Perhaps, before we defeat the apostles, the entire human society will collapse due to internal chaos! "Someone is already doing this..." Ikari Yuantang nodded, and then asked in a flat to somewhat indifferent tone: "But the more critical question is, are those humans infected by the apostle virus really... Still human? " In this regard, Ritsuko Akagi could only answer in a scientist's tone: "... Judging from the test results of A.T. Field, they are still human beings, but they have a powerful energy source that ordinary humans cannot have - unless Do you have another definition of the word 'human'? ""Human being"...if all external conditions are excluded, this word is really an ambiguous definition! "Ikari Yuantang sighed, then shook his head and stopped talking about this topic: "Continue to observe and study these samples. If there are any bad changes, tell me immediately.

But by then, I'm afraid a lot of blood will be shed..."')495'\u003eChapter 494: The spread of the virus \u0026 the concessions that have to be made

Although governments of various countries and NERV are extremely vigilant against this apostle virus, to their surprise, they have not discovered any bad changes as they imagined during their continuous observation and research.

Well, except for a few people who took the lead in inspiring A.T. Field because of their outstanding qualifications and accidentally made a few big news, all the expected bad things may not have happened.

Human beings infected by the virus have no drastic change in temperament, no transformation into apostles, and no signs of being controlled by some unified will.

The only change that can be considered a major change is that the physical fitness of everyone in the world (the apostle virus has spread to the world) has improved to a higher level in a short period of time. Diseases are disappearing from humans, and related medicines The industry was hit hard as expected.

This is normal. After all, when no one will get sick, why do we need hospitals and medicines? ​Maybe some people will say that there are still people who are accidentally injured or something, and they always need medical treatment.

But in fact, the longer the virus stays in the human body, the higher the concentration of S2 organs in the human body, and the higher the possibility of autonomously stimulating the A.T. force field.

As more and more people in society activate the extraordinary power hidden in their bodies, injuries are gradually disappearing - take the most common traffic accident as an example, if a person is hit face-to-face by an overloaded heavy truck In the past, it was naturally the result of a puddle of meat on the ground, but now, it is not the person who was hit but the vehicle itself that was injured in the end... What's more important is that this situation has happened more than once. Twice! ... "The Apostle Virus has spread widely around the world, and there are more and more awakened A.T. Fields. The information about the Apostle Virus can no longer be concealed!" Still underground in the Third New Tokyo City In the space, inside the NERV headquarters, Deputy Commander Fuyutsuki, who routinely followed Ikari Gendo like a shadow, was reporting the situation on the surface to his former student and current boss.

"If you can't hide it, then there's no need to hide it. Let the governments of various countries find ways to deal with their own citizens..." Ikari Yuantang shook his head and expressed his attitude towards this "little matter", then turned to ask The old man behind him: "You don't have the temperament to come to me to discuss such inconsequential matters. What on earth do you want to say?" "I mean, we are still maintaining this internal and external blockade, really. Is it meaningful? So far, no negative changes have been found among the infected people around the world - if we do not count some irrational people who have become reckless because of their power. "

——Because the virus has spread all over the surface atmosphere, everyone at NERV headquarters has not left the underground for nearly a month. Fortunately, this underground cavity is really large, and there are artificial light sources and sufficient soil. Planting, food, etc. can still barely maintain self-sufficiency, and drinking water has been thoroughly purified multiple times, so there is no need to worry about them starving to death from thirst.

Of course, what is even more fortunate is that during this period, no new apostles jumped out to cause trouble for them, otherwise they would have to participate in the battle at the risk of being infected by the apostle virus at any time.

But this kind of life cannot last forever. Not to mention the academic problems of two middle school students, Shinji Ikari and Rei Ayanami, which have completely lost their meaning. The impact of long-term stay underground on the morale of the entire NERV headquarters members is a big problem. .

And Deputy Commander Dongyue said this in a roundabout way because he was worried about this matter and thought it would be better to simply give up this futile blockade.

"...Do you even think so?" Ikari Yuantang showed an obvious expression of disappointment on his face: "I thought you could see the huge risks of doing this!" "Yes, of course I know what I did. Risk! But you also have to consider that NERV members are also human beings. It’s okay to keep them isolated in this underground world for a short time, but we can’t go on like this forever! You don’t want to see those subordinates who are getting more and more restless because of their emotions! Lose control and rebel directly?" Regarding Ikari Yuantang's implicit accusation, Deputy Commander Fuyue refuted the most urgent reality.

Indeed, it has only been a month of underground blockade, and it has already had a significant impact on the morale of the entire NERV headquarters. If it continues, it might really lead to major problems such as mutiny - this is a habit in Japan anyway. It is not uncommon for the big-headed soldiers to go crazy and "break out" the big leaders in the place where "lower forces overcome superior forces".

"..." Faced with the facts told by Deputy Commander Dongyue, Ikari Yuantang fell silent.

In fact, it was not that he was unaware of what the other party said. On the contrary, he was very scheming and very sensitive to the changes in people's hearts in the base. Naturally, he had already noticed the increasing restlessness of his subordinates.

Just as Deputy Commander Dongyue was worried, if the lockdown continues, problems might really arise... "What about the research and development of vaccines or antibodies for the apostle virus? Is there no result yet?" Ikari Yuantang I don’t want to just admit defeat, but I still want to keep trying.

In this regard, Deputy Commander Dongyue gave such an answer: "...Unfortunately, judging from the information obtained so far, research institutions around the world are at a loss to deal with this apostle virus, except for the simplest and most direct We can’t find any way to restrain it other than physical isolation.”

Although Ikari Yuantang had expected this, it was impossible not to be disappointed - "Sure enough, the essence of this virus is still an apostle after all. It is indeed a bit difficult to fight it in the same way as ordinary diseases. It's so whimsical..." The commander-in-chief of NERV thought for a long time, and finally, with difficulty, partially agreed with Deputy Commander Dongyue's opinion and ended the current stage of strict blockade.

However, he did not directly release all restrictions, but took a half step back - allowing those less important employees to leave the underground and return to the surface, but he would not release the isolation restrictions of the underground space itself, but All visitors must undergo the most stringent cleaning and disinfection procedures every time they enter or leave.

Fortunately, after a series of tests, it was found that although this apostle virus is spread through the air, it does not spread from person to person.

In other words, the infected person himself will not become a new source of infection. Therefore, as long as the body surface is disinfected and cleaned, and there is no direct exchange of body fluids, general daily contact will not cause cross-infection - this also allows those who return People who have been to the surface will not have to wear fully enclosed protective suits at all times after returning to the underground base.

Of course, although restrictions have been relaxed for ordinary employees, for the real high-level officials like Ikari Yuantang, they will never take unknown risks and allow themselves to be infected by the virus. This also requires them to continue to stay underground. Even if you occasionally return to the surface, you have to wear protective clothing at all times.

——But this is their own choice, no matter how uncomfortable it is, they have to endure it! ')496'\u003eChapter 495: Hunting Apostles/Knowledge is the greatest gain!

Having said so much about the situation between government officials and NERV, what is Fang Yuan, who has not been seen for a long time since his last appearance, doing now? Well, he is currently looking for new apostles all over the world! After all, as I said before, although Fang Yuan didn’t have any bad intentions, due to the quality and professional habits of a scientific researcher, he unconsciously added many harmless (emphasis added) to the apostle virus he created. ) backdoor.

These backdoors are not only used to help him grasp the situation of all infected hosts in the world, but also enable wide-area intelligence detection of all areas to which they have spread.

In other words, wherever these viruses spread, Fang Yuan's "eyes" will be there, and he will be able to know anything that happens in that place.

This not only allows him to grasp the movements of the human side in real time, but also allows him to immediately find apostles who may appear from any corner of the earth at any time.

And his arrangement has indeed yielded great results - the true fifth apostle (that is, the old version of the fourth apostle, the Day Angel) who was supposed to appear in the recent world and attack the third New Tokyo City, was Fang Yuan discovered it the moment it appeared, and he captured it within half an hour.

Moreover, Fang Yuan, who had made all preparations this time, even intercepted and modified the signals of all NERV detection satellites in advance, forged a picture that everything was normal, and hid all the actions of him and the real fifth apostle in darkness. .

As for why Fang Yuan took the job of the protagonist team and went to find trouble with the apostles... This does not mean that Fang Yuan has any sense of responsibility for the humans in this world. In fact, the apostle virus he sent was his greatest responsibility to the humans in this world. of kindness and gifts.

The real situation is that during the anatomical study of the fourth apostle, Fang Yuan discovered that in addition to the fruit of life that every apostle must have, which is the S2 mechanism, the apostle's powerful body evolved independently as an individual. , is also a rare and important wealth! For example, the fourth apostle's special organ that can condense the A.T. force field into a physical energy beam, its ability to self-learn, self-adapt, and self-evolve, although not top-notch, is indeed extraordinary, and its ability to self-learn, self-adapt, and self-evolve is completely different from that of humans but it does possess unique wisdom.

In fact, in Fang Yuan's view, each apostle can be regarded as the result of a unique biotechnology developed to its extreme in a certain direction. It is the most important civilization of the "apostle civilization", an individual civilization that is completely different from human beings. One of the crystallizations, second only to the core S2 mechanism and the unknown "fruit of wisdom".

——Of course, according to some rumors, Lilith, the second angel, and the fruit of wisdom she carries do not seem to be in the same system as the other angels headed by Adam. Fang Yuan cannot make a firm statement about this for the time being, so he will temporarily regard the two as the existence of the same system.

Well, let's get back to the topic! Without discussing the deeper secrets, Fang Yuan was inspired by the fourth angel and regarded the unique life forms represented by each angel and the special biotechnology knowledge contained therein as one of the goals to be collected during this time of crossing.

And the fact proved that the real fifth angel he captured with great effort did not disappoint him! Although in the anime, this fifth angel seems to have only a high-heat whip in addition to the most basic A.T. force field, and was casually killed by the fledgling Shinji Ikari driving Unit-01, and the lunch box was received as casually as if it was specially given to the protagonist to give experience.

After binding and sealing it like the fourth apostle and dissecting it without any injury, Fang Yuan also confirmed that this apostle can indeed be regarded as one of the weakest apostles.

But even in such a weak apostle, there are still knowledge and technology worth learning from Fang Yuan.

Yes, it is nothing else, it is its high-heat whip.

Although the same technology, even if it is done by humans, it probably won’t take long to develop similar or even better weapons, but Fang Yuan does not value the lethality of this high-heat whip, but its unique working principle.

Unlike the imagination of ordinary people, this so-called "high-heat whip" does not actually emit high temperature directly, but secretes special substances from the inside of the whip body, and then is decomposed into special plasma with the assistance of the A.T. force field, which has the dual characteristics of high temperature and corrosion.

This special secretion is exactly what Fang Yuan has never seen before - in his previous concept, the so-called plasma is a mixed ion state substance composed of surface electrons separated from atoms under ultra-high temperature environment, and there will be no other physical effects except high temperature, but he did not expect that there is such a substance that can still maintain a certain special chemical effect even in plasma state.

In addition, the whip bodies of the two high-heat whips of this apostle are also a rare high-strength biomass material - not only can it withstand the attachment and erosion of high-temperature plasma, but even without the blessing of the A.T. force field, it still maintains the physical properties of being many times tougher than steel and having excellent flexibility.

This is also very obvious in the anime. In the wrestling with Unit-01, even if the two high-heat whips were swung around, the two whips that were too thin compared to the main body did not break. This is all based on the special biomass organizational structure and unique mechanical properties inside - this is also a good harvest for Fang Yuan.

Of course, the most important harvest is of course the most important and real core of the apostle's body, the S2 mechanism called the "fruit of life".

Although this biomass super-dimensional perpetual energy mechanism is no longer a precious thing for Fang Yuan at this time, for experimental comparison considerations and Fang Yuan's collection addiction, he still included this S2 mechanism in his collection list.

However, this real fifth angel, which was perfunctory in the plot, was only an appetizer for Fang Yuan. What he really expected and valued was the sixth angel that was going to appear next, that is, the old version of the fifth angel, Thunder Angel.

From the anime plot, it can be seen that unlike other angels whose senses were closer to "living things", this angel, whether in appearance or action mode, showed a kind of mechanical and precise close to artificial intelligence from beginning to end. This uniqueness aroused Fang Yuan's strong curiosity and he wanted to capture it and dissect it for research.

Unfortunately, although he had spread his "ears and eyes" all over the world, these angels who were hiding in unknown places were really well hidden before they appeared. Except for a few who were unlucky or discovered by humans because of "plot needs", it was difficult to detect their traces by ordinary means.

Therefore, before the prey appeared on its own, Fang Yuan, who could not find the target, had to wait for the time being - but it didn't matter, patience was also one of the most important qualities of a scientific worker! The third update is completed')497'\u003eChapter 496 Ikari Shinji's choice

"Should I choose to go back to the surface or stay underground..."  Ikari Shinji looked at the "Personnel Outing Application Form" that had just been issued in his hand, and hesitated for a while and couldn't make up his mind.

At this time, at least the people inside the NERV headquarters basically knew what happened.

Ikari Shinji had already learned the truth about the Apostle virus, the changes in the human body after being infected with the virus, and the risks that might be faced later from Misato Katsuragi and others.

Compared to those relatively unimportant grassroots staff, qualified people like Ikari Shinji who can drive EVA to fight should be prohibited from leaving the underground base like senior executives such as Ikari Gendo, so as to avoid any unknown adverse consequences after being infected by the Apostle virus.

However, for some reason, his direct guardian, Misato Katsuragi, still managed to help him win the right to choose freely and gave him this application form. As long as he filled in the content and submitted it, he could return to the ground like those NERV employees who did not want to stay underground.

Of course, the consequence of doing so is that once he is infected with the Angel virus, he will be immediately deprived of his EVA qualification status and will never be able to sit on Unit-01 again.

To be honest, as far as Shinji Ikari himself is concerned, he doesn't care about the Angel virus or not.

Although he was frightened by this microbial "Angel" at first, when he learned about the characteristics of this virus and the situation after infection from Dr. Ritsuko Akagi, he no longer had any worries about it.

Regardless of the inexplicable "appetite" for this virus in his body, the A.T. force field he stimulated with his own soul power can ensure that he will not be infected by the virus when he goes out.

But the problem is that he, a pure human, can use the A.T. force field, which is the biggest anomaly. Unless he is about to turn against NERV, Shinji Ikari will not rashly expose this matter.

But will he continue to hide underground?   After experiencing countless reincarnations, his psychological quality has been unprecedentedly tempered, and he will not be like ordinary people who can't stand staying underground for a period of time.

But he also believes that simply hiding is useless. When the surface world is almost covered by the Apostle virus, they, the humans who are lucky enough not to be infected, can't hide forever.

Besides, he has experienced more than a few reincarnations, and he has more or less seen that there seems to be something wrong with this reincarnation. The so-called "Apostle virus" is still a question of whether it is an Apostle...  "Maybe, it has something to do with the humanoid 'Apostle' before?"  Somehow, Shinji Ikari intuitively thought of the unknown humanoid Apostle who stole his first appearance-in his feeling, this reincarnation has been completely distorted since that guy appeared.

Not only was all the limelight stolen from his first official battle, he didn't even have a chance to appear. Later, he was directly forced to stay on the ground by the Angel virus. The real Fifth Angel who should have appeared some time ago was nowhere to be seen... The experience that was originally similar in every reincarnation was completely disrupted. Sometimes Shinji Ikari even thought that the mysterious humanoid Angel and all the subsequent changes might be the messenger sent by the unknown "God" to break the deadlock because he couldn't stand his reincarnation in vain. "If... to break the deadlock, maybe leaving Unit-01 completely is also an option?" Recalling what he learned from Dr. Ritsuko Akagi about the changes in the human body after being infected by the virus, Shinji Ikari was eager to try it out - if he completely abandoned the identity of "EVA pilot" in this reincarnation, and faced everything with his own body, his own soul, and his own strength, would the final outcome be different? After all, after countless reincarnations, even if Shinji Ikari is slow, he has already understood that in his father's plan, the importance of Unit-01 can be said to be the first, even more important than his own son! In almost every reincarnation in the past, Shinji Ikari has been on Unit-01 either passively or actively, and finally, under the guidance and coercion of various situations, he has come to the end he did not want to see.

On the rare occasions, he decided to give up driving Unit-01, but he was alone and helpless in the face of the surging trend, and could only be like a not-so-good swimmer, struggling and drifting in the waves in vain, and finally still accomplished nothing, and could only watch things develop to the worst result.

Even if he later realized how to use the power of his soul and developed an A.T. force field that could interfere with macroscopic matter, with his human body, he could only use this weak force field to defend against light weapons such as pistols and submachine guns, and could not even defend against sniper rifles with a larger caliber - this was the effect that he could only achieve by concentrating the A.T. force field on one surface.

In this way, he might have the upper hand in the battle with the armed personnel of the squad, and even play a superpower after mastering the combat skills, but facing the apostles and EVAs with a general body size of hundreds of meters... this power is not much different.

However, now it is different. Shinji Ikari has an option that has never appeared before him - accept the apostle virus that may hide unknown dangers, so as to obtain the perpetual energy of the S2 mechanism, and strengthen his mediocre A.T. force field to the extent that he can confront the apostles head-on! This may be a fantasy for ordinary people. After all, even if ordinary people obtain the S2 mechanism and awaken the A.T. force field, it is almost impossible to improve it to a level comparable to that of the apostles.

But Shinji Ikari is different! Since the external force pushed him to complete human completion in the first reincarnation, Shinji Ikari's soul has undergone a qualitative change, from the original shallow and weak human soul to the level equivalent to the apostles... no, it is far beyond the level of the apostles. In the end, he can even travel through time and space by his own will - or open a new timeline, and has entered an endless reincarnation since then.

Originally, Shinji Ikari was limited by his fragile human body. Apart from the unknown principle of time and space reincarnation, he could not exert the power of his huge soul at all, just like the souls of Adam and Lilith were stripped away and stuffed into human bodies. Zhonghou also lost most of his power, but Kong Shou Baoshan could only use a fraction of it.

But now, as long as he walks out of this underground city, returns to the surface unprepared, and allows those apostle viruses to infect his body, he will be able to unlock part of his extremely huge soul power and become a man capable of competing with the apostles. , the powerful combat power of EVA in head-to-head combat! In this way, he, who is no longer the pilot of Unit 1, will directly break away from the script written for him by some conspirators, but at the same time he retains the powerful power to directly interfere with the battle situation. It can be said that the situation has been changed in one fell swoop. , got the initiative that had never been in his hands! ')498'\u003eChapter 497 It seems that... you have lost your temper?

"...Is this really okay?" Looking at Shinji Ikari's leaving figure, Deputy Commander Fuyutsuki, who stood behind Ikari Gendo like a shadow, asked.

"No problem. Although he has not experienced actual combat, his mental signals when driving Unit 1 have been recorded. When the DUMMY SYSTEM (puppet system) is completely completed, it will not matter even if he is not the pilot!" Ikari Yuan There was no emotion in Tang Na's eyes hidden behind dark sunglasses, and his tone was even calmer, as if the person who had just left was not his son, but just a useful tool.

"What if a new apostle appears before this?" the former old professor continued to ask.

"Just let Rei attack!" The commander-in-chief of NERV gave the answer without hesitation.

"...What if the No. 0 machine driven by Li cannot defeat the incoming apostle?" Deputy Commander Dongyue seemed to not want to let him go and continued to ask.

"Then it proves that we humans are indeed hopeless losers, and everything will come to an end!" A voice without any emotion came from this man who was as tough and cold as steel, and Jean wanted to continue to say more. Deputy Commander Dongyue could only shut his mouth helplessly and sighed silently.

... On the other side, Fang Yuan, who was continuing to search for the apostle, suddenly sensed that there was an individual with extremely powerful soul power in his apostle virus network, and he stopped what he was doing in shock.

However, before he could continue to understand this special individual that suddenly appeared, this feeling was unilaterally cut off by the opponent.

Fang Yuan, who was even more surprised, immediately called up the virus activity infection records recorded in [Ether] and confirmed that the special existence that had just been disconnected abnormally was actually the protagonist of this world, Shinji Ikari! "...I'm not surprised that this kid would be infected by the virus, but what's going on with this ridiculously strong soul strength? Also, he can actually cut off the information network between the apostle viruses? Could it be that Shinji Ikari in this world is there again? Has there been any unexpected change?" Fang Yuan looked over and over at the Internet signal that only lasted a few seconds, trying to find some useful clues.

But unfortunately, in the end Fang Yuan could only be sure of one thing: the soul strength of Shinji Ikari in this world has even surpassed his body to some extent! Fang Yuan had a bad premonition in his heart. This Shinji Ikari seemed not to be the Shinji Ikari in the normal world, but a super Shinji Ikari who had evolved for some unknown reason. He was many times more powerful than the apostles. Soul, coupled with the apostle virus he spread out carrying the S2 mechanism... "... Damn it, I won't let it go again, right?" ... "Is this the truth about the so-called 'apostle virus'?" Coming Shinji Ikari on the ground took a deep breath of the outside air, not caring that the countless apostle viruses contained in the atmosphere were inhaled into his body.

Using the A.T. force field that had been trained to a certain extreme to sense the structure of these nanoscale life forms, the boy suddenly discovered that the so-called "apostle virus", which was feared by NERV's top brass, was essentially an activated, capable The S2 mechanism that replicates and reproduces itself! Although many additional structures have been added to it whose functions are temporarily unknown, if he wants to, he can separate out the most important and fundamental S2 mechanism of these apostle viruses at any time, and then disassemble and discard the other parts.

In other words, no matter whether there are any dangerous back-ends hidden in this apostle virus, for Shinji Ikari, they are just great tonics that can increase the content of the S2 organ in his body. They are only beneficial and harmless! "However, although it is harmless to me, I wonder if there are any hidden dangers to ordinary people?" Shinji Ikari described the structure of the virus he perceived in his mind, but there was no way to confirm these additional additions. What exactly are structures used for?

At this time, he really regretted why he didn't read more books in so many reincarnations in the past, especially in biological sciences - if he could spend 100% of the time in countless reincarnations. If he were to study related subjects, he would have already become an expert in that field! But there are no ifs in this world. Although he has a magical ability similar to time retrieval, he cannot go back to the past before a reincarnation is completed. Time wasted is wasted. Now he is learning from scratch temporarily. It's a little too late... - This is really a book that is only used when it is used! ... "Tsk! There really is something wrong with Shinji Ikari in this world!" Fang Yuan quietly invaded NERV's system, retrieved all the behavior records and related videos of Shinji Ikari during this period, and then immediately Something unusual was discovered.

First of all, in terms of words and deeds, this Shinji Ikari is much calmer and more mature than the weakling male protagonist in the original plot! According to the psychological profile analysis recorded in NERV's secret database, although Shinji Ikari in this world lost his mother at a young age and later suffered long-term neglect from his father, his mental health problems are far from the level of severe autism in the original work. .

Fang Yuan also searched out NERV's long-term surveillance report on Shinji Ikari, and confirmed that he did not meet a mysterious master in the mountains to practice martial arts when he was a child, nor did he experience an exciting childhood fighting with bears all day long. Therefore, You can rule out the possibility that the other party came from another set.

Seeing that Shinji Ikari's synchronization rate was as high as over 80% when he first boarded Unit-1, Fang Yuan also had a vague guess in his mind - could this guy be like him and come back from the future? Right? No, that’s not right! Fang Yuan thought of a very popular EVA comic that he had read. It seemed that the situation of Shinji Ikari was somewhat similar to the setting in that comic! Timeline reset, or parallel world travel, these two concepts flashed through Fang Yuan's mind.

If his guess is correct, then the Shinji Ikari he sees is no longer an ordinary autistic boy, but a transcendent who has experienced human completion and obtained the "power of God"! "Hiss—!" Fang Yuan took a long breath and forced himself to calm down.

Don't panic, don't be confused! This is just a guess and needs to be verified! He told himself this... Throw——! boom! He smashed the temporarily refined tablet in his hand onto the ground and smashed it into pieces.

"This still needs Mao's verification! The strength of this damn soul has already explained everything!" Fang Yuan frowned, his expression extremely ugly: "I might really shoot myself in the foot this time... …"')499'\u003eChapter 498: Shinji Ikari, attack!

After it was almost confirmed that this world had a protagonist who could reverse time and space or jump timelines, or even have other more terrifying unknown powers, Fang Yuan's mood became very unhappy.

This is no wonder. All his previous plans were based on the assumption that this world basically conforms to the original plot.

Now, it is probably true that it is based on the original plot, but I did not expect that this "original plot" may not necessarily refer to the original work, but may also refer to a fan work! It was such an oversight that made Fang Yuan feel like he had personally created a super powerful combat power that was not under his control - God knows what happened to Shinji Ikari, whose soul was so incredibly strong after the repairs were completed, when paired with a powerful enough S2 mechanism core. How strong can it be! This still does not take into account whether the other party has other more terrifying powers. If the other party is not actually jumping in the timeline or reversing time and space, but is more terrifying in idealizing the world and creating fantasy worlds... Tsk! I don’t dare to think about it anymore! "No, it will be too dangerous to continue wandering like this. Let's wait for a while and see the situation..." Fang Yuan, who thought he could completely wander again, picked up the spirit of "Going" that he had thrown to the ground. , and became low-key from the bottom of his heart.

... And not long after that, the true Sixth Apostle (the old version of the Fifth Apostle, Thunder Angel), who Fang Yuan had been thinking about for quite some time, finally appeared.

But this time, because he was afraid of Shinji Ikari who didn't know how strong he was, Fang Yuan did not take action to capture the apostle in advance.

——It is true that he can block technological equipment from surveillance images from all over the world, but it is impossible to block the induction between A.T. force fields.

He believed that Shinji Ikari, who had obtained the S2 mechanism and had a god-level soul, had a high probability of being able to sense the appearance of the Sixth Angel, which allowed Fang Yuan to "secretly capture all the apostles without telling everyone in the world" It just doesn't work anymore! So...he must change his strategy! …… The third New Tokyo City, the large underground cave, NERV headquarters.

The piercing sirens sounded again, and the apostles attacked again after more than a month. The base, which had been somewhat demoralized due to a series of changes, became busy again. Everyone focused all their energy on the war in front of them. , Wuxia no longer thinks about what is there and what is not.

"The surveillance target has invaded the Odawara Defense Line——" "The analysis of the unconfirmed flying object has been completed——" "The pattern is blue, confirmed to be an apostle!" Looking at the detection results popping up on the huge screen, Misato Katsuragi stood with her arms crossed. There is no surprise at all - looking at the giant blue octahedral UFO on the surveillance screen that is absolutely impossible to form naturally, unless aliens suddenly descended on the earth in a spaceship, this could be an apostle! Well, although strictly speaking, the so-called apostles can indeed be regarded as part of the alien civilization... "By the way, should we call them the sixth apostle or the seventh apostle?" Riding the elevator with Ikari Gendo Deputy Commander Dongyue said so after entering the command post.

His question was not a joke. After discovering that the apostle virus did not cause any visible harm and did not attempt to forcibly invade the NERV headquarters, many people believed that it should not be regarded as an independent apostle. Some people even think that it is a gift from a supernatural being who is in opposition to the prophesied apostles and stands on the side of mankind (the truth turns out...) and should be deleted from the list of apostles.

Therefore, if the short-lived Fang Yuan is regarded as the fifth apostle, this newly appeared apostle should be the sixth apostle, not the seventh apostle who was postponed according to convention.

"Hmph! I'm not one of those naive guys! In any case, the Apostle Virus is a special apostle, and I won't remove it from the list of apostles! Let's name this new one the seventh apostle!" With that said, Commander Ikari walked up to his command position and sat on his seat.

"Let Unit 0 be dispatched! The DUMMY SYSTEM of Unit 0 will also start trial operation immediately and be ready to attack at any time!" He issued the order - this was the only arrangement since Shinji Ikari was unwilling to continue taking Unit 1. .

... "Unit Zero, prepare for launch -" "Replacement of anti-aircraft weapons -" In the EVA launch preparation area, Unit Zero, which has entered the launch position, is fixed by a fixed frame and stands on the platform.

The pilot who has entered Unit Zero, the doll-like beautiful girl named Ayanami Rei, is quietly waiting in the cockpit for the upcoming battle.

She didn't know why the pilot of Unit 1 suddenly gave up his status as a qualified person, and she never thought about finding out-a girl who had never had much interaction with Shinji Ikari in this world line was still... He is just a puppet who only obeys Ikari Yuantang's orders. He doesn't care about anything except Ikari Yuantang and the tasks assigned by Ikari Yuantang.

However, just as she was controlling Unit Zero, holding a super-giant rifle adapted to EVA's size, and was about to be launched to the ground to participate in the battle, Katsuragi Misato's shocked voice suddenly came over the communication - "How could that be? This is Shinji-kun?!" Back to the command post, on the big screen, a particularly small figure suddenly appeared in front of the apostles who had invaded Lake Ashi.

But what's different is that this figure is suspended in mid-air! When Misato Katsuragi asked the operator to zoom in on the screen and saw the face of the figure, she immediately exclaimed: "How could it be? This is Shinji-kun?!" "This is... A.T. Field? He has only left the underground base for a few days. "Can it actually be stimulated?" Akagi Ritsuko also showed a surprised expression, but there seemed to be something wrong with her surprise... "Now is not the time to talk about this!" Katsuragi Misato complained mercilessly to the science geek next to her. That abnormal thinking circuit said in horror and madness: "It doesn't matter if it inspires A.T. Field or something! What does Shinji-kun want to do? Why is he there? Does he want to challenge the apostle in the body? ? ” “…That’s right, horror!” Ritsuko Akagi said after a moment of silence.

"High-energy reaction found inside the target!" At this time, the intelligence analysis officer next to him shouted loudly and sounded the alarm.

"What?" Misato Katsuragi turned her head in shock, and then looked at the big screen nervously.

In the picture, the apostle who was originally an octahedron suddenly underwent a dizzying transformation. Countless rectangular blocks with square cross-sections were stacked into upper and lower parts, revealing the red core in the middle, an extremely dazzling and extremely hot high-energy ray. , and instantly shot out towards the tiny figure in front of him! The boy Shinji Ikari who was standing in front of the apostle opened his eyes at this moment and stretched his hands forward to block - "A.T. Field, fully open!" The third update is completed')500'\u003e490 If Jiuzhang catches this shot, we will be friends...Eh, didn't catch it?

"A.T. Field, fully open!" Just when the extremely dazzling and scorching high-energy ray was about to engulf the young man's tiny body, an invisible barrier emitting regular octagonal ripples stood in front of him.

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