There's no way he could resist the Martians here alone for a week... Fang Yuan looked at the large area of ​​super "antiques" behind him and scratched his head in annoyance. Then he realized that he was still wearing the armor and scratched his head. He couldn't reach his scalp, so he could only put down his hand angrily.

After thinking about it, Fang Yuan seemed to have thought of something, and punched his hand - How about... do this? PS: The third update will be in the afternoon')159'\u003eChapter 158: The stupid, thick and invincible shield

"How is she?" Zazbarum, who was standing outside the emergency room and waiting anxiously for several hours, asked the doctor who had just walked out of the operating room eagerly.

"The situation is not good!" The doctor replied with a worried expression: "The extremely large gravity waves put a great burden on the organs in the lady's body, and the brain was also damaged to some extent.

Although we have temporarily maintained Madam's life, and the damaged internal organs can be repaired, the problem with the brain is... Madam, she has fallen into a deep coma, and it may take some time to wake up..." Yes, she was The Woleyin saved by Zazbarum was not intact.

In fact, after [Deucalion] was shot down, due to the damage to the body, the violent gravity fluctuations caused by the body itself also affected the inside of the body. As the pilot, Warein was also inevitably affected by the strong gravity fluctuations. He was seriously injured.

And because she was at the core of the gravity change area, she was particularly severely affected. When she was lifted out of the cockpit, she almost breathed her last.

"It will take some time..." Zazbarum's face darkened, and he continued to ask: "How long will this time be?" "...This, maybe you will wake up soon, maybe it will take a week or a month. , or even longer... Please forgive our incompetence, we have tried our best..." Seeing the count's ugly face, the old doctor answered tremblingly, fearing that if he gave a bad answer, he would be killed directly.

After all, in the Visser Empire, it was not a big deal for a noble to kill one or two civilians, especially when the person standing in front of him was the Earl of the Empire, who was considered the top figure among the nobles and had the power of life and death over the people under his command.

"Forget it, take good care of her and use all the most advanced medical technology available!" Zazbarum did not embarrass the doctor in the end. He also knew that the doctors did their best.

After waving his hand for the doctor to go back to work, Zazbalum's worry and self-blame all turned into anger towards someone: "Damn Earthlings! How dare you..." Dudu—— At this moment, Zazbarum An emergency communication alert sounded in Zibarum's ears.

He frowned and opened the communication with some displeasure.

"What's the matter?" Looking at the figure in the communication screen, the earl asked impatiently.

"Lord Earl! There is a situation at the hyperspace gate again!" "What?" Zazbalum was surprised: "Did the earthling army come over?" "No, it's not... the hyperspace gate was blocked by What's covered?" "Covered?" asked Zazbarum, frowning.

"It is some kind of barrier whose nature is not yet clear, covering the entire area near the hyperspace gate. All our detection methods have failed, and we have no idea what is happening there!" While reporting, The surveillance footage from the scene was transmitted.

Then, Zazbalum saw an extremely spectacular scene - a huge dark cube standing on the red and desolate land on the surface of Mars. Judging from the surrounding objects and the scale in the picture, the length, width, and The height is more than several thousand meters, and the location of this cube is exactly where the hyperspace gate once was! "This is..." "It's this cube. Although it looks like some kind of entity, it should actually be just an unusual barrier. We have tried it, whether it is vehicles, artillery shells, particle beams, lasers, Once sound waves or even living bodies come into contact with this black surface, they will immediately disappear as if they were erased!" The subordinate reported their previous test results one by one, but these results made Zaz. The more Barum listened, the more familiar he felt: "Isn't this the effect of the dimensional absorption barrier!" Yes, although the dimensional absorption barrier has not yet been developed in the Visser Empire, the concept of this weapon has been around for a long time. It has appeared, and even a prototype has been built.

However, after all, it is only a low-power laboratory product, and it is not known how long it will take to test and improve before it is truly weaponized.

And now, the people on earth over there have actually produced a finished product of such an exaggerated scale? ! ! ================================== Time goes back to a few hours ago.

Someone who doesn't just sit in the office and be his big boss insists on going to an alien planet to play a guest role as a super soldier to fight Martians, and actually wins. He is worried about how to guard the hyperspace door behind him. .

Just ignore this one here and build another one somewhere else? This is indeed a good method. For Fang Yuan, who has almost mastered the hyperspace gate technology, it is indeed not difficult to recreate a hyperspace gate using alchemy.

But the problem is that the target that the hyperspace gate on the moon points to is only the one that exists on Mars! As mentioned above, the hyperspace gate is not a convenient device that can be copied and used immediately. The connection between gates and the calibration of space coordinates is a very complicated and technically difficult job.

And what Fang Yuan can do now is to connect the newly made hyperspace gate to other existing hyperspace gates and perform one-way transmission - in other words, although he was transmitted from the earth to the hyperspace gate on Mars, he could not use this hyperspace gate to return to Earth directly.

He could only connect directly with the portal on the moon according to the initial setting of the hyperspace gate on Mars, transmit to the surface of the moon, and then find a way to fly back to Earth by himself.

And conversely, if the hyperspace gate on the moon wants to transmit, it can only transmit to the existing one on Mars. Even if Fang Yuan rebuilt an identical hyperspace gate, it would not affect the transmission target on the moon at all.

If Fang Yuan wants to modify the teleportation target on the moon, he needs to teleport to the moon again and make targeted adjustments to the hyperspace gate there personally... This is too troublesome. Not only does it waste time, but there is also the risk of the Martians taking the opportunity to destroy the hyperspace gate.

Since it is not possible to build a new one, the only option is to keep this hyperspace gate.

But even if it is to protect the hyperspace gate, there is more than one way.

The first thing Fang Yuan thought of was to use alchemy to directly create a mechanical army and push the entire Weiser Empire head-on - as the saying goes, I can't solve the problem, but I just need to solve the person who caused the problem.

This sentence is also applicable here. Since he wants to protect this hyperspace gate from the Martians, then killing all the threatening Martians can also achieve the goal.

But! Isn't it the same as doing all the work that the Earth Union should do by himself!   Then what did he work so hard to help the Earthlings develop technology before?   He also wants to see the scene of the Earth Union's terrifying robot cluster fighting against the Martian armored cavalry! No, I can't let all my efforts in the past few years go to waste, so I pass this one too! Then there is only one last way - to put an invincible shield on this hyperspace gate to ensure that no attack can damage it.

And in the entire "A/Z" world, the only truly invincible shield is the dimensional absorption barrier that appeared in the plot.

Yes, this kind of black technology among black technologies has not been truly developed in this period of time. Even the Martian weapons research institute has only completed theoretical design and prototype manufacturing, and there is still a long way to go before it has a practical finished product.

However, this does not prevent Fang Yuan from taking the lead in truly putting it into practical use.

After a little "borrowing" from the Martian research results, Fang Yuan found that this future technology among black technologies is indeed, as he had guessed before, a product that maximizes the interaction characteristics of the Aldnoah core and the matter and energy of that unknown dimension.

In addition, he has obtained a lot of data through analyzing the hyperspace gate, and has a deep understanding of how to manipulate space distortion and trigger the exchange of matter and energy with different dimensions.

Then, the result is this - a giant cube that completely covers the entire hyperspace gate.

Don't be surprised why it is not an invisible shield that is tightly attached to the surface of the protected object as in the plot.

In fact, the real dimensional absorption barrier itself is completely black. The paint color of the armored cavalry inside can be shown in the plot, which is actually an additional layer of optical camouflage effect - of course, Fang Yuan seriously suspects that this is actually to make the animation look more beautiful, so that you don't just see a black silhouette running all over the screen... As for the shape of this cube, it is because the hyperspace gate itself will cause extremely subtle distortions in the surrounding space even when it is not opened. If the barrier is directly attached to the surface of the hyperspace gate, it will be seriously disturbed by this space distortion. At that time, the failure of the shield is still a small matter, but it will be really troublesome if the hyperspace gate is directly out of control! Well, of course, on the other hand, this dimensional absorption barrier has just been developed, and Fang Yuan has not had time to develop the function of adjusting fine shapes. At present, it can only produce shields of various standard geometric shapes... Therefore, out of helplessness, Fang Yuan can only make this barrier into this stupid, big, black and rough shape.

——If it weren't for this, he would have installed this function on his armor long ago, and the battle just now could have ended more easily! PS: The third update, 3000 words')160'\u003eChapter 159 The indescribable clues

"Even if you are the emperor of a country or a planet, supreme, with the power of life and death, if you are not careful, you will immediately end up in prison - Sure enough, the power obtained by relying on the system is not as good as the power that truly belongs to you!" Looking at the old man sleeping in the hibernation capsule in front of him, an uninvited guest seemed to be self-reflecting and sighing.

This is a secret room filled with various high-tech medical equipment. It is also a prison that imprisons the most legally noble person on this planet and in this country.

It was originally intended to be a sleep chamber used to maintain the vital signs of dying people, but now it has become a small cage that makes people fall into an endless sleep.

Yes, after solving the protection problem of the hyperspace gate, Fang Yuan did not go anywhere else, but went directly to the secret prison where the old emperor was imprisoned in Zazbarum.

Speaking of which, our rebellious Earl is really ruthless. In order to prevent the old emperor from having any other secret abilities with Aldnoah's authority, such as remotely removing authority, he was directly injected with sedatives and stuffed into a sleep cabin. Here, the old emperor was completely turned into a decoration.

Moreover, this secret prison located deep underground is even more tightly guarded than ever before. In a literal sense, three steps, one post, five steps, and one sentry can only be said to be the foundation of the foundation. Various high-tech surveillance and automated killing traps are even more It’s endless.

Just a passage less than 100 meters from the surface entrance to the elevator integrates monitoring facilities including gravity sensing, air flow sensing, infrared sensing, acoustic scanning, etc., as well as a laser defense network (the legendary laser channel), Poison gas vents, variable gravity spaces, mechanical induction puncture traps and other destructive mechanisms.

Not to mention that after going deep into the underground, directional blasting explosives were placed at several key support points in the entire underground area. Once an accident that cannot be ended occurs, the explosives will be detonated immediately, causing the entire rock formation above to collapse and destroying the entire underground area. Everything is completely buried.

However, even with such a tight defense, it still cannot stop the cheating alchemist.

[Ether] powerfully invaded and controlled all electronic equipment, and the mechanical induction mechanism was directly seen through and bypassed by Fang Yuan. As for the guards, they couldn't even see him.

In this way, Fang Yuan once again achieved perfect stealth in the true sense. He came here and faced the culprit who directly caused the separation of humans on Mars and Earth, the lucky man who inherited alien technology, the greedy scientist, and the unqualified man. Politician, founder and first emperor of the Visser Empire - Leligalia Visser Rebasser.

Unfortunately, what Fang Yuan saw this time was not the majestic emperor sitting on the throne and scolding Fang Qiu, but just a pitiful prisoner who couldn't even maintain his consciousness.

However, Fang Yuan did not need the Emperor to remain conscious.

Rather, the other party's half-dead state was just right.

After all, all he needs is the knowledge in the other person's mind and the authority of Aldnoah in his body! Zhi—— He stretched out his hand and pressed against the transparent glass cover of the dormant cabin. With a little force, Fang Yuan's right hand passed through the 5 cm thick bulletproof glass layer without any hindrance, and pressed it just right. On the sleeping old emperor's head.

[Ether] very consciously turned on the memory scanning ability and scanned and recorded all the memories of the old man's life, whose consciousness was hazy and chaotic.

At the same time, it also invaded the activation factor in the old emperor's body through close contact, and successfully copied and stole the highest authority of Aldnoah technology that represented the old emperor himself.

Withdrawing his hand, the bulletproof glass that had just been penetrated like a liquid returned to its original state.

From this moment on, the entire Visser Empire no longer had any secrets for Fang Yuan. Even the most secretive ones, the top secrets that only the first emperor himself knew, were all presented to Fang Yuan... It should have been like this - "Warning, high-risk infectious information detected, quarantined!" Just when Fang Yuan was about to check the old emperor's memory, an [ether] alarm suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Infectious high-risk information?" Fang Yuan was stunned for a moment, unable to realize what [Ether] was talking about.

"What's going on?" "Some information in the target's memory showed high contagion in the simulation test and can have a pathological impact on other mental bodies. After judgment, it was confirmed to be high-risk information and has been isolated."

"The pathological influence...explain it!" "Through the simulation test of the soul stored in the Philosopher's Stone, the mental body after receiving the information will gradually be infected and assimilated by the information, and finally become extremely mentally paranoid and In a chaotic state, direct contact with the owner is not recommended.”

After [Ether]'s explanation, Fang Yuan realized that there was such a dangerous thing hidden in the old emperor's head.

And listening to what [Ether] said, this kind of spiritual contagion sounds like something indescribable... "Sure enough... are there things related to the Cthulhu system in this world..." Fang Yuan pondered, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

"Wait! [Ether], since you said this message is contagious, what about you?" Fang Yuan suddenly thought of this and became nervous - when it comes to direct contact, the most direct one is [Ether] ] itself! Nothing will happen to it! "Please rest assured that as soon as this piece of information became dangerous, the security protocol was immediately activated. The soul material storing this piece of information has been completely cut off and isolated, and the system body has undergone multiple rounds of self-checks. No discovery was found in front of us. abnormal."

[Ether]'s report made Fang Yuan feel a little relieved, but in the end it still couldn't completely reassure him.

"Keep self-checking every minute. If there is any abnormal situation, report it to me immediately. At the same time, disconnect the deep connection with me, condense it into a material state, and conduct physical isolation!" In order to prevent some bad things from passing through [ether ] infected himself, Fang Yuan directly asked the artificial intelligence to convert its carrier from the void soul state to the material state with entity, which is the original form of the Philosopher's Stone.

Putting the two manifested Philosopher's Stones, one large and one small, into the backpack on the back of the armor, Fang Yuan did not intend to have a deep connection with the [Ether] in the short term.

Well, of the two Philosopher's Stones, the one the size of a fist is the body of [ether], and the one the size of a grain of rice is the part that was physically separated after being infected and isolated.

Although Fang Yuan had the intention to throw away the latter, he thought of the key knowledge that might be recorded in it and was a little reluctant to part with it, so he finally hid it.

After isolating the source of danger, Fang Yuan raised his head again and looked at the old man in the dormant cabin. But what he was looking at now was no longer looking at an ambitious feudal emperor who was reversing the course of history, but at a man with taboos recorded in his mind. A time bomb of knowledge.

——What did this Emperor of Mars, who single-handedly excavated and reproduced alien technology, obtain from the alien ruins? ! ')161'\u003eChapter 160: The Earl Targeted by "The World"

"[Ether], quickly go through the old emperor's memory. When did that dangerous information appear?" Although he already knew that there seemed to be something extraordinary in the old man's memory, Fang Yuan's intuition told him , this "toxic" memory is probably the key - the key to why the Door of Truth threw him into this world! "1972."

Although the spiritual connection with Fang Yuan has been severed, [Ether] as an auxiliary AI can still complete its work.

"1972... was the year when the people on earth discovered the hyperspace gate, and it was also the year when the old emperor discovered and awakened Aldnoah!" This old guy must have discovered something when he discovered the alien ruins, and it was A secret that only he knew... Fast-forwarding through the relevant memories before and after this dangerous message, Fang Yuan also confirmed that the old emperor had indeed encountered something while excavating the remains of alien technology.

Although the memory in the middle has been isolated, Fang Yuan cannot know exactly what he saw and what happened, but from the memories before and after, he has confirmed the location of the other party at the time of the incident.

"Relic No. 3... wasn't at the very beginning?" Fang Yuan compared the excavation site in the old emperor's memory with the current records in the Weise Empire database, and found that it was a site named "Relic No. 3" is a super-ancient alien technology relic that looks nothing special.

According to the records in the database, it is just an ordinary "archaeological site". The ultra-ancient technological artifacts unearthed there have been thoroughly studied by scientists, and the precious ultra-ancient relics have basically been moved away. The entire ruins There is almost no real value left, and now it only serves as a museum.

And because the location of this ruins is very remote, there are not even many tourists who come to visit, and the passenger flow throughout the year may not exceed double digits.

Although this is also due to the small population of the Martian Empire and the fact that most people live a relatively difficult life and have little time to go out and play, the data that the passenger flow does not exceed 100 people this year is enough to illustrate the deserted place.

The most important thing is that this desertedness seems to be caused deliberately! Fang Yuan let [Ether] invade the Weiser Empire's database and looked through the expansion of the Mars colony in the past few decades. He suddenly discovered that in the expansion of the Mars Empire's livable ecosystem, the entire development planning process was intentionally or unintentionally Avoiding this No. 3 ruins is a "coincidence" and naturally makes it remote.

The arrangement of this series is indeed very clever. If you didn't deliberately look at it from this angle with prejudice, you would never have noticed it.

But after discovering something is wrong and then re-examining the development of past Mars colonies from the perspective of conspiracy theories, it is easy to detect that something is wrong.

Moreover, the naming of this ruins is also very interesting.

Judging from the database, there are 22 similar ruins of super-ancient alien civilizations. Some are urban ruins, some are special buildings, and some are military fortresses. However, all ruins, regardless of their own functional classification, are unified. Named after numbers.

This ordinary "Relic No. 3" would have been unable to attract the attention of any outsiders if it weren't for the discovery of something amiss in the memory of the old emperor.

"Hide a leaf in the woods? This old guy is quite cunning!" Fang Yuan understood that the other party's approach was indeed very clever. Even if ordinary people knew that there was some kind of secret hidden in these ruins, they would usually go straight to it. The first one, No. 1, or the last one, No. 22, left. Almost no one would pay special attention to the ruins like No. 3, which were numbered and looked nothing special.

"Let's go there first..." Although he knew that there must be some unknown danger there, a voice from deep inside told him that that place was the real key to the world. He A must go! Fang Yuan once again took a deep look at the old man who was still sleeping in the dormant cabin, then turned around and left.

He did not intend to kill the old emperor directly, but he also had no intention of rescuing him.

Some kind of inexplicable intuition told him that something bad would probably happen if he killed the other party, and rescuing him was completely against Fang Yuan's wishes, so let this old guy continue to sleep like this. ! ……Fang Yuan didn’t know that just after he turned around and left the secret room, the old emperor who should have been sleeping opened his eyes.

However, what is in the eye socket is not the irises and pupils that humans should have, but a chaos with no black and white eyes, a strange scene like the starry sky in the universe.

Obviously, something unexpected by Fang Yuan happened, but neither he nor everyone else in the world knew anything about it... =========== =============== "Is this here?" The location of Ruin No. 3 is very remote, almost at the edge of the Martian artificial ecosystem.

However, remoteness also has its advantages. At least there are almost no people around here. Even inside this ruins that has been converted into a museum, there are hardly many staff.

To enter this place, Fang Yuan was not even willing to call his behavior a infiltration - the security measures here were so rudimentary that any smart thief could come in and out at will as if he were in an uninhabited land.

However, Fang Yuan also knew that all these were just appearances.

In this museum, there is an area of ​​"non-existence" that is perfectly covered up.

That was what the old emperor who had turned into a living specimen secretly excavated, leading to an unknown place where even the relevant memories contained toxicity and danger.

What is hidden there... ========================== Just when someone commits suicide and enters a dangerous area to explore At that time, Zazbarum, who was conducting armistice peace talks with Kuruteu, received an urgent contact from his subordinates.

"What? He escaped?!" Although there was no one else around but himself, Zazbarum still lowered his voice subconsciously.

"What happened? Did someone rescue him?" "...What? He escaped by himself?! Are you kidding me? You told me that an old man who is nearly 60 years old can actually escape alone? Escape from the heavily guarded underground prison?" Snap - Turning off the communication, Zazbalum covered his forehead in distress.

"What exactly happened?" Our Lord Earl felt a moment of aggrievedness. It seemed that since he decided to make a coup, all his actions had become very unsmooth, and various accidents occurred frequently, and now this happened again. Such a fatal situation, he just felt that the whole world seemed to be targeting him! PS: The third update will be released later')162'\u003eChapter 161 The old salted fish counterattacks

In fact, Zazbarum's misfortunes are not over yet.

Less than ten minutes after the old emperor escaped, he received another urgent contact from his subordinates.

But this time it's not about the secret prison, but something went wrong in his research institute - "Your Majesty, the Central Research Institute has been attacked! 'Sample Zero' has been taken away!" Communication It can be seen in the video that the subordinate who sent the emergency contact was seriously injured. He even had no time to clean up the blood on his head and face. The background behind him was also a mess of smoke and ruins. It looked like what he said, over there It was indeed a very serious violent attack.

"Sample Zero? Is it him?" When Zazbarum heard the term from his subordinate's mouth, he immediately thought of the bad news he received ten minutes ago.

Yes, this must be what the old emperor did! Because the so-called "Sample Zero" actually refers to the special armored cavalry he captured when he captured the old emperor! As an existence that the old emperor used as a comeback card in critical moments, this armored cavalry is different from all other existing armored cavalry - it was not made by humans! Yes, although all the armored cavalry owned by the Martian Knights are equipped with Aldnoah cores and various alien black technologies, they are essentially imitations of human beings imitating alien technologies.

And this armored cavalry, regarded by the old emperor as the most powerfully armed, is a completely alien creation, and was dug out and awakened by the old emperor himself.

In fact, this armored cavalry, which Zazbarum and others called "Sample Zero", was the prototype of all subsequent armored cavalry in the Mars Empire, and was also the true source of most of the Weiser Empire's military black technology.

If we only talk about technological content and combat effectiveness, even all the remaining armored cavalry in the Visser Empire may not be as good as this prototype that was truly made by aliens.

Therefore, since the armored cavalry was seized during the coup, Zazbarum invested a lot of resources in reverse research on it, and also tried to crack the core authority of Aldnoah to truly master this powerful weapon. strength.

But unfortunately, all this was just beginning when it was completely destroyed by a sudden accident.

The only one who could take away the armored cavalry was the real owner of the armored cavalry - Who would have thought that the old emperor, who was destined to fail, would have a day to turn over?   "Is this the real secret of the Weiser royal family? Some unknown means? But why wait until now? Why not take action at the beginning?" The young earl felt that everything that had happened recently was full of fog, which made him a little at a loss for a while.

... However, Zazibarum didn't know that in fact he was not the only one who had an accident in the territory.

"What? The princess was kidnapped?!" Almost not long after Zazibarum received the second bad news, Kurutuo also received bad news from his subordinates.

An armored cavalry that had never been seen before broke into the palace specially set up for Her Royal Highness in his territory and forcibly kidnapped the princess of the empire.

"Damn it, was it Zazbarum who did it?" The Earl, who had been cheated once, immediately thought of his former ally. Could it be that the other party used the peace talks as a cover, and the real purpose was to take the princess away when he was not prepared... "Where is the knight guarding the princess? Why didn't he stop him?" Kurutuo asked with dissatisfaction.

For Princess Eseiram, the only legitimate heir to the royal family of the Weiser Empire, the "Princess Alliance" would certainly not take her safety lightly - a female knight with her armored cavalry for 24 hours of close protection, plus the protection of hundreds of meters of elite soldiers, it should be enough to repel all powerful enemies, and at the very least, they should be able to take the princess away to a safe place.

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