However, the number of people who know these things is really limited.

Although Fang Yuan himself had no intention of keeping it secret, neither the Anglican Church nor Aleister thought about exposing these things, and they "voluntarily" helped Fang Yuan keep the secret.

Therefore, the real big boss is hidden behind the scenes, and Kamijou Touma, who has been involved in the center of the incident every time even though he has done nothing, has fallen into the eyes of the major magic associations in the world. It is no wonder that they send people to sneak into the school. The city investigated him.

But obviously, there are some problems with the selection of spies sent by the magic association "Return of the Winged Ones"! This Aizali, who had high hopes from the upper echelons of the magic association, approached Misaka Mikoto in order to investigate Kamijou Touma, but was attracted by this boyish girl in safety pants. After falling in love at first sight, he decisively abandoned his mission and devoted himself to his life. I went to pursue Misaka Mikoto.

(Misaka Mikoto was only 14 years old at this time!!!) Well, she is indeed a lolita control, and she is also a pervert who likes tailgating...... An event that can be regarded as a "big event" happened to Accelerator, who was once the strongest superpower user and has now fallen from the altar.

As expected, the command tower of the Misaka sisters, the "last work" Misaka No. 20001, left the cultivation tank without completing the cultivation and growth, and approached Accelerator, demanding that he assume the responsibility of raising her.

Then, there is a development that is exactly the same as the original plot - a researcher named Agai Yao was forced to bear astronomical debts due to the failure of the "Mass Production of Super Power Users Project" and the "Absolute Power User Evolution Project". In order to survive, he attempted to join the hostile forces in Academy City, so he planned a plan to enter a virus program into Misaka's network to trigger a riot and escape from Academy City.

For this reason, it is an indispensable element as the "final work" of the Misaka Network Command Tower.

However, just after he imported the virus, the "Last Work" that he had hidden in a secret place suddenly disappeared. In order not to annoy the hostile forces who cooperated with him, it was necessary to ensure that the virus in the "Last Work" did not occur before it attacked. He died, so he had to search all over Academy City for the whereabouts of the "last work".

Then, after experiencing one kind of accident or another, while Accelerator was concentrating all his computing power on deleting the virus program for the final game, he incredibly shot Accelerator in the head.

Although Fang Yuan did not attend the scene in person at that time, based on his perception, it was no different from what he saw with his own eyes.

He had a chance to stop this, but he didn't take any action.

Because he knows that there must be Aleister's plan in this - in order to tightly tie Accelerator, the tiger, the last piece of reins is indispensable, and in order to let Accelerator obediently be controlled by this It is also necessary to tie the reins and limit his calculation ability.

In addition, Fang Yuan himself didn't have much fondness for Accelerator, so there was no need to conflict with Aleister over such a sinful guy, and just watched him being shot and brain-dead by Akai Ao. .

')349'\u003eChapter 348 An unexpected invasion

Of course, in addition to the beating incident of the Oguki idiot on Misaka Mikoto's side and the brain-dead incident of Accelerator, something also happened on Kamijou Touma's side at almost the same time.

A magician named Ansaki Onuma broke into Academy City and attacked Kamijou Touma and Index.

However, unlike the situation in the original plot where Kamijou Touma was chased all the way, and Kamijou Touma became a copycat "Green Lantern", he was not afraid at all when faced with the magician who controlled wind and sound waves, and immediately put on the ring and The opponent fought for three hundred rounds and successfully defeated him.

However, the final plot still went round and round and returned to its original track.

After learning that the other party wanted to kidnap Index in order to use the grimoire knowledge in her head to save her cursed lover, the bad guy Kamijou Touma immediately said that the curse is only on my Kirin arm... Oh no, it is. "Fantasy Killer" was nothing, but he followed Ansaki Touma and broke out of Academy City without a word, and saved another woman with his right hand.

——In fact, it was precisely because of the riots caused by him and Ansaki Fengma that the entire Academy City was put on high alert, making it impossible for Amanai Ao on the other side to escape from Academy City, and was eventually killed. Accelerator came to the door and rescued the last one.

It can be said that various seemingly unrelated events that occur in Academy City are all connected and influence each other in some way. In fact, one incident affects the whole body.

And Aleister, who controls all of this in the dark and makes all steps go according to his plan, is truly worthy of his reputation as "the greatest magician of the 20th century" with his sophisticated calculations and accurate predictions. Fang Yuan, who was watching from the sidelines, felt that he had benefited a lot.

"I really learned something..." Fang Yuan sighed. He deeply felt that even though he had reached his current height, his strength in direct confrontation might not be any worse than that of a big boss like Aleister, but In terms of this kind of calculation and layout, the gap between him and these mature old foxes is still a bit far.

Of course, for Fang Yuan, the so-called calculations and layouts are just side tricks. What is really important is one's own strength - as long as the power is strong enough, there is no need for any calculations, and there is no need to fear any calculations. Any difficulties can be broken by force.

... However, some difficulties are still difficult for Fang Yuan to break through by force.

For example, the angel memory information crystal that he is currently analyzing.

Fang Yuan has been trying to interpret the information in the past few days, but has gained little.

It is not that he cannot read the content in the information crystal.

In fact, this crystal itself is emitting information all the time. As long as you look at it with your eyes, a lot of information will be instilled, and there is no need to read it deliberately.

However, this kind of instilled memory information is "toxic"! Yes, just like the original texts of the magic books in this world, the recorded content itself contains "toxicity". Once ordinary people without qualifications read it, their souls and minds will be poisoned by this "toxicity".

Originally, the so-called "toxicity" in the original text of the general magic book was nothing to a strong man like Fang Yuan who had reached the realm outside of human beings. It was just like the 103,000 magic books in Index's head. After Fang Yuan copied them, he directly used them as leisure reading materials. He could read them whenever he wanted, and he didn't feel uncomfortable at all.

However, the memory of the angel was different.

This came from the "power of God" in the heaven. The memory contained countless secrets in another phase. Its existence itself was incompatible with this world. In terms of "toxicity", it was more than a million times that of the original text of the general magic book.

Not to mention, the so-called "angels" had two different modes of thinking circuits and logical structures from humans.

Fang Yuan, who still maintained the human mind, wanted to read and understand the information in these memories, but he couldn't let this massive information distort his mind. This was a huge contradiction in itself.

Every time he interpreted a little information, he needed to spend thousands of times more energy. No wonder he still gained very little after a few days.

"No! I can't go on like this!" Fang Yuan put down the crystal that was still shining in his hand, rubbed his temples, and relieved the fatigue brought by the interpretation of the angel's memory.

"I know what it feels like for the investigators who read magic books in the Cthulhu series! It's really uncomfortable to feel that the three values ​​are being tested all the time!" "No, I have to go out for a walk and change my mind!" Fang Yuan put away the dangerous crystal and carefully stored it in the deepest part of the mental world, then stood up, changed his clothes, closed the door, and walked out.

Fang Yuan, who planned to relax his brain by shopping, had no purpose at all, and just wandered around the streets and alleys of the Academy City.

He followed the flow of people on the street, walked while looking at the commercial streets and pedestrian streets, and did not enter the shops on the roadside, but simply walked on the street, watching the various performances of the passers-by around him, just for entertainment.

——For Fang Yuan now, shopping can't bring him any fun, but observing all kinds of humans and watching their every word and action in daily life can bring more and more fun to Fang Yuan, whose power is becoming more and more inhuman and whose mind is becoming more and more far away from ordinary people.

Just when Fang Yuan walked to a shopping mall, suddenly, a flare rose in the sky.

"Evacuation signal?" "Quick, leave here!" "Aiya~~"... The crowd around him scattered instantly.

Should we say that it is thanks to the Japanese who have to conduct emergency evacuation drills more than a dozen times a year? In just a dozen seconds, this section of the street that was originally crowded with people no longer saw a single figure.

No, there are still two.

In addition to Fang Yuan, who subconsciously turned into a spirit and entered the state of watching the show, there are only two people left here.

One is an important plot character that Fang Yuan is very familiar with, but has never met in person, Misaka Mikoto's mount, and a Lv.4 space mobile ability user who serves as a member of the Discipline Committee, Shirai Kuroko.

The other one was a woman who looked to be in her 20s, with fluffy and messy blonde hair like a lion's mane, chocolate brown skin, and a tattered black dress in a Gothic lolita style.

"Oh? Things are getting interesting!" Fang Yuan thought about it for a moment and knew what was going on.

I didn't expect that just by walking out casually to relax, I would encounter the scene in the original plot playing out in front of me. What a coincidence! PS: Today is still the second update')350'\u003eChapter 349 Catching a turtle in a jar \u0026 the magician's weird brain circuit

"I hope you can stop moving!"  Wearing an armband, Shirai Kuroko put one hand on her waist and said in her unique shrill voice:  "I am Shirai Kuroko, the 'Judgement' responsible for maintaining the public order in the city. I don't need to explain the reason why you are about to be arrested!"  "Exploration terminated--" The chocolate-skinned woman targeted by Shirai Kuroko turned around and said impatiently, "How dare you waste my time..."  Before she finished her harsh words, the next moment, Shirai Kuroko's figure appeared less than a foot in front of her, which scared her.

"I told you not to move!" Shirai Kuroko narrowed her eyes slightly, her eyes were cold, and she said with a smile without a smile.

——I have to admit that Shirai Kuroko was really handsome at this time, which was completely different from her usual perverted nympho appearance.

Snap—— Shirai Kuroko grabbed the woman's arm, and in an instant, the intruder felt dizzy. When she came to her senses, she found that she had been knocked to the ground, lying on her back on the street.

Just when the intruder was confused, Shirai Kuroko, who was looking down at her, lifted the hem of her skirt, and the straps tied on her thighs were exposed at the dangerous limit. She took out the steel needles fixed on the straps with her spatial movement ability, and instantly nailed them to the intruder's clothes and skirts, nailing her firmly to the ground.

"——Or do you not understand Japanese?" Shirai Kuroko said with such a relaxed tone, lifting her hair.

"Hmph!" The seemingly subdued invader snorted coldly, with a disdainful expression on his face.

But she saw that her right hand was holding an oil crayon at some point, and wrote a sloppy phrase on the ground.

"Huh?" Shirai Kuroko had just discovered this, and before she could go forward to check, the cement floor under her feet instantly cracked and shattered, and a huge hand made of stone and cement grabbed her body.

"What's going on?" Shirai Kuroko was a little flustered when she encountered a sudden change, and the stone giant hand tightly grasped her body, which also brought her waves of pain, making her unable to concentrate on using the superpower of space movement for a while.

Boom——! With a loud bang, the other parts connected to the rock giant hand crawled out from the ground, and a stone giant propped up half of its body from the ground, looking up to the sky and roaring——Roar——!!! "Could this guy from outside be a person with special abilities?" Shirai Kuroko didn't know the existence of magic and magicians, so her first reaction was to regard this intruder as a person with special abilities outside the Academy City.

"No, we must reorganize our situation!" Shirai Kuroko struggled to escape from the giant rock palm, and at the same time, she tried her best to use her brain to get out of it.

However, the stone giant clenched one hand, and the huge pressure pressed the girl's limbs and body, and even the bones made a "crunching" sound. The severe pain immediately made Shirai Kuroko scream, and the calculation that was about to be completed naturally could not be continued.

Seeing that Shirai Kuroko was about to be crushed to death by the stone giant, and Misaka Mikoto, who was supposed to appear at this time to save the situation, was nowhere to be seen. Fang Yuan found that if he didn't take action, this Shirai Kuroko would probably really die here.

...Crackling--Blue lightning instantly spread across the stone giant's body. The next moment, accompanied by the crisp sound of rock cracking, the stone giant was directly disintegrated into fist-sized gravel under the invisible decomposition force, and Shirai Kuroko, who was originally tightly held, was finally able to escape.

"Cough cough!" Shirai Kuroko, who fell on the gravel, sat on the ground and coughed repeatedly. The crushing of the giant hand just now was too terrible. Even Shirai Kuroko, who was always fearless, felt the fear of death.

However, when she raised her head and prepared to check who saved her, she found that there was no one around.

Whether it was the invader who had just been "subdued" by her, or the savior who had never shown his face, there was no trace of them.

…  Click, click, click...  The sound of thick-soled shoes stepping on the concrete floor continued to ring. In the deserted alley, a chocolate beauty wearing a tattered black Gothic dress was running here in a panic, as if something terrible was chasing her from behind.

Just as she was about to run out of the alley and turn into a more complex terrain, suddenly-  Boom--!   A thick concrete wall rose from the ground, completely blocking the road ahead.

Seeing this, she immediately turned around, but saw that the same high wall rose behind her, plus the outer walls of the buildings on both sides, she had been caught in the jar!   "That's it!"  A voice echoed in the air of the alley. The intruder who had just escaped from the sight of the official staff of Academy City looked around, but did not find any trace of the attacker, and his heart sank immediately.

The white oil crayon appeared in her hand again, as if she was going to summon the stone giant like just now to help her escape. However, before the woman could make a move, the air around her seemed to turn into steel, freezing her in place.

Except for the little space left for her to breathe, the woman couldn't even move a finger or blink her eyes.

'This, this ability! ' The intruder was horrified. She was not the kind of person who knew nothing about Academy City and people with special abilities. In fact, as one of the first members of the exchange and learning between the magic side and the science side, she knew more about Academy City, the base of the science side, than most magicians.

However, she really didn't expect that she would encounter powerful people with special abilities one after another just after sneaking into Academy City.

The little girl who could teleport in front of her was fine. Although her ability was very strange, she had zero experience fighting magicians and was easy to deal with.

But now, this person forced himself into a corner as soon as he took action, without even showing his face. Could it be that he was a certain superpower in this city? The woman's heart gradually sank. If it was true, then her actions this time... "Shirley Cromwell, that should be the name!" The voice said the woman's name as soon as she opened her mouth. .

This made the intruder, Shirley Cromwell's heart sink even more.

Have you even found out your identity... "I know you are very angry about the death of your former friend Alice, but shouldn't you hate those knights who did it? Why do you want to learn Academy City is causing trouble!” A female magician named Shirley Cromwell was assigned by the British Puritan Church to teach Alice Volia, an esper from Academy City. Knowledge about magic.

However, the latter was seriously injured when he used magic for the first time and fell to the ground covered in blood. Then, some knights who were dissatisfied with the cooperation between the magic side and the science side broke into the institute and killed everyone who was trying to protect him. Shirley and Alice who stood up.

This is what Fang Yuan found from the plot information recorded in Lingzi's computer.

It is said that it was precisely because of this incident that Shirley believed that getting too close to the magic side and science side would only lead to tragedy, so she sneaked into Academy City with the intention of attacking Kamijou Touma and Index.

However, Fang Yuan felt that there was something wrong with this guy's logic.

From the beginning to the end, the fault lies with the people on the magic side, okay! Why did this guy finally make the decision to launch a terrorist attack on the scientific side? ! Could it be said that all the magicians in this world have abnormal brain circuits? ! ! ')351'\u003eChapter 350: Invasion of the Wind from Ahead \u0026 Dirty Deals of Adults

After capturing this Shirley Cromwell, before Fang Yuan could call Aleister and ask him to take this guy away, a piercing siren suddenly sounded over Academy City.

"Huh?" Fang Yuan, who came out of the invisible state, ignored the magician who had been immobilized by him and looked up into the distance.

With the help of powerful perception ability that could cover the entire Academy City, Fang Yuan "saw" the scene that happened at the entrance and exit checkpoint of Academy City.

Hundreds of heavily armed guards and security forces gathered at the entrance to Academy City, as if to surround some enemy.

However, at this moment, all the armed personnel were unconscious on the ground, and no one could stand.

But their opponent was only one person - a young woman with an exquisite figure and exaggerated eye makeup.

The tongue is connected to a chain with an imitation cross decoration hanging from the front and hanging down to the waist.

In addition to the pierced ears, her nose, lips, and eyelids were all covered with iron rings, so many that the balance of her entire face was lost.

Dressed in a way that is deliberately annoying.

, wearing a long robe that resembles a one-piece dress, with a thin belt tied around the waist, removable sleeves from wrists to upper arms, and a piece of cloth on the head to hide all hair.

Although the clothes look like medieval women's clothes, the base color is bright yellow, quite exaggerated punk style.

"The wind in front? How come this guy appears at this time?" Fang Yuan recognized the identity of this woman at a glance. She was a member of the "Right Seat of God", the darkest department of the Roman Orthodox Church, in charge of wind, yellow and front. It has the properties of Uriel, the "Fire of God", and is commonly known as "Vent" or "the wind in front".

According to the original plot, she should have been angry and attacked Academy City alone after Kamijou Touma rushed to Italy to destroy the "Queen of the Adriatic" and prevent the activation of the "Cross of Limits" technique, and was paralyzed. Academy City's security system also killed three members of the governing council.

That should be at least a month later. Why did they launch the attack in advance at this time? Fang Yuan was confused, but at this moment, the cell phone on his body rang.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Seeing the "Unknown" caller ID on his phone, Fang Yuan immediately knew that this was another call from Aleister.

"Front Wind, a member of the Right Seat of God of the Roman Orthodox Church, is attacking Academy City. Because of her, more than a third of the people in the entire city have lost consciousness. I hope you can stop her."

Aleister didn't talk nonsense and went straight to the point when he opened his mouth, asking Fang Yuan to repel the wind from the front that had nearly paralyzed most of Academy City's functions.

"Huh? It's none of my business if the front wind attacks your city? Why do you want me to wipe your ass?" Regarding Aleister's attitude of treating him as a thug, Fang Yuan's first reaction was naturally Refuse - he is not Aleister's subordinate, why should he help him fight with the Roman Orthodox people to death! However, Aleister's next words made Fang Yuan completely confused - "Because this is your responsibility, and the wind ahead is coming for you."

"What? Are you here for me? What's going on?" Fang Yuan blinked, then blinked again. The target of the wind in front of him was actually him? Has the plot collapsed to this extent? It's obvious that he has done nothing in this world, right? Why did it attract religious fanatics and terrorists like "God's Right Seat" to come to crusade? ! "The fact that you suppressed and sealed the 'Power of God' has been known to the top leaders of the Roman Orthodox Church. In order to punish you, the blasphemer who dared to offend the angels and steal the glory of the Lord, the Pope of the Roman Orthodox Church has issued a ban on you. The wind in front is the executor of the killing order.”

Aleister told this information in an understatement, which should be regarded as an absolute secret within the Roman Orthodox Church.

However, what Fang Yuan is really concerned about is not such trivial matters as "How many spies are there in Aleister outside?" but - "Why will my information be leaked to the Roman Orthodox Church? Although I don't want to keep it secret, but The only people who knew about this were the British Puritans and you, right? Did you leak it on purpose?" Fang Yuan immediately asked.

And his suspicion was very reasonable. After all, there were only a few people who knew about it, and Fang Yuan himself did not publicize it outside. Moreover, he did not believe that the top leaders of Academy City and the Anglican Church would have any big problems in intelligence control. omission.

In just a few days, the matter reached the ears of the Roman Orthodox Church. Even if there was no conspiracy, no one would believe it! "I don't know.

However, I can confirm that no one else knows what you did in the 'Angel Falls' incident except me. It should have been leaked by the British Puritans. "

Aleister cleared away his relationship in a few words.

I believe you! You're such a bad old man! Fang Yuan was sure that this matter might have really been leaked by the British Puritans, but to say that Aleister was not involved at all, he didn't believe it! "Okay, you already know the cause and effect. The other party came for you, but now it has caused huge losses to Academy City. I think you should be responsible for settling this matter."

Aleister urged again.

"...Don't talk about responsibility or anything like that.

We are all adults, so let’s be practical – how much can you pay? "Fang Yuan, who was desperate for money, had a philistine smile on his face, looking like a profiteer.

... In the end, after wrangling with Aleister for a long time and asking for many benefits, Fang Yuan reluctantly agreed to take action.

The benefit Fang Yuan asked for was not some monetary gift, but the most precious and least valuable thing in the world - knowledge.

However, this knowledge is not ordinary knowledge, but the most secret part of forbidden knowledge in Academy City's "library".

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