Because, when the soul monster transformed by the old emperor devoured the soul that constructed the space itself, the truth hidden behind the darkness, the "god" that the old emperor had been thinking about, finally revealed its true face.

Although it was just a glimpse, Fang Yuan still saw it. It was a huge, star-sized, and even a huge luminous sphere that made people lose their sense of size. It was hidden in a higher dimension than the semi-high-dimensional space that was collapsing.

But this was not a star. Fang Yuan's soul vision could see that the light ball reflected the scene of the infinite world! Then, the next moment, his consciousness was overwhelmed by the infinite information that suddenly poured into his brain.

At the last moment, he only had time to let [Ether] control the authority that had been seized, and used quantum replication to copy another him and send it to the outside world, and then he completely lost consciousness.

... When Fang Yuan woke up, he found that he had returned to the outside world. The space maze and the strange space deep in the maze had disappeared, and the dazzling light column towering in the sky had also disappeared. The matter was over! Then, he realized that in the depths of his consciousness, behind the towering Gate of Truth, there seemed to be an inseparable connection.

That was... another self!   It was amazing. According to Fang Yuan's analysis, this quantum clone in this world can actually only copy the human body but not the soul. That is to say, even if you copy a million clones at once, you still have only one soul. It just exists in all individuals at the same time with the help of the high-dimensional characteristics of the soul itself. Therefore, each clone can be regarded as the original body, and as long as one original body is not dead, it will not really die even if it is killed many times.

But the current situation is that Fang Yuan found that he was actually split into two at the soul level!   Not only him, but even the [Ether] composed of the Philosopher's Stone was copied together!   When Fang Yuan in the A/Z world contacted himself who had returned to the real world through the Gate of Truth, he finally confirmed this.

However, on the other hand, Fang Yuan's soul itself did not have any defects. This division did not seem to be a simple and rough split of Fang Yuan's soul from the middle, but more like a projection. The two souls were each other's main body, mutual projection, and mutual resonance, but in essence they were actually one, and it did not matter which was the main body and which was the clone.

It can be said that no matter which Fang Yuan, it was the real Fang Yuan.

')180'\u003eChapter 179 Mission Truth \u0026 Sequelae

Fang Yuan, who woke up from his sleep, felt as if he had a hangover, and he was so dizzy that he could not even get up from the bed.

When he struggled to drink two large glasses of ice water, and then almost crawled into the bathroom to wash his face, he finally sobered up a little.

When his consciousness was completely restored, he realized that he was almost killed by the Gate of Truth this time!   …  At the end of the battle with the soul monster, when the semi-high-dimensional space built by souls collapsed, Fang Yuan saw what was covered by this space, no, it should be said that it was sealed behind it.

The old emperor was right, it was indeed a "God"!   However, this "God" was not a benevolent God who would accept human prayers and beliefs and reward with blessings and divine power, but a God who regarded mortals as ants and dust, possessed a way of thinking that humans could not imagine, and was the supreme ruler of the universe, the God of Time and Space, the One who brought all things into unity, the Lord of the Gate, the almighty and immortal Lord of the Beginning, the Outer God - a part of Yog-Sothoth...!   When Fang Yuan learned this, he also understood the real purpose of his time travel, which was to release the heavily sealed incarnation for the real master behind the Gate of Truth!   Yes, on Mars in the A/Z world, there is an incarnation of an Outer God who can be regarded as a big boss in the entire multiverse, and according to Fang Yuan's analysis, this incarnation was most likely sealed by the ultra-ancient Martian civilization who sacrificed their lives and souls as a whole! Fang Yuan didn't know how powerful the ancient Martian civilization was, that they could seal an Outer God as a mortal race, and it was the incarnation of one of the Three Pillar Gods! Was he crazy or was this world crazy? Or was it that ancient Martian civilization that was crazy? In short, when Fang Yuan came to his senses, he had to admire this unknown ancient civilization - they had achieved a feat that was even more powerful than the great race of Iss who could travel through time at will! Unfortunately, no matter how great the sacrifices were, no matter how magnificent the seals were, the seals of mortal civilizations were still at the level of mortals.

Although they had sealed an incarnation of Yog-Sothoth incredibly, the incarnation of the Outer God in the seal could still infiltrate the outside world, tempting those who were weak-willed or unlucky to come and uncover the seal.

The first emperor who established the Weiser Empire and was fought by Fang Yuan as the final boss was the poor guy who was chosen.

He thought he was inspired by God and would lead his family and people to the Kingdom of God and be with God.

But in fact, he was just chosen to be the executor of the seal.

And Fang Yuan was an excellent assistant sent by the outer god himself.

Under the hands of an invisible hand named "Destiny", it was precisely because of the conflict and battle between Fang Yuan and the old emperor that he pushed the other party to the limit step by step, and finally had to eat the foundation stone of the soul that built the seal itself, and finally successfully collapsed. Destroying the entire sealed space, releasing the incarnation of the alien god hidden in another dimension.

No wonder there is no toll for this crossing. He is working for a big boss, so the expenses will naturally be reimbursed by the boss.

But this mission is also really dangerous.

The most dangerous thing is not his deceptive disability after time travel, nor the war between Earthlings and Martians, nor the lunar explosion that can kill half of the Earthlings, nor the nearly losing his soul to the entire life in the final battle. The soul-swallowing monster.

The real danger is the incarnation of the alien god sealed behind the semi-high-dimensional space! When Fang Yuan observed the other party with his own soul, high-dimensional information far beyond the scope of his understanding was poured into his consciousness. At that moment, if the door of truth in his mind hadn't protected him, His mind and his San value have been cleared long ago! But even so, looking directly at the incarnation of an alien god from zero distance (looking directly from the soul, it is really zero distance) still has a huge impact on Fang Yuan's consciousness.

At least, the feeling I feel now, as if I stayed up all night playing games for three days and three nights and then drank until I was drunk without rest, is the most obvious side effect.

Others, such as the various physical formulas that have never been seen before but seem to be understood at a glance, the soft whispers in the ears that seem to come from another world, and the uninhibited thoughts that seem to start a brainstorming session. Control the thoughts that come out... Fang Yuan felt that his whole body was not well.

Because of this poor physical condition, he had to give up his plan to return to China that day and continued to stay in this hotel in England for several days. Until his spirit recovered enough to concentrate on performing alchemy, he felt a little better. Staggeringly, I flew all the way back to China.

... "I said, Master Fang, are you... squeezed dry?" A month later, Fang Yuan came to the banquet at the invitation of the Taoist priest.

Well, it's not an ordinary banquet, but a "Danyuan Banquet" with very Taoist characteristics.

That means tasting freshly baked elixirs.

Although Fang Yuan was still suffering from the side effects of looking directly at the foreign gods, and his physical and mental state were at a low point, he still came.

On the one hand, he stayed at home for a long time and needed to go out to relax. On the other hand, he was really interested in orthodox Taoist elixirs.

However, when he arrived at the Taoist temple in Zhongnan Mountain, the Taoist priest who came to greet him said "squeeze it dry". He had absolutely no moral virtues of a pure cultivator. He was really a fake Taoist priest! "Don't mention it, I got screwed this time!" Fang Yuan's face was filled with a "It's hard to explain" expression. Seeing this, the Taoist priest knew it and didn't continue to talk about this topic.

While inviting Fang Yuan into the temple, the Taoist priest said conspicuously: "Seeing that your face is pale, your steps are unsteady, and your body is indeed a little weak. This time I just made a batch of Sheng Yuan Dan, which is best for replenishing vitality. You Take a few pills to replenish yourself! "Okay, are you still stuck on the issue of his bad complexion... But there is nothing we can do about it, after all, Fang Yuan has barely slept in the past month.

Now, when he opens his eyes, formulas and theorems that fill his field of view are flashing across the screen like a barrage at Station B. When he closes his eyes, various essential images of the universe, time and space burst out from his mind, directly simulating the dimensional model of the universe in his mind. ! If he hadn't used alchemy and alchemy to maintain and repair his brain, he believed that half of his brain cells would have died within a week! "It's okay, I've been restless recently, and even my inner alchemy practice has declined a lot. I really need to make up for it!" Although he was very embarrassed, Fang Yuan was indeed very covetous of the Taoist priest's elixir.

After all, there is only one Taoist priest in the main world who possesses orthodox Taoist magic power. Naturally, he is the only one who can refine truly effective Taoist elixirs using ancient methods.

The elixirs he sells can be said to be priceless but not marketable! Now that the Taoist priest is determined to hold a Danyuan Banquet, Fang Yuan naturally cannot miss it! The third update later')181'\u003eChapter 180 A heart-breaking conversation

Although it is a banquet, it is not a gathering of ordinary people. There is no big fish, big meat, delicacies from the mountains and seas, nor is it a fairy feast like the fairy tales. Dragon liver, phoenix marrow, fine wine and jade liquid are all things that you don't have to think about.

A pot of tea, a few elixirs, and some preserved and dried fruits secretly prepared by Taoism, this is what this "Alchemy Banquet" is all about.

Although the banquet was very simple, the effectiveness of this elixir was not fake.

Fang Yuan took three Shengyuan Pills to replenish vitality, and his pale face immediately turned rosy visibly, and the depression caused by being unable to sleep for a long time was greatly relieved.

"Your elixir is really good! It seems that I came to the right place today!" Fang Yuan quite praised the Taoist priest's craftsmanship.

"Tell me, how did you end up like this?" During the chat, the Taoist priest still didn't forget Fang Yuan's previous appearance as if he was suffering from severe kidney deficiency.

"..." Fang Yuan was silent for a while, then thought about it and said: "Let's put it this way, it's equivalent to Sanqing Tianzun asking you to complete a task. The entire task process is very dangerous and there is a narrow escape from death. After you complete the task, you will be given The reward is that the knowledge of the divine channel method is flashing in front of your eyes like a screen. You are practicing even when you sleep. For a month, you will become what I am now!" "... Sanqing Tianzun asked me to be a little boy! The Taoist priest has completed the mission? Are you really good at joking..." The Taoist priest was suddenly stunned as he spoke, and he immediately realized the meaning of Fang Yuan's words - the source of his magic power was unknown, but he believed that it was three Qing Tianzun gave blessings, so who would be Fang Yuan's "Three Qing Tianzun" who uses alchemy to possess the door of truth? "Could it be were summoned by that big shot?" Fang Yuan was silent and nodded.

Taoist priest: "Hiss--" He took a breath of air.

The Taoist priest is also born in the 90s, so he has naturally watched the anime series of Steel. He even knows that many research parties on the Internet have confirmed that the truth in the anime is Yog-Sothoth in the Cthulhu Mythos. An incarnation of... As a member of the system, the Taoist priest certainly knows that the Cthulhu myth is not false, and that various indescribable monsters and old rulers do exist somewhere outside the world.

The most typical one is that Fang Yuan had an accident when he first participated in the exploration of the secret realm. A swarm of earth-burrowing demon insects popped out and almost rushed into the real world. Then there was another incarnation of one of the three supreme gods. It seemed that It's not impossible... Looking at it this way, Fang Yuan is really in big trouble! "Don't... don't tell me that the big boss is coming in person, right?" the Taoist priest asked stuttering.

Taoist priests who have read various Cthulhu series novels, played many Cthulhu-based games, and even formed a team to run with others cannot dare to imagine that when an Old Dominator or an Old One really pops up in the real world, What will be the outcome of the Outer God?

"You ask me, who am I asking?" Fang Yuan rolled his eyes. Even he himself was not sure what the will behind the Gate of Truth wanted to do.

In other words, as a human being, he wants to use human thinking to figure out the purpose of an alien god. This is a very ridiculous thing in itself.

"..." The Taoist priest was speechless, and he also realized that it was useless to ask Fang Yuan about this kind of thing. This kind of existence far beyond the imagination of ordinary people, as long as its essence is 10% as described by Lovecraft. One, no, one hundredth, or even one thousandth or one ten thousandth of the intensity, then no matter what He wants to do, even a mere square yuan cannot stop it! But having said that, the Taoist priest was still a little worried: "Can I take the liberty to ask, what mission did the big boss assign to you?" "...There is nothing bad to say, just go to another planet to release Him. A sealed incarnation."

Well, Fang Yuan didn't lie. He did go to another planet (Mars) and released an incarnation of Bubble Boss.

It's just that he didn't say that this planet is not a planet in this world or this universe.

Even so, his answer completely stunned the Taoist priest.

"Another...another planet? No, no! That's not the actually, actually released the incarnation of an alien god?!" The Taoist priest almost wanted to pick a fight, but he never expected that he was so good at talking to him. My fellow Taoist actually did such...such a crazy thing! Yes, in the eyes of the Taoist priest, Fang Yuan's act of unsealing the incarnation of the foreign god can indeed be called crazy - after all, God knows what horrific disasters this incarnation of the foreign god will cause after being released! "It was only at the end that I realized that my actions actually contributed to the breaking of the seal.

It wasn't until the end that I realized that every move I made was clearly planned... You wouldn't understand this feeling, right? Fang Yuan said with a sigh.

Yes, I don't understand... What I don't understand is why you can still sit here so peacefully! "...Aren't you worried about the safety of the earth?" The Taoist priest didn't know how Fang Yuan was arranged so clearly. The key now is, how long can the earth and human beings survive? "Don't worry, we weren't destroyed as soon as the avatar came out of the seal, which means nothing is wrong!" Fang Yuan was very calm.

After all, God Bubble can be regarded as the most "harmless" alien god among all the Cthulhu mythos.

Well, the harmlessness here does not mean that he is not powerful. As one of the three pillars of gods under the supreme Azathoth, and also the supreme existence that represents the concepts of time and space, his power even in all external It is also second to none among gods.

But unlike other old rulers and outer gods, most of whom have unspeakable malice and hatred towards humans and even other civilizations, Yog-Sothoth himself has no malice towards humans - and of course there is no goodwill. .

According to the camp division of DND, the God of Bubbles should be regarded as an absolutely neutral camp. As long as humans do not die to anger him or try to use his power, he will not deliberately bring disasters to humans.

After hearing Fang Yuan's statement, the Taoist calmed down, but he was still worried, so he continued to ask: "But there is a premise. The incarnation you rescued should not represent the dark and evil side of the Bubble God, right?" "... I don't know... Anyway, I can be sure that He is not the God of Future and Time, nor the Ancient Eternal, nor the Lurker of the Gate, but an unknown incarnation that does not exist in any human record."

Since he has been closely watched by the big boss, and he is not sure what the reaction will be if he says the names of these foreign god incarnations, Fang Yuan has always called them by their nicknames, and dare not call their real names directly - although his human vocal cords cannot accurately say the names of these indescribable gods.

"Unknown incarnation... I have limited knowledge of Cthulhu mythology.

Give me a definite answer, will it really be okay?" The Taoist heard that the one released by Fang Yuan was not the most troublesome God of Future and Time, Afugomon, and he was relieved but still a little worried.

"..." Fang Yuan responded with a long silence.

Taoist priest: "..." The third update is here')182'\u003eChapter 181 The charcoal-like invader

The Danyuan Feast that day ended in such a heavy atmosphere.

In the next few months, Fang Yuan tried to adapt to the sequelae of being forced to indoctrinate knowledge, while sorting out his gains from this time of crossing.

Because it was also a soul crossing, Fang Yuan did not bring back any physical items as usual. Even his original abundant Philosopher's Stone was consumed a lot because of the soul battle with the old emperor who turned into a monster in the last battle. From this level, his crossing this time can be said to have lost a lot.

However, if the knowledge he gained from the other world is counted, it is a completely different matter.

Let alone the "side effects" of the 24-hour uninterrupted knowledge brainwashing bombardment he gained by looking directly at the incarnation of the outer god, the Aldnoah technology he obtained from Martian technology alone is already a very, very huge gain! The most important thing is that after testing, Fang Yuan discovered that the core element of Aldnoah technology, the different dimension that can provide infinite energy and even trigger various magical space effects, also exists in the real world! After confirming this, Fang Yuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that his luck is not bad. The black technology that he has collected for several years has not become meaningless garbage because of the change of world. It is not in vain.

In this case, the value of the clone he left in the A/Z world is even greater. With a large technology company as a backing, and an entire ancient civilization ruins on Mars for him to explore and study, more black technology will be continuously transported from another world, saving Fang Yuan in the real world a lot of research and development time.

So, the next thing he should consider is whether to copy the Anaheim model in this world.

But after thinking about it, Fang Yuan gave up this idea.

After all, the real world is not the A/Z world. With the imminent threat of the Martian Empire, the Earth United Government has no restrictions on the emergence of large monopoly companies like Anaheim, and even more welcomes the development of such powerful technology companies.

But this does not work on the Earth in the real world.

There are no external enemies here, the international order is generally stable, and the anti-monopoly laws of major countries have become increasingly mature. No modern industrial country will allow such a monopoly company to emerge.

Moreover, in the final analysis, he has deeply understood in the A/Z world how tedious and painful it is to control a large company.

Especially for researchers like him, it is really boring to take out several hours every day to deal with those "complicated trivial matters" that are not related to scientific research.

——Since there is already another him doing this, there is no need for him to jump into this pit again.

So, Fang Yuan returned to the main world and returned to the rhythm of life at the beginning.

Well, of course, the bigger reason is that he still hasn't gotten rid of the sequelae of not knowing whether to say happiness or pain, unable to concentrate for a long time, and his strength based on alchemy is severely limited, so he doesn't have the mind to wander around in this deep water main world.

However, just like the protagonists of most online novels always unconsciously encounter various troubles, although Fang Yuan himself has no intention of going out to find trouble, sometimes troubles will come to him.

Just one morning, Fang Yuan, who had just survived a night of Big Bang model deduction, got up and saw a charred humanoid object lying under his window sill.

"... [Ether], what's going on?" Although the appearance of the thing on the ground looked completely carbonized, it still maintained a roughly complete human shape. Fang Yuan could even sense the little bit of weak vitality that stubbornly persisted inside this "charred corpse" - in other words, this thing is not dead yet! "At 3 a.m. last night, the intruder broke into the room from the windowsill. For safety reasons, the automatic defense system was activated, completely neutralizing the intruder."

[Ether]'s answer did not exceed Fang Yuan's expectations. After all, the security and vigilance work was the task assigned to it by Fang Yuan.

"Why didn't I hear any noise?" "In view of your poor sleep recently, Master, I took the initiative to open the space barrier and isolate it until you wake up."

Well, it is indeed a considerate AI, even taking into account Fang Yuan's recent lack of sleep.

However, this is not the point.

The point is - "Then why did you hurt this guy like this? I remember setting the defense limits for you, right?" [Ether] is not a human being who can whitewash it. It says it is powerless. It was definitely a blow that was just right enough to render a person powerless.

But this lump in front of me... was it just pulled out of the incinerator? ! "I'm sorry, but because the intruder's regeneration ability is very strong, he had no choice but to use lethal weapons.

However, the carbonization of the target's body surface was not caused by my attack, but the natural reaction of the target after being exposed to sunlight. "

[Ether] explained unhurriedly, and at the same time played Fang Yuan a video surveillance video from last night.

Indeed, as it says, this intruder's resistance and resilience are ridiculously high when faced with stun guns, tranquilizer guns, incapacitating bullets, and even ordinary firearm bullets.

If [Aether] hadn't locked the opponent in a closed space as soon as he broke in, the mere movement to bring it down would have been enough to wake up the residents of the entire block.

In the end, the opponent was cut into seventeen pieces with a high-energy laser, and the intruder, who was not willing to give up and had ridiculous resilience, was completely defeated.

But even so, the invaders who were divided by seventeen are still not dead! Before the sun rose, the lump of flesh sealed in the closed space had been squirming and trying to regenerate, and it took several hours to regain its rough human shape.

However, all this came to an abrupt end after the sun rose.

One thing to note here is that the house Fang Yuan lives in is on the easternmost side of the entire floor, so...unfortunately, the window sill where the intruder was when he climbed in happened to be on the east side, and the sun was shining brightly after it rose. The sunlight coming down hit him directly.

Then came the scene that Fang Yuan had just seen. The intruder, who was originally extremely immortal, immediately turned into a salted fish under the sun. It was also the kind of charred salted fish that was accidentally burnt by a novice chef. It was about to be completely carbonized into ash.

Sorry, today's update is a bit late')183'\u003eChapter 182 The Imprisoned Vampire Girl

"What a magical creature!" This is no longer Fang Yuan's residence in the city center, but an underground laboratory he established outside the city.

What was in front of him was the intruder who broke into his room at night and was knocked down by the defense system set up by [Ether].

But now she, no, I should say she, is no longer the charred corpse she was before, almost ready to be buried, but has regained her healthy limbs, fair skin, and even her long, smooth hair. They were all regenerated directly.

This guy is definitely not human! Thinking of her reaction when she was almost burned to ashes in the sun, Fang Yuan thought of a famous legendary creature - a vampire! Incredible immortality, high-speed recovery ability, fear of sunlight, and... most importantly, a pair of mutated canine teeth! In order to determine whether the other party was the legendary vampire, Fang Yuan even took the time to fly to the next city, "borrowed" a cross from the only church in several nearby cities, and placed it on the intruder's body. .

Sure enough, as soon as it came into contact with the other party's skin, the supposedly harmless cross suddenly became like a soldering iron. The surface in contact with the skin made a "sizzling" sound, and smoke generated by the carbonization and combustion of organic matter came up. There was even a sound. The rich aroma of meat like barbecue... Gudu - Smelling the aroma of barbecue, Fang Yuan couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva - he was a little hungry.

Look at the human figure lying under his hand...well, this is not food.

Fang Yuan put away the cross with some regret, and then discovered that the cross-shaped scorch marks on the other party's body were recovering extremely slowly.

It seems certain that this is a vampire! I just don’t know which system of vampire he is.

Is it the kind of traditional vampire in Western legends that can atomize, shape-shift, suck blood, turn into a werewolf, is afraid of sunlight, and cannot cross running water? Or should they be counted as undead creatures in the DND system, vampires who are afraid of positive energy strikes? Or the kind of extrahuman creatures in Xingyue that have advanced along the way from ghouls, living corpses, vampires, and dead apostles? Or is it the kind of real vampire in "Hellsing" who uses the soul as currency and has almost explosive immortality? Fang Yuan is currently unable to determine.

But one thing he could confirm was that this vampire was really not very lucky.

You said that in such a big city, why did they just run to Fang Yuan's neighborhood?   It would be fine if they ran to the neighborhood. There are so many residents, why not find any house? Why did they crawl into Fang Yuan's house?   Now it's all over, right...   "But how to deal with this guy is a problem..."   Unlike the ghouls and burrowing demons that Fang Yuan had killed before, no matter which system vampires are from, as long as they are not too low-level and have no self-awareness, they can basically have similar thinking to humans, that is, they can communicate.

Therefore, Fang Yuan did not kill this poor vampire who had just crawled back from the brink of death immediately.

Well, it was not because he was soft-hearted when he saw that the other party was a cute girl, he just felt that a living vampire was much more valuable than a pool of ashes after death.

Yes, that's right! That's it!   But the premise of all this is that she can regain her sanity after waking up! Yes, Fang Yuan had discovered when he was watching the surveillance video before that this vampire who looked like a young girl seemed to be in some kind of violent and crazy state.

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