan.

Zizi—— Along with the changes in light and shadow caused by the fluctuations in space, the huge apostle, which was hundreds of meters tall, was compressed together with the surrounding space into a height of more than ten centimeters, as big as a hand-made figure.

This is the Aldnoah space technology used by Fang Yuan to artificially reproduce the A/Z world with the help of the A.T. force field's easy interference with space, creating a fully enclosed closed space bubble, and modifying the spatial scale reference system inside and outside the space bubble to achieve This incredible material shrinkage effect is achieved.

——In Fang Yuan’s hands, the A.T. force field, which could only be used by the apostles as an invincible shield or particle acceleration, was surprisingly used by him to produce magical effects! However, it is obvious that the fourth apostle cannot be willing to be turned into a toy figure and held in someone's hands.

Just after Fang Yuan shrunk it, the fourth apostle, who had been unable to move due to recovery from his injuries, immediately woke up and brazenly turned on his A.T. force field to full power, trying to prevent Fang Yuan from manipulating space.

However, this is in vain after all - after all, this fourth apostle is not an apostle who specializes in space system abilities. Although he also has an extremely powerful A.T. force field, he cannot skillfully use the A.T. force like Fang Yuan. The subtle connection between field and space accurately distorts the space itself.

All it could do was to explosively spread its A.T. force field, trying to shake and disturb the surrounding spatial changes, but Fang Yuan resolved them one by one with more precise micro-operations.

In the end, seeing that there was no hope of escape, the fourth apostle couldn't bear the humiliation and wanted to explode his own core. He would rather die than be captured.

"What a beautiful idea!" Fang Yuan sensed the high-energy reaction bursting out of the core of the fourth apostle in his palm, and immediately knew the other party's plan.

But this is his important experimental material, how could he allow the other party to kill him casually! It was then that the A.T. force field surrounding the fourth apostle in Fang Yuan's palm changed again, inducing the space-time in the space bubble to be distorted again. The changes in the space level led to the distortion of the time level, artificially creating an area of ​​stasis of time.

At this time, the fourth apostle, who was about to self-destruct, was like an insect frozen in amber, eternally frozen in the moment before self-destruction.

He casually created an instrument to maintain the distortion of time and space, and placed the highly distorted space bubble in his hand into it. Fang Yuan put away his "prey", clapped his hands, and then casually tore into the void around him, and an unknown path led to The space passage there was "torn" open by his bare hands.

Stepping into the space passage, his figure disappeared as the space passage closed instantly.

... "...Apostle, can you do this?" Deputy Commander Dongyue murmured, his face full of disbelief.

As Ikari Yuantang's former teacher, he is also one of the most trusted people in Ikari Yuantang (perhaps none). He has learned a lot of SEELE's secret information from his students. Naturally, he has a deep understanding of the apostles and the nature of the A.T. force field. With full understanding.

However, even if he used all his imagination, he could not imagine that there was an apostle who could use the power of the A.T. force field to control time and space as easily as kneading plasticine! "...Theoretically it can indeed be done!" The person who answered him was Dr. Ritsuko Akagi. After seeing Fang Yuan's performance in the video, this woman's expression instantly became excited, and her eyes were shining: "A.T. Field itself is There is a kind of weak interference with space. If the method is right, it is indeed possible to carry out large-scale macro-distortion manipulation of space. It is indeed possible to achieve this level of 'humanoid apostle' - but this requires two people. Premise..." "Two presuppositions?" Deputy Commander Dongyue was aroused by Dr. Akagi's words.

"Yes, one is A.T. Field that is powerful enough to distort space; the other is a person who has a deep enough understanding of the nature of space and time, and must at least be proficient in general relativity!" said the female doctor.

"...In other words, our 'humanoid apostle' is still a top student who is proficient in general relativity?" Deputy Commander Dongyue said in this joking tone, but there was no trace of smile in his tone. .

"Apostles are different from humans. After all, they are quasi-perfect life forms that have completed evolution alone. For us humans, the advanced knowledge that requires hard study to master may be just instincts that they are born with!" This At this time, Commander Ikari, who had been silent for a long time, spoke. His words also made the other two people look at each other and fell into deep thought.

——Indeed, it is indeed a bit funny to talk about scientific theories and other things with unreasonable creatures like the apostles.

They just saw the humanoid appearance of this special apostle, and subconsciously regarded him as a human being, and wanted to evaluate him according to human standards. This instinct of "judging a book by its appearance" is indeed the bad nature of human beings... As a result, the battle against the fourth apostle came to an end with the intrusion of a certain "humanoid apostle" (already named the fifth apostle).

On the other side, Misato Katsuragi, who was rushing to the combat command center with the third qualified candidate, also received a communication from the base: "Huh?! The battle is over? Has the fourth apostle been killed? ... No? What happened? What? A new humanoid apostle appeared? And what happened?" Katsuragi Misato was fascinated by the news on the phone. In the long shock, he even forgot that he was driving, and almost drove the car into a ditch with Shinji Ikari.

squeak--! ! ! Amidst the screeching sound of tires, the sports car finally stopped on the side of the road, almost dangerously.

"...It's nothing, it's just the sound of my brakes...Don't get hung up on such a trivial matter! Wait for me back over there, I want to know the whole story of the battle!...Don't worry, the third qualified person is already with me It's in the car, it'll be there soon!" Bang - After hanging up the phone, Katsuragi Misato looked at Shinji Ikari in the passenger seat and sighed. She was a little regretful that she missed a good show, but she was also a little thankful for the person in front of her. Young people don’t have to go to war as soon as they arrive.

"Is there anything you want to ask?" she said.

"...No, let's wait until we get there!" Shinji Ikari hesitated for a few seconds, and finally shook his head.

He was really curious about what happened, but after long experience, he suppressed his heart - he knew that everything that should be told to him would be told to his father when he saw him, and if he was not supposed to know anything, he would not ask again. It’s useless to have more.

So what's the need to be anxious? Or two updates - I haven't been sleeping very well recently, and I don't have much energy during the day...') 489'\u003eChapter 488 Father and son meet \u0026 the fourth apostle is scheduled to be without misfortune

After the battle, the command center was completely deserted - "This is really troublesome..." Deputy Commander Fuyutsuki, who was still standing behind Ikari Yuantang like a guard, sighed and said.

"Yes, the scheduled debut performance was robbed of the chance to appear, and the command of the apostles' operations was not taken over from the United Nations Army in time. Although the crisis of the fourth apostles has been resolved, overall, it is still The gain is not worth the loss!" Ikari Yuantang looked at the big screen that had turned dark, and he seemed to be able to see the figure that looked like a human but could not be human, with a very gloomy expression.

"Well, there is good news. The third qualified person has arrived safely, hasn't he?" Deputy Commander Dongyue said.

"..." When he heard the other party mentioning his son, Ikari Yuantang was silent for a moment, and then said without any fluctuations in his expression: "It's too slow! But indeed, it's better than never coming!" ... " This is a non-public organization directly under the United Nations, the secret service agency NERV, which is where your father works!" In the vehicle, Katsuragi Misato, who was descending deep underground along with the cargo transport platform, told the young man next to her what he should know! information.

"Do you know what your father does here?" At this point, the woman asked the boy in a teasing tone.

"..." Ikari Shinji turned his head away, and from an angle that Katsuragi Misato could not see, the corner of his mouth raised a sneer: "I heard that it is an important work to protect mankind?"  "Well, that's true..."  Misato Katsuragi did not see the boy's fleeting expression, but simply thought that he only knew so much, so while chatting, he took out a green folder with the word "confidential" written on the cover-  "This is for you!"  "..." Ikari Shinji took the confidential document without saying a word, and seemed to be flipping through it seriously-although he was so familiar with the contents of this thing that he almost memorized it.

At this time, the freight platform finally drove out of the long underground tunnel, and what appeared in front of the two was an extremely huge underground space that could even accommodate the entire city of Tokyo.

"This is our secret base, NERV headquarters!"  With a slightly boastful tone, Katsuragi Misato proudly introduced the miraculous underground city in front of him to Ikari Shinji.

"NERV headquarters..." Shinji Ikari looked at the extremely familiar scenery in front of him, and an indescribable complex look flashed in his eyes.

Involuntarily, his eyes looked at the pyramid-shaped building in the center of the underground cave, where his father was - 'Father... we're meeting again! '... Swish - The automatic sensor door opened to both sides, and Shinji Ikari walked into the NERV commander's office under the guidance of Ritsuko Akagi and Misato Katsuragi.

As for why Ritsuko Akagi and Misato Katsuragi brought him in together, it was actually very simple - Misato Katsuragi got lost again! To be honest, as a senior employee of NERV, Misato Katsuragi has also worked in this NERV headquarters for a long time, but her road idiot attribute made it impossible for her to find the right path in the intricate and complex passages.

The two had been wandering around in the underground space for more than an hour, and Shinji Ikari was almost unable to help but lead the way himself - for him now, this NERV headquarters base is just like his own home, so familiar that he can find the way with his eyes closed! Fortunately, at the last moment, Ritsuko Akagi finally showed up, so that the two would not get lost again, and brought them all the way here.

When the automatic door closed, the two women consciously did not enter the room, leaving only a father and son, looking at each other from a distance in this huge room that was a bit too big.

"... Shinji."

"... Father."

"..."   "..."   The father and son, who had not seen each other for three years, just greeted each other and fell silent together, as if they wanted to compete to see who had more patience.

After a long time, unexpectedly, it was Ikari Gendō who lost the silent competition and broke the silence by speaking first: "Go to Ritsuko, she will tell you what to do next!"  "..."  The boy did not speak, but nodded indifferently, then turned and left without saying a word.

"..."  Ikari Gendō looked at his son's back as he left, with some surprise and some thoughts in his expression, but they disappeared in an instant.

——No matter how abnormal Ikari Shinji's overly calm reaction was, since he was here, he could only move forward step by step according to his plan!   ...  The overly dull meeting between father and son at the NERV headquarters was just a trivial matter for Fang Yuan, and he didn't even spend a bit of time to scan this side with his divine mind.

——Of course, if he really did this, he would probably be able to discover the abnormality vaguely revealed by a certain protagonist.

But unfortunately, Fang Yuan did not think of paying attention to Ikari Shinji, the protagonist with a really unpleasant personality, so he missed a lot of important information.

After all, for him now, a living apostle is much more attractive than the useless protagonist who can only rely on his parents to get to the top!   After digging an underground base on an uninhabited island in the Pacific Ocean, Fang Yuan took out the instrument that maintained the space bubble of stagnant time and space, and planned to deal with this "trophy".

Of course, before dissecting this apostle, Fang Yuan had to give it some "harmless treatment" - this thing wanted to self-destruct before being sealed!   Put it in a three-dimensional composite magic array with physical restraint, spirit isolation, and energy absorption, and then released the distorted space bubble that sealed time and space, and released the apostle inside it again.

However, before the fourth apostle could continue the self-destruction after regaining his freedom, the magic circle around him started to work at the same time, instantly extracting the highly concentrated energy in his core, interrupting his self-destruction.

The next moment, a huge binding force from both the physical and spiritual aspects followed closely, making the fourth apostle completely unable to move from his body to his soul.

At this time, even if it wanted to activate the A.T. force field, it couldn't do it - activating the A.T. force field requires the use of soul matter, and when the entire soul is tightly bound and imprisoned in another dimension isolated from reality, how can it activate the A.T. force field?   Fang Yuan looked at the huge "experimental sample" in front of him, which was like a fish on a chopping board and was at the mercy of others, and he was eager to try:  "A living apostle... Let me see what the so-called "fruit of life" and the so-called "S2 mechanism" are!"')490'\u003eChapter 489 The Essence of the S2 Mechanism \u0026 SEELE's Order

Puff——  Crack——  Sizzle——  Various creepy sounds echoed in this underground space.

It can be seen that the fourth apostle, who was originally lying flat and hundreds of meters long, has been completely shattered at this time, and various limbs and organs are scattered on the vast ground, and sliced ​​and dissected in various ways.

On the cross-sections of the limbs and organs, various tissue structures that are completely different from those of ordinary animals and plants are clearly visible.

——The entire underground space has completely turned into an extremely huge live dissection scene, which looks particularly creepy! However, what is even more creepy is that all the limbs and organs that have been cut and dissected are actually still "alive" and wriggle from time to time, making the atmosphere here even more gloomy and terrifying.

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