But... "Viscount Isa...died in battle!" "Did...die in battle!" Upon hearing the news, the anger in Krut'ou's heart couldn't help but suffocate.

Isa is the name of the female knight, who holds the title of Viscount in the empire. Although the armored cavalry she drives is not the most powerful, its frontal combat effectiveness and survivability are above average, and She took the initiative to protect the princess this time, but she didn't expect to die here... "Zazbalum, you really deserve to die!"... The time went back to a few minutes ago.

In the territory of Kuruteu, the temporary palace of the imperial eldest princess had turned into a burning ruin. The ground was covered with the corpses of soldiers and attendants. An armored cavalry that had been torn and twisted so that its original shape could not be seen was lying on the ground. On the ground on one side, bursts of sparks burst out from time to time.

The most eye-catching thing is, of course, the huge steel figure standing high on the ground. It is the "Sample Zero" that was taken away from Zazbarum's research institute.

But it actually has another name - the High Throne, which was given by its current owner himself.

And it was indeed worthy of this name. In just an instant, it destroyed the armored cavalry in front of him, and also massacred everyone here.

"Aiseiram, my heir, come with me!" I don't know when, His Majesty the Emperor, with eyes as strange as the starry sky, was standing in this ruins. In front of him, there were many people. The little girl had a dull face, as if she didn't understand what was happening in front of her.

"Master... Master?" the little girl asked with some fear.

In her eyes, the current grandfather is too strange and terrifying.

Needless to say, those eyes were not something a human could have. Just looking at his previous behavior of driving an armored cavalry and massacring an entire army was enough to scare the average child completely crazy.

Fortunately, when the old emperor appeared driving the [Supreme Throne], the little princess herself fell into a trance-like mental state. Everything that happened around her seemed like a dream to her now, seemingly real and illusory, but yet... It cannot leave many traces in consciousness.

But when the old emperor stood in front of her in person, this feeling quietly subsided, allowing her to react suddenly, aware of the horrific scenes around her, and the panic in her heart suddenly surged.

If the person in front of her was not her grandfather whom she had not seen for a long time, she might even turn around and run away immediately, screaming.

However, when she heard the old man in front of her greeting her in a familiar tone, she hesitated again.

"It's me, child, come with me, let me take you to a truly safe place!" Although he has a pair of scary eyes, and the situation around him is a bit wrong, grandpa is still grandpa after all... A certain feeling in his heart The voice said this, and the little girl stretched out her hand with some trembling. She wanted to flinch several times in the process, but in the end she slowly took the big rough and wide hand.

The next moment, the world in the girl's eyes changed! ')163'\u003eChapter 162: The Earl with Bankruptcy \u0026 the Trapped Protagonist

"Zazbarum, you have to pay for what you have done!" After truly seeing the tragic situation in the princess's palace, Kuruteo's anger could no longer be suppressed.

He decided to go against the TM peace talks and the TM threats from the earthlings. His only enemy now is Zazbarum! "Cancel the peace talks and launch an attack on the Zazbarum rebels with all forces!" With his order, the Visser Empire, which had been calm, fell into war again.

This time, with the anger of double betrayal and the will of revenge, Kuruteu took the lead and led a group of knights from the same camp into battle, launching an attack on Zazbarum's army without mercy.

Because this round of attacks was launched too suddenly, the entire front line of the "Legitimate Empire" camp was almost caught off guard by the opponent's sudden attack.

Suddenly, urgent reports were sent from all over the entire front, and Zazbarum, who was already troubled by frequent accidents in the rear, now became even more anxious.

"What's going on with that guy? Isn't the peace talk good? Why did he suddenly launch a full-scale attack?!" Zazbarum looked at an emergency communication from the front line, and his heart was full of anger, but more But it's inexplicable.

What the hell is that old guy going crazy about? ! Since Kuruteu had already suffered a loss, all the spies in the territory were thoroughly cleaned up. Therefore, Zazbarum could no longer accurately know the major and minor events that occurred in Kuruteu's territory. For such a big event that happened in the princess's palace, Kuruteo immediately issued a hush-up order, and it was impossible for Zazbarum to know about it.

Therefore, the two sides, who had shown signs of peace talks due to the imminent invasion of the Earthling army, once again fought against each other due to the unequal intelligence between the two sides, and the civil war engulfing the empire was once again triggered.

... "Kurut'o! Why are you so crazy! Why did the war suddenly start!" On the battlefield, Zazbarum driving [Dioscuri] and Kult controlling [Tharsis] They met unexpectedly. The first time they saw each other, [Tharsis], who had super high mobility, stared at [Dioscuri] as if he was seeing his biggest enemy. The desperate energy even forced Zazbarum to be unable to fight back.

After finally forcing the opponent back, Zazbarum felt that his former ally's reaction was very abnormal. He couldn't help but directly connected to the communication with the opponent and asked the doubts in his heart.

"Ha! You have the nerve to say that! You actually kidnapped Her Royal Highness the Princess during the peace talks. Sure enough, only a rebellious guy like you can do such a treacherous act!" Kuruteo regained his composure from being repulsed. , continued to launch a fierce attack on the enemy in front of him, but Zazbarum, who had already stabilized his position, relied on the diversity of abilities of the machine to firmly withstand the opponent's fierce attack, and even had a tendency to gradually gain the upper hand. .

"...This is a misunderstanding! I did not send anyone to kidnap the princess, His Majesty the Emperor did it!" When Zazbarum heard what his old rival said, he felt aggrieved. It was obviously the old Emperor who did this, so why was the blame placed on him? What if it falls on your own head? No, we can’t take the blame, we must clarify it! So, on this battlefield, in the fierce battle with the enemy, Zazbarum used his sharp tongue to explain the whole story carefully, and even took the time to extract it from the database at the rear. Surveillance videos from the underground prison and the research institute were released, and all the inhuman behavior of the old emperor was shown to the other party in an attempt to clear up the misunderstanding.

Unfortunately, it seems that Kuruteo has completely distrusted Zazbarum's credibility. He lets his tongue slip, and the honest man Kuruteo, who has been deceived many times, does not believe a word he says.

It's just a fake video, who wouldn't do it? He still hasn’t forgotten how Zazbarum harmed Count Reinhard! Now you are actually doing this to him? I really think he is a fool! ​And is this video a joke? Are you still shooting special photography? The old emperor, who was nearly sixty years old, suddenly transformed into a superpower and bravely broke into an underground prison, and then massacred an entire research institute with his bare hands? This is an insult to his intelligence! "How much do you want to fool me, you guy? Do you think I will believe your statement that is full of loopholes?!" Ignoring any words from the guy opposite Zazbarum, whose credit has been ruined, Ku Luteu immediately turned off the communication, and once again launched an even more intense attack on the opponent with a lot of anger and embarrassment.

For a moment, the two sides either relied on the variety and comprehensiveness of their multi-ability switching, or relied on the ability to predict the future, and they were in a stalemate.

It's probably going to take a long time to decide the winner.

...... Let us temporarily shift our focus away from this pair of estranged friends and turn to the protagonist of this book.

It has been quite a while since Fang Yuan discovered something was wrong with Ruin No. 3 and went to explore it personally.

So what is his current situation? Fang Yuan can tell you——Not good! very bad! ! very bad! ! ! To be honest, his mentality is already a bit broken now.

Fang Yuan never expected that when he actually stepped into the secret space under Ruin No. 3, he would encounter such a thing! In the end what happened? Well, he's trapped! He was trapped in a twisted space that was somewhat similar to a different-dimensional killing array.

Although it is not a very neat super cube like in the movie, the place where he is now is undoubtedly a very clever and complex space trap.

Countless connected and completely independent dimensional spaces are stacked on top of each other, but there is no clear dividing line between each space. Any movement by Fang Yuan may cause him to be transported to another completely different space.

Often when he takes one step forward, he will find that he has been transported to a completely unfamiliar place. If he takes another step back, he will be transported to another completely unrelated place.

Countless changing spaces formed a very huge maze. Even if Fang Yuan tried every means, he could still wander back and forth in these countless and various spaces, and could never find a way out.

And the properties of these spaces are also very special. Some are pure black, lightless, soundless, gravity-free and even borderless empty spaces. Some are rocky desert areas like the surface of Mars, and some look like cities from ancient alien civilizations. Some of the scenes are actually scenes from a city on Earth.

The spatial changes involved were truly mysterious, completely subverting Fang Yuan's view of space manipulation abilities.

The spatial structure and change patterns in this maze are completely incomparable to those space interference devices used by the Visser Empire outside. Even with the computing power of [Ether], it is almost impossible to calculate the spatial patterns here in real time. .

The only good news is that Fang Yuan's life is not in danger for the time being.

Yes, no matter how these spaces change, they have no direct lethality to humans - even on the surface of Mars and the vacuum-like scene of the universe, there is actually enough air for human survival.

Although the composition of this air is somewhat different from that of the earth's atmosphere, there is no problem in allowing humans to survive for a short period of time.

——Maybe this is the state of the atmosphere when the alien civilization on Mars originally existed? From the point of view of "not hurting people", this space maze should be a non-lethal trap. It seems that the designer of this trap is quite benevolent.

But the premise of saying this is that there must be a way out of this trap! Yes, the most disgusting part of this space trap is here. The intruder will indeed not receive any direct harm after entering, but if you can't crack this maze, then you can't even think of getting out! ')164'\u003eChapter 163 The secret at hand

As a person who cherishes his life very much, Fang Yuan certainly cannot be like those cheap-minded characters in ordinary adventure movies, casually stepping into a fatal trap.

In fact, he had already explored it in many ways before actually entering here.

Vibration wave scanning, electromagnetic wave scanning, space fluctuation detection, drone pathfinding, mental power scanning... He tried all the detection methods he could think of, but he never found any abnormalities. Among all the observation results, here The underground is just an empty underground cave.

It wasn't until Fang Yuan took the first step into the cave in person that the sudden change in space made him realize that he had actually stepped into a space trap! And it’s a powerful trap that can trap him here for several days! "[Ether], doesn't the old emperor have this content in his memory?" Fang Yuan didn't believe that the old emperor, who was just a mortal at the time, could actually decipher this space maze. This is completely impossible! Even with the computing power of [ether], it is a long-term task to calculate the various spatial fluctuations in this space maze and then calculate the correct route.

Therefore, there must be some other reason why the old emperor was able to pass here! "I'm sorry, there is no memory of entering this space maze in Lelegalia's observable memory. Even if there is, it should be in the part of the memory that is divided and isolated."

[Aether] gave a disappointing but very reasonable answer.

"...Didn't the permissions we obtained from the old emperor work?" Unwilling to give up, Fang Yuan continued to ask his AI - he was wondering, could there be a problem with the permissions he obtained? "In fact, after entering the area, the connection with the hyperspace information network has been disconnected. Aldnoah's highest authority has not detected any data interface and cannot function."

[Ether] gave this answer. Obviously, this space maze is a place where even if you have permissions, it will have no effect - after all, system permissions, you have to have data interaction with this system to make sense, but here It seems to have been directly set into an information blind spot, and even the hyperspace information network that can theoretically communicate in real time at the other end of the universe has lost its function.

"...It's really watertight... In other words, either the old emperor used his mortal brain to crack the law of space changes here, or he didn't activate this maze when he came in... [Ether], What do you think is the possibility?" Fang Yuan did not mention the possibility that the old emperor brought a supercomputer with him like him - come on, it was only 1972, where was the portable supercomputer? Home computers had just emerged at that time, okay! "According to the theoretical computing limit of the human brain and the current progress in analyzing the spatial transformation laws of this area, through fuzzy computing, it will take at least 1127 years to calculate the spatial transformation laws of this area without large-scale auxiliary computing equipment. Time, according to the actual situation, the first possibility is not true. "

Well, the solid-eye AI directly gave an answer based on precise calculations. The conclusion is that it is impossible for humans to get out of here simply by relying on their own strength - even if they could, you would have to eat, drink, sleep, and continuously calculate 1127 Years are enough, and the premise of all this is that you have developed your brain's computing power to the limit.

Of course, the human beings referred to here are the terrifying erect apes that evolved from apes, not the various human beings in online articles who wear human skins and use human names, but are actually various divine creatures and innate creatures. Bizarre things like creatures, hybrids of gods and demons.

Fang Yuan, who is proficient in human biology, can responsibly tell everyone that the limit of the human brain is there. The so-called infinite potential is a lie. If you want to exceed the limit, you must choose not to be a human being.

cough! Don't mention these digressions.

The conclusion given by [Ether] is that the space maze here was opened after the old emperor discovered this place, or even after he left. It is very likely to block the latecomers who discovered this place.

"Is the space labyrinth that even the highest authority cannot function to protect the secrets behind this labyrinth? No, it should be isolation!" Fang Yuan thought of the so-called "dangerous information" in the old emperor's memory, and it was very interesting. Maybe the old emperor discovered something here and thought that this discovery was too dangerous to let anyone else know, so he activated the space maze here... But that's not right. This space maze obviously cannot be used by today's Martians. The technology that came out means that this is set up here by super ancient aliens. In other words, even ancient alien civilizations believe that things here need to be closely protected. So how did the old emperor discover the secrets here? ? Is it really because the equipment here is in disrepair and has failed? That’s not the case. After all, those hyperspace gates that have been exposed on the surface of the planet for who knows how many thousands of years can still open normally. There is no reason why the equipment here can’t! After much deliberation, Fang Yuan couldn't come up with a reason, so in the end he had no choice but to give up and return his attention to the work of analyzing the maze.

Well, [Ether] is responsible for the analysis. Fang Yuan, who currently cannot have a deep connection with it, can only serve as a living body detection instrument. According to the requirements of [Ether], he can carry out various actions in this maze, actively travel through many spaces, and obtain more information. Much spatial transformation data.

... "Grandpa, where are we going?" The little girl held the old man's rough hand and asked in a tone as erratic as a dream.

Looking carefully at the little princess at this time, her eyes did not turn into a starry sky like her grandfather's, but still had normal green eyes.

The only difference from the past is that there is almost no liveliness in her eyes at this time, as if she is sleepwalking, but she seems to maintain a clear consciousness and can speak and ask questions normally.

"We are going to the very beginning, which is also the end of everything. It is the place closest to 'God' in the world, and it is also the final destination of our Weisel family..." The old man said words that children would never understand. , walking forward slowly but firmly step by step.

The little girl who was being held by him seemed to understand, but seemed not to understand at all. She just nodded, and then followed her grandfather step by step towards an unknown place.

PS: The third update will be released later')165'\u003eChapter 164: Oolong caused by insufficient intelligence

Moon, Hypergate Fortress.

"How is the detection of the hyperspace gate?" Admiral William, the frontline commander of this war, asked the engineers somewhat eagerly.

"Currently, the hyperspace gate is operating in good condition. As long as there are no problems on the other side, we can initiate teleportation at any time."

The engineer said carefully, considering his words.

He had no reason to be cautious. After all, the big boss of Anaheim had warned the top government and military leaders that the hyperspace gate could be destroyed, and the consequences of the destruction could be very serious.

Not only the big boss generals know this, but also the engineers responsible for inspecting the hyperspace gate.

Although the hyperspace gate on the Moon side is well preserved due to the decisive actions of the Earth Alliance, there is no guarantee for the hyperspace gate on the Mars side.

"You don't need to worry about this. Our spies have sent back the news that the hyperspace gate on Mars seems to be protected by some kind of barrier. Martians cannot destroy it - although I don't know who did it. But this is a very favorable situation for us!" The general did not hide the situation on Mars from the engineers. After all, it is better for professionals to know more about this matter. As a veteran general who has experienced many battles, he We will not make such low-level mistakes as "concealing important information from key people for the sake of confidentiality regulations, which ultimately leads to the situation getting out of hand."

"Barrier? What barrier?" However, the engineer here did not show optimism after listening to the general's words. Instead, he frowned.

"I don't know. It is said to be some kind of invincible barrier that can withstand all forms of attacks. The Martian troops have been attacking for several hours and still can't do anything."

Due to the limited length of the information conveyed, the general was not very clear about the real situation on Mars. All he could obtain was a short text message passed by the intelligence department. He did not know what the barrier was.

"...Is it an invincible barrier...could it be a space barrier?" This engineer is obviously a higher-level engineer. He has also participated in [Hector]'s reverse analysis project. Regarding the Martians' space technology, He also knew a little about his strength, so he immediately thought of the invincible shield used on [Hector].

"What, is there something wrong?" The general asked strangely when he saw the engineer frowning.

"That's it, General!" The engineer came back to his senses and thought about how to use wording that would make it easier for people to understand, and then said: "According to the current research results, the inter-planetary transmission of the hyperspace gate relies on It distorts space and intersects with another dimension, using the spatial phase difference between different dimensions to achieve time-free displacement of objects in the three-dimensional universe. However, this also leads to the fact that the hyperspace gate itself is very sensitive to abnormal fluctuations in space. If Mars If the hyperspace gate over there is protected by a shield such as space distortion, once we start the teleportation, it is likely to cause a loss of control..." "..." This time it was the general's turn to frown.

He didn't expect that the hyperspace gate being protected would have such a disadvantage?   Who erected the shield on Mars? Are they friends or enemies of the Earthlings? Is his or their purpose to stop the Martians from destroying the hyperspace gate or to stop the Earthlings' attack?   For a moment, the general who had planned to take advantage of the momentum of the great victory to attack Mars and establish a strategic support point hesitated.

Well, Fang Yuan never expected that his kindness in helping the Earthlings to protect the hyperspace gate would actually cause doubts and concerns on the Earthlings' side.

If he had known this earlier, he would probably have sent a message back to Earth directly, telling them to feel free to transmit boldly, because he had already taken care of the hyperspace gate on Mars!   It's a pity that Fang Yuan is now trapped in a space maze, and all external contacts have been cut off, so even if he wants to transmit information, he can't.

"Let our people continue to collect intelligence related to the hyperspace gate, and try to investigate the causes and consequences of the appearance of the barrier!" The general turned his head and gave an order to the secretary behind him.

At this time, the role of intelligence was reflected.

If the Earthlings had a complete intelligence network on Mars, they might even receive relevant intelligence as soon as Fang Yuan appeared and fought with the five Martian knights. If they could see the live battle video or satellite images, they would be more likely to recognize directly that the black-armored warrior who fought one against five Martian knights and even completed a triple kill achievement was the biggest boss behind a large company they were very familiar with.

Unfortunately, the Earthlings' spy network in the Martian Empire did not develop very smoothly. Although many civilians and even middle and lower-level soldiers were developed into spies, the loyalty of these spies to the Earth Union itself could not be guaranteed. In addition, most of their status was not very high. It was difficult to obtain accurate intelligence for some highly sensitive confidential information, and they might even know nothing about the occurrence of some major events.

For example, the spies developed by the Earthlings in the Zazibarum Territory would never know the tragedy that happened in the Princess Palace of the Kurutou Territory, and the spies in the Kurutou Territory would also not know that the old emperor imprisoned by Zazibarum had escaped and even changed his job to become a superpower.

In terms of the sensitivity and confidentiality of the information, the information that Fang Yuan came alone and defeated five Martian knights alone was the most confidential, and ordinary spies could not access the relevant information at all.

Therefore, the date of the Earth Army's attack that Fang Yuan expected would most likely be postponed for a while.

- Either he broke out of the space maze himself, discovered the mistake made by the Earthlings, and then took the initiative to send a message back; or he had to wait until those spies exerted their subjective initiative and stole the accurate information at the time, so that the Earth United Army could be completely relieved.

But it is obvious that neither of these two things can be done in a day or two.

As a result, the threat from the Earthlings was delayed, and the two major camps of the Martians fell into a more intense civil war due to the mysterious operation of an emperor who had turned into something unknown, and the situation on Mars became deadlocked.

This stalemate continued until a pillar of light shot out from the No. 3 ruins at the edge of the artificial ecosystem of the Martian Empire, and the changes that followed the pillar of light.

')166'\u003eChapter 165 Unusual Coma

Earth, the United States, a high-end villa area in the suburbs of Anaheim.

A little girl with pink hair was playing games with her mother in the courtyard.

The ability to walk again made this poor girl who had been trapped at home in the past become particularly active. Although she could not leave the courtyard to play around because of safety issues, for a child, such a luxurious villa with a large area was enough for her to play to her heart's content.

For example, now, she and her mother are swinging on the swing, and the daughter pushes her mother for a while, and the mother pushes her daughter for a while. The picture of the mother and daughter playing carefree looks particularly warm.

But at this moment——  "Mom!"  The girl screamed, and suddenly her head tilted, and her body fell softly.

"Remulina!" The young mother looked at her child and suddenly stretched out her hands to hug her, but when her hands were halfway, her body shook and she fell to the ground suddenly and lost consciousness.

"Not good!"  The Anaheim staff who had been hiding in the dark, protecting and monitoring the mother and daughter, immediately noticed the abnormality and rushed into the villa to check on the mother and daughter.

"What happened? Was it an attack?"  "Not sure, no wounds, breathing and heartbeat are still there, and pupil reaction is normal..."  "No matter how much, send them to the hospital first, Team A, you will protect them!"  The commanders on the scene heard that the mother and daughter were still alive, and their hearts were relieved a little, and they began to arrange tasks in an orderly manner.

"Yes!"  ...  Anaheim Hospital, ICU ward.

The two unconscious mother and daughter had changed into blue and white striped patient clothes, and were connected to various testing instruments and pipelines all over their bodies. They lay quietly on the hospital bed. There were no other outsiders in the entire ward. Except for the "beep" and "beep" sounds from the electrocardiograph, there was not even a trace of noise.

Just outside this ward, the captain of Team A, who led the team to escort the mother and daughter to the hospital for emergency treatment, asked the doctor with a serious expression: "How are their physical conditions?" He couldn't help but be serious. After all, this mother and daughter were important personnel who were personally ordered by the company's biggest boss to be strictly protected. If something really happened, his job would be over!   "...The thing is very strange. Their bodies are actually very healthy. Whether it is the various indicators of blood analysis, the condition of internal organs, or the condition of brain waves, they can be said to be the healthiest people I have ever seen."

The doctor said with a confused tone.

"Healthy? How can a healthy person suddenly fall into a coma?" The captain looked at the doctor beside him with a suspicious look. He doubted whether this guy's medical license was fake... "Don't look at me like that!" The doctor seemed to understand the other's eyes and said unhappily, "We use the most advanced equipment developed by Anaheim, and the results will definitely not be wrong!" "Then why are they still in a coma?" The captain asked relentlessly.

"Strictly speaking, their current situation cannot be considered a coma-" The doctor subconsciously took off his glasses, took out a piece of glasses cloth from his pocket to wipe the dust off, put it back on, and then said: "According to the analysis of their brain wave patterns, their consciousness should be awake now, but they can't respond to external stimuli."

"Awake?" The captain frowned, and his face full of flesh was matched with such an "unhappy" look, coupled with his tall stature and knotted muscles, making the captain look very oppressive.

But our doctor didn't seem to feel this at all - "Yes, it's like dreaming, but it's different from the vague dream where the human brain integrates trivial information and cleans up redundant things. Their consciousness is much clearer -" As he spoke, the doctor also called up the brain wave images of the mother and daughter and tried to popularize some brain medicine knowledge to the tall man next to him: "Look at this waveform, this means that the human brain is carrying out intense thinking and memory activities, and the amplitude is very high, so high that it's a little... abnormal?" At the end, the doctor was also a little surprised. He looked at the brain wave graph on the screen, and then turned his head to look at the mother and daughter in the room on the other side of the one-way glass. He was speechless for a while.

"What's wrong? What's wrong with their situation again?" "... Incredible... How could this be..." The doctor kept muttering "incredible" and flipping through the other real-time monitoring data of the mother and daughter. For a while, he even forgot that there was someone standing next to him.

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