How did you get it? Well, anyone who has seen the figure in the picture with red eyes, an open mouth, salivation, and a beast-like roar can come to this conclusion.

Fang Yuan was even a little lucky that the other person seemed to run towards him as soon as he appeared. Otherwise, if such a crazy vampire were left on the street, God knows how many murders would result! No, maybe someone has been victimized somewhere he doesn't know about... Thinking of this, Fang Yuan's eyes towards this female vampire became sinister.

..."Hmm--" When the girl woke up, she found that her whole body was firmly restrained on a metal seat, with mirror-like bright walls all around and above her head. She didn't know where to start. The light from everywhere illuminates this small space.

But, more importantly, all the moving joints and nerve nodes of her body were firmly nailed with silver wedges, which not only caused her severe pain, but also made her unable to move a finger.

"Private...ここはどこですか? (I...where am I?)" The girl seemed to be very confused and panicked about her situation. Although she couldn't even move a finger, she still struggled hard. He didn't even care about the wounds that were being torn apart by the long silver nails that had penetrated his body during the struggle.

The non-human body functions gave her great strength. If Fang Yuan hadn't used the brackets and shackles that were made of high-strength alloys, she would have been able to break free.

However, what surprised Fang Yuan was - "You actually spoke Japanese?" He didn't expect that this vampire with the appearance of a girl was actually Japanese.

Well, in other words, she was a Japanese "when she was alive".

"Tsk, I only know a little bit of Japanese..." It's not that Fang Yuan has never learned foreign languages. In fact, during those days in the Resident Evil world, he had already taught himself French, Russian, Spanish, and Arabic, plus Learning Chinese and English, which he already knows, is equivalent to learning all six official languages ​​of the United Nations.

However, he didn't know much about Japanese except for some superficial knowledge he had learned while watching some educational movies. It was even difficult for him to communicate with Japanese people on a daily basis.

"...Forget it, [Ether], enable deep connection and load the Japanese language pack for me!" In order to facilitate communication, but too lazy to spend time learning a new foreign language, Fang Yuan just cheated.

He directly made [Ether] highly integrated with his own spirit, and with the help of artificial intelligence's data writing ability, he packaged and imprinted all the Japanese language templates into his mind - just like a computer system downloading a brand new language pack. , convenient, fast and without side effects, it is really a plug-in artifact that foreign language students dream of! Two minutes later, Fang Yuan opened his eyes.

"What's your name? (What's your name?)" A fluent standard Japanese came from Fang Yuan's mouth and reached the girl's ears through the speaker hidden behind the one-way mirror.

"Ah! Who are you? Why are you tying me up? Let me out quickly! Someone...someone will save me!" After hearing the strange voice, the girl not only did not calm down, but actually struggled even more fiercely. , and while shaking his body trying to get himself off the fixed bracket, he screamed for help.

"Hmph! Cry, scream, struggle! Even if your throat is broken by screaming, no one will come to save you!" Fang Yuan wanted to say this to respond to the situation, but he also knew that doing so would only make the other party fall into trouble. An even more panicked state was not conducive to his subsequent interrogation, so he regretfully gave up the idea.

The second update, the remaining one is at night')184'\u003eChapter 183: The first spare tire of Xingyue?

"Miss Vampire, please be quiet, otherwise I will have to cut you into seventeen pieces again, or what do you think of sunbathing?" Well, Fang Yuan's threats decisively had an effect, making the person who has been struggling The sitting vampire girl immediately became as frightened as a quail and did not dare to move.

Fang Yuan sighed. To be honest, he didn't want to use an inefficient method like interrogation to obtain information. If possible, it would be best to directly scan the brain and obtain all the memories like before. .

Unfortunately, although the vampire in front of her still looks humanoid, her body structure is actually completely out of the human category.

Especially her brain. Although when she opened her skull, she still saw a brain that looked like a human brain. However, after analyzing it with alchemy, Fang Yuan discovered that the other party's brain had actually lost its physical structure in the conventional sense. It's another kind of special energy crystal that has never been seen before. It just mimics the appearance of the human brain.

(Well, what exactly did Fang Yuan do to the vampire lady before she woke up... Readers, please use your imagination...) In this case, directly reading the memory is no longer feasible.

After all, Fang Yuan's ability to scan and read the human brain relies on his in-depth understanding of the structure and operation of the human brain's nerves, as well as the computing power of [ether] as a backing. Only in this way can the neurons in the human brain be scanned and read. Signal reads are translated into accessible memory.

But as for how the vampire brain works... Fang Yuan said that he would have to dissect hundreds of vampires to find out.

So now he had to interrogate the vampire in such an inefficient and cumbersome way.

Fortunately, his intimidation effect just now was very effective. The vampire girl who was originally panicking and making a fuss was completely frightened and did not even dare to make a louder sound.

"...Please...please don't hurt me...I didn't want to suck blood...I didn't want to kill someone...I...I just couldn't help it..." The little girl sobbed and begged in a low voice, matching her current miserable appearance. , looking extremely pitiful.

However, Fang Yuan didn't have the slightest pity, and continued to interrogate him with a heart of stone: "Since you don't want to suffer, then answer my question! Your name!" "...Gongzuka...Gongzuka Wushu."

The girl said in a voice that was not much louder than a cat meowing.

Fang Yuan: "..." What? Yuzuka Satsuki? Is she the completely non-existent No. 1 spare tire of Xingyue, one of the threesome in the alley, the most tragic heroine in the legend who had her entire storyline cut off because of Nasu Mushroom's laziness? Okay, I pulled up Yuzuka Satsuki's character picture from the Internet, and then took a closer look at the appearance of the vampire girl. She did indeed look like a female high school student. Her hair was also chestnut, and the current picture was weak. The angry look also fits the quiet persona.

And judging from the fact that the opponent does not react much to silver weapons, but is afraid of the damage of the cross, it does conform to the Dead Apostle setting of the Xingyue system. Yuzuka Satsuki that weak? You were knocked down by [Ether] so easily. Where is your Dead Apostle power? Where is your unique barrier, the Exhausted Garden? No, no, no, wait a minute! According to the setting of the mushroom, this unique barrier and courtyard of exhaustion does have a natural enemy effect on creatures such as magicians who use magic to attack and elves who require magic for survival, but it is separated from the world (that is, not very Normal humans and inanimate machines using magic in the atmosphere have no effect.

In other words, just because she was easily subdued by [Ether] does not mean that she is really weak.

But, on the other hand, her survivability and regeneration abilities are a bit over the top.

First of all, according to the Dead Apostles setting in Xingyue, for ordinary Dead Apostles, as long as they have not reached the level of the Twenty-seventh Ancestor, the brain and heart are undoubtedly the most critical points. Once destroyed, almost no one can survive. .

However, last night [Ether] directly divided her into seventeen parts. Her heart and brain were literally destroyed, but she still recovered.

In addition, in the world view of Xingyue, most Dead Apostles are afraid of sunlight, even those powerful ancestors of Dead Apostles, except for those non-Death Apostles vampires who are not Dead Apostles but sneak in because they can suck blood. , the reason why they can move during the day is because they use various means to block the sun, such as attracting dark clouds, using magic to block the sun, or other means.

If any purebred Death Apostle dares to stand directly under the sun without any protection, being burned to ashes by the sun is his only fate.

but! Another but, this vampire girl who called herself Yuzuka Satsuki had been exposed to the sun for more than two hours before Fang Yuan woke up! Although her whole body was roasted to char, she was still alive! This vitality is so high that it is neither scientific nor magical! "Are you sure your name is Yuzuka Satsuki?" Fang Yuan had to ask again.

"...My name is indeed Yuzuka Satsuki!" The girl's tone was full of grievances. She was imprisoned, tortured, and interrogated. That's all. But she still doubted her name... This was the only thing she had left. Something fell down! "Why did you sneak into my house?" "I... I was so hungry that I was really... really sorry, and I didn't want to be like this! But... but I was really hungry at that time, and then I smelled another fragrance, and then I ran after the fragrance all the way..." Fang Yuan: "..." Fragrance? What scent does he have? Fang Yuan felt baffled. He was not one of those coquettish sissies, and he also liked to use perfume.

As an alchemist and practitioner of inner alchemy, he has always been opposed to using these artificial chemicals on his body.

However, when she suddenly thought that the other party was a vampire, maybe the "scent" in her senses referred to something else, such as life force or something? Fang Yuan is not boasting. After he practiced the inner alchemy technique, in terms of the total amount of Yuan Qi in his body, he has indeed surpassed ordinary people by dozens of times. If the criterion for selecting prey when a vampire is looking for food is the strength of vitality, It is indeed possible that this vampire lady was attracted by the powerful Qi in his body... "You are Japanese, right? Why do you appear in China?" Putting aside these thoughts, Fang Yuan continued to ask, "Eh? Is this China?" "The girl who called herself Yuzuka Satsuki widened her eyes in surprise, and even temporarily forgot about the pain on her body: "How could could I have gone abroad?"..." He continued to ask some questions. After asking some important or unimportant questions, Fang Yuan was silent for a long time, and then asked his AI: "How is the lie detection result?" "Because the physiological function of the target is very different from that of humans. Through heart rate, brain waves, and skin conductivity, It is no longer meaningful to conduct polygraph detection using numerical values ​​such as rates.

By reading micro-expressions and analyzing according to human thinking templates, it is confirmed that the possibility of the other party lying is 11.73%. "

[Ether] was meticulous in giving precise answers.

"In other words, unless her acting skills are so high that she can deceive you, she must be telling the truth...?" Fang Yuan was not sure whether [Ether]'s analysis was reliable.

After all, he himself is not a great master in psychology. [Ether]'s lie detection program was written by itself during its self-learning and self-renewal. Although it is indeed very accurate when used on humans, it is placed in a transcendental context. For ordinary vampires, things are completely different... The third update is presented')185'\u003eChapter 184: The Vampire Girl with Questionable Identity

"So, because you didn't want to suck human blood, you starved until you lost consciousness, and then you woke up and were already here?" After [Ether] analysis, Fang Yuan tentatively believed that the other party was really that person. Yuzuka Satsuki, but he still has some information to confirm.

"Yes, it is."

At this time, the vampire girl no longer had those silver spikes on her body, but her hands and feet were still firmly bound to the bracket and unable to move.

But even now it's much better than before. Although they are wounds that can heal themselves at any time, the feeling of having silver needles stuck in all the joints and nerve nodes all over the body is really uncomfortable.

"So, was your self-healing ability so strong from the beginning?" Fang Yuan asked.

This is what he pays most attention to.

In the final analysis, he was still very doubtful about the vampire girl's claim. After all, although various fantasy monsters and secret realms had appeared in this main world, there had never been any existence that could truly communicate with humans and enter the real world.

A vampire appeared out of nowhere and claimed to be the shadow heroine in the world of a certain month... No one would believe this! People who listen may even think that you are a chuunibyou. Cosp_lay is too deep into the two-dimensional character... And the most inconsistent thing about this vampire girl is her abnormally strong vitality and resilience.

" self-healing ability? Is there anything wrong with it?" It seems that the girl is still unaware of the fact that she still survived after being exposed to the sun for two hours.

And when Fang Yuan briefly told her experiences from last night to this morning - "Have I been done such an excessive thing?!" Well, hearing this, people who don't know would think that she was raped by Fang People are like this or that.

However, from a cruel perspective, what Fang Yuan and [Ether] did to this girl was indeed much more excessive than the "bad things" in that regard.

"Didn't you survive? And I was kind enough to help you transfuse blood, otherwise you might not be able to regain consciousness!" Fang Yuan didn't feel at all that what he and [Ether] had done to the vampire girl before was irrelevant. Nothing too much.

After all, she is a Death Apostle with incredible immortality, and it has not caused her any irreparable damage. The nature of this is almost the same as beating an ordinary person without causing any disability... "What's more, saying Did you break into my house on your own? Or was it your fault that you were killed by my defense system?" In the end, Fang Yuan did not forget to give the other party a blow.

"Well..." The girl felt as if her heart had been stabbed, and she was speechless.

"You haven't answered my question yet. Has your self-healing ability been so strong from the beginning?" However, Fang Yuan ignored the sadness in the little girl's heart and just went straight to the point and asked the question again.

"...I don't know!...To be honest, I have never been so seriously injured since I became like this, and I always find a cool place to hide during the day. I don't know where I am. Will you die if you stay out in the sun..." As the girl spoke, her mood became depressed, probably because she thought that after becoming a vampire, she would never be able to return to her old life.

"Tsk! In other words, he is a complete novice to vampires..." Fang Yuan no longer had any hope of getting information from this suspected Yuzuka Satsuki.

Well, of course the premise of this conclusion is that she is really Yuzuka Satsuki.

"So, the last question, will you use the inherent barrier, the courtyard of exhaustion?" "Inherent... enchantment?" The vampire girl said with a confused expression: "What is that?" "..." Fang Yuan didn't know Whether she really didn't know or was pretending not to know, but after thinking about it, he decided to teach this vampire about the setting of the Reality Marble - the so-called Reality Marble, which embodies the scenery of his mind. magic.

Once this thing is activated, the surrounding space will change into a completely different scenery.

The embodiment of the mental landscape, that is to say, the inherent barrier is to replace oneself and the world without changing the state.

At this time, the size of yourself and the world will change, and the world will be completely shut into a small container.

This small world is the world egg, which has also become the name of the theory.

"I see..." After listening to the popular science lecture, the vampire girl nodded with a look of enlightenment and said, "I didn't understand it at all!" Fang Yuan: "..." I didn't understand it at all. You nodded like a hammer! Okay, although the vampire girl who calls herself Yuzuka Satsuki is a bit funny, Fang Yuan also understands that it is really difficult for a person with no magic foundation to understand what the so-called inherent barrier is.

In fact, even he himself was just repeating the entries on Baidu Encyclopedia, and he himself felt a little puzzled by the definition of this inherent barrier.

Yes, even though he has mastered space technology far beyond the human level, it is not difficult to create a closed space isolated from the real world.

But that kind of closed space is actually different from the inherent barrier.

The former should be more accurately called a "pocket space", which is essentially a distortion of the time and space of the real world, just like on a flat elastic tablecloth, artificially pulling out a small piece, stretching and twisting it, turning it into a hollow balloon, and then tying a rope at the connection between this "balloon" and the "tablecloth", so that this "balloon" completely becomes an independent individual that is almost not connected to the "tablecloth".

And if this last connection is cut off, it will become the "hyperspace bubble shelter" that Fang Yuan used to escape the killing game several times. If Fang Yuan can go one step further and stabilize the hyperspace bubble that can only exist in another dimension for a short time, it does look like an inherent barrier.

But that independent space is still a part of the real space and time in essence, which is equivalent to artificially digging out a piece of the real space and time.

However, although Fang Yuan is not clear about the true nature of the inherent barrier, judging from its definition and explanation, it seems to be closer to the reality of fantasy, a bit like the Kamui space of Obito in "Zero Ninja", which is an independent space created out of thin air with extreme spirit and fantasy, which is completely different from the space technology that distorts and cuts the space dimension to form a closed space and time.

Of course, after saying so much, Fang Yuan's most concerned problem is still not solved.

Even if this vampire girl is really Yuzuka Satsuki, it seems that she has just become a vampire not long ago. Not to mention using her signature killer move, the inherent barrier, the exhausted courtyard, even the taboos of vampires and her own strength limit have not been figured out.

If Fang Yuan wants to confirm her identity, he has to find another way.

First update')186'\u003eChapter 185 The "Hunted" Vampire Girl

"So why am I being hunted by so many monsters!!!"  The vampire girl who calls herself Yumatsuka Satsuki is no longer bound by metal shackles and unable to move. She has also changed from her original prison uniform to her most accustomed high school girl uniform.

However, for her, her situation has not become better - anyone who is hunted by hundreds of terrifying robots that look ferocious will not think that they are in a good situation.

This is a large open space with an area of ​​​​four stadiums. It is located one kilometer underground, just below Fang Yuan's underground laboratory. It is the test site he uses to test some "toys" with relatively loud movements.

Now he uses it as a trial site to force the vampire girl to stimulate all her potential.

——Since she herself has no understanding of the concept of inherent barriers, let's push her to the limit! Presumably, when she faces a real life and death crisis with a clear will, the power in the blood of the dead will tell her what to do.

Although this seems to be a good thing for the little vampire girl, the premise is that she has to participate voluntarily! However, a certain alchemist who temporarily placed his conscience somewhere else did not ask the girl's self-will at all, and threw her here on his own, and then hundreds of killing machines that looked like killing rushed towards her from all directions... "Ahhhh~~!!! I've had enough!!!" Once again narrowly avoiding the metal storm that attacked from behind, the girl who originally looked very quiet and weak finally broke out-"Go to hell!!!" The girl who tore off the disguise of a good girl revealed her vampire nature, and the madness from her blood and curse dyed her originally brown eyes into an ominous scarlet.

The extraordinary physical fitness brought by the vampire body gave her strength and speed far beyond that of humans.

Two scarlet lights flashed by, and more than a dozen multi-legged robots equipped with energy shields were torn into pieces no larger than the size of a palm.

"It's so easy to break through the defense?" In a place where the vampire girl can't see, the culprit who put her in such a situation is watching her every move.

When he saw that this person who looked like Yuzuka Satsuki could actually use her claws to penetrate the energy shield and tear apart the robot made of high-strength alloy, he had to have a new understanding of the combat power of this vampire girl.

Is this guy really the same person as the vampire who was easily knocked down by [Ether] before?   Chichi——  This is the sound made when the girl's injured body heals at a high speed and the blood splashed outside the body evaporates.

Just now, Yuzuka Satsuki broke through the energy shield covering the robot's surface. It was not unscathed. The high-temperature plasma shield that is jointly constrained by the magnetic field and the space force field is actually an offensive shield. It relies on the high-temperature ablation effect of high-temperature plasma on most substances to resist attacks. It has a very significant defensive effect on most live ammunition weapons.

And the vampire girl's claws are obviously also solid. When facing this ultra-high temperature plasma that is several times hotter than the surface temperature of the sun, it is inevitably damaged.

However, Yuzuka Satsuki, who entered the battle state, fully took advantage of her vampire body, completely ignoring this "minor injury" that would be almost fatal to ordinary people, forcibly breaking through the shield, and using a weapon comparable to steel. The alloy claws tore apart the robot's steel body.

"Die, die, die, die, die, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Angry, she no longer had to worry about dodging the hail of bullets that could not cause a fatal blow to her, and rushed into the robot cluster like a storm, destroying everything and killing everyone.

"It seems the pressure is not enough..." Fang Yuan groaned and decided to add some more pressure to her.

"[Ether], put another hundred units in, and add gravity suppression by the way!" Following someone's merciless order, the fighting vampire girl suddenly felt an invisible force oppressing her. The sinking feeling that came from the muscles, internal organs, and even every cell immediately caused the girl who was accustomed to the standard earth's gravity to lose her balance. In an instant, she was beaten into a sieve by more robots than at the beginning.

"Uh-huh -" The girl with a broken arm and leg, a hole in her head, and half of her brain evaporated was vomiting blood. But even so, she still did not lose consciousness and still struggled to get up from the ground. Climbed up.

It seemed that because of the injury, the scarlet eyes seemed to become more vivid, as red as blood and still glowing.

"Give me... enough is enough!!!" It seemed that as her mood swings became more intense, her unscientific self-healing ability became more and more exaggerated.

Originally, according to the recovery speed of the wound when [Ether] knocked her down for the first time, it would take at least several minutes for her injury to heal, but now the vampire girl seems to have crossed a certain limit, and her self-healing ability has increased sharply. The wound was completely healed in just a few seconds.

The roaring girl seemed to have lost weight, ignoring the ultra-high gravity that could crush ordinary people into flesh. She once again transformed into a ghostly shadow, with a scarlet residual light, streaking across the vast underground testing site. Z-shaped crease.

The next moment—Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom—! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! All hundreds of robots were blown up, and the explosion caused by the destruction of the energy core was continuous. If Fang Yuan hadn't urgently reinforced the support structure of the entire test site, the vibrations caused by the explosion would have almost caused the rock formation to collapse! "Tsk! You can actually ignore gravity? What is this? A vampire is not affected by gravity?" Fang Yuan was a little surprised when he saw this scene. His original intention was to use this continuous oppression to force this self-proclaimed bow Tsukasa's vampire activated her ultimate killing move to verify her identity, but in the end she didn't expect such a result.

Could it be that he didn't put enough pressure on me? Or is this Yuzuka Satsuki not the real Yuzuka Satsuki, but someone else pretending to be her? However, no matter what Fang Yuan was thinking over there, the vampire girl who had just unleashed her divine power and wiped out all the "enemies" in an instant was looking at her hands with a dazed look on her face. She turned around and looked at the mess behind her. The battlefield, I can’t believe it was actually created by her! "Am strong?"')187'\u003eChapter 186 Is domestication completed?

After being stunned, the girl's expression suddenly turned into gnashing of teeth, and a pair of eyes that had faded away from the scarlet color were wandering around, seemingly looking for a way out.

When she thought about it, since she was already so strong, what was there to be afraid of? Just type it out! "Hey! Who is that! Let me out of here quickly! Otherwise I will tear your place apart! You can see it! I do what I say! Let me out quickly!!!" , a very ambitious idea.

Fang Yuan praised the vampire girl's courage, and then released more robots - and they were also black-tech robots equipped with the core of Aldnoah. Thousands of robots swarmed towards the girl who was talking nonsense like a frenzy - "Wait a minute ..." Before she could say anything to beg for mercy, the torrent of steel instantly overwhelmed her, and the cruel and merciless "hunt" started again... A few hours later - "It's too much! It's too much! Such a girl! You are a beast! No, you are worse than a beast!" The girl in ragged clothes, with only a few rags on her body, was covered in mud and blood, and she was accusing someone with a look of grief and anger. Atrocities.

Looking at her "ravaged" appearance and hearing her plaintive and pitiful cries, at first glance, I thought that something inappropriate had happened to this girl.

Well, from a certain point of view, being dismembered, burned, beheaded, and cut in half... dozens of encounters are indeed not suitable for children. This bloody scene must have started at 18X... … "Don't use such ambiguous terms! I didn't even lay a finger on you, okay!" The person being accused was helplessly rebutting the girl's distorted accusation, which seemed to be deliberately distorted.

"But you let your robot army kill me dozens of times, okay!!! It hurts!!! How could someone in the world be so cruel to a young girl!!!" The girl complained with tears in her eyes, leaving a certain "cold-blooded killer" speechless for a long time.

Well, think about it carefully, what he did before was indeed a bit too much. Even if the other party was a dead apostle with extremely high immortality, but killing him dozens of times in a row... "Okay, okay... I apologize!" Fang Yuan finally apologized.

"But I also want to stimulate your potential and let you truly master your own power! You see, after this time, your strength should have increased a lot! You should thank me!" "...That's right... Do you think I would say that?!" The girl glared at a shameless alchemist with tears in her eyes, and even her pupils turned red because of her excitement: "You are completely abusing! No, it's killing! You cruel murderer!!!" If she couldn't beat the hateful guy in front of her, the girl named Yuzuka Mayu really wanted to scratch him to death with her claws! Well, don't look at this vampire's pitiful appearance at this time. When she was dragged out of the trial field just now, she wanted to sneak attack and kill Fang Yuan more than once.

However, regardless of the various high-tech equipment on Fang Yuan, his alchemy strength alone is enough to crush a vampire who can't even release the inherent barrier.

Yes, the result of the trial is regrettable. Even after being killed dozens of times, the girl who calls herself Yuzuka Satsuki still can't use the inherent barrier she should have, the Exhausted Courtyard. Instead, her vitality and regeneration ability have soared to an incredible level-even if she is completely vaporized by the plasma flame with a temperature of millions of degrees, she can complete the regeneration of her body in just one minute.

No, this is no longer the level of regeneration, it should be the level of resurrection, or even the level of time reversal.

This made Fang Yuan more and more suspicious of her true identity.

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