But after the battle on the moon, four armored cavalry were defeated in a head-on battle (a sneak attack on the battlefield is not called a sneak attack!). Everyone in the Earth Alliance Army was already full of confidence in their side's combat power.

——They are just armored cavalry driven by mere undead. They have even killed those driven by living people. Are they still afraid of you group of dead people? Will not lose! (Flag is up...) ... Mars, the hyperspace gate, a huge black cube towering above the red earth.

But this red color is not the red color of the rock formations on the surface of Mars itself, but the dark red color that is revealed after human blood dries up! The security forces originally stationed around the hyperspace gate had been slaughtered by their original superiors and masters. Apart from the metal debris and broken corpses all over the ground, there was not a single living thing left.

——No, there is still one, if this undead knight with a body of steel can still be called a living creature! Obviously, although the old emperor is no longer a human being, he has not become a fool. Even if he is busy killing civilians to collect souls, he still has not forgotten the threat of the people on earth, and very wisely left a message outside the hyperspace door. Set up the Iron Knight as a warning.

However, can a mere Iron Knight, which is essentially just a armored cavalry, really be able to stop the incoming earthling army? The answer will be revealed soon! … At the moment when the countdown to the lunar hyperspace gate reached 0, the Mars hyperspace gate opened simultaneously, and the violent space fluctuations immediately activated the stress shutdown program set by Fang Yuan in advance in the dimensional barrier generator—the barrier. Disappeared! The Iron Knight who was waiting outside immediately discovered the abnormal movement of the hyperspace gate. The instructions from Aldnoah's core made the undead knight, who had become a highly intelligent AI, charge towards the hyperspace gate without hesitation.

However, just as it took its first steps, dozens of red hot tracks streaked through the thin atmosphere on the surface of Mars, piercing the steel giant that was about to attack - this was the electromagnetic gun attack of the terrifying robot. Even if it had As long as the black-tech armored cavalry is not specialized in defense, almost no one can withstand such a dense and saturated attack.

——This is the judgment of the Earth Army before firing.

"No! The other party is still active!" The soldiers on the earth side immediately discovered the anomaly. The armored cavalry that should have been destroyed was still alive - no, it appeared again! Through the optical lens, they could clearly see that where the barrage had concentrated fire, there was a steel wreckage with more than a dozen huge bullet holes penetrated. Looking ahead, there was another armored vehicle with the same appearance. The cavalry is charging towards its own position.

"Continue to attack!" Hundreds of electromagnetic cannon attacks fell like rain again, smashing the charging Iron Knight into pieces.

But at the next moment, another identical armored cavalry appeared out of thin air - No, not one, but two, three, four... In just a few seconds, the number of armored cavalry increased to hundreds. Even thousands of them, almost equal to the number of drones on Earth! "It turns out to be a clone ability...According to the intelligence, the opponent is an armored cavalry named [Ordicia], and the original driver is the Martian Knight, Count Volga - of course, it doesn't make sense now who the driver is.

It should be noted that all clones of the opponent are entities copied through quantum teleportation, not phantoms or false targets! All are genuine! You must destroy all targets at once to completely eliminate the opponent! "In the communication, intelligence instructions from the rear came.

Thanks to Anaheim's technological support, people on Earth also enjoy the same level of cross-planet instant communication technology with no time difference as Martians. Even troops on Mars can still communicate with the command headquarters on the moon.

"Destroy all the clones at once... This is really a big workload!" A super soldier complained in the tactics channel.

"Stop complaining! From now on, I will take over the firing authority of all drone units!" The captain of this super soldier unit scolded, and then immediately issued the order.

All the soldiers immediately carried out the order and handed over control of their drone units to the captain.

With the assistance of the electronic assistant brain, the captain locked the key positions of all enemy targets in front at once, and with the last target being locked by the red aperture in the tactical field of vision - the next moment, all the drones represented "Autonomous Action" "The green indicator light turned into red representing "manual control".

"Fire!" Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom! ! ! ! ! The roar of continuous artillery fire sounded, and thousands of electromagnetic gun shells that were enough to penetrate the main armor plate of the space battleship were fired. In an instant, they penetrated the core power furnace of all the armored cavalry at the same time.

Then——Boom——! ! ! ! ! ! An unprecedented violent explosion, and the shock wave generated by the explosion stirred up a violent airflow even in the thin atmosphere on the surface of Mars.

"Has it been eliminated?" A soldier couldn't help but ask.

"...No, not yet!" Although the law of smoke and no harm is very nonsense, here, in this Martian battlefield where science and logic seem to have died, it seems to be really working.

Just before the smoke and dust caused by the explosion dispersed, the soldiers' individual radars had already issued an alarm - a large mass object was approaching at high speed! Swish - A figure like a steel giant jumped out of the sand. While it was still in mid-air, its clone ability had already been activated. Two, four, eight, sixteen, thirty-two... the exponentially increasing number of clones spun. It instantly covered the entire sky, and with the overwhelming momentum of a mountain, it rushed straight down towards the earth's troops who had just stepped out of the hyperspace gate! ')176'\u003eChapter 175 The Troublesome Doppelgänger \u0026 The True Appearance of Space

"Fire!!!" In fact, no order from the captain was needed. All the soldiers fired all their firepower immediately. The drone troops also fired at the thousands of replicas in front of them under unified instructions. fatal shelling.

It's a pity that because there was no coordinated attack this time, there was a very short time interval between each attack wave, but this short time difference of a few tenths of a second gave the opponent a gap to activate the clone ability.

"Damn it! Didn't we destroy them all at once? Why are there still more?!" A soldier couldn't stand this endless flood of clone attacks. Although the super soldiers' single combat power For powerful reasons, these armored cavalry who seem to only have physical attack methods cannot threaten their safety for the time being. However, the increasing number of opponents has firmly suppressed them near the hyperspace gate, making it impossible to establish security here. A solid forward base.

"Notify the headquarters that there is a problem with their intelligence. The opponent's clone ability does not seem to be that simple!" As the initiator of the salvo attack just now, the captain himself knew very well that he had indeed destroyed all the opponent's weapons at the same time. Clone body.

However, just when he thought the other party had been completely eliminated, a clone that came from nowhere appeared out of thin air, catching them off guard! ... "I see, by taking advantage of the dimensional difference between this space and the outside world, the quantum information of this [Ordicia] is stored here, and the clone ability can be replicated without the need for the main body..." Body Although Fang Yuan, who was in the strange space, could not intervene in the external battlefield, he could clearly see the development of the situation. At the same time, he also understood that in the original work, the protagonist was taken away by a set of force-style volleys. What happened to the body?

In fact, the machine's own quantum teleportation and copying capabilities have not changed at all. However, after the driver turned into light and returned in the form of an electronic undead, the machine has become half the same place as where Fang Yuan is now. High-dimensional space is connected.

Taking advantage of the fact that the space-time dimension of this space is half a dimension higher than that of the outside world, the old emperor imprinted the quantum information of this machine into this space. Once all the clones in the real dimension are destroyed, he can immediately use the Quantum information is imprinted as a blueprint to reproduce a brand new individual.

In other words, this machine named [Ordicia] has become a veritable immortal body! "Just a small change can actually bring about such a huge performance improvement... What a master!" Fang Yuan had to admit that this dehumanized old emperor was indeed a difficult opponent.

He just dispatched a mere machine body and made only a few minor improvements, which immediately brought about a qualitative improvement in combat power, and immediately suppressed the reinforcements invited by Fang Yuan.

However, this is not without a solution.

The biggest flaw is in the space itself - after all, Fang Yuan himself is here. As long as he can erase the quantum information imprints remaining in this space while the clones outside are destroyed, this armored cavalry will be destroyed. Completely destroyed.

"Just in time, I have almost figured out what the extra dimension in this space is!" With that said, Fang Yuan directly opened the backpack with the [Ether] body on his back and took out the fist-sized Sage's Sword. Hold the stone tightly and place it between your eyebrows.

"[Ether], transform into soul state, open the deep connection again!" Fang Yuan knew that he had to take a risk at this time, so he no longer worried about the possible risk of mental pollution, and once again connected [Ether] with the depth of his soul Connection, the Creator and creation, humans and AI, spiritual wisdom and mechanical calculation, are once again integrated into one.

Not only that, Fang Yuan also turned the soul essence stored in the Philosopher's Stone into a wave state, which directly spread out of the body without passing through any medium and spread throughout the strange space.

Opening his eyes again, Fang Yuan now had a completely different vision.

"It turns out that this is what this space looks like..." Deeply integrated with the AI, and at the same time releasing soul matter outside the body as a contact medium, Fang Yuan finally saw the essence of this space from another angle.

Just as he concluded from his previous analysis, this is indeed an incomplete high-dimensional space.

It's not really a 4+1 dimension, but it's higher than the 3+1 dimensional space-time of the outside world, and it can barely be considered a 3.5+1 dimension.

However, this extra 0.5 dimension is not an extra spatial dimension that is perpendicular to the three spatial directions of length, width and height, but a spiritual dimension that is completely different from time and space, or in other words, a soul dimension! It is precisely because of this that Fang Yuan was able to see with his naked eyes the actions of the Iron Knights outside collecting souls when slaughtering civilians, and he could also see the scene of countless souls merging into the body of the old emperor.

At first, he thought that this space had specially marked the invisible souls in some way, but later he found out that it was not.

This is caused by the nature of this space itself. Humans can directly see the originally invisible souls here.

When he saw through this, he used his soul as a perspective to directly contact and observe this space, and finally discovered the true appearance of this space.

This is not really pitch black, nor is it the "highest place" or "tower of heaven" that overlooks the entire universe from a high place. This place is just piled up by endless souls, and a large amount of souls and souls have abruptly affected the space-time dimension, a high-dimensional spiritual space-time artificially created.

Fang Yuan knew that there was a high-dimensional essence in the soul, not just the human soul. All the aggregates of information and spirituality in the world, once they reached the standard of "soul", would produce some high-dimensional characteristics.

This high-dimensional characteristic is not only the true root of the soul as the universal equivalent of alchemy, but also the true foundation for humans and all the spirits in the world to sublimate the essence of life through cultivation or other means.

Without this high-dimensional foundation, the soul itself is just a chaotic and inefficient thinking algorithm, no different from a high-level AI that can pass the Turing test.

However, Fang Yuan never thought that someone would use this method to promote qualitative change through quantitative change, directly using a large number of souls as the cornerstone to artificially create a dimension that should not exist.

How did the super ancient Martian civilization become extinct?   Fang Yuan felt that he had found the answer!   ...   Of course, exclamation aside, archaeology aside, Fang Yuan's astonishment only lasted for a moment.

The next moment, he focused his attention on the business.

We have to deal with the armored cavalry that can split infinitely first! The third update will be released later')177'\u003eChapter 176 Hardcore Cracking \u0026 Soul Battle

With the help of a pure soul perspective, Fang Yuan was able to observe this strange space from another angle. He found that although he still could not move or attack at will, he still had the only effective means of interference - soul!   Since this entire space is made up of souls, theoretically, using souls of equal mass as tools can also directly interfere with this space itself.

In addition, the previous [Ether] tried to obtain higher authority from the perspective of the data network. Although it is not possible to interfere with the external space-time with the high-dimensional power of this space like the old emperor, it has at least determined the "physical" location of those cross-dimensional information interaction nodes - or, in other words, the soul location.

Well, those information interaction structures that communicate through the high-dimensional characteristics of this space correspond to specific locations at the soul level.

For example, the infinitely cloned armored cavalry relied on the immortal quantum information imprint. Although Fang Yuan did not know the specific storage address of this imprint at the data information level, he locked the location of the "server" storing this information! His solution was also very simple - Fang Yuan directly transformed the soul matter out of the body into a spiritual hammer, and smashed it hard on several information flow nodes marked by [Ether], completely destroying the carrier carrying the quantum information imprint of that [Ordichia].

Yes, it was such a simple and crude method!   I couldn't delete this information from the software level, so I just dismantled the "hard disk" used for storage from the "hardware" level!   This is also thanks to the high-dimensional characteristics of this semi-high-dimensional space given by the accumulation of a large number of souls, so that Fang Yuan, who is also proficient in soul operation, can have room to intervene. Otherwise, if the technology tree of those super-ancient alien civilizations tilted slightly in another direction and constructed a high-dimensional space in another way, Fang Yuan would really be at a loss.

The destruction that occurred at the spiritual level was mapped to the physical level, and a slight turbulence suddenly aroused in the entire strange space.

"Tsk, can't it be demolished by force..." Fang Yuan had to stop, he didn't want to destroy this space while also getting himself involved.

However, he did not continue to do it, but the old emperor on the other side was alarmed.

The inhuman who had completely transformed into a human form of light opened his eyes that had lost their practical meaning and looked at Fang Yuan's location. However, in the spiritual level, Fang Yuan saw another scene - a huge tentacle monster composed of countless wailing souls emerged from the darkness, and its tens of thousands of eyes filled with resentment, fear, hatred and curses stared at Fang Yuan's spirit at the same time, bringing him great pressure.

If Fang Yuan's soul was not protected by the [Ether] body outside and suppressed by the Gate of Truth inside, and his own spiritual soul strength had been strengthened to a certain extent in the process of going deep into the Gate of Truth again and again, otherwise, just this time, he would have to pass a round of three-value checks first.

"This guy... has completely turned into a monster!" Fang Yuan endured the heavy pressure from the soul level like a mountain, while trying to shrink the outward soul matter, and build a series of defensive barriers on the spiritual level to resist the opponent's spiritual erosion.

In the spiritual world, Fang Yuan's soul looks like a golden human figure, which is somewhat similar to the old emperor's light body. Outside of his spiritual body, there are layers upon layers of inexhaustible light. The crimson aperture calculated in number, and the innermost layer of the aperture, the crimson sphere that is like a substance and wraps Fang Yuan's entire spiritual body - this is the same body as Fang Yuan, turning into armor to protect him. The [ether] of the soul is projected in the spiritual world.

The huge soul monster stretched out a tentacle composed of countless wailing souls, and struck hard at Fang Yuan's spirit body, but was blocked by countless layers of soul shields that were uncertain in life and death.

If one hit fails, hit again! If one tentacle is not enough, add another tentacle! On the soul level, Fang Yuan once again started a new war with this monster who no longer knew what to call it. This time, what the two sides were fighting against was the soul that was the foundation of their own existence! Because of its size, the monster that has absorbed countless souls is at least ten times larger than Fang Yuan at the spiritual level. Therefore, facing an opponent whose size and strength are far greater than his own, Fang Yuan can only defend with all his strength in a short period of time. , unable to counterattack the opponent.

Bang——! Click, click, click - The sound of the spiritual shield being broken layer by layer kept ringing in Fang Yuan's ears, but he knew that this was just an illusion caused by the senses in the soul being transmitted to the body.

The true battle of souls is silent.

Bang——! Click——Another barrier was broken.

But it does not matter! If one layer is broken, another layer will be regenerated; if ten layers are broken, ten layers will be regenerated; if a hundred layers are broken, a hundred layers will be regenerated; if a thousand layers are broken, a thousand layers will be regenerated... Inside the Philosopher's Stone The soul reserve is enough for Fang Yuan to withstand the opponent's crazy attacks in a short period of time.

However, as more and more souls poured in from all corners of the Martian Empire, the pressure on Fang Yuan from this monster that could no longer be called a human was increasing.

If he continues like this, once the Philosopher's Stone in his hand is exhausted, he will still be unable to escape death! So, next we have to see if those reinforcements can help! "I hope you can move faster!" "Wait! The clone has stopped!" The Earth warriors who were engaged in a fierce battle outside the hyperspace gate suddenly discovered that the original number of armored cavalry had grown to several times that of their own. Suddenly it stopped copying itself.

I don’t even know why, the movements of all the machines froze at the same time, exposing flaws that should not have been exposed. The soldiers did not let go of this opportunity, and once again started coordinated operations, everyone and the machine opened fire Quan all gathered together and fired at all the clones at the same time.

The next moment—Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom—————! ! ! ! ! ! Continuous explosions sounded, and the huge shock wave completely disrupted the formation of the entire Earth's advance army. The flying drones flew around, and some even hit the soldiers' heads directly.

If their bodies had not turned into "iron bones" in the literal sense, there might have been a few more death reports added at this time - the cause of death was being crushed to death by our own unmanned mechanical units... However, this None of it is the point! The point is - "No more copies?!" The enemy that could not be completely defeated no matter how hard it was attacked was finally eliminated! "What's going on? Is this guy malfunctioning?" "Is it impossible? Is the Martian technology so easy to malfunction?" "...In short, we have won the battle, right?" "Quickly, notify the rear. , send the second batch of troops over and establish a frontline base! "...Third update, and I wish everyone a happy new year! ')178'\u003eChapter 177 Don't miss a chapter~

The time has come twelve years later... Well, don’t doubt it, you haven’t missed a chapter.

Although skipping the final battle and going directly to twelve years later is a bit too much, as if the author was too lazy to write the final battle that determined the outcome.

But don’t worry, please continue reading below——…Twelve years later, the moon, the lunar city.

A girl with beautiful short pink hair, beautiful appearance, and graceful figure walked into the door of the Anaheim headquarters.

"Hey - this is Anaheim's headquarters on the moon. It's completely different from the style on Earth!" The girl looked around, exclaiming from time to time, looking overly curious. Her appearance instantly caused the people around her to cast surprised glances at her.

"Excuse me, young lady, do you need any help?" A staff member saw that the girl seemed to be coming alone, and stepped forward to ask with some worry.

"Ah! Hello!" The girl was startled by the sudden conversation at first, and then she realized what she was doing. She hurriedly straightened her posture and said, "I'm here to see Uncle Fang!" Staff: "??? "..."...Then, Mr. Fang, the order for the new generation of hyperlight engines will be handed over to your company!" During the holographic video call, a general wearing a general's uniform said this, ending the meeting.

"Sir, there is a reminder from the front desk that Miss Lemulina is visiting."

The AI ​​prompt came to his ears, which made Fang Yuan come back to his senses from the exhaustion caused by the wrangling they had just been in contact with for a few hours.

"Okay, let's go and see what this little guy has done..." Fang Yuan stood up from his seat and walked towards the door of the office, which was in the direction of the elevator.

He didn't believe that the little girl who had been quirky and lively since she was a child suddenly came to the moon to find him for something serious. She must have caused some trouble... Ding——The elevator door opened, and the pink-haired girl looked up. Then he saw the familiar figure he hadn't seen for a long time. He jumped up with joy and flew towards the opponent with a rocket headbutt posture.

Bang—— There was a muffled sound. Someone was very shameless and directly held down the headbutt that was coming at high speed with one hand. The muffled sound made by the collision between the palm of his hand and the top of his head was painful! "Ah, it hurts, it hurts! Uncle! Why are you so ignorant of amorous feelings! This is a young and beautiful girl who has taken the initiative to throw herself into her arms! You actually refused so cruelly?!" The girl had tears in her eyes and rubbed her forehead. While complaining, she always felt that Uncle Fang, who took her family away from the moon, cured her disability, and has been supporting her healthy and safe growth to this day, is actually gay, right? Otherwise, this would be completely unreasonable! It's been more than ten years, and he hasn't seen her have a girlfriend, let alone get married. Even her mother tried to tempt her a few times, but he completely ignored her - this is either incompetence or gay. Bar! ! ! Collapse! As if he could guess the messy things in the little girl's mind, Fang Yuan gave the other party a blow without hesitation.

"It hurts! (\u003e﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏' He didn't accept this trick at all and started asking about business.

Normally, whenever he said this, the little girl would sneer sheepishly and ask Fang Yuan to help her say something nice in front of her mother.

But this time, the girl held her head high and chest out uncharacteristically, and said proudly: "I didn't cause any trouble! I'm here to sign up for the first deep space expedition! I want to be a space explorer!" ...[Ether], arrange for my private spaceship to be taken back to Earth!" Fang Yuan said expressionlessly.

"Hey - wait! Uncle, listen to me! I'm serious! I'm really not joking!" When he heard that he was going to be sent away, the pink-haired girl showed no restraint like a girl. He hugged Fang's thigh, with a posture of not letting go even if he was beaten to death, struggling desperately to try to save the situation.

"...Last time you said you planned to join the army, but I took you to participate in military training but you couldn't last even a week; and last time, you said you were interested in scientific research, and I arranged for you to go to Ana I interned in Heim's laboratory, but it only lasted for three minutes. After a few days, I got tired and quit... Do you want me to continue?" Every time Fang Yuan said something, the girl's face became more embarrassed. , in the end, she was too embarrassed to hold Fang Yuan's thigh any longer, so she could only stand up from the ground, patted the non-existent dust on the corners of her skirt, stood upright and pretended to be Looks like a good baby.

"Tell me, why are you going to participate in the deep space expedition this time? Don't think that this is an outing in a suburban park. This is an adventure to a completely unknown planet. It is ten times and a hundred times more difficult than military training. "Although Fang Yuan knew that this little girl was very uncertain and only took three minutes to do everything, which blinded her brilliant mind that could be regarded as a genius, but looking at her appearance this time, it seemed that her attitude was really very serious. Firm, so he wanted to ask what was going on.

"This, this..." The girl's index fingers on her chest were pointing at each other. She was speechless for a moment, as if she was embarrassed to speak.

"Is there a boyfriend in the expedition team?" Fang Yuan gave the most likely guess.

"That's not true!" The girl blushed and retorted: "I...I don't have a boyfriend!" "...Well, it's not a boyfriend, it's a girlfriend? Although I don't discriminate against homosexuals, but your mother It seems hard to accept..." Fang Yuan joked casually.

"...Can you guess this?" The girl's eyes widened with an incredible expression on her face.

"..." Fang Yuan's expression was even more exciting. He had no idea that the original Martian princess who was supposed to be infatuated with a certain male lead in her original destiny would actually go astray like Lily! Did his education make this girl crooked? "Who is she?" Fang Yuan was a little curious.

"Well... her name is Seram, she is a friend I met in school..." Lemulina said with a blushing face.

What? Seram? Isn't this... the alias of the real Martian princess in the anime plot? ! "I still have her photo here, look!" With that said, the girl took out her terminal and projected the figure of a girl with short brown hair in the air.

Although the difference between the faces in the second dimension and the third dimension is very large, Fang Yuan had seen the girl in the picture when she was young, so he recognized her identity at a glance - "..." It's really... Fourth update, additional update')179'\u003eChapter 178 Princess Lily \u0026 Two Fang Yuan

Seram, the former princess of the Weiser Empire, Eseiram Weiser Eliosia, had her soul extracted by Fang Yuan in the war twelve years ago, and her body was destroyed in the aftermath of the battle.

But after the war, out of a little pity in his heart, Fang Yuan removed the foreign soul mixed in her soul and refining a body to revive her.

Unfortunately, it is not known whether it was because Fang Yuan's soul surgery skills were too cliché or her own soul was already damaged. When she was resurrected, she fell into a deep coma like a vegetative person.

Fang Yuan had no choice but to bring her back to Earth and let the medical institutions under Anaheim Company take good care of her.

However, one night a few years later, she disappeared from the hospital bed like a ghost, completely losing her trace. Even if Fang Yuan used the power of Anaheim and the technical strength of [Ether], he could not find her.

She just disappeared from the world! Many years have passed, and Fang Yuan has even forgotten the existence of the original heroine, but today, she reappeared in front of Fang Yuan in a very impressive way - the two original Martian princesses turned into lesbians, and the objects of their love are actually their own sisters, what should they do? Waiting online, urgent! Upon hearing such explosive news, Fang Yuan was a little panicked and asked for support from another self deep in his consciousness, but the other side only replied with four words and a punctuation mark - well done! ... What does well done mean? ! ! Is it a good thing to turn a pair of young girls into lesbians? ! ! Well, from the perspective of preventing being seduced by the yellow-haired minotaur, Fang Yuan did do a great deed, but... this is definitely not the way he expected to achieve it! ! ! Fang Yuan was struggling... ... Well, everyone should have noticed.

That's right, the "Fang Yuan" who has been in this world for more than ten years is not the original Fang Yuan! To be precise, he is actually a clone created by Fang Yuan using quantum replication technology. After he left this world as the original body, he stayed in this world to continue running the already established Anaheim Company.

All this started from the battle twelve years ago.

Being trapped in a high-dimensional space and unable to move, and being forced to fight a life-or-death soul battle with the opponent who has become a monster in the form of a soul, this can be said to be the most dangerous and difficult battle Fang Yuan has ever encountered.

Although [Ether] is still struggling to seize more authority from the core network of the super-ancient alien civilization, and although the reinforcements from the earth are trying to strangle the variously strengthened Iron Knights.

However, for Fang Yuan, he still has to face a terrifying enemy with a total soul volume that is ten or even a hundred times his own alone.

In the confrontation and fight between souls, Fang Yuan forgot about time and everything that happened in the outside world. He devoted his whole heart and soul to this seemingly hopeless struggle. The battle of souls was not something Fang Yuan could retreat from. Since he had made a choice and extended the struggle to the soul level, the end of the war could only end with one side being completely eliminated.

The most dangerous time was when the Earth United Army in the outside world finally defeated all the Mars Knights who had transformed into steel undead and completely cut off the soul supply of this monster.

The soul monster, which had lost the way to increase its strength, fell into an unprecedented frenzy. Its desire for more souls even overwhelmed its remaining rationality. It desperately absorbed the soul foundation of this semi-high-dimensional space!   The foundation of the spiritual dimension was eaten away, which naturally shook the stability of this semi-high-dimensional space. What would happen when it fell from 3.5+1 dimensions to 3+1 dimensions of space and time? Even Fang Yuan plus the computing power of [Ether] could not calculate it at all.

Maybe it was just a smooth and natural dimensional reduction of space, without any abnormality; Maybe it would be like a hyperspace gate out of control, with violent space changes tearing the entire Mars apart; Or maybe it would simply create a black hole... No matter how terrible the change is, it could happen.

But Fang Yuan didn't think about whether the collapsed space would destroy his body.

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