All this directly made Fang Yuan, who was standing in the middle of the "broken limbs" and wearing a white coat, look like a complete mad scientist.

——If he had some blood and internal organs on his body, it would be even more like it!   Unfortunately, Fang Yuan has been a clean child since he was a child. Although he didn't have any mysophobia when he grew up, he absolutely couldn't tolerate himself continuing to work as if nothing had happened when his body was covered with blood.

Therefore, during the dissection process, he always paid attention to not getting blood on himself, and kept his white coat clean from beginning to end.

Puff——  Fang Yuan waved his hand, and the invisible force field took out a fist-sized red sphere from a huge red sphere that was cut in the middle.

Having got what he wanted, Fang Yuan no longer tortured the poor apostle.

He waved his hand again, and the surrounding space flickered and twisted slightly. The tissues and organs that were cut and separated to cover the entire ground were suddenly reassembled into a complete individual like building blocks.

——In fact, the seemingly thorough dissection scene just now was just an illusion created by Fang Yuan with the help of the dislocation and distortion of space.

For the fourth apostle itself, its body has always been complete, and only the space that carries its body has been divided.

And Fang Yuan used this spatial division to perform a live "dissection" on it without causing destructive damage to the apostle, and even took out the crucial S2 mechanism from its body - that is, the fist-sized red sphere in his hand.

"Is this the S2 mechanism..." Fang Yuan looked at the huge sphere that was many times taller than his height, and then looked at the one in his hand, and shook his head in surprise: "I didn't expect that in such a large core, the part of the S2 mechanism is so small..." Yes, for the apostle, although the big red sphere is a vital core like the brain and heart, it does not mean that the entire core is the S2 mechanism.

According to the settings Fang Yuan knew and his observations on the scene, the so-called S2 mechanism is indeed a perpetual energy device of the size of a DNA molecule. The energy provided by the S2 mechanism in a fist-sized sphere is enough to drive a body as large as an apostle, and can even be used as an energy source for the A.T. force field.

"However, the principle of this perpetual energy is really familiar!" Fang Yuan's spirit went deep into the interior of the S2 mechanism, observing its working process from the molecular and even atomic levels, and suddenly had a clearer understanding of the working principle of this magical perpetual energy.

Should it be said that it was not unexpected, or that it was inevitable for the development of civilization? Fang Yuan was somewhat surprised to find that the so-called perpetual energy S2 mechanism, its working principle was almost the same as the Aldnoah core he had obtained in the A/Z world! Yes, this DNA molecule-sized permanent energy device, although it looks like biological material, its structure has incredibly broken through the limitations of three-dimensional space and partially extended to a higher dimension.

The so-called perpetual energy is also this kind of molecular super-dimensional device that constantly shuttles back and forth between high dimensions and low dimensions, thus generating inexhaustible energy "out of thin air".

Although the specific working process is different from the Aldnoah core, and it is not even similar, there is no doubt that the energy produced by this S2 mechanism is essentially still captured from another dimension, which is no different from the Aldnoah core.

And different civilizations and species in two different universes actually have such a big commonality in the way of obtaining energy. It is difficult for Fang Yuan to call it a coincidence.

——Perhaps, when a civilization or race develops to a certain extent, its way of obtaining energy will inevitably take this path?   Fang Yuan is not sure, but since he has only come into contact with these two super civilizations (the apostle creature is a special biological civilization in Fang Yuan's view), the sample is too small, so he can't make a conclusion for the time being.

However, intuitively speaking, considering that the ancient civilization of Mars in the A/Z world had contact with the incarnation of Yog-Sothoth, and the so-called apostles, Adam and Lilith, White Moon and Black Moon in the EVA world, to some extent, are not much different from the Old Ones or the ancient gods, will there be any relationship between the two? Fang Yuan speculated irresponsibly, and added this conjecture to his memorandum for further investigation in the future.

… Just when Fang Yuan was reaping a lot of rewards, on the other side, NERV, or more accurately SEELE, was discussing his "fifth apostle" who suddenly appeared.

In a dim conference room, Ikari Gendō stood in front of a round table, but the people surrounding the round table were not humans, but only stone tablets with "SOUND ONLY" written on them.

"I didn't expect such an accident to happen at the beginning of the plan... The whole script was disrupted!" A voice came from the stone tablet with "No.1" written on it, saying so.

"There's nothing we can do about it. They are apostles after all. Although there are prophecies in the Dead Sea Scrolls, they are not simple creatures that will act according to human expectations. The biological instincts they have evolved alone are already equivalent to the wisdom of human civilization."

As for the responsibility that was vague in the words of "No. 1", Ikari Gendo just answered in a calm tone.

"But this sudden appearance of the humanoid apostle is not among the prophecies of the Dead Sea Script!" the voice in the stone tablet said emphatically.

Then it changed to a command tone: "Ikari Yuantang, your next job, in addition to continuing to maintain the script, is to find this humanoid apostle, investigate the reason for its appearance, and if possible, control it , or destroy it! "Second update completed') 491'\u003eChapter 490: Artificial Apostles, Virus Spread, New Possibilities for Humanity!

Fang Yuan had already expected that he would be targeted by SEELE even if he didn't deliberately investigate.

After all, his appearance was indeed a bit too high-profile. Whether it was his human appearance or his ability to subdue the apostles and distort space with just a few movements, he completely attracted the attention of everyone who knew about it.

In fact, not only SEELE and NERV are looking for him, but even the intelligence agencies of various governments have focused a large part of their energy on him.

However, they did not know that at this moment, Fang Yuan was doing something that was about to destroy the foundation of power of all countries and organizations.

"The viral transformation of the S2 agency... is much easier than I thought!" Fang Yuan held a test tube filled with blood-red liquid in his hand. After checking it briefly, he nodded with satisfaction.

This is a specific virus that he artificially transformed with his own technical reserves after extracting the S2 mechanism from the fourth apostle's body - or in other words, an artificial apostle! Yes, Fang Yuan, who has watched the new theatrical version, naturally knows that so-called apostles can actually be made artificially! Although it is not clear what technology SEELE uses, for Fang Yuan, as long as he knows the direction, even if he does not have specific technology and principles, he can overcome most obstacles and independently develop a set of technology based on his own technology accumulation. Brand new transformation technology is coming.

As for the result of this transformation, it was the tube of liquid in his hand.

Although the red liquid in the test tube looks like blood or LCL liquid, in fact, once the liquid inside comes into contact with the air, it will immediately vaporize and evaporate, turning into a gas form invisible to the human eye and diffusing in the wind. .

And its essence, as Fang Yuan said, is a special man-made virus - just like the Eleventh Apostle Terror Angel in the old version of the TV series. The main body is a nano-sized viral creature, and the S2 mechanism is distributed in every The body of the virus is not condensed into one body and hidden in the core like other apostles.

However, unlike the terrifying angels who have extremely strong learning and evolutionary abilities, this viral artificial apostle created by Fang Yuan does not have any ability to learn and evolve.

It has one and only one purpose of existence - to find a host in the process of replicating itself, and to completely integrate itself and its internal S2 mechanism into the host's body! And the type of this "host" was set by Fang Yuan to be the only species - human beings! "According to the setting, the humans in this world themselves are apostles who have eaten the Fruit of Wisdom. However, because they have not eaten the Fruit of Life, they cannot have a strong enough A.T. force field to maintain their independent existence, and have to be broken down into group life forms. ...Then, what will happen if I give the S2 mechanism, the Fruit of Life, to all humans?" Fang Yuan walked out of the underground base and came to the surface.

With an expectant expression, he pulled out the sealing plug of the test tube. The blood-red liquid inside immediately vaporized and evaporated the moment it came into contact with the air, drifting and spreading into the distance with the passing sea breeze.

——The monsoons in the ocean will fly around the world with these "gifts" to mankind, and this artificial apostle with the ability to replicate and infect like a virus will spontaneously spread outward after it has its first host. It doesn't take long for it to spread throughout the planet and lodge in every human body! And when these man-made viruses carrying the S2 mechanism take root in the human body, the weak will contained in them will dissipate on their own, and the control of the S2 mechanism will automatically be transferred to their chosen host, allowing those who originally only held the fruit of wisdom to Human beings also get the power of the fruit of life! By then, everyone will be able to emit A.T. force fields with their bare hands, everyone will have unlimited perpetual energy, and everyone will be a superman who surpasses ordinary people! In the world of "Eating Spirits", Fang Yuan played a modern version of "Jedi Heaven", completely banning the extraordinary power of the entire world; in the world of "Dark Bullets", Fang Yuan created artificially... A group of "Valkyries" who transcend human beings emerged as the middle class between "humans" and "gods"; now, in this world of "EVA", Fang Yuan has made a completely different choice - - He wants to provide a possibility for the ordinary humans in this world who are ignorant and innocent and can only be "represented" by a very small group of people, a possibility for self-strengthening, self-evolution, and self-sublimation! "It's really weak to transform all human beings into a unified life form! The so-called completion of human beings should be like me. Turning every human being into a superman counts!" With that said, Fang Yuan Jiang casually disassembled the empty test tube in his hand, looking forward to what would happen when the virus spreads around the world - "By then, both SEELE and Ikari Yuantang will be stunned to the point of being stunned!" ... When the Pacific Ocean When the monsoon landed in Asia with a "gift" sent by a certain "fifth apostle", the first thing he noticed was of course the NERV headquarters in Third New Tokyo.

After all, although these man-made viruses are tiny in size, only in the nanometer range, each of them has an independent S2 mechanism inside - although there is only one in each virus.

It would be okay if there were only a very small amount of viruses, but the sparse S2 mechanism would be too weak to be detected by the instrument even if it had an A.T. force field.

But what landed in Japan at this time was a group of viruses that had traveled across the ocean for more than half a month and had replicated and multiplied all the way from the depths of the Pacific Ocean. Their number had increased by an unknown number of times, even if the A.T. of each virion. How weak the force field is, after gathering into such a group, its A.T. force field response is no worse than that of any apostle.

Woo - Woo - With the piercing sirens, the NERV headquarters located underground in New Tokyo City 3 became busy instantly - "Everyone enters the first combat configuration!" Because the last battle ended abruptly in the middle, This was the first time Misato Katsuragi had assumed the responsibility of the Chief of Operations. She stood at her post with a heroic attitude and issued orders to everyone.

"How could it suddenly happen at this time..." Shinji Ikari, who had received an emergency order and rushed back to the headquarters from school, was changing his combat uniform in the locker room, but he was very surprised in his heart by the apostle attack that should not have appeared at this time.

——This time of "reincarnation", starting from the sudden appearance of the "fifth apostle", has become very strange, and all subsequent changes are completely different from every experience in his memory.

‘Is it a new change derived from the new reincarnation? 'Although he has experienced a lot in unknown other worlds, the boy still hasn't thought about it from the perspective of a visitor from another world, so he can only make such speculations.

"Shinji-kun, please board Unit 1 as soon as possible and stand by!" Misato Katsuragi's urging came from the communication.

"Yes!" The young man stopped his useless thinking and sped up - no matter what, he still had to eliminate the apostle in front of him first! However, what no one knew was that the "apostles" who attacked this time were completely different from what they imagined! ')492'\u003eChapter 491 "Apostles" Invasion

"Did you capture the image of the apostle?" After urging Shinji Ikari to get into position as soon as possible, Misato Katsuragi asked the intelligence analyst beside her.

"'s strange. Although the huge A.T. Field has been detected, there is no trace of the other party!" The intelligence analysis officer gave such a surprising answer.

"I can't see... what's going on?" Misato Katsuragi had a look of surprise on her face, but she regained her composure in the next moment and ordered: "... Call up the monitoring status of A.T. Field for me!" "Yes! "The operator beside him responded immediately.

However, when she saw the picture switched on the big screen, the look on her face could no longer hold back: "What is this...?!" What was displayed on the screen was a high-altitude bird's-eye view taken from a satellite perspective. It covers most of the area from the Western Pacific to the East Asian continent, and what is particularly eye-catching in the picture are the large "clouds" marked with special colors.

No, those are not real clouds, but the A.T. force field signal detected by the monitoring instrument on the satellite. Astonishingly, it has covered most of the Pacific Ocean and the coastal areas of East Asia, and the entire Japan has been completely covered by it! "Could it be that... she is an apostle in the form of microorganisms?" As a woman, but she can reach her current position in Japan, Misato Katsuragi does have two skills - especially her tactical intuition. In an instant, he guessed the identity of the incoming "apostle".

"It is indeed possible. After all, creatures like apostles are special existences that are different from the existing ecosystem of the earth. No matter what form they are, it is possible!" Ritsuko Akagi nodded and agreed with Misato Katsuragi's guess.

"Then let the people from the Analysis Department confirm it immediately! If it is really an apostle in this form, EVA will not be able to deal with it at all. We have to come up with a solution as soon as possible!" Misato Katsuragi issued the order without hesitation.

"People have been arranged to do it, and the results should be available soon!" As Ritsuko Akagi said, she turned and walked towards the direction of the Analysis Department - it is impossible for her, the chief scientist of NERV Headquarters, not to be present for this kind of scientific research and analysis. .

In this regard, Katsuragi Misato just nodded, and then continued to order to others: "In addition, immediately seal off the NERV headquarters, including the ventilation system, and conduct internal ventilation and cleaning in the entire area, especially the final dogma area. Make sure it cannot be infiltrated by the apostles." After giving the order, Katsuragi Misato sighed helplessly: "I hope our actions are not too late..." ... However, although Katsuragi Misato had given the order as early as possible, But in the end it was still too late - Just when Shinji Ikari was about to board Unit 1, he seemed to feel something and looked around.

"There is something near me... No, it's trying to enter my body!" At this moment, Shinji Ikari's vigilance was at its highest, and he could hardly help but burst out an A.T. force field to wrap himself up. .

However, at the same time, his body conveyed some deep desire, longing for the invisible intruder, wanting to devour, accommodate, and digest it.

"What the hell is this!" Not daring to neglect, he immediately climbed into the cockpit of Unit 1.

When the insertion bolt was in place and the external armor plate was closed, completely isolating the inside and outside of Unit-00 into two worlds, Shinji Ikari finally felt at ease.

In his mind, the safest place in the world was inside Unit 1 - not only because of the powerful power of this unit, but also because he knew that his mother was sleeping in Unit 1.

However, the boy who felt that he was safe felt a sense of loss in his heart, as if he had just missed something important... At this moment, Misato Katsuragi's voice came through the communication: "Shinji-kun, I’m sorry that you probably won’t be able to go out this time.”

"Miss Misato, what happened?" Shinji Ikari vaguely guessed that this must be related to what he just sensed.

"We have just confirmed that the apostles attacking this time are microorganisms that exist in the form of viruses. EVA cannot deal with enemies in this form... But don't leave Unit 1. I have issued an order to conduct an attack on NERV headquarters. A complete lockdown and disinfection is required, but until everything is completed, to ensure safety, it is better for you to stay in EVA!" Misato Katsuragi said.

"Then what should you do?" Shinji Ikari asked with a concerned tone - although he has experienced countless reincarnations, and these familiar people have died and lived in front of him countless times, he still cares about those who really care about him. People, he also cares about each other.

Especially Miss Misato, this older unmarried woman who lives a very carefree life, can be said to be one of the few people in the world who truly cares about Shinji Ikari. He sincerely does not want to see anything happen to him.

Well, of course, we must also mention Ayanami Rei. Although the two of them did not meet as impressively as the first reincarnation in this reincarnation, and there was no subsequent close contact that made the young man blush and his heart beat, but In his mind, this girl, who was as pure as a blank sheet of paper, was an important person that he could not let go of no matter what.

However, it was impossible for him to bring up such a topic that smelled sour of love in the communication, so he could only replace it with "you" in general.

"...I'm really happy that you care about us so much...but don't worry, we have already prepared a full set of countermeasures here!" Misato Katsuragi said into the communicator while putting on a heavy mask on herself A full-covering gas mask - not just her, but everyone in the entire base was required to do so, but the important people in the command post received it first.

‘However, can a mere gas mask really protect against such a viral apostle? ’ Misato Katsuragi was filled with doubts.

But now there is really no other way - it has been confirmed before that a very small amount of the "Apostle" virus has been detected in the base. Although this amount is much rarer than the cold virus in the air, it has also been stated that NERV headquarters It was no longer safe inside.

Fortunately, considering that the purpose of the apostle itself should be to contact Lilith sealed in the central dogma area, this apostle virus should not deliberately target humans. This may be a little more reassuring... I just thought about it, Ritsuko Akagi Another piece of bad news came from over there: "I'm sorry to tell you, I think our previous guesses were wrong. The target of these viral apostles is not the sealed Lilith, but us humans!"' )493'\u003eChapter 492: Researchers’ Battle \u0026 It’s impossible not to install a backdoor

"Apostles targeting humans?" Deputy Commander Dongyue also heard what Ritsuko Akagi said in the communication and was very puzzled.

"Ah, obviously, things have gone awry..." Ikari Yuantang, who also wore a gas mask, said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Perhaps this is different from the previous fifth apostle who had a human appearance. 'Same, they are also non-staff apostles who are not recorded in the Dead Sea Documents..." "Then they can't be called apostles!" Deputy Commander Dongyue said.

"Well, those who violate God's will cannot be called apostles!" Ikari Yuantang nodded and agreed with Deputy Commander Dongyue's statement.

… Not to mention the characterization of the virus apostle by NERV’s chief and deputy commander, on the other hand, Ritsuko Akagi also explained to Misato Katsuragi what her team had just discovered: “We found that this virus apostle will actively seek out humans for host infection. , several internal staff have been infected! Although no negative symptoms have been found after humans are infected, through blood tests, I found that the speed of replication and reproduction of these viruses in the human body is really amazing... …They want to assimilate all humans into apostles!” “…” After hearing Ritsuko Akagi’s explanation and speculation, a chill suddenly rose in Katsuragi Misato’s heart, and she took a deep breath of the air filtered by the gas mask. He asked in a somewhat dull tone: "Have you determined the infection route of this apostle virus? Is it through respiratory infection, or can you be infected even through skin contact?" "Currently, the only route of infection transmission is respiratory infection. This kind of virus does not rule out the possibility of sudden mutation. After all, even ordinary cold viruses have extremely high mutation rates, let alone this kind of existence that is essentially an apostle."

Ritsuko Akagi did not directly give a positive answer, but gave this answer full of uncertainty in the most rigorous terms possible.

However, knowing that there would be no infection through skin contact in a short period of time, Katsuragi Misato breathed a sigh of relief.

"So, how did you deal with those unfortunate infected people?" She asked about the unlucky ones that Ritsuko Akagi mentioned were "infected", and she was a little curious about their current situation.

"What else can we do? We can confine him in isolation according to emergency safety regulations!" Ritsuko Akagi replied.

"Then, monitor their conditions in real time, and notify me as soon as possible if there are any changes!" Misato Katsuragi said in a solemn tone.

After hanging up the communication, she raised her head and looked at the apostle diffusion cloud map displayed on the big screen. She suddenly felt a headache - the isolation and disinfection in the NERV headquarters were already in progress, and it would only take some time to complete, but underground How should she deal with the situation outside the base? According to Ritsuko Akagi, this airborne apostle virus is extremely contagious. In other words, humans on the ground - at least humans in Japan, have basically been infected, right? In other words, all human beings on the surface of Japan can be regarded as completely wiped out by default? No, no, no, we can’t be so arbitrary. After all, Ritsuko Akagi also said that she hasn’t found any negative changes in the infected people yet, so she needs to observe them first... Maybe the situation is not as bad as she thought? However, we can't just ignore the situation on the ground... We have to find a way to prevent the continued spread of these apostle viruses... How can this be done! ! ! Looking at the huge color block covering more than half of the Pacific Ocean on the big screen, Misato Katsuragi felt that she was not dealing with an apostle, but a natural disaster like a typhoon.

No, this is more terrifying than a typhoon! After all, the typhoon itself has a limited duration. It will naturally subside when the time is up, and the damage it can cause is limited after all.

But this time, what is overwhelming is the highly contagious apostle virus. If no one stops it, it can even infect all humans in the world. Of course, which one is more terrifying is obvious at a glance.

"The last time it was a single super life form, this time it has directly transformed into the microscopic form of this microbial community... Human beings cannot purify all the air in such a large area!" Captain Misato Katsuragi was helpless. in trouble.

'Ritsuko, it seems that we have to count on you researchers this time...' ... However, Misato Katsuragi couldn't think of a countermeasure for the moment, but the apostle viruses that came with the wind would not wait for her, and were still following her. The summer monsoon continues to spread towards the interior of Asia.

As for Japan, which has completely fallen... because this time the "Apostle" attack was too unexpected, except for government officials who were urgently evacuated and quarantined, even civilians were not evacuated.

——In fact, it’s useless even if you evacuate! The entire Japanese atmosphere is filled with these viruses, where can they evacuate to? In order to avoid large-scale panic, NERV and the Japanese government did not even dare to leak the true situation. At most, they issued a false alarm about the arrival of high-risk influenza and required citizens to wear masks when going out. Other than that, they did not do anything else. can not do this.

Well, it’s not like nothing can be done. At least research institutes under the Japanese government and research institutions affiliated with various universities have begun research on this special virus, trying to develop targeted vaccines or antibodies. or something, treat it really like a disease.

... "Hmm... it has covered the entire territory of Japan... but it actually sealed the entire underground cavity of the Third New Tokyo City? Are you still carrying out all-round air filtration and disinfection? The response is quite fast..." Fang Yuan, who was still staying on an uninhabited island in the Pacific, was closing his eyes and sensing the spread of the "gift" he had sent.

Um? What? How did he sense it? Well... although these man-made viruses with S2 mechanisms are Fang Yuan's gift to all mankind in this world, he didn't say that he wouldn't add one or two backdoors, right? For example, functions such as positioning, surveillance, and information collection. Out of the professional habits of researchers, Fang Yuan carefully added them to the nano-scale structures of these viruses, and ensured that they were hidden enough to be easily hidden. It will not be discovered by other peers.

Of course, Fang Yuan could swear to Boss Yog that he had absolutely no bad intentions in installing the backdoor, and it was just to collect data for his further research.

——This is the professional quality that a qualified scientific researcher should have! The third update is completed') 494'\u003eChapter 493: A moment of pleasure...

"I didn't expect it to turn out like this..." In the laboratory, Ritsuko Akagi, who usually wears a white coat, is looking through a single-sided mirror at several "observation samples" in the secret room behind the mirror.

——Because the entire underground space has gone through an extremely detailed round of air filtration and disinfection, the personnel in NERV headquarters finally no longer need to wear gas masks.

However, because the ground has almost completely collapsed, they are trapped underground in disguise and cannot easily leave here.

Of course, for Ritsuko Akagi and the scientific research dogs under her who work day and night, it doesn't make much difference whether they can leave the underground... Ahem, back to the topic! On the computer screen right next to Ritsuko Akagi, the conditions inside the bodies of several "observation samples" were displayed in various colors and lines.

However, the changes that occurred in the bodies of these unlucky ghosts who were accidentally infected with the apostle virus were really amazing, which made the well-informed Ritsuko Akagi couldn't help but marvel.

"The S2 mechanism is actually generated in the human body. Is this turning humans into apostles?" The experimental assistants on the side also lamented the incredible situation they observed.

"No, it is not that the S2 mechanism is generated in the human body, but the apostle virus transfers the S2 mechanism to humans! There is an essential difference between the two!" Ritsuko Akagi shook his head and denied the assistant's statement: "Moreover, this is different from It is better to say that it is about transforming humans into apostles, rather than about allowing humans to possess the abilities of apostles. These are two different things that must be distinguished seriously." She pointed at the A.T. force field waveform displayed on a computer screen. The ones marked on it were not the same. Not the blue for the apostles, but the orange for humanity.

"That is to say...can they also inspire A.T. Field like EVA and the Apostles in the future?" The assistant asked hesitantly.

"Well...Essentially, all human beings have an A.T. Field in their bodies. This symbolizes the human self's rejection of the outside world. It is the wall of the heart. This will not change regardless of whether there is an S2 mechanism or not.

However, if you have the S2 mechanism and can use its energy consciously, it is indeed possible to stimulate a macroscopically visible A.T. Field..." Ritsuko Akagi explained in a leisurely tone.

"So... this apostle virus doesn't seem to be harmful to humans, but it is of great benefit?" The assistant's face showed a look of yearning.

"Benefits?" Akagi Ritsuko turned her head in surprise, just in time to see the look on her assistant's face.

"Yes, A.T. Field that can truly interfere with matter. Isn't this equivalent to the superpowers in those comics? If everyone can have this kind of power, wouldn't it be equivalent to the rebirth of a race that has long been stagnant in evolution? Have we obtained unprecedented evolution? Besides, this will also be of great benefit to us against the apostles, right? Maybe one day we can protect humans without EVA..." This young assistant is obviously also a A fan of comics related to super powers, he became more and more excited the more he talked about it. He didn't notice a figure standing behind him at some point. It wasn't until Ritsuko Akagi sighed helplessly and held his forehead that he realized: "Uh... Doctor?" "..." Ritsuko Akagi didn't speak, but glanced behind his assistant. He understood immediately, turned his head in surprise, and then saw Commander Ikari Gendo Ikari with a dark face.

"Uh, Commander Ikari?!" The young assistant was still a little confused.

I saw the commander who was feared by everyone in the headquarters asked seriously, no, reprimanded: "You mean to let us humans completely let go of our defenses and allow this apostle virus to hide its unknown conspiracy. Infection and erosion, on the premise of handing over one's destiny to another species that does not know good and evil, what kind of evolution is pursued for all mankind?" Ikari Yuantang's serious expression makes sense, he did not expect that even in the research at NERV headquarters? In the team, this kind of naive to almost child's play thinking will also appear.

"Um...I..." The assistant, who was just enjoying himself for a moment but didn't expect to be heard by the top boss, hesitated and didn't know how to defend himself.

"It seems that you are not suitable to continue working in your current position. Please go to the personnel department to make a handover."

After saying that, regardless of the mournful expression on the assistant's face, Ikari Yuantang waved his hand, and two guards came up behind him and left with the assistant who had made such trouble.

Assistant: "..." "...It seems that our internal team also needs to be cleaned up."

After a moment of silence, Ikari Gendo said this to Ritsuko Akagi.

"However, you know better than me how complicated the personnel in the headquarters are. A large-scale reshuffle is impossible!" Ritsuko Akagi said as she took out a box of women's cigarettes from her pocket, took one out and lit it. Take a deep breath and exhale a cloud of smoke.

"At least ensuring the ideological consistency of several confidential departments, especially yours, is the top priority. I don't want to hear similar remarks again!" Ikari Yuantang demanded in a serious tone.

"Okay, although that kid probably didn't mean it, but I understand what you mean..." Ritsuko Akagi put down the cigarette in his hand, sighed and said, "But, I think one of the things he said just now is right. Yes, once infected by the apostle virus, the macro-visible A.T. Field is stimulated, which is indeed no different from superpowers - then you should think about how to warn the governments of various countries that once the infected civilians suddenly possess powerful powers, they will There won't be any big news in society.

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