"The stealth mode looks OK, but I didn't consider the problem of odor elimination before, and I was almost discovered by those police dogs..." Fang Yuan, who was wearing a suit and leather shoes and had turned into a middle-aged white man, said to himself.

Yes, everyone should have seen that Fang Yuan did not enter the country through formal channels.

In fact, Fang Yuan has never entered or exited the country through formal channels in this world. When he went to Africa before, and this time, he relied on his alchemy and extraordinary physical ability to bypass customs and boarding checks and directly hijacked the plane to appear on camera!   But the difference is that the method he used this time looks more sci-fi-he directly became invisible!   This is about the ordinary-looking suit he is wearing.

Although it looks like a suit, it feels like a suit, and it is still a suit when you take it off and take a closer look, it is actually a living thing!   Or, it is an artificial living thing!   This is a topic that Fang Yuan has been studying since he got the Philosopher's Stone-using alchemy to realize artificial souls like artificial intelligence.

This artificial soul is different from the artificial people created by "Father" in the original work of Fullmetal Alchemist by separating his own negative emotions. It is an intelligent program without personality and self that is closer to computer AI.

Originally, Fang Yuan had been troubled by how to clean the ordinary souls in the Philosopher's Stone from memories and emotions and turn them into blank souls that he could program and set, but the knowledge he learned about souls did not have any content in this regard, so he was stuck here.

Until later, he discovered the difference between the Philosopher's Stone made by zombies and the normal Philosopher's Stone. In addition to discovering the decomposition effect of the T virus on the soul, he also discovered the correct use of these discrete souls without form.

He found that these souls that had been completely decomposed into "powder" were very easy to be reshaped and reorganized.

When Fang Yuan tried to input some simple thinking logic into this Philosopher's Stone, he was surprised to find that these powdered souls were recombined according to his ideas and showed some characteristics of a truly complete soul.

When Fang Yuan inputted a complex enough thinking logic, the virtual soul in the Philosopher's Stone even had a very simple mind!   And the thinking of this mind is completely in accordance with the thinking settings input by Fang Yuan before, and can perfectly understand, think, calculate and even perform alchemy independently according to Fang Yuan's requirements.

Except for the lack of a real self, this artificial virtual soul is not much different from a real human soul.

This is an alchemical version of artificial intelligence!   Fang Yuan, who had such a surprise, naturally would not waste such a good material. He recompiled this artificial soul and greatly improved the computing power of this artificial soul with the help of the total amount of souls contained in this Philosopher's Stone, which is equivalent to the souls of thousands of people.

This is almost a Philosopher's Stone version of a supercomputer!   For this reason, Fang Yuan also took the time to learn computer programming knowledge to fully tap the computing potential of this virtual soul computer.

After having this super artificial intelligence core, Fang Yuan naturally thought of making full use of it.

But he couldn't use this very suspicious source of the Philosopher's Stone directly on himself, so he specially designed a shell for this Philosopher's Stone, which is not only an isolation buffer, but also a super medium for him to use various abilities - that is, the suit he is wearing.

This suit with the ability to perform alchemy independently can not only automatically change its appearance according to Fang Yuan's mind, but also help him perform some alchemy that requires long-term continuous energy consumption, such as air flow manipulation for flying, and light refraction for invisibility.

These skills originally required Fang Yuan to activate alchemy non-stop to maintain the effect, but now they can be automatically executed by issuing a command to the virtual soul, and even do not need to consume Fang Yuan's own mental power. The Philosopher's Stone itself is enough to pay for these energies.

It can be said that with this suit alone, Fang Yuan's continuous combat capability has increased by more than ten times! ')052'\u003eChapter 52 New Equipment

It took Fang Yuan a whole day to get from Madrid to the small town where Alice disappeared.

After all, there were no smartphones or convenient map apps in this era. Even if Fang Yuan could fly, he had to stop from time to time to check the map to avoid flying in the wrong direction.

When Fang Yuan saw this small town from the sky, he found that it was really a very, very small city.

This is not a modern town like most cities in the United States, but an old city that retains the style of ancient Europe.

Stone houses, narrow streets, moss on the walls caused by the perennial wet weather, and the lingering clouds above the city, the first impression of this city is that it is very depressing and dark, and it is the most suitable scene for shooting horror movies.

With the ability to change his appearance and the invisibility of the battle suit, Fang Yuan easily sneaked into the local police station and found the missing case files that Alice had investigated before.

Don't worry about the language problem-after coming to this world, in order to facilitate travel and exploration around the world, Fang Yuan spent a lot of time learning languages ​​from all over the world, and Spanish, as one of the six official languages ​​of the United Nations, is naturally among them.

In the case files, Fang Yuan discovered that the cases of missing people in this city are not just a few years old.

In fact, as early as ten years ago, there had been a series of cases of missing young women.

But the city police department at that time regarded these cases as rebellious teenage girls running away from home, and did not pay much attention to them. As time passed, these cases naturally became old cases that no one cared about.

Things did not change until the latest police chief took office.

The new police chief seemed to be a good policeman with a strong sense of justice. He restarted the investigation of this series of cases as soon as he took office.

His investigation was close to the truth for a time, and he even rescued a girl who had just disappeared recently, but when the police found her, they were greeted by a zombie who had lost his mind.

A biochemical terrorist incident occurred in a remote town in Spain, and this information was immediately reported to the B.S.A.A., and Alice was the commissioner who came here to carry out the investigation mission, but she didn't expect that she would disappear in the end! From the case files, Fang Yuan found the place where the police rescued the zombie girl.

It was an abandoned old manor, which was said to have been built in the late 19th century and abandoned after World War II. Because it did not meet the Spanish cultural relic identification standards, no government personnel came to maintain it. Now it has almost become a haunted house.

Fang Yuan knew that if there was any place that was most likely to have clues, it must be there.

... When Fang Yuan saw the gloomy and dilapidated manor from the sky from afar, he vaguely sensed that something was wrong.

The vegetation near the manor is generally more depressed and withered than the surrounding environment, which is very unusual for a manor that has been uninhabited for many years.

Either the land near the manor itself is not suitable for vegetation growth, or some substance leaked out from the manor and affected the survival of the plants.

The former is illogical. After all, if the environment here is not suitable, no one would deliberately build a manor here.

Then it is the latter. There is some substance in the manor that makes the surrounding vegetation withered and depressed.

And in the world of Resident Evil, what is more in line with this standard than the T virus?   Don't forget, the Progenitor virus itself is a plant virus!   So, Fang Yuan didn't descend to the ground at all, but flew directly into the sky to start a mental scan.

As expected, there are ten Lickers hidden in this manor.

This is a trap!   If it wasn't Fang Yuan who came this time, ten Lickers hidden in the dark and narrow space would be enough to wipe out an entire fully armed combat team. Even experts in biological and chemical weapons like Leon or Chris would find it difficult to survive in such a desperate situation - the real Lickers are not the little deaf and blind in the game, but dangerous creatures with mobility and aggressiveness comparable to tigers and leopards!   But, unfortunately, the mastermind behind the scenes obviously didn't expect that his opponent was a cheater, and he saw the whole trap clearly before he entered!   However, Fang Yuan didn't intend to directly use a large-scale decomposition and refinement to turn the entire manor and everything inside into ashes. Although that would solve the enemy, the clues would definitely be gone.

It just so happens that he has just equipped himself with a new toy, and it is time to test it in actual combat! "Start combat mode!" Fang Yuan gave the command through voice.

He did not perform alchemy himself, and the light of lightning flashed on his battle suit.

The suit-style clothes on Fang Yuan's body began to expand and deform at this moment, and in an instant, they multiplied and covered Fang Yuan's whole body, even covering his head, face, mouth and nose, and then squirmed and formed a full-coverage black battle armor in a few seconds.

The shape of this battle armor looks a bit like the nano suit in Crysis, and a bit like the strong armor of Capri.

Its surface is not made of metal, but a kind of tissue that looks like rubber. Along the muscle lines of Fang Yuan's body, it is covered with another layer of stronger and more powerful bionic muscle tissue.

This is the bionic muscle developed by Fang Yuan with reference to the tyrant's muscle tissue structure. The basic muscle fibers are composed of special active myosin mixed with carbon nanofiber tubes, graphene, carbon-based semiconductors and other materials. The explosive power, endurance and recovery power per unit volume far exceed the muscle tissue of ordinary organisms.

This layer of bionic muscle can not only provide Fang Yuan with a powerful force far beyond his own, but also provide all-round protection for his whole body.

The tough and thick bionic muscle layer is enough to withstand the direct frontal attack of 7.62 mm grenades, and has a very significant defense against the explosion shock wave of grenades. Not to mention the piercing and cutting of the blade, it can't pierce the surface of the bionic muscle at all.

The joints of the limbs, hands and feet and the back spine are covered with armor plates that look like synthetic materials in series, providing stronger defense for the weak points.

But these armor plates are not actually plastic, but high-strength carbon-nitrogen ceramics, which have stronger defense than bionic muscles.

Fang Yuan did not choose to use the style of strong colonization armor for the head mask. After all, the alien style does not conform to Fang Yuan's aesthetics.

So he used a tactical helmet similar to the nano suit and Thor's Hammer armor, which matched the overall outfit and looked very technological.

However, in terms of weapons, Fang Yuan did not choose ordinary firearms.

He thought that the idea of ​​integrating weapons into armor was very good, so there was an extra thick armor layer on the outside of his arm. In addition to being used as an arm guard for blocking in hand-to-hand combat, it also concealed an ultra-high-strength single-molecule knife.

Originally, he planned to use a high-frequency knife, but in fact, when facing elastic objects, such as biological tissues, the effect of high-frequency knives was not very good, so he changed to a single-molecule knife.

And because of the alchemy repair at any time, there is no need to worry about the blade being worn and blunted after repeated use. The sharpness of this single-molecule knife will never decrease.

There is a decomposition ray generator in the middle of the forehead, which is actually Fang Yuan's decomposition beam refining array, but it is no longer Fang Yuan himself who initiates the refining, but the armor itself that receives Fang Yuan's command and executes it.

Coupled with the infrasound ultrasonic dual-frequency sound wave generator integrated in the mouth and nose respirator, this armor has suitable weapons at long, medium and short distances, enough to deal with most combat scenarios.

')053'\u003eChapter 53 Combat Test

Although it is largely based on the settings of the nano suit and the strong armor, Fang Yuan's suit still has its innovations.

That is the perception enhancement system.

——In fact, it is because there is no way to restore the sixth sense of the strong armor, so it can only find another way to make a low-profile version.

The ultrasonic induction of bats and dolphins, the thermal vision of snakes, the magnetic field induction of sharks, the vibration induction of insects and spiders, the super vision of hawks and falcons, the ultraviolet vision of bees, the super smell of dogs, the super hearing of wax moths... Based on his understanding of the sensory organs of various special creatures in nature, Fang Yuan imitated and transplanted them one by one into the sensory detection system of the armor.

All kinds of extraordinary perception abilities from different species and organs, whether active or passive, visual or auditory, tactile or olfactory, direct or indirect, ultimately result in an all-round intelligence perception and reconnaissance system with no blind spots. All kinds of sensory information are coordinated and integrated by the virtual soul built into the armor, and transformed into images, sounds, smells and touches that ordinary humans can perceive and projected into the wearer's senses.

It can be said that even without relying on the ability of mental scanning, Fang Yuan can still walk in the dark as if on flat ground when wearing the armor, and can even counterattack enemies in the dark more sharply, more accurately and more deadly than in normal state.

For example, now - "The first one!" Swish - The sound of a sharp blade entering the body sounded, and the single-molecule knife in Fang Yuan's right hand had popped out at some point, accurately piercing a licker who wanted to launch a sneak attack from the ceiling through the heart, and firmly nailed it to the wall of the corridor.

Yes, in order to test this suit on his body, Fang Yuan directly broke into the trap set by the enemy, intending to defeat it from the front! Just as he expected, he was greeted by the "warm welcome" from the other party as soon as he entered the main building of the manor - it would be better if the welcomer's appearance was not so low.

Swish - The bionic muscle spring in the arm armor suddenly contracted under the stimulation of the electrical signal, retracting the ejected single-molecule blade. Fang Yuan shook his arm, as if he wanted to shake off the blood stains on it, and then continued to move forward along the corridor, heading deep into the building.

When he walked to a corner, a black shadow suddenly jumped out from the shadow behind the corner, and came towards him at the speed of a bullet, but was firmly grasped by a hand when it was about to hit Fang Yuan's head.

With the help of the dim light vision in the armor, Fang Yuan could see that the black shadow was actually a tongue. The surface of the tongue full of barbs was stained with disgusting and sticky blood with deadly viruses, which made him feel sick even through the armor.

Looking at the direction of the corner again, the super sense from the battle suit system made a figure outlined by bright lines appear in Fang Yuan's vision. Through the wall, he could see the "Voldemort" lying on the ground.

"The second one!" With his voice that was a little dull due to the isolation of the mask, Fang Yuan exerted a little force in his hand, and an irresistible force acted on the attacker in the shadow, and he was dragged out from behind the corner in an instant.

But Fang Yuan's actions were more than that. He was like swinging a whip, and like swinging a meteor hammer, directly swinging the poor licker who couldn't retract his tongue in the air, and hitting it back and forth on the walls, floors, and ceilings of the corridor again and again - probably the scene when Hulk ravaged Loki and Thor.

The sound of hitting lasted for half a minute. The poor person being hit encountered dozens of close contacts with the ground, walls, and ceiling in this half minute.

Anyway, when Fang Yuan finally stopped, the other end of the tongue in his hand could no longer be seen as a lump.

Very good, the power amplification was also effective. Fang Yuan's action just now did not actually use much strength, but the result was as if a second-stage transformed tyrant was ravaging the licker.

But he was not very happy at this time.

"Fuck, what a mistake!" Looking down at the translucent viscous liquid stained on his arm, Fang Yuan cursed secretly, why was he so mean-spirited just now and had to grab this thing with his hands? ! Well, because he also set up vibration sensing organs similar to spider bristles on the surface of the armor, and then converted them into tactile sensations through the connection between the armor and himself, so he clearly felt the sticky touch in his hands. , this is really not a good experience.

"...This tactile synchronization is too powerful. I need to weaken it a bit later..." Fang Yuan found that his choice to conduct a practical test of this armor was still correct. If he didn't really use it again, he wouldn't realize that it was here. There is still such a defect in this kind of place! Because the simulated touch of the armor was too realistic, Fang Yuan had to waste a little energy using alchemy to decompose the filth on his body, and then he took steps to continue walking deeper into the manor.

It seemed that the noise of the poor licker he had just killed was too loud. Fang Yuan had just taken a few steps when he discovered eight other lickers from the armor's detection system rushing towards this direction at the same time. Come.

Well, there is no need for him to take the initiative to find them one by one, it just happens to be gathered together so that they can be solved at once! Fang Yuan was not afraid of these enemies who were not even small bosses, but continued walking in the set direction.

Just when he came to the intersection of two corridors on the second floor, the expected attack arrived! From the front, left, right, above, below, and even around the back, six lickers pounced on Fang Yuan from all directions at the same time.

But the ones who launched the attack earlier were the long tongues of two other lickers from a little further away. They wrapped around Fang Yuan's hands as flexibly as snakes, trying to stop his movements.

——Amazing! These lickers actually know tactics! Fang Yuan had no time to sigh at the soaring intelligence of these lickers, as the sharp claws of six lickers had already been stretched out in front of him.

But Fang Yuan seemed to have given up resistance, making no dodge and struggle movements at all, and allowed those ferocious claws, which looked very deadly, to fall on him.

——I have experimented with monomolecular knives, power amplification and super senses before, now let’s try it and see how the defense is! Bang bang bang bang bang bang - First there was an almost continuous crashing sound. Six lickers came from all directions and attacked Fang Yuan. They landed hard on Fang Yuan's body with their whole body weight. The force was enough to kill Fang Yuan. An ordinary adult had a broken muscle and broken bones.

But Fang Yuan, who was wrapped in the armor, couldn't feel much impact. At most, it felt like a cat swooped into his arms from the front - it seemed that the impact buffering structure composed of bionic muscle layers The effect is very good and meets the design expectations.

Then there were the sounds of crunching claws and teeth biting, but the bionic muscle layer, whose main material was made of carbon nanotubes and graphene, was not so hard or tough that these claws made of keratin could tear it open. of.

Fang Yuan took a look at the damage report of the suit system and found that the surface damage was only 0.15%, and the deep structure was not damaged at all. He almost understood how strong the defense of this suit was in close combat. .

')054'\u003eChapter 54 Interrupted Clues

Now that his defense has been tested, Fang Yuan naturally doesn't want to be dragged around by these disgusting things again - don't forget that his tactile synchronization is still on, and he will be skinned and covered with lickers like this. How uncomfortable it must be to have a monster with unknown viscous bodily fluids hanging close to your body.

I saw his hands exerting force slightly, and the bionic muscles outside his body exploded with powerful force under his will, instantly lifting the two lickers who were holding his hands tightly from the ground, and violently swung them to both sides. With a slap, it hit the walls on both sides of the corridor hard.

The beaten licker naturally no longer had the strength to wrap around his hands, and two tongues covered in poisonous saliva just slipped from Fang Yuan's arms.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Yuan seemed to be possessed by Hercules, grabbing the lickers that were still tearing at him one by one. If he couldn't catch them, he just pulled them into two pieces with his hands, stabbing the flesh and bones. The sound of breaking continued to sound, which was particularly terrifying in this dark abandoned manor.

When Fang Yuan finished cooking all eight lickers, the place had turned into a scene like a slaughterhouse, and Fang Yuan's armor also changed from black to red - if there were lights here.

Still using alchemy to clean the body surface, Fang Yuan freed himself from the blood and internal organs fragments, and then walked through a pool of blood to the Licker, the most well-preserved corpse.

He was surprised by the high intelligence of these lickers - you must know that in the main story of the game, it will be more than ten years later in the plot of "Resident Evil: Curse" that this kind of understanding of tactics and cooperation with high intelligence will appear. Fight intelligent lickers, and that's only possible if someone controls them at close range.

But Fang Yuan did some reconnaissance before descending to the ground, and found that there was no one within a few kilometers of this manor! In other words, either these lickers themselves are intelligent enough to actively implement tactics and cooperate, or someone has used remote control technology on these lickers.

According to Fang Yuan's analysis, the brains of these lickers were the same as those he had encountered before. They were not strong enough to understand tactics, so it was naturally the latter.

And the next thing he found from the Licker's body also proved his guess.

It was a parasite that was almost completely integrated with the Licker's spinal cord. On its bud-like body, there were tentacles like nerve fibers growing together with the Licker's own central nervous system.

It looked disgusting but familiar. It was the Las P-lagas parasite that only appeared in the fourth and fifth generations of the game. It appeared here in advance and was implanted in the biological weapons of the T virus series.

This was a bit wrong. After all, in the world of Resident Evil, the Progenitor virus series of biological weapons and the Las P-lagas parasite were actually two different systems at the beginning.

Only after the plot of the fourth generation of the game ended, Ada Wong stole some Las P-lagas samples and gave them to Wesker, and then developed the Las P-lagas-II and Las P-lagas-III parasites that combined the Progenitor virus and Las P-lagas.

And now Fang Yuan saw that someone had obviously completed all these tasks in advance! Either the cult organization whose name Fang Yuan couldn't remember got the sample of the Progenitor virus, or some organizations that possessed the Progenitor virus and the T virus noticed this cult in advance, and then infiltrated or even controlled it.

In Fang Yuan's opinion, both possibilities were not small, but no matter which possibility it was, they obviously found the wrong opponent!   ... After killing the ambushers in the trap, Fang Yuan did not leave immediately - after all, he came here to find clues. He had only been in the manor for more than ten minutes. Although he killed a lot of people, the search work had not yet begun!   But... this manor is really not small!   Fang Yuan can clearly see the structural layout of the entire building through the super sensory system of the armor. This building similar to a Western-style house has three floors, each floor has more than a dozen rooms of different sizes, and the corridors between rooms are very complicated. Fang Yuan felt that if he didn't open the full map view, he would definitely get lost in this building.

Fortunately, the enemies here have been dealt with by himself, and the mastermind over there who knows who has not set up a time bomb here, Fang Yuan still has time to search for clues.

He had seen the first floor before, all the rooms were in a very dilapidated state, and most of the rooms even had no doors. It really looked like an old and dangerous building that had been abandoned for many years. It seemed that the masterminds had deliberately maintained it for the convenience of disguise.

He started to check from the second floor where he was now, looking at one room after another. The low-light vision ability and ultrasonic scanning positioning on the armor made him not ignore the smallest traces hidden in the darkness.

He could see that this place seemed to have been artificially transformed after being abandoned. Many rooms that were supposed to be bedrooms or guest rooms were transformed into restraint rooms - the original beds and furniture had long been thrown away. There were huge rusty iron cages on the floor of the room. If you look closely, you can see the dried blood on these iron cages.

——That should be what the kidnapped people left behind when they struggled... It seems that this place has been used as a detention place or transit station for kidnapped people for quite some time. The direction of the investigation by the Spanish police was correct, but the other party seemed to have received the news in advance and evacuated here, leaving only a poor girl who had turned into a zombie.

All the rooms on the second floor were such restraint rooms. Fang Yuan did not find more clues, so he decided to go upstairs to have a look.

He came to the third floor with the creaking sound of the dilapidated wooden stairs.

The scene here was completely different from the second floor. The furniture in each room was still there. Fang Yuan could even tell from the dust on it and the wear marks on the surface of the leather sofa that these furniture had been used by people until a few months ago.

It seemed that this was where the kidnappers were staying - after all, if there was a detention, there must be guards.

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