But these guards actually live upstairs from the prisoners, how unprofessional!   Fang Yuan complained about the amateurishness of the kidnappers in his heart, and then carefully explored the details here.

After carefully searching each room, Fang Yuan took back his complaints.

These guys are at least quite professional in cleaning up the traces!   It seems that it is impossible to find clues directly. After all, reality is not a game. It will not send you documents and papers that the enemy "accidentally missed" at the critical moment of the plot.

He still has to find a way himself! ')055'\u003eChapter 55 High-tech detective mode is online

Turn on the high-power ultrasonic scanning function. Fang Yuan wants to see if there are any secret rooms or secret passages in this building. After all, this trick is basically indispensable in the Resident Evil series of games.

But unfortunately, this is not a mansion full of traps designed by some mentally ill villains, but just an ordinary abandoned manor that has been transformed into a prison - there is indeed a basement, but there is nothing inside except abandoned wooden barrels that have rotted into mud, and there is no secret tunnel. The clue is not in this aspect.

Walking outside the building, Fang Yuan checked the traces left on the ground in this large piece of wasteland that was once carefully taken care of, then covered with weeds and shrubs, and finally withered due to some toxic substances.

"Turn on the explorer mode!" As Fang Yuan issued the order, the intelligent core in the battle suit automatically integrated and analyzed the data received by all sensory systems, and then highlighted all the subtle details of the environment and objects around Fang Yuan in the form of augmented reality.

Ruts, traces of heavy objects being moved, traces of helicopter landing gear, human footprints, non-human footprints, traces of small animals' activities, traces of plants being crushed and broken... All of this silently narrated to Fang Yuan what had happened on this land in the past period of time.

There are two types of wheel tracks. One is the wheel of the police car of the local police station, which is consistent with the width and pattern. The other is some large vehicle, which should be a truck or a container trailer.

There are heavy objects being moved in and out of this manor, but it is not clear what the goods are. There are no boxes or cans of similar size in the house. They should have been transported away together during the evacuation - perhaps containers for transporting lickers? There have been helicopter takeoffs and landings here. Judging from the size, wheelbase and position of the landing gear, it should be a UH-60 general-purpose helicopter, which is often called the "Black Hawk" helicopter - this is definitely not the local police. They are not rich enough to purchase such luxury goods.

But this still cannot tell Fang Yuan the details of the other party. After all, there are too many such helicopters and users around the world, and it is impossible to track them down.

There are many human footprints, some of which are from kidnappers and police, and perhaps Alice's, but they are all mixed together and it is impossible to distinguish them clearly.

It was the footprints of non-humans that gave Fang Yuan some clues - this was the footprint of an arthropod similar to an insect but much larger. There was no doubt that this could only be some kind of biological weapon with insect characteristics, which was also consistent with the characteristics of the Las P-lagas infected mutant.

Judging from the fact that this monster could move freely outside, the mastermind behind the scenes should have made a qualitative breakthrough in the control of biological weapons. At least there was no need to worry that these monsters would suddenly go crazy and kill all their people.

Or maybe they were mutated from humans but still retained their self-awareness?   Whichever one it was, it showed that the other party's technical strength was indeed not to be underestimated.

Among all the clues, the only one that could possibly lead to Alice's whereabouts was the ruts of the large vehicle.

Fang Yuan tried to track it, but lost the clue two kilometers away - there was a major traffic artery nearby, and there were many trucks passing by on weekdays, and it was a poured concrete ground, so there was no way to continue tracking it.

Things were back to square one. Fang Yuan returned to the manor and reviewed all the clues again from the beginning, but he was still at a loss.

It was not until Fang Yuan looked up at the unusually withered vegetation outside the building that an idea suddenly flashed through his mind - there is this method! He immediately used local materials to refine thousands of small drones with cameras and released them into the air. Some flew to high altitudes, while others spread out in all directions from low altitudes.

It was still the drone tactic, but this time it was not him who controlled the drones, but his armor.

The armor controlled the drone group to spread to the surrounding areas through radio signals, and took pictures and scanned all the terrain and vegetation along the way. The intelligent center then summarized and integrated the information, and finally presented Fang Yuan with a high-definition panoramic terrain map that was constantly expanding.

In particular, under Fang Yuan's instruction, the artificial intelligence of the virtual soul marked the growth conditions of vegetation in the map. According to the growth conditions of different types of trees and grass species in this season, the topography and river distribution of each region, the density of human population and other factors, it distinguished between normal growth, excessive luxuriance, excessive withering and other levels, making the vegetation growth conditions of the entire surrounding area clear at a glance. This is because Fang Yuan thought that the T virus would also have an impact on vegetation. Therefore, whether the vegetation in the surrounding areas is unreasonably withered or unreasonably luxuriant, it is a key suspected area.

If Fang Yuan was facing the orthodox plot of the fourth generation of the game, his investigation method would really be of no use.

After all, Las P-lagas itself is a parasite that can only affect animals. The growth status of plants has no direct relationship with it.

But those behind the kidnapping of Alice obviously did not expect that they combined the T virus with Las P-lagas, which greatly improved the controllability of biochemical weapons, but also made their traces less visible. Secret - In any case, the effect of trace amounts of T-virus leaked into the natural environment on vegetation cannot be concealed. This can be said to be their biggest flaw! "Found you!" A few hours later, the drone scanned all the vegetation in the surrounding hundreds of kilometers, and Fang Yuan also saw a large area marked with abnormal vegetation growth on the map.

Zooming in on the image, Fang Yuan could see through the withered forest vegetation that there were several small mountain villages scattered in this area, and there was indeed an ancient castle on a hilltop that looked very dated. , the overall look is indeed very similar to the map that Leon penetrated in the fourth generation of the game. This can almost lock the target! Look at the location of this place on the map again - okay! In the mountains 160 kilometers away from here, it is almost to the Spanish border! Such a remote place is almost beyond Fang Yuan’s preset drone reconnaissance range! But after looking at the surrounding terrain, Fang Yuan had to say that the group of people really chose a good place.

There are no large cities nearby, no major traffic arteries, sufficient arable land inside, lakes and rivers as water sources, and excellent vegetation and ecological environment - these conditions together are enough to survive in a developed European country like Spain in this era. Build a small closed kingdom that is self-sufficient and unknown to anyone! And they chose this small town 160 kilometers away to rob people, and they also used helicopters as a means of transportation, which made it impossible for ordinary local police to trace it. Even the B.S.A.A. people might not be able to find anything.

Unfortunately, this time they encountered Fang Yuan, who was seriously cheating, and they immediately lost the clue - the suppression of technology levels is so unreasonable! ')056'\u003eChapter 56 The unexpected yet reasonable enemy

The target location was discovered, but Fang Yuan did not rush over.

Because this time is not an annihilation mission, but a rescue mission, confirming the situation of the hostages is the top priority.

Therefore, Fang Yuan recalled the drones flying in other directions, armed them, and then released them again. They all flew to that small mountain village that did not even exist on the map. He himself He activated the flight function of the suit and followed closely behind.

The drone that first scanned this area, under Fang Yuan's personal control, carefully approached the castle standing on the top of the mountain, trying to enter it for in-depth investigation.

After all, this is the most conspicuous building in the entire area, and it seems to be the most heavily guarded from the outside. There is no mistake in starting here.

Fortunately, this castle is not a military fortress designed purely for war defense. The comfort of life is more or less taken into consideration, so there are many windows on the outer wall. The drone flew through an unclosed window. Entering the castle, he didn't attract anyone's attention.

By turning on the life sensor mounted on the drone—actually a heartbeat sensor and a thermal imaging sensor device—the drone can detect humans or things similar to humans behind it through various walls within two hundred meters.

In addition, the size of the drone itself is very small, slightly larger than a grape, and the electric propeller it is equipped with is also very quiet. It just bypassed all patrols and guards who might find it. Little by little he went deeper into the castle without anyone noticing.

...Through the audio receiving device on the drone, Fang Yuan could hear that the entire castle was very quiet. The guards patrolling everywhere and the servants walking around the castle made almost no sound - no one spoke, no one chatted, There wasn't even a greeting after meeting each other, and the whole castle was eerily quiet.

There was no doubt that there was a problem here, and Fang Yuan became more and more convinced that this was the enemy's base camp.

Until when the drone flew near a corridor close to the deepest part of the castle, vague voices came from the audio, and Fang Yuan, who was rushing to his destination, immediately cheered up.

He increased the sensitivity of the audio receiver and tried to bring the drone as slowly as possible to the direction of the sound. After bypassing another group of vigilant guards, Fang Yuan finally heard the content of the conversation clearly - "... …I can explain, I promise there won’t be a next time!” The first thing that entered Fang Yuan’s ears was a somewhat sharp and high-pitched voice, which sounded like a boy in the period of voice change.

"Mr. Salazar, I remember I told you not to attract attention from the outside world! This is not good for your career or mine! But what happened in the end? Your people didn't finish cleanly, which attracted the attention of B.S.A.A. They have sent people to this country to investigate!" This is a voice that Fang Yuan is very familiar with, that slow but oppressive way of speaking, that low voice, this is the voice of Albert Wesker! As expected, the remnants of the Umbrella Company found this place! Alice's disappearance is definitely related to them! Fang Yuan has completely determined the identity of the mastermind behind the scenes. The only problem now is how to find Alice.

Coincidentally, in the sound received by the drone, they just talked about this topic-The sharp voice said: "I'm sorry, Mr. Wesker, I promise that this will never happen again in the future!... But that blonde woman, I hope to kill her with my own hands! She dared to insult my height!" The blonde woman should refer to Alice. Her bright blonde hair that seems to be glowing is indeed more conspicuous in this country.

As for the man called Salazar by Wesker, well, Fang Yuan knew who this guy was - being discriminated against because of his height, who else could it be except the short castle lord who looked like a child in the fourth generation of the game!   However, Alice would actually mock others' height problem in person, Fang Yuan really didn't see that she was such a person...   "No, she is still useful to me! She is the only case of perfect symbiosis with the T virus found so far. I need her to live until I get what I want from her!"   Wesker said irrefutably. He seemed to be very interested in Alice's perfect fusion of the T virus, just like in the movie plot.

"But, she killed so many of us and destroyed my castle..." Salazar wanted to argue.

Indeed, Fang Yuan saw some damage to the exterior of the castle from the drone before. He thought it was due to disrepair before, but he didn't expect it to be Alice? !   "No buts! She is extremely important to our subsequent research! I think you understand what I mean!"   Wesker interrupted Salazar's words directly and domineeringly.

"Okay, since you insist... but after the research is successful, I want to see her kneeling in front of me and let me kill her myself!" Salazar took a step back and no longer asked to kill Alice immediately, but waited until she was useless before killing her.

"Okay, whatever you want!" Wesker's tone was very indifferent to this request.

Fang Yuan finally breathed a sigh of relief after hearing what they said.

First of all, although Alice was captured, she was still alive, which was the best news.

Then, Wesker and his team did not intend to kill her now, so her life would not be in danger in the short term, and Fang Yuan did not have to worry about rushing there and finding that the hostage had been killed.

However, from the conversation between the two people, Fang Yuan also found a problem, that is, Wesker's control over the power of the castle did not seem to be very thorough?   This can be heard from the tone between him and Salazar.

If it was the decisive Wesker in the game and the movie, he would not give the other party a chance to defend himself when a subordinate who made a mistake appeared in front of him, and he would just shoot him to death.

But now, Wesker actually gave Salazar a chance to defend himself and even bargain? Unless Wesker changed his character, there is only one explanation - Wesker needs Salazar's existence to achieve his goal.

And judging from Salazar's status as a local castle lord and lord for generations, Wesker should want to use the manpower here.

After all, he has been forced to flee all over the world by B.S.A.A., and he doesn't have much bargaining chips to make a comeback. It is indeed possible to cooperate with Salazar on a relatively equal basis.

Fang Yuan secretly analyzed the enemy's situation in his heart.

At the same time, the batch of drones that came later had also arrived at the mountainous area with him, and the rescue operation could finally begin! ')057'\u003eChapter 57 P.lanA&P.lanB

Of course, to rescue the hostages, you must first find the hostages' location. In this regard, mental scanning is much better than drones.

But when Fang Yuan tried to release his mental fluctuations outside his body, he suddenly felt a sense of blockage. His extended mental power seemed to enter into sticky glue, and could only radiate to a few meters around him. It could not reach any farther.

What's going on? !   Fang Yuan was very surprised.

He had never encountered such a situation before, even when he was in Africa last time, he had close contact with some objects that should not be touched!   But Fang Yuan quickly calmed down. This world itself has traces of those indescribable monsters, and anything is possible.

Moreover, this area happens to be the source of another major biological weapon system in the Resident Evil series. It may be related to some old monsters. The power of blocking mental fluctuations is nothing.

Of course, this incident also taught Fang Yuan a lesson, letting him know that mental scanning is not a magical skill that can work at any time and anywhere. There will always be a day when it will meet its nemesis.

But in this way, he couldn't quickly determine Alice's location, and things became much more troublesome.

Fortunately, he prepared so many drones in advance, enough to conduct reconnaissance on his behalf.

Although he had previously planned to use these drones as disposable remote-controlled bombs, it was just right to use them as reconnaissance aircraft now.

Thousands of micro drones that flew with him flew into the mountains ahead like a swarm of bees under the control of the artificial intelligence core, and quickly disappeared into the woods.

While waiting for all the drones to be in place, Fang Yuan continued to monitor the conversation in the castle: Wesker: "... Is Sadler still fiddling with his altar?" Salazar: "Yes, this liar is still doing his cult. I can't believe that I believed his lies before!... Why not kick him out, Mr. Wesker? We all know that the divine power that the cult leader said was just the power of Las P-lagas!" Fang Yuan was just wondering who this Sadler who suddenly appeared was. It turned out to be the cult leader in the game? Besides, it seems that Salazar should be in the same group with that cult leader, right? Why does it sound like they have had a falling out? Could it be that Wesker's arrival made the castle owner who believed in the cult realize the greatness of science, so he resolutely abandoned the cult's bewitching and threw himself into the arms of the Church of Science? Fang Yuan had a small theater in his mind, but the conversation in the castle continued.

Wesker: "But his power is really interesting, not just Las P-lagas, there are other things, I am very interested in his secret! And his existence can help us better control those slaves, it is not the time to get him out yet... So, don't do unnecessary things, understand? Salazar!" Salazar: "Tsk... As you wish, Mr. Wesker!" Although he was very interested in the relationship between the three bosses over there, Fang Yuan knew that the most important thing now was to find Alice first.

Coincidentally, most of the drones that were released before were in place, and some of the drones that performed reconnaissance missions had found the secret base built in the belly of the mountain behind the castle, and Alice, who was regarded as an important experimental sample by Wesker, should be inside.

These drones, which are not much bigger than bees, can easily enter the heavily guarded underground laboratory through vents and pipes, and fly silently in the dim environment underground, and will hardly attract the attention of the patrols.

Soon, Fang Yuan saw the image of Alice from the picture projected into his eyes by the armor.

At this time, she was like the victims of human experiments in science fiction movies, unconscious, naked, with various tubes inserted into her body and mouth and nose, and the whole person curled up like a baby in a huge test tube filled with transparent liquid.

Obviously, the heroine of the movie series still couldn't escape her fate as an experimental subject. She escaped the crash in Raccoon City, but couldn't escape Wesker's clutches. She was still stripped naked and stuffed into the experimental cabin.

However, although the beauty caught Fang Yuan's eyes, his heart was not moved at all. Instead, he prepared to rescue her with a serious face, as if he was not moved by beauty. Alice's appearance was indeed good, and her blonde hair was also very attractive, but the place where people should gather was too peaceful, which was completely unattractive to Fang Yuan, who was essentially a giant cat party.

"Determine the target location and design the best action route!" Fang Yuan issued an order, and the artificial intelligence core executed it meticulously. Soon, a small map similar to that in FPS games popped up in Fang Yuan's vision. The positions of enemy units were marked with red dots, and two different paths were drawn with two dotted lines of different colors. There were also text instructions on the side. These were two different plans given by the artificial intelligence.

Plan A is based on the stealth function of the suit. Fang Yuan needs to sneak in quietly with optical stealth and silent mode on all the way. He needs to take several detours, kill several unavoidable sentries, and pass through two isolation doors silently. If everything goes well, he can reach Alice without alerting anyone. It is a standard secret infiltration plan.

Plan B is much more bold and rough. It is completely based on the premise of annihilating all enemy targets seen along the way - first, the drone group will carry out targeted attacks on all sentries and patrols, and at the same time blow up the three metal isolation doors that will be encountered on the way. Then Fang Yuan himself will fully exert the maximum speed of the suit and run all the way along the shortest route. Theoretically, it is fast enough to reach the laboratory where Alice is imprisoned within 23 seconds.

Compared with Plan A, Plan B is much simpler in terms of path selection. Except for a few unavoidable turns, it is almost a straight line of action. There is no need to take a detour or sneak silently. The time required is also much less than Plan A. It will not take more than half a minute from the start of the action to the destination.

In such a short time, even if Fang Yuan is discovered at the moment of action, the enemy will have no chance to transfer Alice.

As for after rescuing Alice, Fang Yuan does not have to worry about anything with his force value. No matter how many enemies come, he will just kill them! So, will he choose Plan A or Plan B? ')058'\u003eChapter 58 RUN!

Of course, Plan B is the right choice!   No matter what, the sooner you save people, the better!   Fang Yuan himself is not the kind of paranoid who insists on playing the orthodox infiltration. Things that can be solved quickly are naturally to cut the Gordian knot.

Plan B makes full use of Fang Yuan's own force and his armed transformation of the drone group. The whole operation process is straightforward, neat and efficient. This unparalleled stealth method of "killing everyone you see" is also very much to his taste. Which one should he choose if not this?   So, the action began!   Under the control of encrypted radio waves, hundreds of drones flew silently into the underground laboratory from all corners, and then under unified command, each of them stared at a target - then as long as Fang Yuan gave an order, those drones could pounce on the face in an instant, and then detonate the full nitrogen anion salt explosives loaded inside to eliminate all targets.

No matter how these infected people infected with viruses and parasites mutate and strengthen, they still have only one word of death in front of this super bomb that is 10-100 times more powerful than TNT explosives! Boom——!!! Hundreds of high explosives detonated at the same time, making the explosions almost completely overlap.

However, because there were too many explosions in the confined space, the vibrations generated by the explosions overlapped and amplified each other, immediately making the entire laboratory and even the castle above the surface shake as if they were hit by an earthquake.

"What's going on?!" Wesker, who was discussing the next research plan with his men, was immediately alarmed.

"Is... an earthquake?" A middle-aged researcher who was reporting to Wesker guessed cautiously.

"... No, this is not an earthquake!" Wesker was very sure, because an earthquake would not only shake like this, it was more like the effect of a bomb explosion.

At this time, a fully armed soldier pushed the door and entered the room, reporting to Wesker the cause of the explosion: there was a problem in the underground laboratory!   Everyone in the laboratory had lost contact, and thick smoke was coming out of the entrance and exit of the laboratory. Various alarms inside the laboratory had also been triggered - there was an intruder! "Quick, mobilize people! There are very important experimental samples stored there!" Wesker immediately ordered people to rush to the laboratory. Almost all of his remaining wealth was invested in this laboratory, and it must not be lost! "Yes!" The soldier took the order and retreated, and took the rest of the guards to the underground laboratory.

... Just as the explosion sounded, Fang Yuan also took action.

He had already sneaked outside the entrance of the laboratory, and for the first time in a long time, he released the suppression of his physical strength and exerted his physique and strength far beyond ordinary people.

And under the amplification of the battle suit outside his body, his already inhuman strength and speed broke through the limit and went straight to the real extraordinary level.

Bang——!!! When he took the first step of the start, the hard stone ground was cracked by him, and the cracks spread out for several meters like a spider web, and he himself was like a hurricane, sweeping the raging airflow and shock waves, and rushed into the unattended laboratory entrance head-on at a speed more than twenty times beyond the human limit.

Fang Yuan, who has increased his strength and speed to the limit, is also extremely tense.

This kind of physical body running faster than supercars requires equally extreme concentration and nerve reaction speed.

Fang Yuan needs to react and evade the obstacle in front of him the moment he sees it while running.

Even if he has activated the ability to accelerate his thinking similar to bullet time, and the artificial intelligence of the armor gives him an early warning in the form of image projection, Fang Yuan still feels like he is walking on a tightrope on a cliff, and if he is not careful, the car will be destroyed and he will die.

However, this real feeling of "speeding" also makes Fang Yuan understand the feeling of those speed racing party a little bit - this extreme speed thrill is really refreshing! ! ! Fang Yuan seemed to be unaffected by gravity while running. He walked on the ground, walls, and even the ceiling in the passage. When he encountered a corner, he just bounced on the wall a few times to change direction. Behind him, there was a shock wave of air waves that caused secondary damage to the entire laboratory. He quickly broke through the many checkpoints that had lost their guards and headed straight for the core area deep in the laboratory.

24 seconds later, when Fang Yuan rushed through the last blown isolation door with sparks and lightning in the posture of braking with both feet and arrived at the room where Alice was imprisoned, Wesker in the castle above had just figured out what happened!   "It's 1 second slower than expected. It seems that I haven't explored my physical strength to perfection!" Fang Yuan sighed while looking at the timer in front of him.

But sighing can be put aside for later. Now it's more important to do business.

Looking up, he happened to see Alice sleeping in the huge water tank. Fang Yuan looked at the complex experimental tables with various buttons and screens on the side, and didn't have the slightest idea of ​​going over to operate.

The explosion just now has alarmed everyone. Fang Yuan has seen through the drone outside that more and more armed personnel are rushing towards the laboratory. There is no time for him to operate slowly.

"Sorry, Alice, I may be a little rough, I hope you don't mind!" While saying an apology that was destined not to be heard by the person involved, Fang Yuan did as he said, and smashed the glass container containing Alice with a very rough punch, allowing the liquid with unknown functions to flow freely in the laboratory.

Holding Alice who was rolling down with the water flow, Fang Yuan disassembled the various pipes inserted into her body, and used the materials at hand to refine a blanket to wrap Alice tightly.

Then he carefully examined her body with alchemy and found that she was indeed parasitized by parasites - there was a parasite with countless tentacles in the thoracic segment of the spine that had merged with her spinal cord and even extended to her brain.

In this case, if you want to remove the parasite, even if you hand it over to the most professional neurologist in the world and use the most advanced surgical instruments, it is still powerless - even if the parasite is taken out by chance, it will inevitably cause very serious sequelae to the host.

Fortunately, this kind of medical problem is nothing for Fang Yuan, an alchemist - one decomposition and one medical alchemy, Alice's nervous system will be restored to its original state immediately.

However, although Alice has been saved, she is still unconscious, and it is obvious that she will be useless in the next battle.

At least hundreds of enemies who have been infected and parasitic have gathered outside the laboratory. Fang Yuan's large-scale alchemy cannot be used because of his limited mental power, and his strength is greatly limited... How can he break out of the siege? ')059'\u003eChapter 59 All beings are equal under equivalent

It doesn't matter, there are drones! Fang Yuan didn't refine so many drones just for show! After his weaponization transformation, each drone is equivalent to a high-explosive bomb, and each explosion is enough to blow any infected mutant into pieces. Even if it is an opponent of the level of the tyrant, ten of them will be enough to blow it into pieces.

Now, apart from the hundreds of self-destructing drones that just exploded inside the laboratory, there are still thousands of them outside! Even if all the infected people in this mountainous area are assigned one, the number is already far more than that. Fang Yuan does not have to worry about encountering human wave tactics at all - because he has more people on his side! "Let the drone group attack!" Fang Yuan issued a command to the artificial intelligence core.

... Just half a minute ago, a huge team of hundreds of people arrived at the entrance of the underground laboratory.

More than a dozen elite soldiers wearing black combat uniforms, riot helmets, submachine guns in their hands, and the Umbrella Corporation logo on their chests, with nearly a hundred local natives who have been deeply infected and turned into puppets, are lined up in a loose formation and carefully approaching the entrance of the laboratory.

Although those infected people whose brains have been almost eroded by parasites and viruses have little IQ, they basically rush all the way when they meet the enemy, but the soldiers leading the team still have brains.

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